Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 14

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g2 The Champion, lton, Ont. Wednenday, Apoi 12, 1972 Ei1m liationsfrH to Ontarionis Pressing abead selfs plans for more regional goveromeofs, sc- cording tu a speech delivoreli recently hy Darcy McKeougb, and that rnoy oeil hulli imminent implications for Haltun county. Hantier tis year rumors wece circslating, and being deniod, that regional goveroment plans for Haltun wvre nearing cumpletion. It may oeil be that tise only tbing delaying annoancement in tise anficipafed completion of lise coanfyls own studies by tise TECO group. Politically if would be aise for tbe province to aI least have the reports in their bonds before isssig tise final defails of their osen design in tise form of legistation. In bis speech Mr. McKeougs ssggested tisat even in places sebere regional goveroment wseanot secessarily tise ansseer, a bigis degree of eti-uperation and infegration of Baudgets sebicis prodaceli reduced demanlis on faxpayers seere once lahelleai Sunsisine Budigets Wo reflecf, Presumahly, tis rmsy glose fbey were istendeli t prodace among taxpayers. Milton Coancit bas nose produceai a redaced budget reflecfing decreasei demands on tise faxpayer. Unforluinatoly lise taxPayer may nof malice it since tise province did a ce- shift, removing tise basic shelfer grain, and reptacing if next year seifi entential income tan savinga. The end mosult is fisat tise "average" taxpayer tais year sf111 has ts corne up witis a fese more dollars. Nevertiseless Milton Council should ho credited ails laking a bard âine on tise budget Luuking back over tise yearo, bosever, Iis in nut unique. Miton Council has always tahon a Pretty hard look at tise dollar- We 1Usd it outragesons Iaf our federal cabinet con, in effecf ho "auld", for a tbree day meeting buta 50 international husiness enemalives, by on enterprising Acoorican firco. me meesUng, 0f course la Oie une spomsoreai by Bonines Internaaional Enocative Services, a Nese Yhoris pobtishong andi cornaUitng orgasizaUion doalior oitb multinatiunal corporations. For a les 0f M61 apioce Oie firm tas promiseai 50 intrnatUonal execataves a meeaing buts Prime Ministîr Pierre Trudeau ond 10 uliser cabinet ministero in Ottasea April 171t 19. Tho meesing, 0f course Us poblicizeil as teing clone afîer tise annooincemont 0f Oie IoderaI govoroment's foreigo ownerslap policy, a sabject sure b hoe 0f interest to international enocolaves. Rfobert Stanfieldis observation seoms succinct. "I rid if strange tisai resources, services and responsibllifies otldihave in ho reacheli. Quife sirnply fisat indicates lu municipal leadero tise Uime is nase W amalgamafe surneo f tise services wbich if is foît con bu more efficienfly bandleli ovor a largor area. Specolamon circalafing in Olalfun sees a Halton-unly formn of regional goveroment heisg annuunced Ibis sommer seitis tise first elections in October for tise new guvermunenf strscture tisaf seold f ake office isext Jan. t. There is leos clarity on sucis tisings as tseu Uer and ose Uier proposais. Premier Bull Davis lasf seeek indicatod separafe regional onits in Hallun and Peel are more possible than a single reglan sehicis seull combine tise twu counUtes. Crus of tise solutiun is sUill sebetiser Barlisgtas rernamns in Hahaon ar gots lsmped in seili Hamilton ond Wentseurfb. For Halion's sake, Bartngtsn must stay in tise cuunty. reqirements. Sometimes, in fart, seese heen cuncernod that tise tendency may have been fo be 'penny wse and Poond foubis." Budget cols con ho great seili tise taxpayers unt fisey fUsai sume service rut or tise streets in bad repoir. Afler considorabte debafe tise Cuncil did tis year upf for a full Urne recreaUin diroctor. We tisins inis is a more in tise rigist direcllon fo entend somte "Peuple services" as oppuseli W tise physical services. Ibis dsesn'f seem bCu on be a laxary. We sincerely hope tise person aPPoinfed bull home tise focal point arund sebicis cmurntnity programs cont conUinue and new residents con heome involvol inU maintsiniog tise desirable type 0f comnsity spirit tisat ismeais ru- operaUin. Oie Conadian gosernnnt bas mode o deai giving sehat amoonts bo an informaion monopuly te a prisaIe conaulting firm, taon ena.bling thaf compas>' b mako a sabtaatial profit as a middle-man betosen tise goseroiment andl Oie foreigo boniness- mes coocernod."1 Assaming Ibat saris a meeling bas valse as a forumo for Oie onchonge 0f ideas, cauld it ot have iseen orgaineit by our oses goseroiment butisut tise $60 prico tag hoing attached! We dont tie Oie idea of $600 sents teiog sotl by an Americao llrm, bo attend a disconsion buta ose cabinet. It choapeon tise osent nlo matIer buse oeil- itenUioneai Oie opimion excisange was iniendei to ho. Wo ses nu alternallve but for Oie goseroment bo butadrase froco tise Project or oahstonUially clarify lbs 000 cluded intentions. Commenurng brie fly me noes Ibat a second major imlontry tas choses a Milton site Us weicume. f seems evidont taf ail lise effort expendedin U suris tisingo as annation, planning, extension of services ami a progressive appnoacis la hoaring frait. I bs particalarly dosirable Us Ibal il indicales Miîtas la not destined t be simply a hedroorn comurnnity, bat rother a buionreai cornrnnity sere peuple con lise and ork, aI lise saine Urne onjoying mecrealion ond shopping facilities. Wolcume, Barber-Greene. ffeviebung lise 1972 budget of tise Milton Mrena Board during Oie rerent roundci delihorotions on loala spesding, ne rouldoft belp but mate Oie lacis 0f mammirer activify la Oie areon. For sevon monthsof thOe year if's a biveo0f activiîy onai Pays ifs oses oay, but for fivo montas Us summar Oie building Pe-oducea uni>' lid revenue les tan $1,00 lalt year) frm ruiler skating and Oie ocralonal big danco. Ifs toc, badl tise building ranIt ho onoi for mure sommer ortivition. April bs Cancer Montha nd the yeiloo daffodil la 1fr symisol of tan ranspaign, Support Oie local Cancer Suciely's seork. Coupleof wsees ago oe mestioseai Ontariu Wesin U Goorgia. We've since tearneai Ibal Geurgetowns (Ont). Hayor Bill Smnith ami Mrs. Smsith wero invitnai Wo Georgetowen (Ga.) during Oie ochoul holiday as guents for speciat Ontariu Wesis evonla. Wonder if tisere's a HMiso Us Geurgia, ami if lise friondl>' folkts down taome eoiild like Wo invite a Mlton (Ont) editar to join taem for the fosUsvitios Us 1073? We lisink see coulai lear ourselses aseoy from tise office long enougs W enort a bit of handa- acrua-to-burior friesailinens buth our neigihbors fo tise suf . Boaldea, Geurgia seoulai ho a seil place Wo ho whesOthe Marrisbundo bosel Us ibis part of Ootari-ori-u. Homberso0f Oie Ontariu Blaco onai Antique Preserers' Assoc. recostl>' soteai, hy a 2-t majority, bo kesp Ibeir tabur day seekoiss Sfeam-Era cession Us Milto cimsee on the Sonday. Sume mombers of tao club seanteai W opes the popular osent on Sondays but tise majocify cuilait for Friay, Satordsy anai Monaiay usty. Iscidestally Oie da for tais yoar's show are Sept 1, 2 ondi 4 so invite your frienda. r 40 se s' j I '~ SCOTLAND MtAYtLAVE is Loch Nons monster but buse abut was lasit seon poisUing is socs foseards Arbin, ationg lis strange creafare ubservedl by Champion phufographer leasing su prints Us tise smw. Jim Jennings atong tise escarornont at nearby Speyside? Il As t sente, Oie nu-calied fiol day nf spclgh aolng gose, botash osly indirati#o tat set l nearly oser la tamoe porta la tisai Oie crilia0 neanon la draseinginoa close. Qobtide Oie oiodose Oie onoohans loch tise tise iceberg Oiat sanli Oie Titanic. buide, Oie bornace lisampo aoay tise a hall masse taathbas jani oatros a parck 0f seolven. Andi oecey fo days, il seema, the oùf near ma ede Sibtroags Ile drilla osera Mo nst god n n tho aide 0 Oietoe, ns oislla c eiy pompa atter $30 serta of ai imo Oie great guioles. Il is a lime Io try mens s oal. i lan alime aI yoar oison t cuise my Irishs forohoars for ot emagrating tI Nese Zeeland or Sooth Morira or Jaisaica. Haseeser, il happons osery year, andl taece's aloays sme tillie ray of spirituel or omaliosal santighit ta peseirato Oie le 001ter bluas. My ltlle cay ai sonihine (aI fnac orlons la tas aflernoan> la sleeping Oie leep alitae pare ai heaci. tshes been la Oie scr is aIe 7:30 tala maroiog, aller iig ap ail sigist balhag Io ber cran>. mollo, oho saffoca rm isoumia. i's sot tinat Kias dialars Oie qaiet, gestle roatineoaf ose daily Hoe. Ste desn't distant il aI ail. use destoys il. As mootionol, ota's a nigisi-osel. Does tac test aorh, seriig ensayo and staff, aller oinigsi. Andl jnst lise Oie osel, ste sa oloep ail day. oison asyoae else la. If dinaer la carefoily planseli for nla-lhirty, sta la nsddesly famissed ai llse-ttacly and amasses isarseif on ahigmens 0f baon and eggn or spagheeti and sandines, leaviog tac motaer and I toohlag raotolly aI Oie ronat. Or nie nse in Ont haogcy aI diaser-lose and 010 est iotang bti smne colnry, andl Ils ahout eigislisiciy la falatong and ilapo On a vont conmoctioo of lied hanas and mach- These are minor tainga, of orse, ond ases a deligisl ta have aroonl Oie houne. 0he0 abois tarle, aI tontal t hos sey my socs are dssppoaclag and I haven't a rIen shirt to oear. The prablens, yoa see, la tat se ach tac homo for a ooeesd. tshe taroos a rion ilse la a shoolder hog ami boenda homne. Bot ste haies Oie city s mach Oiat tac oseeis lors lIao a ns-day oiooro, ondl ataisas lt ar somebady'a clotaco, and ashe and tocr motter son't ahide saris othoons bolt la garmeots, s Oie oearnmmine, otaish are s drat and nondeaccipi Oiat nohody coalli figisi oser tem. As I sid, thone are trilles. Bat se's alwoya la saoi ind af a hassle, and tasse are Oie taiogn that prodase lise hases-long ail-aigisi sesnsa olistac ai od lady, ohite i tie bisafally, dconniing of Oie grand aid dsys ohmn ase oas a caddly infant. ilta'o still pretty caddly, isy tae oay, bai not foc Oie aId mao. And taat's Oie sort 0f tlasg ase and tac Ma con bIhk ahout for sxun a ni alcetris, butaai itae os dcoioga hll beat. Oe chose No. i. Bot oeil ne. We'me far Same oîth amtog. iltas mmce hursgry Thoy con tata about Doo ami Tise Weil- frais, ont 0f tae oooda yel. lise saine evesnrg i rend Ose ahane, tse Idaily papeco rarried n ntacy aI Ile tlain finonciai report on Boumbardier Ms. 0f I W Down [s] in this Corner Monireni, tho langetml ai uatue Ifln I Canada. ilomhordler'nnt eaniga in lise J yese emned Jan. 3i oece $12l,077,204 aoi set seult roy downs soles amaasted ta $182,974,808. No A 1cmet ding. Tis is ot Oie tlof a Itoanian montl about te DnRivr.Jion te oOrnin~ ber hife, and Tbo Wedding sa caaoing more cosfsion aroond haro thoni anytlng nine tise day on dincosered ose tomenct wna pregnant. lihe great mvent is scedoled for May. Typcnly, Kim nnnoanced Oint lhey lad ches Mals tise day. Andl typirnlly, ber motisor, wba nover misses anylising important lita tala, thongs I doahe If aisle os lise naine aI tise prime miniator, cisecsi lise ralendar ond diaros'ored Oint May 7isaialondy. Not many pple gel niried on Oonlny, tsougs I dont tImn seiy ot. Thisn't raics dan ta de. I've had n lot aI Ires nlvire nabout Oie weddlag. Mont peuple chuarile flendishly an Oiey tel me ohat it's golng ta col. "Weil, stans yoar uly dagstar, oa yoa'il have ta go Oie obole isog, eh?" Or, "Weil, it uly hoppmms once and it'il milt yea a bondIe, bat talisk aI Oie bolt nseIl gel." Consoling staff tise this. ta Oie tirsl place, I seonîdaf rare if I tond ton daaglaens. Weli mayta I woold, Betll the semond place, I don't seonîher ta get a lot of lot. Wn'd a-lsd ap itsrlag il in houbne for Ira yoara unts sise and bar bloiso iteolird are malang enoags toanfford mare taon ontocnlatad ronm. lier motaer prompoly anue Oint nise Oaa not OP ta a big oeddlag seita ail tae fills, Oie amoartut doclalon she tas made sir" ste ngreed ta morry me. Har noiser, tat .. NesI, 1 li on the line. Four choices. A Sisati seddlag, imosedinta famOy ooly, and a fair-siaod cheque. A ligislly iggar dont, seita a sesaliish reroption, ta larlodo close frienda, and a sual cheque. A big splans, seita a lot of pople, and nlo chaeq. Or a massive altoir, buta pomp and circian- sane, lna ncity halel halfroom, selis tee uncle and god-faliser, a oeil-ta-to loyer, poying Oie shal, if aie ronld tata hlm into I fie hiheco' monniog isaille mita th soseissn continues. Ths filoolag is sopnaesi fraom tan cornent issaeo0f the Toota Brace Trail Clnh's seoiletten: -Anoae seho isas toei evtens la Miltoa Oicoagh the pages aI lis fiais Osospapos, The taoaaiias Cisampion, 010i te comidoil of taat aid Marlon Suanto matvie, fie Plili Oses, la sehics n motarsyclo gang bois oser a imnali bon la ose ofthOe mis-stales. Itos sot Oint Milton fuise Chiot, Rlay Aodrens, bas loit mss-aI af tas situatios, ils jaîl Oint hoe ami bla men camaIt te eserysehene ai ose. Bnoasiohilen sas, and ose. "Tis lac taesno 000 ys hase tasn shasil ont of privaIe yards, tawn porto, sstiaal Yards andl esen ths tinn sereery. fioy isase Sept cilizns aseake ai nigbi, disisreei classes ai MOltos Higs ilcisal hy day aod dronelou aao Milton Coaneil meeting as tey discmsde tho praitee.. Allorrsoirtsgsaomplaints f rom sidents of Pie iSrnet, Hayon BonI ilmidmi to lasestigote on peîaon. He loIer tld cotaril Oiat, msme aI tao clowne oses riding tarse ateonol, oven Ile mont 0f o hil, mit ao camplele dosregord tan pedtino and trafis.'" One nmo occident obics Oie Maoe seitnssad inralvel a boy and is dog. fise sahlem of sonowmahiles n atan la asty part aI Oie toal picture. For th machlaes shaold te rcoogolni Wor obnt Oiey aoe: a "irions osaît apan ori essironmnisa hy a disraptive farce tataliy ont of isormany sita btt mas ondl notre. fiey ace o prime esoemple nI Oie seioily anoeceaaary 'frisaloan Iertsalngy' winch telps o WassoleraIe Oie dopîstasn af orson- renooaisloceaaarcss andi mohes a jlieho0f ssr ocoamic pniocitiea. Ose oad ta hord poilt finil a mare typisai sympton 0f the illness seiicis plags ose aaclal-emonanir iyitom, tan o machine seboh la bariol ta Oie ennirnmeot, onolefal nI limitaid resasres, dangecona ta Oie operatur, o hazard to thepublie, a iay foc Oie imatare, a Iorture toc Oie mîst, ohoily oosecesary and yni continus ta rail l I he nsemst lise aI Oie cale 0f s00,otonuly. "Mars1 teoreicin daéim Oint One ropitalat eonamir eysem rontain the setà alita 000 dentrucion. lySes ose esnsfoinus Oie complete irralinnality 0f ihe mnoseibile mania, ose tegins ta gel an isling 0f ohot Oiey are gelling aI,' Ehoowhere lain umie Bruce iTail sesletter sens o rail llutled "Poer 0f an Editoris Corse." Bacs in Jane 0f last yean tas neseter's edilar, la nofnrring ta plana 0f n lomal snse ond gravai rnmpany ta laarh n stase qonrry adjncent ta Hltaon Fnit Caoeanntian Ares, putai tea on the campony ami nils bsorbo hy qaoing frmi Oie Bonis nI Pronerbe: "Wbueo digget a nplI silfail tanrin; and he tiretraileta a stase, il 0111 relirn apan bimn." A be oseho loer Oie mompnny aound aoeli in finnral difficalien and dadtannd bnlwptcy. "O sene Iri il ont and 0O ses tat il searba," loten Oie editar, "now oho nsail on une t on mal?"' D0f yen isnos Oint filin semopo brm fumacaisirmeras are dady ta de and other animais? fne U.Sl. Nalinnat Ponta Slereice bas boundOint isondreda 0f asininlo have lana isilea isy enling t typenof liBter. fie Brce Trailmr have a gond mole: "Tata nstalag lat pliu, tonne nnthlng hot footppelta." Pages of ,the Post i-ov, Chamion,?1S1ini 20 yeors ago Takesifrein thelhmtneflCsuia chamspion, Aprila l,u WiOioot comment, meonara aI Balttu CnotY CoonrOc sel o raie 0f Bone mitas on One eqonlimns assaesmient ta nois oicin bioda ta operote Oie ronnty ami ta rare fer cotry ronds tala Yer. Tis la o 2.5 mill derrenan on as inrreosdhUrenfy assnsenoenr tant y a' tn otr as 7.5 mOto. ta aplîn nI grievnnes Nelson people sent ta atay buta Nelsn Towshintp, Il a osae ln ta taonhiproueil an Monday Aprdl Osea E. Oses brongt in a petition rm rotepayec living inan siea obirs One Tows 0f Burlingln oie aann n expraPrina.. 'hj aam.o Mnndny nigitsîei-finala itmsediatn A gaine oas a Olng-dnng hate, fln srse bannera rame ut on tap isy Oie suore 0f 5.4 ta gine lhnm n second sein in Oie lue 0f Honding for adaririsnot osee in a four cor mavalcade milite là exrllnd ysnngaiers on tah" set ont ta portiripole Us Oie ynsng Cainada nil-sala lsam pichasi fnom Oie pen ose lagon, fluse plrtad for Oie tin ar D. Block, T. Chantasn, D. PestOn, Bl. Biepserd, W. Brui, O. Pnnpst, J. Mrtagiis, J. Fins, J. Ky-gi, B. Zimmerisan K. ilon D. MrCenrhonn,D. Brawn, D. Cirrin andi K. MeIrtb 50 yeors 090 Taes fnrate issedofTeCsda timplos, flsday, SpOtS, I550 TetePlione commuonicmions buta Toconta andl Hamilton onr rat off foc smty n feo dayn aller Oie inte ires ainni, but One rirai Hallon bin are MWit nata ofrdar. fie Milaon hootars imite yen tan mola Porty and dance, ta te bnldli ie tawnbi Friday ennoingAprOl 21. fia la Oie seooo Oie suaon. Then"Tes Nights aar Rnnm" pic- tares des horge tonnI Onth Prnornon thanse os Frhtny ami ilolandoy evenings. fie niory talil hy tae pieures differs cansidnrahty fram Oint 0f Oie play, la olaish mor s a ideil on oeil as risanged. Os Msondny, birs. Davlid is-sue, 0f Daks- ville, sens aI One rnionay staion nf bolt tows buta ber lsen-yonr nid bahylin ber carniage, seaishthe motaartelltfor o moment ta pont a beter in a piltar tas. WiO e oa as dng o a guai f olnd marinai tan rareinge in floot Ilifan appnuacing C.P.R. frelgst train Mm. iltnome dantol serns Oie s-art, selnen bar baby andl gaI dler harely in lime. fin cordiage oan sunisbed and carrmd 50 yardn hy One ongion. Fine isandcod and nigisty penseons onr ocrestein IWOinnipng duirg Morris. Drimba tend Oie liaI seita 97 oamt. Duing tan lirai quarter 0f t yonr 460 perona onre sentanced ta Oie orsos in Newe Yors toc intoxicalion, cmpornil buta 305 dseing the saise perioillbot poe, Forty aise oece seamen, ogoinul 50 tant yonr. 100 years 090 Taken fran tan ise oflTe Canada.n ChampionThnrsday, Sp il , 1521 DObviiln hon bon saffnning Insun pools-y thievso. A concect 0111 sisantty te ginen by One Milon Brans Bond, prnbohîy n Many 10. Nesl Masiayseilte teaorvedo os day 0f tanhsgivng toc tas rerasery 0f .RO. One Prince aIflOolea. fie Aauimis seill te heai an Tnesdny, ApcOl 23. flore buil, o n daratasd, te a .hoovy coloadar. Georgeown is in dospoir heranne One Argus editan announces te bas pesipansil hat sisil la Oie enterpraing vllange. fie Asylsu foc Oie lin, il Brantford, mil teaopen for the rerepion an hnuaIts on April îu. fia intitation, otaish has beea tramanea hy Oie Principal bnnoifoiy bomai ami oeil odaplai tac tan pirpnsns tacor is il la inltaide, wi01 accommadate un0 tomates. 19e are plamai la rs Oint O. A. Sltarks, Kagnasingisaas pasasai lts final nunninalin on Dactor aI Medicine aI SOrfill Colage, Hans-ont, o oorressfoily, Ihot lin oas noordel Ile final plan., fie Hilton andl Bruite Stage in ow riaising toice o day ns inta. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION O.- -11' sir aaei au, e i9 i W i a v a Ni«wrO r.r iii ,C.,C eh, a In sertrri. suOriiItirr ' Cv.. vio M'r ' 'sek 91 ian anima ai ht .,ne th..i aav 5i th air, I in .i t'.pl. eti r M., i vio i W rh i , i on inriaii n se au m'unisn 'n, animion i. ý iie t t ppiable at, , sr In -t a i i i.r ii ssi c iosrr el Oý i n Fo< fia adisi Andro Ose1 taises divin as Il Engin s-ose Doc Oie ms nftac on? Kapri rity. i hoyis Oie Ai nome appas cangi mar: Mis disesi afIil long ai tin Oie t stacisl hasi 1 hy M Oskn 0f for greol Oie r fi' paît anosi i tv us a brg o1 Tr lac s btir bie tas. Daey aISc tos pr il w wwrl -W

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