Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Apr 1972, p. 20

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By MrineE. Lwrene ad bsrnrd dannn. Itîs terribte- ByealaE.theer o tises tahen and tbe A bamb roptade n laBrcorn destruction caosed bas oftr Rentaurant in Belfast. a wman dcprcuui as so Sac tbat 1 bouc assdffrîinsbotdsro.OcenIRAs said on uccocal occasions that 1 ntdiBrntarr saldrm British ans gomng to emigrats and if tl cars re ram a mb, a clati dses get aspmorset1thiahf1might carsor fom abus, a hildisbave ptsnty of rampasy miSo me, ascidrntettp attt Whl t Omlog as ons neyer tnown mhnt danger a bandaba os hORA. Tbess and isawaibang ns arasad Une corner. mare hendtnnes have kept Unr "t'm surr yos in Canada demIo trish traubten bef arr on for bac vsry mocb abaut it nor coatd manSos and even peas. Tw yoo anagine mbat it ns hkr sent years aga mban me mers over 10 yoo byve bars. the Autd Sad, Une fretling Somm as Niho one Sont the mtldiers maatd moon have -neftghba adedistne the trouble mritinbhandad hat "n fSsmdn ntne ovrrean reparters and mlacb bas bappened ta smeons nemsnonr mers making nac ns ix a girt, a nrighbse of atgrtber toa macb of tbe ocrs, mnd one mbsm, t tnein vrry maîtr. 'fhsy morrird mars abot insU at ocbmtl. She la thebame mbat it mas dolaf ta Sosir toorino age an me mnd mas in havlag n businmas. cUp Of coffre la Sos Abarcars Christmas t97t mmw n greal Restaurant la Betfast an the 27So change. The sasse people maid day of Fshrmary, mben tino Soey coutde't oees la fet Shke Peopte sntrred the restaurant Chirtnas. Tbrp coatda't marh asnd ptacsd a bamh sesaticsd sp asy enSoastasîn Christman mbsrr il ment off a tein seconds didalt seres ta have an), place in lter, miSo the renott one of her Nortb trrtasd. One mather legn mas btomo off andithUe aUr marrird abaut a dasgbtrr and mas se badty fractseed Sont it han mon-laa la Belfast. AsoUner biedta be rrovsd tao. Shetlont as hait bar daoghtar asd mon-lai, sys and nom apparenlty anc of tast over Sos barder nat ta comr bar longs bas collapssd . She man bame for Chrislmnan as the mt1Y anc of the victins. 1thSola danger man tmu great inith tbere mecs t2f admittrd to aatiag aI the barder stations. bospîtat from tbat explosion Chonaeretigtoanstsdes attogetber. Foor hitîrd and Ta as brr la Canada, such indred IthiSoina tbe case of Joan, going-on eernterrile. he nbom, t bave tatd yo abaut, and Irish sees very bachinard, soOSo maoy oUners te baer, people inho thei hait f coosig u aiesbavr bren hadty malatrd for tifs, Un ei n hb to a hm sla OP sites thSinti tbay moutd bave bren em i rtginT ak tanclti cas bappier bilied complteay radar Yse in a aa.tI tan th San atthoe sutering. pese her la anad, t as This mort of expption, trylait ressesober my laitier talking ta tae as many tivess pomsihle, abao my greal grnndtather isbhappening svsry day bere. 'Pas illter aI Creemore , inhen bie tmnd it bard la asdestand bain setttsd la a Caîbatir conosmitt' sscb evil peopte cas do socb and Unsy Irird ta pot han out bY bard-bercîd thingo. t basin t ptaying tricha os hm *ie may- coatda't do it ta as animnal, lt taylag banmbr hns meent csilmg alons a boman bing. as bla girt, mathmng tbrasgb Sos fied. Hrstaoff his gsainSthe "Oine marning n fein ineba air, mbrn be brard Ibmr la Sos bators Christnmas ins receivsd a asderbrmbh. mhat casd a freal phone cafl as ose attice tbat a srmbtr and for sme rensen bie bomb bad bren planîrd la Unr neyer badl any mors troubte. buitding and to1 gel olt Thers are atonies of Calbaticn imsmdiatety. Att atarmo la Uns settting in scotch protestant baitding meresommdsd asd ta tsll setîtementa baving the mmne yo the troUs, ins msreso m carsd probtrm. in aocy klttd racb aUner la Uns ta the past Sos Bfritlah de bave a doors, mo many tryiog la, get sout lot ta ansmrr for in trrtand. as Sos sams tans. Lachily ns one Bernons of Ibsîr psticy ot famntsd as bas bappeneit in se mupprmalang trish indaslry and maoy oUner ptaces. Ose bas bied especinlly trinh rnportn if Sosy tatd us prscaousty ta rse tOsa sale ronfSorted miSo Engtand'x, Sosy dastance amay, mo off ins mml. It gavelthe unempîsyrd Cahootirs 0f ins rainig and of course ins tLondonderryand Belfast acause bad'lunemrsgo for oocccota.ms tor dissatsîfaction la 197t. This la yoo car, gusm wbat a mma w barngave Une IRA their chance ta mýe Mn. Aspmay Sos police and got la there, soder n prelense 0f Acooy msrs catted and lbry mmlt hetping. Tbey batped otright, to as miSo bamb detrctors and put Nortbern trrtaad inta Sos searched the campltt buitding Repubtir's maîhang arma. or mîti bat nolblag mas faund. It mas maitd seres by tata eveols. miSo rstuctancs Unal me att Here la Canada, iloin bard to trooped bash as ta settte dama ta bao ambltmstrfet tihe ta be mark agais, as ins msrr afraid caght sp la norh a batarnont. Usat i0 esîght xtitt br semembere Even at Christmas, la esy amn arond the boitding, salside or mnd, t teit Sont lifs mas golaf on anîide, but tochitp oSing ment Prettp essch the sme as as off nd Oocticeninerespared for pencehai Ondes as the nsaf asoîbar wintle. This is Sos hmnd of viltages and tamns. A lttr Usmng Soat ix happening svery recetord last msrk cbanged UsaI day, baesb bas or Sos realthSinit, attitade. fI broagbt Sos trish and and you necer knom sobat is going Sorir troubtens tasseu, soamini ta happes osot. jtslmat itmas rsatty tllativs Usnrrh al] pose days as Sos andot of Soin .. Oîy, barror. t annmersdUeaon th ror quec. a oyns tiving lna l ion trmeot.cus of siter) and t for m of:bang ta go in to moro la public Madmrn ISs beehs bad i govecoment) and la WbaI it i0 tiktot have madesen cane u t sessno bappelang. Wr wo corne la yose midot Woho bave nom gsI inhat me call Shoai bomba indlacriminatly secority gnsrds at aUl the doars ahout miSo Unr object of klting or Icadi into Ose office, inho maiesing as Marly as Possibte? tt ocarch us, oc bandbags, started me thming about inhat Pechets, parcets rtc., sacb lans caon abody do inhen sosh peopte force change miSi viotence andf tafln againat yoor miS, and mhy canIt socti crimuinalta b baoogt ta justice for brotal aaimat-tihs artims agamalt thir feUow esan? 4 Here is My Irish lttr: e "t'es soce pas Uhn h UaIt b acs torgatan aboot pou complttay bat maSo se mach happening M A aromit brr Sosse faut fe siSEVEn monSos, one just necer thoogt about tetter mritmfg Seste dapn MIyEs I onemoutd brglad to ge soand M R E - I oes murk safetp mithaut a taougt of mriting a tetter andt TO SER rimnmg ta a post off ice ith t. "Wr, t'e sue if pou mers @ Ea bock sel bethe treoa os a you d O tmsd asnot le traonme apou E AL F hat of Sos lamnn aod cîtiex. Everymbere bas bren bombrd Rlirnf R iftA we coame ia at marniog and lunnch treak, ai case sameone May be carrylog a bombein Tbey have te be particlarly caro tul as occoberu ofthe11 publie have acceos in and outof ose office and tfins is merety a precaution to tep asd stop a ttamb beisg placrd. -fSister) and t spent t7tb March weekend (St. Patrictos Daytsotlday) mitti (asottterniter and brother-i-an te Mooaghas. We meren't very keeo on crssing the border by ourselves se l other sister) came daosn asd lauougttt as sp asd we travelledin the middle ofthbedey wtiicb mas a great advantage as crossiog te barder at nigbt now jnst doess't be dose. We hada't bren op ta see (aSser sioter) feses September tast (tbry are reattp onty afew nstes apart -M. L: ) asd aitbsgb shte asd (brotber-in- taw> bad bren doms bere on severat recasions (nialer) and I badl atmays bers at mark wbsn tbey came daring the day, se, me nvrsaw thees but we atmays phoned racb otbrr sp for a cbat freqnttt. So it was gireat ta get op for a frw days (frans Tbsesday to Monday) for a long cbat and tas tas. Strikes roUned SObMarcb-t bad ta trave my tetter mriting last nigbt as ths etectricity wrnt off. Yau ser, Sorse past tino days-Monday and Tursday-werr "Strihe Days." Since tast Tbursday, Westminster Partiament ban tahen over Nortbrrn trrtasd and oor Stormont Partiament in abotisbrd, therforr crating Direct Rate from Westminster, se naturally me protestants don't tie ttas as me arr afraid tbat Westmnstar witt bandaus over f0 tse Free Stata or Eire and w bacome an att retasd it thUn Roman Cathotirs baving tbe nmjority and tberrfore ratbag as from Dubtin. So thr Protestanta soUred a twa day strdar ta sbhow oc disapprovat. Sbopn, offices, tactorirs, scbmtls la tact evecy- wbare mber aoy protestanta warhed, stoppsd mark with thr rest thIal sorsn rtrctricity mas eut off att over Nortbrrn tcetasd, Unrreby traving atenont everyanr out of worb as no tac- taries or asymbere coutd go an oithout etectricity. No brnsd mas abte to ba bahed in Une baberies. No oespapers were able ta ba printad, etc. So It Somh t really sbaoh Westminster wben Uney sain mbat strengtb we badl bebind MAOHPIZZERI fl4V,< tMill ( St & GSNOYMEUS IVE T EVER R THE WEEKCA PAn S 39LL 99PRBL-1 Baby Beef Liver 69"Lb LET US FILL TOUR FREEZER OILY RED BRAND BEEF FRONT ..................63ib. SIE ............... .. 731b. Nu l ..... ............... WEST EN us la NorSoern tretaibut an yet ins don't hsemq Une result ls me bacc gamnei anySomog or sot. ccnd of lettes. t thooglit it oas uigoiflsaol winha malcbing Sos omws, to brar Soat sserlingty enasgh, Une gond C7thaic andt the mant prominent Cntbotir rtergy nopperted thUe protestaxts la Socer nteike, condemaing empbaticntty, the tIRA for Sos ateacities ami Engtand'n tahing over the USormant Govrseent. When it came ta Une finat esoment, Une CaShobail neyer f igureit an tmsing Utaresont la Uneir tight for mars mark and representatian. Untty doubtfu tt mas sqmfly evidesl that Une Repohtic bad neyer intendant asythinit ese. Their present attitude is one of expecleit cnbdence and Sont a11 Sont remains la for everytnlng ta ba smootbed aver asd forgotten. t wonderifil itmibc tbat easy. A United tccland tu a fine Somng, bot oy if tbe majseity in Sos North tad wastad it, asd Soat waatd ba doubtfal t athSin stage. Frerdons Soat la tarreed on a peopte ogatnat Sorir witt isot rrnttp n freedoes, asd tenven n grent dent of bitternrnn Sont inn't naan forgotten. tretand la a tavety band, wt wanderfut marsn-teartad peopte. tt i ldnsbttsiti any aUner landt bas liadt n mare ntappy pont. tt la ta be baped Sont inhen atd tatternessspasaaa,Sere ras stit ba a bappy and prnsperaan futare for ber la Soes pore age. (III havestoadnsitba onht t hope sbae brrps some af Sont atd wartd cbarm Soat la typically freltaid.) Hornby woman field rep. travel counsellor program fIl The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wedsesdlap Ap Sl 19, 1972 To Ilys In terror I Letter from Ireland describes con flict nny brnsrtofthetrvetdaf Mnax Umeeteson lacnrnl marhtn as nesretary and trave. ad 'a Il Minntaaaugo Travel asd mas previoasty rmpayed at IStiteget Company of Canada looiùted, as uecrctary ta Sos of- fice manager. Sbs attsndrd Sos University af Western Ontario atd ban taotentextntey baving atrtro fua ntdtng trip to Cnoetso.ovaka. J. . rdoo-D OPTOMETRISTI BJRLINGTONI IMALLI Oust - Oairy Supplies Overalis lubber Boots Truck Tarps Wheelbarrows Eleotria Foncera AI lion. Foncer Batteries 20% Off 20% Off 25% off 25% Off 25% Off 15% off 11% Off 20% Off 20% Off 25% Off 10% off 20% Off 20% Off FOR THE URBANITE PEAT MOSS 6c. ft '4.29 ATLANTIC4 Ca' fi. '2.9 ATMT1 Ca' f. '1.49 LAWNl Ai GARDEN 77 50t lb. Bag '2.49 FERTILIZER n0-6-4 Ut lb. Ba '2.89 Flouer Ai Vegotable Saed Pkg. Flouer Al Vegotable Oust Rand & Tank Sprayers dl. A Ir 5% Off 25% Off 25% Off tPeomeaf Bock BAC ON D06 AIlS 25% OFF MASTER PET FOOD 15% OFF FOR THE HORSE LOYERS FREE MORSE HEALTN GUIDES WESTERN SADDLES & BRIDLES 25% OFF WESTERN BOOTS, DELTS & HATS 25% OFF MORSE OROOMINO AIlS & MEDICINEs 25% OFF MANI MORE ITEMS MOT MENTIONEO TO ONOISE FlOU E LECRIC COPTRTN *ELECTRSEC E EINORA WATER HEATER RENTALS 818-204 FREE ESTIMATES Gardon Morne 20% Off Lawn Monter$ 5% Off 8 M.P. Gardon Tractera 5% off Lawn Sprayors 20% Off TOUl ONE STOP FAIM AND Aluminum Ladders 20% Off GADR EVIECETEEloctrical Appliancos 25% Off STEWARTTOWN (R.1. 2 GEOIETOWN) 811-3512 811-1315 ne eldas Cnltage mttt off or two nw ans- penn eerttttrnte PrOgrama - ns ta braba garder centre mrcbandising pesnnelt and anotbrr ta train travet couosettors. Botb otart September. 1972. 'trioba Sweetman of ftornby is thr an field Irepresentative, foar thr travet soassettar prograns marb mil, ns atterr i athen Oako- ilts campas. Tbe pragram, la drsigned ta pravide qualiftedt prsanelta ba travsI soonisellors la travet agencen. bas and airbne ternit, and any brasrb of the groming indantry mbane foartin sa ta serve the travetting pmblic. Speciaizet sobjecta sadn an geograptty, merchandising and promotion, tariffs and ticketing, mitt ba dnstt tn tnp experta fram, Unr fietd. Sarcessfu gradates af Une pragrans may flad mark la avec 400 fravet agenies la Ontario ar Wieyre HOLDING tIl e A TILE CERAMIC - PAOSIAC BATHROOMS & KITCHENS WALL TILE ,ýI 1,I) HOHsi HOt D pý 11AMý, BRUCE McGINNIS 878-9700

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