Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 1972, p. 12

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- - --- I. 12 The Champion, Milton, Oct., Wednesay, Apeil 26, 1972 Essay My Hometac Ppe vha bv- Doiioni Tesies L'ciuvui: ityepapeca Associa Llruupraa itwrled -cadets lai su chai theiu hursetuscu paer mear tulluacng entrirs were received. Salth entries will he saheutte OUR HOMETOWN P A VERV REVEALIN( Au eue ut lthe lads that tact a V ceave uchaul and hume, lte hou very apecial importance. Wites horse. titey ee crapped le lte cuside lthe tees clth caver. Tte as ltrilfng as lthe laitue tram ta cigarettes and tuood. We aIe aeouud, kuuutsguotierswutdl a. Sumealtheuoys nevereeeis and the papern hilled a ceai nee spectal place lor tiret. When id came time lu tmnd a itumetuen papee lucaeri lte heu Ausceriug au appeal in uur ce lte aveir roof lit hiait iteen dac nianteaisad 15years of cottage au a nurltheen laite, wi loal paper ofthe ctseu area. F la cearn about lad values, w! develupent cas, chu pruvirtet quiteahbituofgeeral itirsati business su raucht easier. Thc qahty ut lite cn lthe cee ha lthe ilmerestu ut lthe peuple a each added theiruccnnote tath cecurded iteir itumetuan pet reveahng score. son "My Hometown Paperre .l meams ta me-a WRAT MY iaOMETOWN taper cumpetiliaus PAPES MEANO TO ME and lte Cauadtmn tton. decenily The Ilhr--day isa aucca specLal da> nt ui oi-Suve, botrsuanessaya on bcaselhat itedayour loclceely,Tte sto tren, and lte Cacadrmn Champion cumes ta us ity mal. Ever te1enimie sincet1caatd readt1ihavecaced fteealmmn d ~ ~ ~ ~~ l 5otentonie t et the paper tirai. APER- We suitacrihe tu a daily paper, masy mtagaaines, ISCORE mndaceturnpaper but notre iac ecume asThte Chrampion. Wity la Siai paper mo eagerty cailad tue? naras an excuse lu Secause il la my itemetuce paper and lte secs is etues paper bil a aituuttfolitst1isucin mytumeusc,sMlon. pareela came tramt Isumetuce eeity, My hometuctr paper, St teasi lthe erliturs and paper ne ay stcati, have aiteartutfgeld,becauae theyihave atirm tee. just alter te pliteru ofsever ever prinlleg a ec scomp that ays assd item cuuld embarrassor husiliate ayoe. Iars pruud te as inete as ltey laite îles sandui, as peuple cit are in trublte ad mail tramt horse usualîr itave itees hart eseugit cithaul itacleg il dtand iteldeanery hasiteduoverritelocat paper. ila1lcecerîmitktfr gousip, scandai or couet case repoets. home, as ad cn te The Citampion bas pages afinlereat tue ail las ce e are liitne le. meaders, a yuutit section, sports reparlsanmd pic- ekly fcr itelp la île lares, a splendid busicess guide, and e tarmees' ragad ity tire, led ta aefrterrlraes snmmily service,. aetrSe ua edr tded l o fmiotr a Semng a hamseede and respansiitlefor ituying tur ssitscritedtu te for teihome andtfamuy,ritrsmntural thaet a iSl romîlc ecere able irotout the ads oflcal merctants and see citere nat lte attitude lu my muney mey ha spert te lte itest edvantage. Il t hat service, arid deeset maltue citeter il is lue foud, clutleg, e tat maites dcing teauty preparasarns, a prescripioun, turnituee ar a sec car, te loae merciatas mil titeir gmodu aud ammnity cm aituvia services ln eh alId adueriserseuts, amdift a nec ha made te tees, plamaio itusess opens tite readers are sacu acare e yespitny and as ai te services, trimas and locatiun. per, i made ver Titeitirt celumu au ne ai te tiraI places I read, la tee hue mauy et my frienda oe ecqmlauaces -Geurge Furdy, havesnee IiSe hmndlesuofuy sn ter hoes. Nesi lu 34 Mill St., Milton. te aad molur citere I ed te deelth moies; musi Setter Iigqhting ..a. Pag 1)u slaudards avec lte years antd lieretired, telamprcflhe used ted la dra te pales loaeda caitlie Aite hydree portion u a ter parla ai tue Ala Seac lithe he ru Ofrreede cricg ciii ite undergroumd eud th recis sim ed. lte lampa repiuced crt e moee $ -,w maderu systers. scurlur lu citer Updated mcw tacts au Martiu st. Oeil Canada updeted tile Milton Htydra cr11 du erppem aluug lthe Male Si. tat sortilfhe winthSe praîct, summer ru anticipaion ci te aval uli bc,-dace hy OOtside roed being eecunstrcled tit coactciac Meu. Hadley serd yeur. Titeir tacîilies are he'1u reeî-mmecd tuat co ecpected lu be emple tue severai Chirimas lritirvî he drues soeurs la cume. lcos ire aireel. as itus eec lte Ouly mînar relucetrun ci praa-ice an te pai. The cerseni ultimîes ru cunterspiaed durleg standards aill have plug ru ter lthe prugrm Sourse andif the tacuuandChumbeeuof upruvecena cr11 6e made cn Comre v usS, tey an te exsslcg trefil signais. decrie.te lte actuai pales rathar A second signet itad cill be ihmn arcngag ligitu acrso te irsteliedl far outhbound tfie yoad Appureetly lthe cires cause au Martin ut. Pedesirias crase- îauaideealestreas au rte W"alhacl bte peint merited on W antsaeul uppruacites ne lte aaa interseclion and pedectian W f-'s are1 sguai iteudu are recmsrsnded taul tiv du-e auo forte easrly crossceiit. nalgve erya umoretuar Mai S. stdewelk are inneed chamce. Rrgitt uua. cheu ter ai reconstrucion ucng lu lthe age eleclian al relurmc ure hattg mnd lthe nurshar ut crus lit have cvusidere hi lthe provincial beecmade inthtesidealifor gaeael u ie best lime la uîîry trencitea. cuplerert las uuggecled chmnge, lie added. Wurling far euSi-captes ai hic resalutras ui be tarcurded lu Huilas MPP Jim Situ aned GJeorge Kerr mnd la Municipal Atfirs Mîsîster lierey Mceoeugh. A eapy cas aisto lu h senti la Arthur Mergites, but Causicdlar Serîlîre amut sure il auuld doumac-h gad-I pituued hun Friday and lm sliiiceilig lue a reply. - he tard. Causciliaeit mite ofteluaci ui ee prsg chmnges are being cussrdered sn lthe eleellun ecl, and decrded ta hure e speciel meeting laer Stis ceeittla deive ara lite peupoed chranges. Clent Mctieachieatlfered tugiveirerase iharuugh rus-ducs au lthe chamges. Addisons Miit Former Miltonacuriilaor iierey Addison, crie Mary and daurihcer Vici slapped hretiy an Milt asuaieeitonuiheireeaylu teRestauranthowacin Trot. Thre Addîsaua leh Milton in 1967 far ipperuaah avdal resert uperuin ihece. Sîsce titen teyave udded a drive-le an Forest. Titey anhedmuslvpataon lter greetinsa, beang usahie lu cuite lte rounds ai triends un ter hrie[ stop. luesilis soeone 1itue, mayhe etesitul mth 1 lmok for te loal peper la heep me informvrd iîand,-llet i'nî ini or caaihevî1îî-(ani id fi iendLl grcciîvgcard. 1 read lettees ailtahak ftra folks cite have hecîr helped ru rseuy eeys, altur heceg ta itspilal, a itereaversent or disauler, or il mauld hea ehappy occaionusuct au e ithdey or euuiversaey. My iotursin paper itas e apecial sectiou tue churcit actiitiea, la adviua ai lime ut service, lte cmulter and, ni mourse, a celmome levilation tai attend, Ibis mears muci to me bt uurely ti must bc cunderiallao strmegers le eue mulet. My itumetuen paper itm loae cureespendenla 1cr lthe surrumdleg ereen. Titese are itemey its ut ceas, repara an chuteit meetlegs, 4-H Clubts, Wurseus Institutes, intereatire lacms ai loal escitres, hrritday paeies; tese ce neyer tled le e Laeger peper. t eau ateeys fied an lespiratiou lu itelp me ut my carter pleesure. Il uvigit 6e a verse, e muttu, or e heiptut it. Oue local paper hase a ide circulation. i gmt luo Vaucouver, Flueide, att purin ut Canade, uverneas mnd evea lu Auuiraie. My trienda teil me hue tey lmit tut lthe MîlloU apereand une se happy la heur ai herse necu. t sei e subscrîplirs ta rsy deugiter mnd lernly mndl macn il t den't gel ateliter critteu la ters, tte'l gel te secs in Tite Champion eaut te peuple site lites la iteer abte. My ituretuen paper rscms so rseey tigu ta mse, iu mmyditterenlcwaya. il isiterd tapuîttient ail au paper. Il ru lite an uld frimnd cita itriug me aul thecnews. leac reed itl tmy leisureeand iteep cipprsgs tf I au desire. If il doesn'terrive on sehedide. t ieel my day la spuited. Ormse are a iec mrermus city Tite Canadimn Chamspionumeesrsuci tme;-iltgivesrme muct plemsure and il mnits se ltile. -Mrs. Elle Palleemun, S.R. 4, Milton. '72 SWEEP Seek photos, anecdotes program for Bruce Ste history helcees nue and te seituais la, tll abuut ter laya ai Biruce ciusciguonJune3, Te hampion Sl. uhauid sentd a suie iv the Tht Huitus itegias cuuld lite la puis "Peelieg edîlar. Conseevation Audlurrty ciii be rolu Miltun's Pasi' photos hit- maig a ciea Sep it la ghtng te hiclary uf Miltn's itlig duru 1e i-yar-uld Biruce St. Puie la 1837, mecy paulmunlars ami ara hlig drn h chuai. rsidi murreru cn icer Caneda Uoder itis year's SWEEP Aayuse rt oid grwup muuca rehei.y urse e prugeam-Siudauls Wuriig in photos ur pretures ai euriy sr-dscsdaleegrud Echascersant Prugrue -10 la tem la The Chtampion tue mura cludacla mey ha hrred tma cephaiugrepiig. Lard D)urham, prive ta lthe latya' oa.Aot53 tersA hesin aus repart us lthe ulale ut tuail y ers la ori thauthyuuug Atlt utreIe, aseedjies allurs sn Cmnada, recaruraeuded pla yarte u t uhrt ahout lthe tehav i bc h thul lte Paut Office shauid he Proects-i trier th,.. E uecr u bi d R ders cit a clany adnùnistered fracon enr pragrars are uuly ru lte plamning slage, uccurdcng lu Auturiiy officiais. Geueeei Mauuger Murray Stepiten and Autaorty deparonent iteuda are an te crudut ai peeparrsg e itriel far îuhmrcsrsi lu lte pruovinciul gaveramesi. Last yeae studeut eciplayees cieaseiisiemt, drd surveysuund condar-led ai-ea il cleieu.p pruacams lue lte authority. MILTON V.W. OWNERS Complete 1 - Service 2 - Parts and 3 - Sales Availableil For your V.W. - We honor ail WARRANTY and Diagnostic Coupons Roseland Volkswagen îýý 888 GUELPH LINE (Opposite the Burlinqton AAall) BURLINGTON 632-0222 OPEN THURSDAY EVES TILL 9 P.M. SUV SIGNS Remeaber bils la a naew, aaaaaai Casld be 16el're dirty ar bave Weil~ a ake~ ~ hazard te lthe matarlalt, cita los helr brilant range calar. if We'Dsoo betakng lufwfarn a ee m a ch alaw manlng s, clean thesa Up aad replace eatamen Ouiier on5 th iitaa1e read ail wdater. themîtifneeaaary. Dan't causeaan agaanetoto thibteen t rman. Take a loaktat those S.M.V. aMmt. accident. RICHARDSGN'S S 205 MAIN 878-6949 AND FURNITURE ___COAST*TOCOAS SUl THESE GENER ELECTRIC APPUIANC VALUES TOMYI Checkt Richardsan's for nutsiandice speciais on the appliacces yau'ne been wanting. It's the firsf Cuast- ta Coast Sale ever an Canadian Generel Electric Appliances -Time is lImited -dan'I delay. sic SAVIKS-MvATIONivI Treat your home ~ to sprîngtime -»-*j comfort... y ear-around! When yau renew that old furnace of yours -go ana better. Treat yaur home ta, total electric comfort canditioning. It's easy ta switch ta a quiet, com- pact flameless electric fuenace - complete with central electric air- canditioning. Then youlIl hane an aIl- electric system that keeps enery room fresh and comfortable, sehatener the seasan. There's no easier wey ta mulcame year- round comtort con- ditiosing ta your home. The Hydra Finance Plan seilI help yoa gel started right away. your hydro milton hydro 25 a,_t NOTICE To the citizens of the Town of Oakville Daylight Saving Time wiii commence Sunday, April 30th5 1972 at 2: 00a.m. and wiIllend Sunday, October 29th, 1972 at 2:00 a.m. F. McLean Anderson, Mayor, TOWN 0F OAKVILLE.

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