8 The Champiton, teillas, Ont., Wedvesdop, Apeit 26, 1972 ~Iiampîon ~ I THSE CRANSORETTES CHOIR rocently gave is lous-si Corman ondl Jane Fish. Second rose, condachor Judy HunIer, annoal sPring musicale aI St Paal's United CharcIs, Betty Bonridge, Bi111e Marohall, Jane McCuaig, Sandra Cuadochor Jody Hanter in piclureil with memberso f the choie Polies, Eleonor Jackson, Unz Roberts, Joan Etheringlon, a11cr tho1 concert la the front rose, frons left, are Fean Hanter, Betty Clemeal, Iosel Batstone, Morjorie Magee, Jean Pl Chose, Dama Brodie, Beryl Ratledge, Isabel Thompson, Brigstocse and accompomuit WinNeosell. (Photo by R. Downs) Lin Moirc Marilyn Smith, Anne Ptolemy, Lynne Brown, Judy (WeihitLll Mrs. G. Farlow heads %. it wLAO OLEII" 3ýi Mountoîn Union W.!. APRIL The inti of Aprit 0115ie an eager girl gethong eeady foc liec first pacly. WliOllo wear? W0111115e cold ur hol? Wll i ri ola n nu? It isa smil boy heading lac the neoresi pule or chumlang the muddlest spot in mhich lu play-the lulip bed. Il is t5e fiest appeacance of the postl-sinded Mayflower uns aobture tuner's mat lapei ait chuech and tie btîceouf spelag laoughl ladaosson a spraypof pussy inilioss. Aprît is Intermittent stiomers tho1 mash omoy the cemuins of wmatee so leesh greea soomtscon emeege frons the maitin moil. Il ls the hoeticolluraist aonîuuslp leadlag hot ladmer ptonliugs lnaonticipation al transplant 100e oalp s short while oooy. Il ns mutti-cutueed crocus iinthng the toa. Feh Apeil aie resinres tise fragrance la Sedding ond clu15ing on the cltteline sud windows spaciste aBter thoe licol speing Salis. Thece uoea ush tuget fiashed ailhodjob left oefrommlaiter. Collsa nd Iambe gumbol acriom the fields lring out lhi gcolng mincies ond remiad on la stretch our ouldour malla a littie fac15ec lu imspect ue favorite sature SMoul for damage feos mintee stoceso. Aprîl meons o lauty metai of umeit or sociseeshogthyon h lac lad oho iks the sport wnrnmgOe duonder cuver of dacines; apeey addtion usch ameal la the frst agy geensmf the seson - leeho frutt i oods. Aprl couses our ioin table la the mmi owindoi se we cent esjop the setting suis we pactase of ou eenuog iseat. mhes Aprîl Seings lise bohop sonnp day mhmn mater nu loager squîslim uder pose sbones and pou cas stoct shoping top the taon and flomechedo. Asyugoila 15ecdaehaemsto oolh Venos moie hec teS ocros the heaneon, lminilg and shlalag tise s Victorio Day spaehlee, y00 Jui ought Se able la heor the tlay moires of tihe f lest peepor leogs. ASl iis in Aprit! WAR NEWS-You mightl 5e lalerested in a ootu and soit inItie aI nue house rceotty betocon tino poong lodles one lise pomsesion of o pîcture of o hondome ung mon. Bail the poaceime tactics nul iseen estorceci lSey inould dohtion hoi fightmng pet. The Sicture mas eemoned fcomn sigSt whics mosan esy solution foc to- peacoldu. Whowas the sqsoSsle about? Ortmia grond.slughters hod llen for the inhtecent charni of BaSy Justin un the cuver of o recesi meehesd mogozine. Elizabeth Fry Society of fers volunteer training 10e Peci-Ballon Elizabeth Frp Slocietp Sas esîended an invitation lu anpone cunceened about girls and mumen oiso have been in conflisct w0115the law, 10 attend o Prehimîuaep training sesuion for notunteer inuees. Il milliSe Seul in 1he YM-YWCA laiilding inBrampton us Map 1 and May 8. Miss Phplls Haslam and Alan ReloS, hoth unrisees nits tise Elizabeth Fcp Soucietp, will conduct the training semons and expiain tise llociepf s oe in cehaiîisating prîsoners. min-mIrap,Map lO is tise dote of ISe telBaln gcuup's annual genecat meeting, winsci oi feature o gruup discossion on the cote of tise voutulo. It l ui5e heid atl18Beec St. in Bramptos. fise Petl-Ballon Slociety oas focmectp Smmwn os the Brampton Society bsut ceceatly cisanged las Sae ecaine of groing mueS i tise Ballon ares. Mes. Betty Boennridge, R.R. 2, Georgeton, is a local membec and soid aspune inanhong informatios un tise goup cas contact hec ait 878- 11730. Mes. Velma Noccîs mau hosteon foc the annoat meeting of Mountoîs Union Wumen'o lastîtute on Wedaesdoay, Apeil 10. mbe meeting was preeded Sp s pot loch dinner. There mece 21 meotees and 12 guests peesent. Reports of the activillea of the standing committees wece preseated Sp the cosvenees sud Mes. N. Langton gave the district itirector's report. Busmness ocluded plans for the district annuai un May 24 la Coopholiville, aIse plans Oece compteteil foc o demoastration and peogeain presented Sp Oie L. D. Sith Co. la Sie held a1 Ligny Hall un Wednesdap afleroon, May 31 ai 2 po. Festival donation A donation mas mode Lu lise Norths Ballon Music Festinai whois tu la e heid May 10 i Actun. Mes. M. Readhead, fin ance cunvenec, eeminded meinhers ufthIe miscelianetous sale ofplantsad aing aI thse MaY meeting. Memhoers mode plans for oillih aI aa action mile un May 20. Mes. N. Langton thonised ali tise meohers foc tisel c- operation duringher twoyears as presîdent and tusn asSud Mes. J. C. Moffat of Guelph, pasI board diceclir of F0.1.0. 10 preside for the electios of soficees. Mes. Mostat deelac0f ali offices vacant and osismI Mes. J. Robertson, sominations connener tu preseat iser report. The following esecutine 000 mnsallud for 1972- 731. Huooeay peesîdent Mes. N. Laagton; peesîdent Mes. G. Facloin; itI vice pees. Mes. F. Oladley; second vice pces Mes. L.« Brown; sec.-tceos. Mes. V. Nordis; assist.-sec. Mes. F. Omxon; District Dicectue Mes. N. Langton; Alternate Mes. H. Warsamgton. Commlttees AU slanding cornislttees and olSer coammlttee coavenees mere al naned and installaI. Mes. G. l<arloo thmS0fd Mcs. MoîffaI and pemealed liser outh a gîft of appeeclation, tisen peeseatel Mes. N. Langton ilia W.1. cup and saucer os eetfrlag peesîdeat. Mes. Farlow tibanSed the meonSees for etecling Siec president and assei the co- upecatisa of aul memners. Says sale ad misleading garage flot expropriated Councîllor Dr. Ivas Hainer peiniing sucS advecismg. tonS excepion tu 1he woeshog of Clecis Jacs MeGeachie agl an advertisement la the Apeil 12 il oas a tfaise statement" edition nf Tise Champion duclag fîgured the ouctiuneeelag I tout ineeh's nîcetlag of' milla n 5 eiBumnga Councît. tn ntteBl rs aae mhe ad tisted an aiction sale of mere aI fault contents ai Bell 0cm. Garage on Machin llt. mhe ad saîd the 11cl- mou foce 0ftu seIl becs-ie WaWETf Prpeo p as -expcopeiated for W S h lagiswop Sp-pis,,. Not expropriate "Ibis sa o ielibecate attempt lu Last aholiisght on thiscourict saîd Coancîttue HunIer. W haven't eupeuprîted ibis propos-tp anl oc e souI of business." Be ashed lise news- poper 10 peint o cetraction and isbe mure cocefl" Seloce eeed est, For our entire menu... FAST SERVICE - TAKE OUI INCLUDING Otd Engliss Stye hii & ChiSi COTTAGE DELICATESSEN l193 Maie St. - Milton - - ITO Coming soon to Milton Plaza ... To serve you botter OPEN EVERY EVENING MONDAY TO FRIDAY Growing with the community HRCA wilIW give rebate Halton Raglan Conservation Aisthority will Sie remlttisg 2à Mias per car tuthe Friends of the Hton Cosnt11y M .su dncis thi nnual festival on the oveeisend of Jine 240and 25. The musem is located ia the Kelso Conservation Area and visîtors bo the building must pay an entrance fee at tise park gate. Foinda tram the festivalsssay go 10 the building of a terrace la tise immediate vicinlty of the museun, reveal Alan Wright, vice-chissmoan nf Halton Regios Conservation Aitisority ai an aotisurity meeting held Thursday. Wright and Esqaeslag member FOR LADIES ONLY.Ts aettsn nse mrla er eea 5 rilsgrsl L A Coe oe 5e o15riy's see15e potetio ' dslayed by Mrs. dursng an Auxsliary 'Tsllp Tes" on fssday ait represenlativen os the Museum Glenna Oarmen, a mensber of the Milton the hospitai. (Photo bybD O'Reifly) Board. District Hopital Ladies' Auxsloory. The Iwo Mrs. G. Pearce is elected Nassagaweya W.I1. president Nassagomeya Women's DeBiono, Mro. B. Heisi; Instîtute onnuai meeting mos resolutions, Mes B. D. Young; Wednesdap April 190 a15te home cheer, Mes. D. DeBlouin; ni Mes. D. Detilauw nits o good courleop, Mes. C. McLaren; ni andance of membern and nome ineicome communte, Mes. G. gueuls. The preaident, Mes. W. Peorce, Mes D. DeBlaso, Mca. Freemon, conducied the D. Mullen; eniertalaimeat, Mca. meeting. D. Malien, Mes. F. Edwards; Tis group la instens la the pianînt Mrs. J. Roberts. District Annuol hoiag held la .__ .. .~,, Thoughtfully ardered Campbellville on May 24 and ADIOERTISEMEtÎT pions. ie mon soient la making InOIbO1wNaigProfessionally styled Thi Seing the eleciion of sein Substanoe: Lvnl ie officiers for 1972-73, the alate ut oficiers au peepared Sy the Shrinks Piles Ordler Early snmisoting conmslltee mos eead by Mes. F. Kdwards. Ecsiovesolvs ssssnce mao For your Scisonil tn shrivO veononaodsO an seepi Fr a-or Listlafflrees ulvaged tonnue.Fra Hosoroey preaident, Mes, W. Maytmme Bail Fceeman; peesideat, Mca. G. Aecoossd resoorcinstitu0e hot Peocce; licol vice-peaident, fomvauniqe elsstance iis r. K. Adersnn; secodce the abilifysvmosin veva.muin odvc-Painlessln 10il eonevs itchins and iresideni, Mes, S. Robinson; dosvinsae in minutes oa seeas 0f îecreîocy-îreasuee Mes, E. alins of mhe inîooad, inlainsa Jensen; assistant secreloey. tissu l reosurer, Mes. J. Robserts, le case oer case, whites gai5 Me mire flomers bo Pubie relations, Mes. F. relîCuvng0Pai, acualsi cio svOvnksoe) loki plane.ams nwe i isodrein; disiri I-dirctor, Mes. iost ;v0000500 t ofil-esoîts -eeaiososnfre s F. Kdinard; ollernot diector, Mn Omoonsh tat tnS îsvprowoevhe orl As. W. Freeman. massmntaineimerapseoomavnyeni T Conîmtdics ocre, agriculture eseonsroghFT ai. Cfin Thdiscp Mes K. osss poilshemth a sn Indecon, Mes. . m ll; oalOg subsance (iOsDusel asit Andersn, Mr. D. Sail m ulu unem hei irircai coeis and sitizensliip and oorid offairs, StimoîsiesOwt auof r50 tissu155e. Bar Ses, W. Freemos, Mrs. F. 0008, Bo-yeasalseed in lnmom Brr ladrein; educalionol andl aviSrl soeposîtso Milton usî Sors ullocal aclînîties, Mes. A. coeseratise H. 001, fun it ail an pu tsgoslssMls iNrelah, Mes. K. Daigle; [amiy stores.tsaction we oua nouies 16 Main St. 3d consumer affales, Mes Y fi. dd 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J , -- ----- - -. -- _ I.