r The Champion, Milton, Orrt., Wedsnesdtay, April 12, 19725 f:UWYE7iV[bL* I Braniford whiz kid to star here Sunday letted for eqsfis. ,ereste and mie tam lne ho.bume Admintemtion test totcverf$1,2t aie te $M seas alie bure for tise rer. e se am side a mlite a fue retena kI Ctcbcleausd Ile t Eater Sunday. Gteorgcetwn Ritadersew seuA camig trlr firalt prcvincial eieipanbp tce tOUt, etien Uetue te ties agateet Duerhm Husbles le tise tiret; gaineof Uhe O.H, A, teterinediate "A" fletea ineGeorgetownc, Feidey ecgbt; et tait. Rtaiders eeptered the Niagara Dietrict titte itccdey eight, trcueng Welteed Merebeete 12» 3 le tise sitti gaine cf e best cf UNITED SHUFFLEBOARD LEAGUE bcld a wicnd-up doucblcs iccerncteet in Milon itituc'day tc ceclitde tise ccrrent seacot ced dceing tise day tise Chenees Hctel tect frit Mlton receiveef trcptees fcr laeieg lati tecge ccd playcff champicne. Frcrn left are ptayers seven cani,. GIeorgetownreo Uic ceris four gaieset twibac, Hlat tririls Mcltote Ceet Hymers bagged e bat trick te lead thce Georgetowne eeitring paradet incceday's carlin Dave Aseltc, Adame Ciscehmcch, captain Roy Stcart, Merv Fletchter, Dave Giits, Ditcey Bcudeae, teege precident Waye Leduc acd Fred Hardsenid.--Potc by R, Doccusi. Laire' "aliS icc antse Lewie 262 l.dice' site iriri, Efcrez Seceecua.i istier cees trils, BacSa Siestecete esc, Jeacee cees tee, Donra Fer t15. 1, Eiieec2efr Icc .SMecncc e Meceri s for c6, Naras 5 tee a. m .,Yi.. c tee 95 Cao c 0i fee ce. Mine ses La i Ihie cici SIte cci ceshm 5esirM' itrcigle Ilica tIer.s c45; Saee higS crie Mii,. tesr flo inge il .-Se ai 1c ce c icec ccI eeeic eteerere. Blcite tegie, Rn Lige, Deug iimokeyi Richardsoe, aced Teeey Coeke cctied ac fate apiere. At Stittcadded c stegle fer tce ed-bet Raiders. Heekies ettecteated Mild Flyr i tehe Iteergien Bey eege finlste te a iterteekteg regeuea essioe gae, Rtaiders traelird te Derisain selti eety sece player1 teeledteg came lindutriel teegeere soif sere etipped te-t, Stere ete Uhe Raider tiecp bec bren ttrcegtrened, cceidcrebty Otisergaines Stecend gaine of te carin sliH le ptaed te Ducrhame, Scmday aftereeee et 2. Thîed ts sledued fer Gergetowne, Wedeedey, April t9 et e, seit the feert ette re Dureham, Frldey, AperU 2at et.f3it Ducrc am c balsae caserai tes faese terir Aieap. HanAires test to NapaneeCoesinte 0. H. A. teterinrdcate "te" finals test year. Bowling Ladiee' hieS sincgler eci cul, 1 lcadies' hieS triple Jece Secis tee. Mecc'c hilcscingle ee ee, ccc's Sje floode lac es Ici aer 39 8I, NieSGerv a 6il, tees Credeesces Sic, Fretk Scie. ccc. OiSs ees eci irecs ncaers les, sec Site 72t,,sec Credeeces sec,. Sic Seceeje lis,. JieS Sis au, CFlorece n5fr ce, co 2ycor ce, je les e forci23. Haeel 5 or, cie, 5 tee -The seaertsae pteyed a drtayed Apeit Feet jeke en thi- district, tey duming mocre ceese tacSt weekl. -USap ee euictg treety libelle dayc. to ail the fine Players, Coaches and Managers of MILTON TRAFALOAR PINTOS Winners of the ait-Ontario Minor Hockey Novice A Chompionihip from Ciuck Beoton and ail tihe Staff ot U1NT ML MFwfflM Sunday April 16, 3 P.M. 878-2369 DTPD~ Milton Arena Milton Novice Pintos vus Brantford Novice Th ic EcKhihitios Gaine cci l gise hocksey fa ns a cha nce f0 sec 11 yea r-old Wa yne Gretcky ceba bas scored osier 330 goals to date this yean, This cciii ie the Pietos final gaine oif the year. Milton A Champs 9 Dorsey, Dougtas t0 Hunt, Murray il Fleinington, David 12 McDougall, Wayne 14 Stark, Deane I5 Fleiningtnn, Norinan l16 Shepherd, Michael Admission 50, Brantford AAA Champs 1 Hetstee, George 2Selinger, Allen a Berton, Jin 4 Veriserg, Jin 5 Daciscctrth, David 6 Emmerton, Paul 7 Bodear, Steve 8Allen, Tiin 9 Gretcky, Wayne 1t Croley, Brian 11 Hachisorn, Lies 12 Whiting, Darreil 14 Anderson, Chnis 15 Johnson, Robert ait Stefan, Greg FamIIy 1.00 C dlce 0' Ves ie el ee 7) 0(hicr srirrile FracS Padclia 73it, Ji., Howaerd 6ee, Vie ceas 6i, Chat ,Va men cre 664, Paul CIa Verdecerek wce0tcr 16. tee Gu cs ceeies ce for8, Vee telieh7,e Bob Hate 211ioisi Pt Leiee'hichsciccicascc Waters eI; Ladies' hich tricp e, Mtarison Gseic ste. Seece segh cinic Jecik Gsld 337g Meeîs hicS tipele SecS Geeld 9cee Setier c iee IReg Gray 3ee2e5, Raey Wtes set, fic Gerie cee. acier ced triples Rttc Gray sec, tees Waiters8, cie Sers t77. Ferk Lendeet 65t. Liidites hiehs iceleý Serce Sec Messes 262c; ladie'Sih tie. serce reMurciy 727 tee cc hies sîccirTers Fer t15; SerreshieStriele elsher csuciiles agnes 2sc, Silice Lelcrshcaie 2te, Charlee Erscce 25t, ceb Reis 253, Serce MeMcrphy 248. echer eess triplc es ecenai 722, Glelee Lt eceisieee.iBob N e-a 65,Chairlesie 644,e&S ieeCame ice fr 1cescgits 2c ce, 107,icees Bot.5fr12 it. &a i.a o L3 îe hic 2cfr Jec, Cheeee L.cese Setriple, Jscc Waters ses. Sluter csucicfailes Jeyse Secekcey 2ci. Shirley CWieeon ci Mse Richarson 21,Betee el Oiher §rd tripleseEtieccArnolc71, icescs Mcîec cee, Dorrcc Vaughan, Dois ewen ce u2, Eî e 3 or23 Arr. c Ladies Silc sie cees Tîssae esLcshic ici trie Lit Seec 654. Oiher ceesingccles Shirley eall ccc, Jaiiccecs ccc24, Sharen cecies 2is, Lie Muir 2el. Lys5c Ccibr 229. Oiher cees triles, cees Tîcscic 630, Shirley Hacl 6ie, Jecisecis etc.588 FciaeS c55, cees Tile. sic . Lcecie tIcs 5 o et y 5efoir et, haîle2lfr c0, husec 1rele 1.Lorrainer2 for 33, eSany 7 fr 24, Lyn 5 fre22. Wayce Gretzky, the phencesal il hearii l Branitford Nlîiie ,îthi. l0goal rî,îîrîlfiis ', ccli bc on the ice tis Siîdiy cshen the Brantford Nov'ice AAA al4Settarie sceempiens meet lie lcal Teafalcae Pcdtes, ail- Otntario "A" Champicns. Thce starry Bractferd player lias a repctatîsc fcr pcckicg arecas and local tacs are especîrd te ecorne Ibis eppoetcnity tei ses hte, sn ic cee. Gaine ties s3 p.m. Suedcy at Milton M-ea and a famity Bowling Leihes highcsingle Mary HrpeIi32, caiic mhîl tript, Secîs licisel tsi. iliher gic csinges i,ac, DeFeCse Ç3 'usen Tecedel Cii J.Yi Peasnci5ifori32 Ms'hcîil,,fr 29, 2ccic i o 7c l. S cni,,' 2 for 7. SML WILE4 PAUL -RUTLEDGEI THIS WEEK'S SPECUALS AM-FM etght track tape player, comptete wit h $ speakers, by Elgin $ 6 f track tape player by Elgin, te compternent any hi-f . h $60 WATCH THIS AD fereeureew Electroplteeic lineeof steree hi-fi cemponeets. Ecampte: AM-FM, FM Sterse hi ti comportent set, with speakers,~ as low as just ... $ 9 5 Pau2TVdCdeTV 26 C MAIN ST,EAST- MI LTONON'TRUOJlP0acC878-4633. feting ge vlins ci ei 19.90 si la."s ai3.25 igeret Adides sg Eqelpeene bw 4.0U 878-4602 quatify. mnager sesurence 1 te get, ,,tu hace., ILTON MNOR BASEBA1LL SSOC. belld it Jcohn Perrott, I te second rets are directore ennemi meeting tant seeek and Basil Roberts Bill Cuerie, BiLl Themson, Bon Arpc, AI wsea nasned 197 precident. Pictured inte TuIener, Kirby Menrc and Wayne Timbere, front rose are vice-president Nip Gervaeis, Tise associaion reperte cetier tecny ceeecn iresldent Robertsanmd cecretary-taeaeerer cf bacebail lies cisscd,-Phsto, by B. Bccrtt). Hymers helps put Raiders in tCarnaeto Crtistie' 24oz eg.33cla MaxwelltHease 'Reg. 2Tincs 4C Facette60'sPkg. eUpe.ccet sa Riccc eg. S1.t9 Lb. Pkg. EVAPORATED tFLUSH-A-UYES CGFFEE 85b. MILK NEWBORN $2.19 -_ Taier MEDIUM 12.29 BREAD AYlmr "Coiceý0izRR rccla-e. etc Pskg.o 4tst1 READ M STt 0~~i "TENDER VITTLES"1 TODDLER 12.39 4 aie99C Reg 2Tins 9 N__ I-- - - - - - -- ---5 3 Pkgs.99C 1 WL G"' OT 2.09 Face Scap-Pt sceal Stze Lcquid teeMallese - 32 ozLe ui Cleanet'-Reg. $10 Primto 2 Lb. Pkg. Reg. 9tc: Pg Reg. Pre peced sec oz.t MACARONI 32 ks IVGRT 8 ear.79e SUNLIGHT 59c MRCLA oPGrTI !M.I EN8 11 oprET Wl SELL ONLY RED OR BLUE BRAND MEATS SwftsVa ac-FriteCanamPckers 'Coi Seit's "Preti Seet a iecîkle Satt Ma Pa ICryoea Ha vet Pktiu Lb PGLISH '!COTTAGE 65 WIENERS Pk.7 Lb 69 i AUAELb. LGLL Swcft's tacPac IFreeb Lean jFeeLean 1IFrshLeanMeatY Pereu ore e azy Matle OM IKt f tPekt itt Sliced Side CRUC *EM B C N STEAKS ILb STEAK'S 99c Ro ASS 550Lb B C N Fresh-Lean Meaty Peck 1Frecte Lean MeatccPork tFeteLiccLean 69b BUTT 1150SOULDER410PORK 50 CHGPS i OASTS i CHGPS __ FOrisi FreshLean Meay FreshLean et or LU VER 29 b.l HOCKS 29h 1 R113S 45". BRIOHTIN SORINO MEAUS WITH FRUSH PROOUG, VÏEWTAILES FeeteNe. Ot. Fresh No. U.S.A. tFetNu. U.S.A. Ônions 1 0e 551Brocooli 39cce Asaau 458c. Canada Farce l Lb. Bats MACINTOSH or c 1Fresb Fe rde APLS RiED DELIOUS e G ra ofruit 10 Pt. 9 - im I ai ERCE 409 Main St. M.iliBe1 1 Bell, Donald 2 Leoprich. John 3 Aselton, Richard 4 Gaeton, Joseplis 5 Murray, Michael 6Blair, Steven 7 Wanless, Ian 8 Leoprich , Edesard ~1