Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 15

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àv@oti@oa. in Europe Holland, England and home 's ago I -le, luI. enainera nf Hattais i ie mailae on Uin I raie ssiffictesst ty il la cari fur Thsis ta a 2.5 maïf :reased cnty s1 levy mics sea easn peuple mornt uip, Il sens atatedl sidny Apil f tiilai n petitton frais la mOins tise Towen ta aines or nlas ttisaedinle mlatle, lTse Stase ity thse score nf 5.4 diun thUe fisse of ont semi ta faur xcittd yasagtiers In athaUe yung frnm tise pee for Use tlinon arc D. Pedie, ll. G. Paulat J. I. Mcuthen, D. Tlhe Cmnadien Apdo 12,1801. ion wtUs Tornle fi a fo oup a fcm roi, buot tin rurnl af order. 'It pan tana card l in Use lo al lit a the Uecvests Bar Ran pic- aitie Petacena ulurday evcntngs. piclares difiera lis play, 10 sisftb ns cisnged. il licoaie, of GOak- atias of tint toms y ininer.carrnage, moamnt la pant n sise wsonsdg s carniage ta front 'reilit tris. mem. track, aetsed ine tiy ta ttre. lTse I carrted 5f yards sty parses sece tg Marris. Dnsa sie. raof Usis pear 460 Use marisisusse ta s, compared witi i Ocst year, Foety t 281test yeux. SThe Conlant. Apeiil, 181. 'ring f rom pasifry ta gives isy lin aIsly an Msay 15. aeved as a dsy of rey of H.R.H. tise sld on Tssesday, onderslaad, bean pair Ocrasse tise la isas pastionesi ng village. tad, nt llrantford, ion anIstimales on ,mhicih bs been rcipai iseanllWly for Use purpases nil accinasandain i UsaI G. A. Starks, final canatn t MCDIII Collage, lp, tint in ws la Stage in nase HAM APION b, sUala oai.oiCO. pas off tinta ihliciteaad toal Use anol0er couple of dayo and Ihea vaos me ocre la gel Ose pacho decidcd la bcad borh 10 London. on again, We were fortunate enougb touges We siaye in Amsterdam foe oni Iosdent flght fcont lTs ta the conclsio ama article on BrilanadErpeO Anouea Rah idtwo opent the lait sooe iooUsotourigthe U.K. aod the cootinent ' On returoing toi Amsoterdam we lollowed the sarne route aie had taken baek 'i Septenaher. That is, driving tu Hall misici le locaind on the nortis-cast cotat of Englanil and lalutag the atght travelling lerry acensa to Rotterdamo, Hnlland. Dociig ta Rotterdasm early ta the moraing, wie, made oar way toseards Aansterdams. We arrtved aller a short drive and aiade oar seay direc tl th Ue American Express office in Use isart of Use city. Frais ose experteaces wets buyiag the van ta Ansnerdana earlice ta tise trip, we kaew Usat Use Amoerican Express office wsea sehere travaillers congrcgated sefUs signa advertiig anyUsling front, closhig 1oi cars. Parking isearhy, me walked 1oi Use office insrnediately and lai ose dis- appoinllnent, bound Usat there sies a lot of competition. There seere sevlen or eight vas for sale rangig in price Iroon $150 10, ssearly $1,000. L*of afgas Aller laling t0 a bmw of Use elliers se incarne coca mare discouragcd. Il seconedUshat some of 10cm had beca standing arosaid seiUs Useir signa for an long as 10 dayi, seithaut any succesa. Itseas inlaresllag t0 lonok aI tinir placards oaid sec mine Use paire for the veislicle hald started ont at mayin $1.018 aid had progremîivcly Ocen lomcred by mopin $51) aI o lime outil, ta sonne caseo, the rcvised pricc ws lcss Usan halif of the original osking price. Deciding fihe1 me coald ot aflard la mail aroond for asy great lcîgUs of lime, 1 pat a otice ap i the city's YoaUs Honlel tlsat evemaf oadvcrtising Use vaa. The folloming mocag, as mc ocre cleaoiîg thse bus for prospective buyers, a mon and lus 100 lacn-agcd sons came up toi ai and said Uscy ocre inlarcsted in boying thevan. Tlscyliadtconte over froon tinir home in Toronto alfes days previoasly and maitcd la boy a van to0 trovel around Eseope, jut as aie hadt woolcd onlive monUs bofore. Ntghtnnre Tticy csarnid il and Uses aobed if I moold 100e Uscon for a testîdrive. Drîvîog ta Amstserdam ai tise besI of limes la o iigblnsnre bol Uscy anted la go ont for o drive i Use morning riush boar. Ao il laroed out, I lOhin Use pasiengers ocre foir ton husy bitiîg Ibeir oails and cuîccolratiog on tise trofli situation lu pop onocb attention to Use ocloal performnoce of Use In tise end bomever, me bargaioed on a prîce 1ha1 mas arceptable 10 both parties. As Usey drove amay I tiinis Uscy ocre just us hiappy fl gel Ilicir Scouts, Cubs take part in Tree project 'The 6N Boy Scout sd Col ýol the Georgetuo district, oîl îocludeo Georgetown, Action, Scotch Block, Miltoo, Liîoebouse. Gîco Wlliams, Norval, Ballîoa- lad aod Ashgrove have fonder- labco a ctetproject inreforestra tion UsaI coaid 0e natio0 oîde by neul yeac. "'lecofor Canada" is a proiect on ohcis the Scouts aod Cobs wilI slîct plcdges per brec front Use publie. Theboys wîtt plant every trec lboy oeil and collect Iller pledgcs aller plaotig. Plaîîîog Day is Aprîl 22. The Scoau, i c"peratioo mitb the Oplîmiol Club of Gecorgetown, oîadents and lacalty of Sheridao College, Haltoi Cooolty and Credîl Valley Coo- servation AuUsorîties expect to onabe a boge oucceos of Use proleel. Did you know that ce-or has over 350 Speciat Vatues on SALE APRIL 6 to22 Asterdamn la London mOles s cheaper than the ferry aod 10oh aibut an eigblb ufthe lune. Aoail poses Acriving ini Lodoo, aie decided lu gel anoUser Brnt-Rail paone ecc as viebladtloond on our previnon travel in Egndri UsaI Usey ocre eocellent boegatas. This lime bomever, mc Imaaled ta conecutrale ose btrais lui Use souUscrn parla af England, nt cil leaose mc Usoaght il la 0e Use moît pictarcsqac part of Englasd, bol sieo ecrasse il old 0e the maronest and UsaI Orne of yeor. flic Brul-Raila, ining delayed in the mail, provided un mils 100 uncopected moe nt taLondon. lTse meaUser durtag Usils tirne wsen geoerally glond. Daffodila and cveo some lalipo ocere op and on a 1cm days Use temperalare reacbed 7l degrees. We spent onacb of the tie bat esploriag tbe city, ohics tell hadalt bolbered lat do os oar fii trip toi il. Goîîg everymbere on font, il aotlong beforeire ingan to om ourmway aroond prelly wel. Oic day me ment lu, Usc Old BIle Loodoa's f amous criminal court. Goigsai inUste MDHS nows visitoro' gallcry me hennd Use trial uf a lellom on trial for murdier. Tu our surprise me louild, ducicg lthe cuse of the trial, ibal Use mordier biadt oc- correl luol amrtitd lhe corner fruont oere aie ocre slaying aI Use fime, tise Londlon Yos5O Honlel. Slouth end We fially did gel Use rail passes and ont ouI, ose finit stop taaig Canlarbary aid is fartons Cuthedrai. Fromt lare mc ment outoi the oatb toast aid speot Use oeil mecis or o slomly onaltig our may along il, bcadiîg mont. Tomards Use end of Use mecs aie reacbed Cornwall. Tis isoliere me spentUshe lest meci of ose trp, csploriog Use iscatifl ronotrysidc aid Onsiain tahUe sont aI oie of CoromalI maîy beacbcs. Onecday, allow tide me ocre able lai math for about loue nles aloif a beaotiful beacb rieur Huyle. On ose espcîally marna day mc ment swhmtnsstg ai st. Ives. Il ias ilUsgreal regret UsaI vie ftaally Icît tbe soalb la bead bocb la Londun lut catis oar plane lame on tbe firît of April. - * L'il Abner, Doisy Mue to be chosen ut dance 1J y JohnF. Mrlsrats Jr. HIton Country It.eaigscolsii" lise Boys Abiclie Assocutioni lTse urdr 12' ae ontingUthe g ., hday ngbti uthebigmnghtaini sellng Tn-sit bcarig o days unti theMay 24bh meebeid Milton lur the teenage occlue of scboon design. Theyre nellisg ohmn tey puy New Yorb City a Use usn The lver papularhband Usernas ast an lbey cas ordersfesit'Fi ext oney-mahng e ~~~"Majur Huoplu' nBoarding lfent. O ad Juyce, te preident effortun Use agenda sua Upriog HouI oil 0e fcaîared aooflthe BAIA. should b crcdited lushuo houw. Tlas susmethng M.D.HUS This longoatcd bigby fou bs effurts in usody sbuuldomiss SURROUDED B PIGENS,1te friesdUy-bsngrytype, thi dance os a joint trojecl uf Use SUROUNEDY PGEOSRecord Dance Cuomitice and Vaihoonagen Service fil Warranly Repair litIe girl mas hovissg fao feeding ber feotbered friendsin tI tudeol Cuncil. S Trafalgor Square in Loindon. -(hoa o A. Ruhl Alsu leatured ai Iti Srvice Depi. Open Tharo. Till 9 p.es "D)ogpatrb Dance' mdll bie Daisy SE RTAND08 NEW Vis FOR $2,245 FULL PRICC Mue and l'il Abner os elecled by 60fCC ENGINE 90i0 studeolu. Numieco 1u date r.e 00e large invenoie of Compicisie Reondii oei Loo are MarkbOrene, andoeii.rem SediCars. 100pecentniWareanty Willoughby as 1,i1 Abner, and FO VOKWGN . ET Carol Nova and Janire Richarddon an Daîsy Macle. final selections militba modiet Use dance Usis Friday. 'lie bond Olurlsuop aI 8:30. Yu uhrzdVlsa elr Hueer, thedoors are openot ai i a M t Fridoy nîght. The bond miSl play 19GulhS.eogt until mîdnight. Admission tu $1.50i ati danre tbig sold ut Use uchonl), $1.75 uit te donr and a special price uf $3 a couple. "Y'all coule nom! Pin formai Use furmai fur tis year bas gv du lywe I reciced ils Useme of "Monndlight Serenade". Hum romanlic! Il's T g t w elg v o tiu SOIo 10 olrt rnabing u v w dI g vey sèearangements for Use furmal o îch 'ill brbelliun May 5at ouùi umal; hig ideas apact neaely cceryune. ARTHUR A. I *JOHNISONO.D. OPTOMETRISI 218 Main SI. MiltIon ÎIIESE STATUES feul fruai Use moUls ut Westminster Abboy o Englond and mere restisg roîbor snglaorrusly in o reur 878-3673 cîiurtyurd, umaitiog restorotion, mhcn Aasdrem Ruh of Milton A, tue pasoedlthtmay durisgum ialar tourofttritaioand Eurpe. - Weiiccsduc ueoi Suuoedac (Phto by A. R I WILLIAM A. ANDRACHUCK Barrister & Solicitor Ipleased f0 announce the opening of his offices for the tscisions, auitc iylsue'odai guly bigehu w o. ,iu l'ocgc fuou ru ictîdis pracfice of Law ofyug oabg hi.Adfretaotf edy prsosusservice. And ifuou ihuci geoseice, utsu go toi. stuc' ,'i 305 L MIK ES U1 RE RD, E. Each Guuedianore visuuond by thepha.rmaucie wo ueins lu. Su brus ight theere to li, ubua fcicidlincIL,s-àt O A K V ILLE fresb gusdsuoduselctio. Out uogeher Uve 100uaeiîian Drugsi- en .c TeIephones: 844-86,22-3 bigvolumdso un uon usduglsturv pruducts. EL.SLEY 212 St. Miii Guides pion magic show Caisphdilville Girl Guides are sponsoring a performance Oy Tise Great Coveil and Company, Caiada'slorcrnoilmagician, on Uaturday Aprul 15 at 1,3 3p. aI Use Cutpbelîcille Muusinic Hall, Proccceetuassitn Gluide ork. 'lhe Gceat CucIl bas toured Canada and UnitedUState, Use Acctic ami Use suirArclin ond oas Icatorcu ait the 10166 Christmnas Fooiyand aI Toronto. Humidifiers soon at OSD Tenders mîli Solon 0e callcd for the installation of oteana humidification mbt lise air- bondbong supply onils of Use Onstario Ucboni for Use Dea in Uteaso mill he oujectes ilu Use air Streamn lu raise thc bomidily lecel on the huspîlul and janior dernitorues, fihus reeldfying Use cncesîcely dry, staîic-pruducing air, accordiag 10 Halluî East MPP Jon Unuai. Minîster of Public Wurbn. The installation nhuuld be cumplelcu Usree meeku foming Use cuntroct ameard, bie said. Learîusg is a fressure obich fonw uns umner everywhere. giveyouru »vS iu greati pnces. Just like any tair ig chain dues. So atGuaedian, ccî'lîcd cery dî pric es l re bcicoit stoire in t.u hcto s And i,, logcc I cui l'lieacaer 100 Gadiao Pharmacists widh frh gîds, gd se on, opiesbright stoes and big hearis. ZEZEIZIZIZS 110M VmywhwxlGuvoeDoengao Ion 878-4492 - w The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wedoesday, April 12, 1972 B Four alarms Barn, car catch tire one barn lire, one cisirney George Lueders of 5381 Trentaine la-e, one car lire, and a fblse Rd., Milton, caugit tire sehen the ,ilarinaiideuopihe workloaduof gos heater becaoicoceeheated. the iltonie tcDepaetiiient 'Chee as o i estimated damageý during the pactueek, reports lire Theuehalse aarum cca'eed in the chief A. E. Clemeot. senior boys' resideoce aI the On Use eveniog of Toeoday, Ontario Sehool for the tefin thUe April 4, lieigbters were early mornsog houri of diopatelied tu a la-e in a fecding Thuroday, April 6. Fîreligstero baro, on Hîîhway 25 in Milton. do no1 ho Use caooe of Use flse baro os owoed by Cecil sndent. MeCano of 1427 Britanasa Rd. Oabville. At press Usoe Cisiel Clemeot bad nul determncd eîUsee the cause ol the lire or Use POLLOCK estaoated damage. Wliile Use la-e deparlaoent wa s AN4D atteodig Use McCaoo lire, Use y C J~B received achisnneylfire alarni aI A PB L the home oT. C. Kiebyon the M ... oia.sf Nîoth Lie Esqoeoing. Tliere mai asGmsMeiiî veey little daoiage causel Maeig rao ý,iog Car ire -- A Volkowageo caught lire on -_ aisn Use parking lot of Mac's Miis 621-7580 Sore on Broote St. Miltai Uunday GAT _ __ alterooooo. Thue car, oained op ---62WaterSOI Nonh ............ .... FGUARDIAN DRUGS L

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