tbracy and Centre, e entis diving ani dance aný alrday to preaideet andl ite Peel Scua and ail atteodig te Holiday Inn. Oshawa Dlvlng Ibise aiea allended yilip Fentival n aVery caid. wRaQe in. 150 a rae re et in a distance of a t caine haine mt iaing geadime, on Page Bit know that -or ver 350 il Values on LE 'RIt o22- phn :94)D Waadgreen Vicky Legend Cilaien R, a parebred Holstein cow in lte iterd of Dr. J. T. Melany, Miltan, tan recenly items amardei a Sinver Brai praduction certificate and a Baperiar Prodacion certificate. Ie nevaet lactatians or' twlce'a- day miling, Vichy produced 151,965 île. iui centlle 142 île. fat, average tent ni pret lelterfal, fane qaifyng for a Silver Seul production certificate. le lier latent lactatin, an a aiae-year.nld le 305 daye on twice-a-day milhing, Vichy pradaced 26,596 thn. mutk coelaieieg 021 les fat, aneae lent 3.53 peroent itlerfal. Itis record han a Breed Class Average of 230 percent for mutk and 221 percent for fat. Continen on lent lor 365 dayî, Vichy pradeced 29,683 ite. mutk clelainng 1,042 ite, fat, average lent 3.51 percent leilerfat. Il mas fer lier 36S-day record tlet site mas awarded 1the Buperiar It's time ta crabgrass RBuirke MNeWi Spring is thL lima hun crigasniad le leated. It la reconunesded taI pie. emnergence hericides aitaidd lie appiedi te e nlg lefore lte crahgrass can germinale, preferaitly hefore May. t, ami definitely nt lter Usan May 15. .Gac"a or Betanan, appliei as a spray or ai a prepared granler nositore wifa fertiliser, are aime nf lte h cnt contr ni agents anadlahie. Ontario Departine of Agrcaltare and Fond Publticaion 52,Weed Conîrni in Lans, talte olter cheinicata lit may lie aird. ai does Puictatin 75, Guide le Clemical Weed Costrol. Rend labls To ennoie proper appication of titese iterictdes, osmr shonin rend Ilese puitlications as mel ai lte label on tle container of citemtcal. Recommendaions generaily saggeet a range of rates for contrai, depending on aid type andi degree of crabgrass Production certificote. Vichy la classifieni Very Gond for itody conformsation. Terraz cam Nareelanni Sovereige Ernestine, a pereitref Holalein cow in te hand of BIner Terrao, Multon, itas heen amarded a Gold Rihiton production certificate k>. the Hotleje-Frenian Asaociation. le eigitt lactations on twice-a-day iniliting, Erneetine prodacei 213,863 its. iui containing 7,309 tle, fat, anerage test 3.39 perccot laitterfat, faon qaifyiiig foc a Gold Rihiton prolduction certificale. Ilere lalest lactation, an a 12. Year-oid et 306 days on tmice-a- day mling, Ernenitue prodaced 20,328les. mitkcostaining 6461Ins. fat, ancrage test 3.18 perccot leGoerfat. This record Bai a nreed Clone Average of 186 percent for mit and 16t percent foc fat. Eceestine tas one daugitter classifiei Very Gond for itody conformation aid ose Ver>. Gond treat plants iestation. The Bigler cale is ras.oaiendcd misere precinus appications have faileni. A faicit compelitive lamo wii itetp redacç caitg0a&4haialai Householders mîith relativel. sinail lamne nitoald oittain citemîcale in lte granuler forin. Larger lamne are lent treated wmUs a sprayer. Constable busy The itamest mai on Use Milton GPP delachmenl force may ie accident prevenlion officer, Coale Jan Redpath. Docing lte paol me i e spolke ta Use First Sillon Csit Packt and conducled a leur of fae depart. ent's iteadquarlers. The constaitle aIse cosdocled a sommoile seminar ai lte Flamtaro Centre Sesior Puiei Scitool aod spoie le lthe driver edacation class aI Milles District liai ScInol. ITake it from me... ýyou-ii neyer erijoy better-tasting chicken than any of my stores can serve you - right now. Ki%àqFW~ fried 6kck ,~ chickenViQ1Ao Main and Commrilu , 011e 8847- Eight coudtes enter Jr. Farmer tournamnent 3y aagbCeàk Mallan leain lehlg île hest fam Thne Hailan Junior Panner year, il promises le lie an Hockey ToanB te trme excitiog Inacoament. The Haitan an ano.at enent asd ahr lelim mon the B tro hyllie voontieoareitnenly interese nm Peel Hockey Tor ono loaing part. Invitations are sent March il. te ail couatie n uie airea, ami the Admission 10 the Halton firet aeven tesm= le reply are Tournaisesî la 50 conta. accepteni. l0oliomtg île gaines tleco mus TusA tha ue Inecoamenit wml] le a dance ine faoArceltural le m te sitons Amena an Hait et the ilIton Fair Grounds Batarda>., Aprul 15,. commeseleg lgiriieg aI 9.30 pin. Msicl mli at 9 ain. nitarp. The fBnI hockey lie peovlded hy the diac jockey leams tu rep> Ii ear mere [r>Graves. Admnission le Use Onario, Defferie, Lenin ad T IHton Junnior Farmere Aninglon, Northt Bicon, estendei an invitation le ever>. Wellington, Brant, andi one who la inlereeled, le attend Wenlmorfa. Wlfa thene andhbellpcheerthe Huaton tesm t competutune tesas andi tht eider. Maloney, Terrazo cows receivo seul, ribbon FROLICKING IN A FMEL ie the district, out ieta the fields in April alier a ocieter af Ihese horses dont care if tisere la sti11 a touch leieg caeped np jeside. People are, toa. of snam an Use groued-ilsey're happy ta get - (Photo by J. Jeeeieg). Elmira festival... (Cotinocd 7,0,0 Page 0011 Sirs. J.I Mennonite doues andi lteir medthngi ouvenirs. Mrs. To Davidi Roman epent tite moire ft meeitesd mîth île Craig ltoyce Moada>. lamily ond enjoyei a trip to Use emitroide festival. hy Mis. Faut Romwan spen t last leaaliful meeitesd inToronto mifa Idis daugitar granniparents Mn. and Mrs. iaplaY. Roitert Roman. Mary is Got mcl misites le litIle Denise lichaul for italpt mito in a patient je stames gr intensive care aI Gaitoilie After M Hospital. presente Bahy Girl aid tryie Congratulations t0Sc m and col Mrs. Kerry Monigomimery laiee flwd IlerUsa Brucher) on theitirtitof coolees. T farir daagiter Allion Leigit osn yhcna Marcit 31. Promi grauniparent ylie r dart are Sic, ami Mms. Jackt Triscitter Ms h and great-grannimoters are Un Mrs. Jackt Fecitec and Sire. High1 Anna Triscitter, ail of Misuisauga. B> Birttniay greetiags anis meeh to Altos G Sirs. Agnes Sicinon, Rhtea Bauit the Vanden Bomn Sire William loi mutk Stouti, Lari Steplennue, An a but yea Proud, Deitra naitit Steven records Dolbty, Jeffrey Baiti and fini milit, 625 Hfison. aremi CL Gonald Eckhart celeitraled itis 11 eigith itday on April 4 ami The lotp enlertainei yoong friemis for itis aVn upecial day on Eaiter Mosday for 17220-763 disser at non. Games ami fun Use finI lime mere enjoyei hy Ilarlen th it Rome, David SicCana, Davidi Gtartis Plant, Benoy Kappres, Drem naro ,Chamblers, Ken Hanlton ami .Jlfrey Jenson. Donild coceivenia gond misiten annigifla froint itsIn frienda anni famly. i Ceiebrale aaaiveray fil Congratulationa toi Sir. ami know Cancer 1j be beaten Cýncer cao bc bcatcn. Q. Yoar dollars arc nccdcd now 10 continue thc battlcOGive hopeaboost. WBcn a volunîcer calls, bc gencrons. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY I. DufI y n Useir 24fa isnivernary, Aprit il. Homden enlerlained on twenly ladies on eveoisg at a tiqoid ry demonstration given trois of Milles, Siany articles painled hy ier Mary trois more on a studentst tle Ontario the Deaf in Miltlen ami esi talent je tItis mort. lo.Irin's taIt, ail sade asamper uing .g ouI île man>. tisds ours availaitie. A .1 social Bal itour over tea capes and Bie itostenu mai aselaleni igittersSirs. Brown and est herd Henry J. Stande>. anity, Borlinglen R. R. itigit Guerosey iterd prodoction in Canada r. His 25 coinpleled iveragei 13,377 île, ni Lis, nf bullerfat for a au Average nf 172 ami *coro in Use Gonity herd sîllorl B. Sanige V.G., :s a 6year old, 305 days .ofi210a and 86.This i lire, in onveral years nor Bas come to AIi-Canadian Jersey bred by Maurice Beaty By Hienry J. Stanley te Peel-Haltan Parish Show. Tite 1971 Ail Canadien Aged oanorable mention je the Aged Jersey Caw. mas Lindale Menit Co Clans ment ta Rack Rlla Glanour, bred by Maarice C. Commando lai, itred and ileaty, Silton and eiiiited by esitibi.ed ity Rock EUae Farnos lias Sayles. Site was te first Ltd., Hornity. Beulah wan Use prize wineraetthe Central second pre aged cowin the Canada Exiition and Use Royal Peel-Halton Parist Show and Agricallaral Wmlter Fair. foartt at the Royal Agricaltara Tite renerve, Avonlea Records Witer Fair. Golden Fairy mas itred ani ta lthe Two-Vear Old Cnw Clana, exiitîd ity Featiterstone honoraitle mention ment ta Brothers, Oaitoille. Tim rom Avonlea Adoance Lettie, itred ity placed tasIt ai the Canadian Featitersînne Brothers and National Exhidition, second at extoittd ity G. H. McCaig & Son. lthe Royal Agrieultaral Winter ta lte Yearling Bail Clos, Fair and mas Grand Champion at Birampton Carom Equity, hred by B Il Boll & Son andexibtcd ity Featitvvotone Brmothters, revetoedihonoratle mention. Thtis tedl placed secomd mn Use Peel- Halton Parit Staw. Four pormits Foar buidding perindtserc issued in lthe Tawnsitip of Nassaameya during tite mantt ot Marcit, reports building mespectar Syd Savage. Titren af lise peinuIs were fnr residential tante, misie ose mai tar a renîdenlial alteratise. Total valse ni construction mai 121,101. Some toIts cooldntel n tarrow troable if Usey bit1 pst up lthe collateral. a .q HOME IMPROVEMENTVJ COLORFUL 3-PCE. O .fZ BATH ENSEMBLE 1 qî Oenetian Pitk eeenen Bonite Baylerrv G een, 1 E99 U Fame Beige, M WBetBcr pou're on p re dlecorating or re building, we Bave qalp batroono ensembles Bp Amerîcan Standard. Yon Il mont IBis kief of qualitfor ta katBroomn pou'IltJ ho pnood of for pears In corne. Alanne price inclodes Vanity Basin, Cina Toilet andi Procelajne Steel Baîttub. ImmI INSTALL YOUR OWN A BEAUTIFUL FLOOR CEULUNG 12X2" file 29c ci. Promt 25c Sq. Pt 12 11exa2i 12' o 12' ceîltng 3 5 9 2nîck, dlean and s0 easy to opplp. Jusf peel off thte paper Cuver nid ceîlings, unsighflp batches andi modennize yn backing andi stick the file. Tits ail! Wv Bave dozens of raom wîith aur compltee system. Citoose tram aur bg pattens andi colors in stock bo soif pour fasfte for onp flbar. slcîcîo nI poffpterns. Ideal for soundpraoling and Non onikesive tiles troco lic sq. f. insolafîng, ligittweight and lom cost. open Mondîy le Priday 8aes loi6 pm estrdîy 8aes lui1 p. I"1 ~~l Fd7f~'îVîsît or new HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTRE, 0 )E Â2172 Main St. E. sec octuol displOps of frenni selfing intentai ff ofasBîons. dîscuss paon ptans mitit qualilted MILTON specialists. Bramnse lthrougit on Kîlcten, e U i5V1UEK 878-2351 Bathnnam, Conpeting acd Ponettîng tnîsptiys. I The Chamion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, Apri 12, 1972 B11 Elrnmpin Farli Page See ut DTU NORTH END BP W 235 Steeles Avenue Milton 878-2471 PRODUOT- There are more ian 1100 Datsun dealers across Ca-tada and the U.S.A. 0F NISSAN -----------------------------------------