Pion stecim loco runs bave ne 1 io h.d- rvlewing and livcd for. ce of the Parba Comminottee vas pare a dirait job> PreparistIan et vas te be CN track Stem rairoad buf rmini arca have an attraction o their cen dccrstcps ts soammer, if plain cf thce Ontario Rail Ansciation materialize. Tise ifl-ember association, preiotsly, thue TarostoTs Trip Associationi, lu restaring tel s teaim loomotive bcott s an .= ei c ie tii eistlng CN track betees Cheltenham Ibe tain viOl include a dozen coaches and asuttie bacli and foeth front Chliteoisai Park, tisrough lise Niagara escaipnment are. of Terra Ous toi Georgetown, fallowing tise route once lionav as lise 'Nortseni Raiiroad" between Barrie and Georgetown. Negoatbgs thne future cf tlic 200-acre Negflalai ar no ielog Ciseltesisan Park and flic caced.t v.lhie Camisl cOe = railcuad, elich it ca Canadias Transport boedv liiat for thousaid Commnission, sald association cf foucîctu. vtce-ealîdmt Tom Htenry. A Tise association bas leased an public meeting la aniseduled fer cld CPR stini locomotive-No. Gieltenisai April 10 bo disesus t--uilt in 1883. If is heint Pluinfroia thc coai harcnn strcm engces? Therrccuiih none if cugalca arc in tact caduc0g crier, Henry said. There are ahouf f00 simitar aperatinu in lise United Sfafes buf cnly 'One in existence in Canada ot tise preucof time asd filati in W innipeg, lie soli. A aicciir apecafico 0cr eter- frirai rtwlayu, cf courie, ia heing t rlar ta isc norfisers pari cf Nacaagaweya tcwship hefceen Arian and ttclivod. Bat callier tison actaf an criginal railcay lice, memisers cf flic Ostario Histaricaf Elecfricot Raitway Asociation are ruotractice a ine in canjuorficu visha muceain an ficcir prcperfy hefeen fhe flird oct Fcarfli Unces, N&occiawacv. Report confuses health bocard McKenzie continues campaign for improved health service Acton Depuf p Reeve Paf isct<esaie ia Far fretS satisfled wift efforta isy Matat esanfy Mealfis Uait ba improve iseati seesi the Uic scern part cf tic ccusfy. Near the end cf a ansevisat ecasperafing meefing of flic Hailtes Ccanty Board cf Health ciece "ii motter cas icucced, MeKennle tare up a velttes repart an Uic sublect draffed by Dicector cf Nurslsg Gruce J. Leavey. McKesnie sald tise report diii sut indicate lice the unit caa atteinpfing fa provide solutios. Members repeatedly asised Medical Oflicer cf Health Dr. J. H. Chiambserlais lice macy Public Mealtis Nurses cerc an stali ccd hue macy fin McoiUi Unitf intecded fai lice, but siter tise botter part cf an lieus discuasion Uiey cece uaohe tc daferie a clear picture cf Uic situation. Frec Press iiparrci an hy on article cn flic Acfcc Free Press andi The Canodian Chsampion about fire manUis aoa, Mcecnzie lian inen fighficg a haf fie fa bave iseolth services increased in tise norfters part cf Uic coanfy. Me cii inadequacies oc- rrd in Uic pcciticninf cf narses, scio thee ccc anc nurse fcr every 5,lipé tec Oaisvuii, cnc fcr ery f,700 in liaringtcn ccii jant one ccvn Enctaming andi Arcn cift o joint populatin cf abaut 15,f00. He cciii there coi additicnoi icacel cisch caris ccii Uic ratio shcahi lie higiser naf lacer. Althbug c repart acdcc Uic signatare cf fisc dirertar ot coirscmig iciiirafei Uierc ccc a prahicin gefic inferviecs cft paiectiai appiicccfc fa f iii varacien, Dr. Chamherlain caid Uiccc cacn't any iiifficclty gettîng iterviews bai mcci pif ouncil a plca freiaisftain, chics Uic townshiip neyer iiid". Tise cccer ctateii ise "vacfcd tisain thUi paper.1 Coucil cs prcccntcii cift Uic reliaiilitatico plan hy Johsn Riteliie, a landarapa archdtct wift a Torontb fb-cc. Ritrisie cnplaineii bis prcfcssicnai rapacities mada hlm fully avare cf Uic cccii 0cr enviraninental renircis. He cciii lie van faiiy satif ici wift iiprigbanh'c Plans for cite protctrion. Oaly 25 zoaci Eccinatian cf tbo cite plans hy rcordci revesîci cniy 25 acres al Uic apprcnincteiy 109 acre prcpacty cas soed fie qaarry use. "I con icok ai thic i a dif- fereni ligisi. I cac'f ccc Uic procince giving appravai for qaarryicg Uic cemaiier cf Uic ccii,- ctteai cacuiHar Arthuar Gilinun. Reeve dnce MacArthur cciii abo ccc cci preparci ta ccc any ccznng of land. "Ycur praredure as ta appeocni Uic province. Mawver 1 cdll tell ycc ccc tbft I fill oppose any maven ta cecace landi 0cr qaarcy cpcrafiacc", cisc cccciaddi. -Wise haycrc chcp tac iceapeccive cccii itemsa Uicaagh Chsampion ciaccificia. applicacis cccicd ta isccc chat fiscy ccciii rereive' an puy. Bccacce thc acgctîaics are acderccy bfcccen Uic occcesc ccii the caciy, no cpecifir asccr ccc hce givcc, lie caid. P.R.Juli McKnzic cciii lbe Board cf HcciUi ccd the HeaiUi Unit cere in cccii cfa rccl publie relations lais. He tld cf a chance meeting cith a publie heaflih carie in, Owiec iioand cha rcmaciscd ta, hic caou lise pcahlems in Mc lac, lshe rcfcrrcd fa flic grcy istiingcwhich accarrcd in1966. McKrcîîe fait mcccy ccc a cccii pari cf Uic prchiem cf hirmog carnes. He tdft carnes webeicg ccecccrised i Uic ccrthccn pari cf Uiecoranty ccii ccaiiic i physicaliy dc a praper jais acicca mcrc nurses cece made caîalahie toar tbce Uiccci. Chlltenge rerport Hec haiicctcd c poi in Mrc. Leaccey'c repart liait cciii cri pubie heits narsc is in her respectivecschacfccaslongcasnhe asrqaircii. MrKcnzie, pricipal cf an Actan Pauie sciscol, cciii Uierca ac cnurse cn hic scisan fac part cf one ifi day per cccli. He cciii he huii iciters fom pricipals cf Norfth Haifcn ochooia dicpctcct Misc Leaccy's statemeci. Acting cccii chairman Rccce Taom Hill criiecci Dr.' Chacciscrlin la pccviii a ccccpcchcccîcc, accarate repart an tise cacher c f nurccs cccpiayed, an iccvc ccii abaut la lic hîred ccii checc iscy ciii lic picni. -Icccni t cmfcccc yca. Mica Lcaccy ha Oc an c cacicand ce dccit know if ce ,re ccccîcg or gaing . If csce canin ta crite ccy more ccporfs, itl her tai put ihecc ia file 13. A Micuisauga-hauei gravei casipccy received little suppoct anlia hii ta mise a gravai pi in Nassagaccya, vin repressent- afîves cf Uie ccmpany appeared ieoce oa meetic loi, Nilssogaceya Ceuncîl on 'luesiiay, April 4. Affendino Uic meeting, 0cr iipcisgbash tond oct Grandl nure ccmpany cfficisis Gecrge V'ncent andi A. F. Bercil, a solicitor for the firm George Lace and landacape arcliiiet Jobn Ritchie. Solicitor Lane espiaisci fa mie ,rvel pif l o thanei pra fy cf alter Biusons an tlite GupiLiefl propecfy i o aIi f f s.sauth cf Hgi- ccy 7. Seis approval "Tinme acof Uic essence,' cad Lace. "Thend ac zonaes fer quaccy use. Ce're isere tei sais ycu te juigeUthepermonthiai s o f ycuc prescrit by-lae". Tise solicitor aiso ntated approvai b-cm the Departcent cf Mises cmiii olco bo needed, and that Uic Deparfinent eculi cuf zPt prcvof Uic permsit if cmsscfl flic speaker uoiii ~Scisigbanl boit fied o patitian vifh bthe Deporfinent cf Mines ccii contai lu bnoy if fin plan caspai vis une manicipality's by-iae. Reeve Ancc MacArthsur saiii procicial permnission ccclii be needesl. "dAfar s t'i ccccerccd coco cnof prepared tu mcvc uti file Depactinent gives ifs apcvi." flreevens rsssarb liegas a shbrt bat soineebot ntraised crcssng cf conds boteec bocuef cand Lace. "I dan't cant ccy client ta oi anduly datayed. flic paint la, aie eaul sut start mnicg vicut thc permiisuion cf Uic Depactascnt cf Mines. Cecre asfciag ycu fu, exasmine Uhs petiticn an Uic basla of yaur hy- tac," rebcrted Uic aolicitor. ToMd te go easy "Deportinental lacs suacuede anyithig ce bave," reinccieii Uic ceeve. t.ctec Mrs. Macrthbar cciii Uic ccmpany enpectcii Nosogavepa te taise iiti ative in Uic natter. Caccittr Acfthur Gilisan aidai Uiai the province boii istcacteii Nassagaveya ta gc easy an Uic grantig cf licences. Mcc. MacArthuar cciii Coancit vs caf; prepared fa mate a decisian cn Uic moaftte etil if rcceiveii nctice froc flic Depactisent cf Mines, flic Reeve sald Uie mccicipality hlli been explciteait fin epuni by gravel cmpaiiies oct if cas o gact Uiing thc townshiip ncv baii provincial prctection. "Dues fisof mccc thof if Uic Depurfinent cf Mises apprcves Uic pufilicu, tin ccccicil ccclii nut oppose flic permit?" ecndaccii Laae. "l'in cnly ccycsg, ccciii have fc, eaut cul cececeive clariiicaticn frein tbo prcvince," repieci lin Reeve. Ownec asgry Alsc 0f fin meeting cci Uic accer cf fisc mine, Calter iasin, visa appeareii acgry wsi ccanci's stand. "if's a smnaii pil, dursh cas cperaieii by Noccogoceyo Coancil. lti lin rcceiving icus mcney fecin Sprigbacli, Uiaa 1 receivci Iccin Uthe tchIip. Buf apringbans bus THE ONTARI O RAIL ASSOCIATION Icanci a sfeam loccomotice hailt in 1883 train Tcrcnbo tucyr Nefl McNuish ccd May cccc have it rcnning betwees Ciscliohai n cd Georgetocn cn thc aid "Ncrfhcrc Lise." The engice es retired frcin service loy flac CPR in 1900 and sent bo Milton where Sherecci Hame, a inciner cf tise acsccictio, has if snchcd dccc fcr rcatoratico. Mr. Home is chccnne croc- catcher cf thc 50i tc 60 tan cnginc. No. 136 was tise client cperating Canadian Pacifie locomctive whcn CP retirci lis ladt ctac cgincc in 1960. _(Photo loy R. Dceinal Obltuory William A. Cripps dies in 94th year Wiiliamc Artur Ccipps cf R. R. 5 Milton f(ccre rcceciiy cf Halian Cecieccial Mancri iic ce Macday Mcrch 2. 1972 cf Miltcn District Hospitali cfn Ous yccc. Mc. Cripps, hcrn cn Ecgfcct Ncvcmhcr 4, 1c7c came ta Canada in May 1912 ciih hic cîfe ccii tisee sons, their ihree daaghtarc being hcrc in Canada. dOter lic retircii frac active fcrccing Z2 ycarc cgc he iearccii bo drive a car for the firci tune, andciiisthecc f 72ciaccd a cccii reicychie hohhy, ail painting. mqcc then b eanupief cd avec 200 paînticn. Oce cf hic paîiingc. dccc athe cgc cf 80 capiared tva fb-ci prîcen ai Milfan Paie ccc yet' actews laiied besd piciare inthecshow. Me. Crippa resided in Milton fac Uic puni 35 yeccc, ccii fer many ycacc ccc an eider ci Stf. Paul'a United Carch. caMHin cff Liffian Violet Champcecc prciicceaccii hlm clinaci cîgisi ycacc cgc. He c carvivcii hy one son Sydney cf Torontoancci ticer daghierc; Elaie (Mcv. Fergan Qacci cf Actan, Vîile (Mec. Henry Acccoii) cf Milton, amd Fraccen f Mcc. Roy Lyin) cf Elocica. Tcc sons, Fred ccii Henry, pceiicceacei hain. Fanerai service, coniiactai loy Uic Hec. C. Hainer. ccv held TILE CERAMIC - MOSIAC BATHROOMS & KITCHENS WALL TILE ALSO HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS BRUCE McGINNIS 878-9700 RICHARD B. DAY 1 Barrister & Solicitor Is pleased fo announce the opening of his offices for the pracfice of Law af 305 LAKESHORE RD. E. OAK VILLE Telephones: 844-8S81-2 frac tise McKercie Fanerai ('hapel cn Milton wîth ictecino ai Evccgrcec Ceccelecy, Milton. Mc. Crippa' cia gcacdcccs vere pallhearers, Donald Arnold cf Milaon, Frcd Arncold cf Ihiheride, Jchc Lycca cf Elinica, Chartes Lyccc cf Elicira, Rccald Plant cf Hcrnhy acd Johc Barher cf Pachnch. Wcalhcr is ctll cool fcr Aprit. wOOL~ 1Reaizccthe hîotiestretiicsfcr Oycar ccci hy paiccoleict ycart O cccOrganizaticil. O H11' COLLECT TO Wt Occtgiestcred Carletoin PlaceOnt. OObtaiccsackcand tiie W M.A. WILSON fSbearer) O t fi 3~ ., Gecrgetoccn O Phone 877-5679 CANADL&rN CO-OPERATIVEI O OOL GROWERS I LIMITED 0St. Clair Avense Eaost Lo or thle J Big -Re an 'g mi Se .a or ail electrical supplies and idean for improeing pour homne and place ot business electrically. * Wleint Suppies at cisclesale pline B Lîcfitiec fiafaces - al[ types foe fedcr and caidace appications. la Lavpc off types, chapes acnd cattagc cafis " Pnnee distribinseiheae. * cirieg Draven. le Efectela teatfcc eauiprevf. siAppliacec (imivei qcaclfOiesf 0 Mdccr cocleci eqaipiceci tf tise jais s eyccii yccr capahif lics ccc cac s cppf y efectricians at rescneafc rates. Engineering services are acaffahfc cisc. Cansaff as for idean andi caterfaf requireinents. Air Conditionioeg'pnd *.ating Systsms ladalin - Imylor D0fsor Esgiseered Par Resideetial a Commeercial For Free Estimates Cl 878-4111 See tise Display 0f Pictures Noue la Our Showroom NAIN EETIC LOOK FOR THE RED TAGS AT JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS restarcdinc Multan. Thec asociation cccc a 1912 ex-CPR loccomctive-No' 1681--ccd flac Steel Coapasny cf Canada lias rebafit a cool tender foc tise association. flic road viii b. called, "lic Credit Valley Roileay," tise saine of tise original roufte wch ued Georgetovn s lise terminus lietveec tise CN's mais lice and tise trais vhicb ras frcm Barrie tuoHamilton. Needecapllal Tes fhcusasd dollars bac becs raiueii by fisc Ontario Rail dAssciation ta sfart the venture rcliig huf cosiierabty more capital vii lie requicei f service is tu liegin in Jase. Tise lcomotives are value aciim 2,000 eacl. Guelph Line gravel gets rocky time ut c t Neira .IPPER MOWER B8 131 U.l GAL SED AIR 10.88 ca M-1 .-lI .