Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 19

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Tht Chamspion, Mnilton, Ont., Wednesday, April 12, 1972 VY Abou t the Older homes of Milton town wlth Dalores Melansan usçply. e t e awarded te ornant (cachi sehu est pointe at tht Fair mtin lise etaculfcalli." bist c U. B. May lnets ýh and Carry Plants rus COLONS 1.398 'R LILIES t et tise set. Ilits dry and te moistere nst. Remcne anlelde te deero, agate, tire f lemers mest anyweere e mertd igh FTD ing single etr al 2mfert V oue '11h an ontrol Chrisiephur Geourge Nemeil s isaptized hy tht Rev. R. W. feloter atOGrace Anglican Cisercs ai Eanter Sassday, Aprîl 2. = htlpie la tie as etoteg id Anise eel 135 Mat e. Feltemlsg the chursh service a th dînaser wsea hein ait the teluded Clretohphe - prda Mr. aid Mus. Paul REel Rd* and Relt Retell, Mary St. Abue atlendlng mert ChWtideper's grandrmetlsti Mus. Gladyu eSe, Parsmay Dr. cnd luhris dpcmnte Mr. ced Mu. tavisi ofcsade et OciIe. Ont Maidcy, April 3, Knoex Corunetlen prqp cnd Knox Gel- ill~erg e t s et tthe home Congratulations and haut sesa ge te, Roy aid Kay Gray, 79 Barleon St; wlse celettrcted thiser 351 meddteg ariversary ai Menday, April 10; aid cans te Reg and Muil Gray, 12 Prince St; Whoe celeale thear 2811s meddisg anslversary en Tueudcy, April 18. Thse A. C. W. eo race Anglican dnarch hetd a dessert card parly Wedneeday alterneen and evenleL. About 140 tisthueaulle cr lyers lurntd eut te play ensr aid bridge aind seneral lacky people main priesu. Mr. aid Mrs. Roert Saisit et KIltelde seere enlerlteied isy thiser tamily et a dier ait tht Ctarles Roel un Saterday, Apsil t an Mae occasion oft Ileir MMc C mgaac ies and iset elsetteahfy:e fat :ay yee have mrany mure hap anversamie! lise Knox Charris yeeth rhoir eleited Halloe Cenleaial Mueor onSandeytfurthe 2eoclock chpel service. Rev. John Murray led tht serviceead Marn Martin le leader et aie chuir Tht resldeete Rebekah at Evenji 9 Evnng $tarc2mlai Ladge 79 entecld M8argwet DeciswerS Wcrdee et tise Rýehi Asemly of Ontarie aI a rerent meeting. Eigisteensiuluers accnmparitd Shapr Ducismert te a dlnner ai tht Mohawmi n, incledlng Sitter Clara Hunt, Diitrici fepu'l Prt.."et ef cenee atre sctms.V il; Nuine Grand Steter LIt Rupin and Sinler Reisy Cids, Vice Graid. Thse regular meetiW nge maield le tht I.00OF. HaSl and a guard ef isunur mas turmed isy elgist ailters, ecri holding c wite or plisk gledieli for dit introduction et tht severat dlgnitarite. Sister Beatrice Huil, D.D.P. et Rail District, Sister Clara Hei4, D.D.P. ut Centre District, Sheter Jessie Hiteier and Sinler Seras Lakdlase, pasi presides et te R.A. of Ontario; SUA&e Mavte Mater, Vice Preuldent et the R.A. aid tinter Margaret Durismerth, Warden et tht R.A. mere ail] formally intredeced and mtlcemned. Pressait tableau A teableau tanmplltyteg Mar e- dtdicetien ceremuey was dluplaytd iy aonme et Mae sisters, tari s aying a terne dtpictlng treut, tepe, cherity, frldinp aid love ef the murld. A large circle mes turmed and ait memisere juinedin l on tise obigaion. Master Dsrismerth cnnsnenled an thne dtuplay aid ucl Il mas vtry isapreusive, aie alte gave a message front tht Preuldeet et tht Retekas Aseemtdy. Master M. ,%ster, Vice Presidest and Sttre Hiler and Laidlase, P.P.R.A., aid Marter B. Rail, D.D.P. aS gave a test merda. D.D.P. Sister Clara Hunt thaiistd tht Lodgt for many kandenssisasnrecelvtd during ter yenr ai D.D.P. A social heur tellemed. witis a detlicius pet tari suap5er. Memisers ot Evtning Star Reistias Ledgtrecnty entertalned tise reeldens of Haltan Cenienleal Meeur mise celebrate their irtisdy le the smnth et Marcis. lisere wert Il irtlhay reldenlu ai tht Masse sete ted thé eperlal attention for thte eening, atthougisait wert eut ablet te cerne ltthe bad irthday lie pazd.tur teeu. Nui e Gad titlan Rapki mttcumed ail prenent aid dt i ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MuETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p.m. tesece AsLICAN tOtiSHt HA LL HA VIVG A PROILEAi' DROPIN Mate aid duells A delig tht" a te vs care troughly tnjoyed tht vosit hy tht yung peeple. Msary Joyce, 64 Mary St., and Tucisy Kennedy, 270 Sydney Ave; recetty retarsed front c aie metis teliday te Bermuda. Wile therle thty vlelled mlth David iL nde famly iîermerly ai Milton district). Mr. MeLean rasea cbasrber binsu lein amlton (the capital et Bermueda.) lise Il" enjoed liber trip deapile eacvy rcina faidl cool wenther icis are aiu" fer ti time et year. Mms evenlng; dept. et Knox Wonee lsliary Sucltty met etthiet 0 u Peler Den huer et 0.S.D. on Teesday tventeg April 4, mtth Rev Jehn Murray as their get speakser. Jacis and Isabselle Remtetton ef St. Catharines itermerly et Milton) mene geeclu ef Johnandm taille Bradley SM 9sMartin St. us Sesday etftersnn. Tise Remiettes meved te St. Catharies freen Milton fins A very specteIl hllisdcy miish gei te Mus. K. Miller, 89 Miles St., misecelehrctai iser 94th hirth- day taeerrem, April 13. Mr. aid Mrs. James O'Nei aid tccely of Sudbury liai tht metisend mlth Mr. aid' Mme. Ater P.dl9 cMiles St. Jlgs le mlt Ma in..l Susdhary ced tlved te tis anea at aie finis. Gttctmeil Males art enlended te Rdl. IrvnguofR. R. 3 Mltonsmise la a patient in Josephs Brcnt Rospital le Burlinglai. We Jele mlth hu ife teltys aid famlly le miisieg hlm e speedy recenery. Cengratelations and hest mishes go te Mr. aid Mus. Bet Fisher, 82 Martin St; mise rtlthtated their 2Oth mtddteg anniwirsary ycslurdey, Aprit Il. iWarden ig Star prsgram centhseed aider ts gsddaiee et Sinler tmee Miln. Tht -Reseisci Corus" sang sme appropriait namisers and pane dels mere played by Consumers Assoc Keep "Wumen den't neaise their pewer,' steteit Mca. H. R. Fisher, srtaident of tht Onterio lirairi ot tht Cons-er Aesociation ot Caada, seten ase spelie te tce Womtn's University Cluis uf Milton and District et Pleevicw Scisuel Uisrery#i Women's remplaintu te tht Cuneamers Association have rhangtd the parhaging of hrted aid as aremit haisy food le nese availaiste in jars. Womtnes protestsihave creatd the Canada Standard Sines for Chitdree micis teui yters te dtvcep. Mary Roison frumn tht Ontario Kectie le nom murhing foer Eeripean standard sints fer cildrn aid standard shsing for wmen le teing pianned. Stildlar taU.S. engaged te J. F. Little, snddlcr, et Milten. Tht grandroother agrccd te tht macciege, cenditieseet on tbictlivieg wlth her, es ste said aite mas isceming etd. Mr. ]Làttles dengister, Matis Elten, centines livieg le the isse aid says they one the only famly wlseever iveI le il. ~(Photo isy J. Jeeongul Tht rural nortere areas ut Halton shold joie terces te protec; theoselves Icone moanipulation frem tht orhuo moute, soggestet Reeve Ante MacArthur ai tant eeis meeting ut Nansagameyu Thiereeve stated sehad inthe pasi, and meute continue ie tht ftue, te hattttet Hiatten Ceunty Cuncit agaleet any moet te reetrici or Briet Naenagamtyaes future in a regiunat guntemment netup. "Why shoetd me te ie a mtic hurry te hrlng about rtgiueal geverement? We ehaeld matnit mni ente teund eut tht eut, tiret." Mm. MacArthiae Oeams ut a tlmitd rete fer Naeeagaeya mere tchmd isy Ceuncltr Jlm Watson, mhe eaid tce towsip auti! misie sure it la eet lasen le hy tht smmth teSt of tht "Burfingtnncleus et ceunty ceenicil. Watson said tht mmdicipatlty mae more eritnttd morth, tant or went, het mas detteitely eut attracteit te tht meuth. Ht said it mai unturtenate thtewnship had eut hacisti tee Ptunkett report mih advecattit Naeeagamtya euving te a dittertet direction dma mouth. Township Cterh Camephell Thompeen tricit te atteviate couecittere Ocams hy tnptaining that TEO, the Techeical Ce- urdinating Cumeuttet for te cuty, mas svurhing on a regienat gustremeet plan wterthy rprenttiun ineetd . says those complaints coming Tht Canadien Association uf Cunsamere le puely e velantary urganinaties whiicis weris is renjoncione mus tht Federai Gonernmects nese Corpuratt aid Cunaamtrs Affales Braics mics s estaislishtd le 1967. Cumpteints mey te sent te tce Federat Devernet ai Box 99, Ottama, or Mm. Pilgrina, tce Dtpuiy Minister for Onterio, or tce C.A.C. Bsta saftty Prcnently le Ontario there art 35,100 mtmhtms le 20 locae of C.A.C. murtteg un municipal boarda, taising eerveys, andt checising campteinn. Tht tetest prohltm la aety ai mchtel buses. Mme. Fiasher invited inereuttd coreuns te contect tht Jane Andrews and Mrs. Sandra C.A.C. Robetrtson. flic vent meeting wlt Atter te pretentetien, retreeh- ha May 4, in tht Pineniese Sehaut mente seere pruvided hy ters. t.irary. Now open ta serve the public in Brampton and surrounding area. BRAMPTON DENTURE CLIIIC 74 main Street N. Suite 4, Brampten peudd 416-459-7442 90tdy muvey teck ecaratu Nu chsarge cnsultation tepaues anetirves ttutday -Pelday 9a.m. teu6ps.____ les and Maeen Myers; Mca. Fisher trered tht hletory reeints ane Saurcs ct spotet mn atee oelehrated her ef tce Aliseiaian andt ls ar- e dy Marcs 17. Gîten Hanter cumptiisotent. Ie 1941 tie e , _____ g As unpuccreitet meeet eo tees centees wieS tht ichael Brans gavt vieht Federai getmstent esaishe on4 prtt prc ugttbhdb iDtoittcteu s. a nulaiteer ergaisation ut Ditrlu. sisit mas ptrfermed mamenes grupe te help mainten l. ching Htr te Drive' te tht teice reitinge ender tise Wagen otfe the reeidentu and egain aid Prires Bard. ha 1947 te A . O R Rehekh Chorusn" sang ttir Canadiai Cunsamers Association A.T u . scntepeed isy Sinler tsoet ut Canada mai fouei oadin le 9t a. Master Demethy Stepherd te mesthly maganine, Candi AluJWte- ,ed tht manldents mt e solo Consumer, mas puhtîshedn lGREST TOOTPASTE i nis Ne Secret," mini lunch entehliahmng a teahang pregirain CMUIYL helet nerneit. Tht irteday for Canada sîmîlar te tise SSprSr Ients receiveit tuners and Anscricon magazine, Consumer 854-2271 Sue ie e.& Mint $ 9 s. Reporta. *LISTERINE MOUTHWASN 'T e 4iry Thng Adoits & Childrten .9 *i as TRUAMUNICOL 3 oz. Te add te, yeur k ichen decer, 1his 8-piece weeden * COUGH SYRUP $lo29M goure, .ni eset n gs uon tht malt. Ont et many styles. $5.95 U Our "Geurmet Istand" s and gadgets - cheese graters, egg p cks, vegetable gare shers, mertars & pestles, etc. Fer a heavenly meeth-matering cake, try using a ' Bundt" pan. t' actually a baking rneld, made et heavy cast alurn nurn Exclusively ter peund cakes, gelatie saiads, trezen desserts. Ours arc 8.95 andI cerne w Oth a recipe beeklet toit et yumnmy ideas. Coenl & Brewvse. 227 MAain St. L .I1 ýHAIAO WARE Mitais 878-2353 wl ALKA SELMER I& *25 59 *ASPIRIN l00ts 69* *NOMZMA MOUTHWASM * iel 69 * EAD 'N SHOULDERS M Reg. Sizt incM P RES5CR IPTIONS We Wttii ail Drug Plans SMILTON PLAZA 81"421 Pleite e1eFI Palos eut eeceusarily tie hy population. Thompson aise ssed tisai threugh his ycork w;th TECO's oeuoîttves, he waseofthe epinion teat tht soute nouet eut te betabor the orte. -Dr. Raymned Frcthery, a pnychiatrint trete Munt Sinai Hoepitat, mill eptek ut tht Oah- ville and District Branch, Canaian Diallete Association meeting on Tucedaly, April 18 at 8 p.m, ie OaisviIIe-Trafalgar Mersral Hospital. Diahetire trot lis area art seîcome te attend. Fears manipulation by south region the campaign contnues te lthe end of the ments. -Champion ctassifieds wilt mahe your phone rng. MA I'SPZE RI w- mI ýt-t OLDER HOMES 0F MILTON-Tis preperty eit 1gtD Martin St. mia setd by Joseph Muctie tei a Mr. McOieuie in 882. Mc viras havieg e house tetllt fer is isride, Mise; Emman Dewar, bust as this mas then country laid, se did eut weet ha live setfar eut lise hue eai et finiuhed and he decidcd tc el Sit. Mms. O'Loane issmght il fer $800. Rer granddaughte Steisecce viras NOTIE TO PARENTS KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Registration tor admiîssion te Ktedergarten in September, 1972. in the Etemeetary Public Schoots et Halten Ceuety, witt take ptace on Friday, Aprit 28, 1972, between the heurs ot 9.00 arn. andI 12.00 neen; and 1.15 p.rn. and 5.00 p.rn. in the scheet which serves the attendance erea ln which the chitd resides. Public Scheei supperters mnay register their children whe witt have ettained tht age et 5 years on or btere the tast day et Febreary, 1973. Preet ot public scheel suppert mutl be accepted ln the ferrne tht 1972 tac.bill er 1971 assessment eet'ice, er a declaratien trem tht Municipal lClerk's ettice. A birts certiticate er baptismal certiticate wilt be acceptable as preef et age. Il turther infermatien is requirtd. cati tht licheel Principal er tht Cheirmae et tht Nerth Edecatien Centre belew: .N. Merrisen Nerth Educatien Centre jTel: 878- 4154 E. Bodnar, J. W. Singleton

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