Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 13

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VOL. 112-No. 50 QïIu &îinôi*aul 1 MILTON, ONTAOIO, WEDNESDAY, AVRIL 12, 1972 1972 Pfsposed 1972 Min Bate Chsange 16.30 +4.74 16.6 +4 7.22 +45 7:22 +45 21.55 -2.33 23.94 -2.59 f6i6 -4.38 22.00 -4.13 Il.95 +66 t8.83 + .73 L.77 - .01 1.69 - .12 .85 -.42 4.66 - .29 t.o5 1.687 + .16 1."91 - .73 1.41 + .18 STREET LIGHTS: 62.02 + 1.61 68.95 +1.50 62.22 + .86 68.95 + .57 62.02 + 2.05 68.95 + 1.74 bIamipion Second Section School news Open house, workshop special class at JMD Dance is financial success ribbon cut at coffee housie Itespite earlier setisaclis suds Paut's Christian Educulion FreemîtMasar tes, coffee and donuts available ah fise lacis ut fusds and apatsy Centre. Earlier , tise Youtb Couscil an a regular bias, in added. misicis bave delayed mok1 A asdys S bouse doated 350 fri membiersiso 1 A it dlappéatted item coffee bouse priet Myr Brian Best botpe tise resident aut Hatn Cenîmnnial MyrBn adh a <ants Council taott two gin5 t hl Couniciltors et a ribbon to Manor, atong mils an invitation disappuinted tisere were sut more stepu toward ita goal os te weeisnd. declare tise place uffiially ope taeveryone at the Manor ta mome pairmta nn bandi for tise spens Friday igist the Youtb Courcil eves Ibougs ifs sut yet reudy fosr and join tise yoang people at tise bouse and atue expressed bis di- spossorel a successful dance at une. Heating, ftusring and ceffee bouse misenever tbey cas. appointinent in tise yostis of tse St. Paul's Cborcs, wich is well installation of tne mater service. At llaturday's openiog M'<C tasnn four snt getting betanti tise attendeti anti pst about $388 bau are stif necessaryi bofore the President Paut Perrott espiainetio 0fore bosse projeet. He seteti the couneills ~coffrw.Te o afe bouse con go in is the grouP'n Ptans for tbo ceBfee tisece mece no represesnttveu Stribbn-tti el og e bouse gear. bouse and tbonised aIl mbo bail present frunt Miltun's police asti cerssssy u '<uli Coacilrs ere opits ittn Coancti and the taw5t'5 for botter coopeca tin iewees thse moffee bsose asti altbougb il about the iscreased interest in service cubss.f th20f oue te yoseg people and tin police. mas cool, over 48 came out bou ase tbeir activities. Tbey sld six h sso 0 ee os Miltan Counti wil support the the building asnd inar ofth2e memisersis at Fridayns dance are innsmeruble," lie saiti. youtb groap if the youts cas '<outh Coseci's plains ta, tacs if plus anotbor 24 un Batsartay Tentabivety planted are Jam5 prove tiesenielves self- Iooa a meeting place for Y-th0. mbIici, uddet th2e 24 purcbosei semsions, sentinrs and yos20 supportiog, ie saiti. Couscil baa Held ateisureis earier isy mentiers of flton rallies plus facilitien for ciss set auide '$16600 this year for Tise Friday dance featureth 2e Rotary Club, put $12 ino 0 and carti gantes, asnd mnty other incestive grasts but groupa loral bosnd, Helia asd a gond coocil's cuffors. 6entborships bnosr activites. In the smnner wasting a share of Uis ntoney crowd mas us basnd. '<osth are $3 andi good inr tbree mnts the group is Plnning piciis, misst first ramse seine mney Council mentiers sold refress- bot they wos't bo in elfect util sparts, bikes and utbor outtiuur thentselves, ie sototi. ments. Tise dance mas bold in Bt. the coffee bouse opses. fanctians. The tatcn mill bave Mayor Bolt, Rats. R. W. Fonter represeslisg tise ministeriil association, '<ost Couscil mxecutivetentbors Pau]l Perrott, Brian Green asnd Gave Lloyd asti Adiction Researchs Fouodatin social wociser Katisy Hotige sisaretin thlie rîbbon-cuftlg cerentony. Rats W. R. Lewis of Boston and Ontags also attestiei As open biouse osas hetd aI J. M. Dooyes Scisool on Monday osgist enabbo parents and teacisers tu dics the progrens of tise schoot's st udent popultion. Docosg the event a base sale wan conducted by tise Home and icisoo Associatin. Among visitacu ai lhe open bouse oece severat parentu of Brsce St. tichoot students. Bruce Si. is ieing ctosed aI the end of tise school year and tbo buls of tisose student students mili bo at.ondosg J. M. Denyrs. Tise parents wanted 10 obtain a f lest bond vieof tiseir cbitdcen's nem nchool. A pisysical edocation co- ardinatar and 100 cnultants fron thli Hatton County Board of Educaîson wlt conduct a worishlop ai J. M. Donyen. Thse worusop is for tise bonef il sf iideegacten teachers of Est and Norths Hatan. Sperila clanes A meeting witt bo held on Aprti 17 iseboeen the scisool's staff and Boy Wollaston, tise Ausistant sopecostendent of lin Ontario Scitoot foc tise Doaf. Tise purpose of tise meeting ositt bo ta dincuon tise creasion of a speciat issnited boacosg clss at the scisanf. At the present moment Imo sucs classen are boing isefd ut Boume i.,stthougs onty one css os ucboduted for J. M. Donyes. Students mîth tornnted iscoring abdhLy mill participate in the ctaus, but mill bo integrutei osith other ntudentn fnr 208 rmt of theic academc studien. Resîdenta tsf Halton Centenial Mtanor wsll for the audiensce ofua sngiîg group of gcade byie ttudentu front W. 1. Ittis lcbosl. The mvent mIl bo isetd at the Manoc on tise evenosg of Aprdl 20. The scboot'n pnpulations min the proceus of pracicing for a spcing uariety nsow, scisetisei for May o. Bois Burtt, taff reporter ith The Champion, conducted a untal seminar on semn inter- vîeming teciquues mils tise grade fine utudenta tant Weti- nsuday, Apri 5. A teader me are tali bon two distinctive characterintirs. He baomws hre isogoiog: And ie los bow to pernaade other Peupte ta go alnng thi ib. THE COFFEE HOUSE on lslpissing Ba. was MYC executive mentiers Paol Perrot t anti officiatiy openeni at an tspen isose Botortiay Brion Green are pictorcd in front of thir nId n ooe by MIit Yosuth Cnttii. Executive irntiture mureboose lbry are cooverting baba isebr Donc Lloyd- AMdution Researchs a meeting plsce for locsl ytotg people. Foantiation cepresentafivr Kuttsy Hodge, ansd - (Phsoto by R. Gomos). M.M. Robinson Give 141 pints of blood Dood monng! Roison iseld Ftosr Euercisen asd Erland andi bofore gîvmng tise finat word. theur assuat Bfmod Dosor Ctinic Erwin Doeunanin in tbo Inter- HANGÏING' LO6E ander the curefol scrutiny of miediate Pommels.t.itdnCocdiorsgg nurse M. Lacnbamn and Ibis Fanny Facisle tsf course dansed adnc pi14Betr. yeur's cossener Bois McLeod. into tise Hailtan Mort tant mois to 2a dan Aprît B thece. Tise target man 200 pints. By Il get biec Ibrillies. lshe tried to get irtg Wst ht o'clocs the numbr mas 103. As osto the Port-Haltes Mort but oas urent cal fron th2e office sent tald tshe munI poy a dite ad- "soes ta the gynuastunts for the mussion. Fassy, of courne, was final lalty of 141 pints. encagei. she stormeti in 10 see Congratulations, Robinson! tise BAA (Boys Af hletic Assoc.) Tise Sintpsons-Sars Granta ta comptan. Wby do me spend $3 Festival mas isefd Thursduy, aI lin bogsnning of the year for a Friduy and Baturday of tast utudenî card? It mas our wori. Robinson's entry Tise andecstandiog that tbo studest Man mils the Flomer in bis yard mas 10 envoer ail admission Mouth', a tmo-mn, ose-a t ptay and sparts coss. Rot only did me mas performeti Tisursday. It mas bave ta pay for gymuasticu, but afne performntacetasring Gave footbsall and basiseliall. Wbat'n Docteand Meli Weýisisun goosg on, BAA? Tise GAA bave to and durortar Ruthie Sturgcon. pay for ceferors and cbonics tan; Winners mere announced bot titey den't charge admission- Satscduy and mil bo avatiable ta gantes asd eventat Let's gel ît.î Ibis meels. Ibis tbing together.> Ocr antbropology tean bans ~ Gyssaslics morl teen morbing diligetty on a Tise Peel-Haltan gymnasticu projens misicis han ieen etstered mort mas iseld lunt morS ai this meekend in the Hantiltos Robinson. Ftve nurvivors front Science Fair at Mcblaster. Good Robinson and lin Ballon Mort lacis, group. mere competing-Murs Parcy in Nomisations for Stude nt the novice naslting, Maris Legere Councd are this mois. Cheis with and Mike Gcanka in the Novice yosr prospective candtdate Youth Pau Sg 53 boys fo eenew, the rest had sîgned up earliec. Aosotiser 20 or 30 boys have expressed an interest. Air Cadeto accept boys aged 13 ta 18 Air aaetsqua ron attend the nent trainiag session Milton*s ficot Air Cadets progcam. Dos tioson of Milton at OSD any Frofay nigfst at 7 oquadron, formed by the ouil be adjuant for the Aie p.m., hie said. Optonost Cois of Milton, oas Cadets with Nocin Harding tsf officially formed Friday evenatg Milton as deputy. Assistane '1s Ositario Sc3tool for tihe teuf lsas nith 53 boys stsosrng dBp for an being receîved front Lt. Mise gbven thsegroap pèennussion fa use orientation session at Ontario Fergusos of tise Georgetown Air il sports building, facitities but Seboo for th5e Doaf. Cadets. ibsis meeting place nsay just bo Tise recrsito signed apptication More esperfed temporary, as the sqsadron papers, theo beard on outtine of Don Santons, mbo heads op the needs an office and storage area tse Air Cadet prograce and Optimnot Club committee mhicb in conjunction ist a meeting tcaining ducsng tise fonst soght's got the group underway, satid 22 hsall. Mary Anne Poland tops girls' oratory con test "SHAKE IT! SHAKE ITP" singer Brian Beeney ofthlie band Heix chants af the crood stbondissg Fritis iton Yoots Council dance, iselt in SL PauIs Ctsrcs Chtristian Educstion Centre. In the baockgroundi is gtsitarist Murty Brodnbom. - (Phsoto by R. Gons) Mary Anne Pnland, an 11-yeat- old Holy Ronsry grsde 5 student mus j udged isest ocator is tise Opîbinit Club ni Milten's furst oratocucal contcst for girls. Jsdges front tise Bcsmpton Tastosters Club pîcised hiec oerueotiser contestants os the contest, isetd as Holy Russcy Hall onOededay eeîng. t4ise ail tise contestants, Macy Anne gave s conv . scing speech un tise commun topsc. DOur CIshalenge-Involvement.' Daugster of Mr. and Mrs. Hccmao Poland of 232Rveplce dcec. Mary Asnne naid it mas only hiec second public upeabîng contest. Sise osas a cumpeituc in a grade three contest st tise scisoot twos yeas ago. 'Weisad qoste aljos pîcising the winnce,- admtted Slacek lucecei, une ufth2e 20cme Toast- suasters Club îudges. "Siek mith it, you have a tremendous petenial. '<ou are the girls miso miii prune that momen are essust su mes. ise blid lin girls. Second prize ment lu Patricia Ruchse ut Holy Rosary and ttacd prîccltu Rats Kssgdun of Marin S 1t. Senior Publie Schanl. Oiser cuntestants ocre Pal Dosguan uf Milton Dstrict Higs Schuul, Karen Cargl, Helen Boduka, Sunan Kalisowski and Cheeyl Futzpacics of Marin I., Joan factîlosats ami Mary Anne Beadley ut Hoty Ronay. TFie mosnecs osîlI go on lu a district contesltaIgersoll. Beveraispeabers Son Surions of thse Optinunt Club yuutb murS cummtee chisased tise cuntest. Dptisssisl John Perroît melcomei tise speakers snd guestn 102the dioner oich preceded tise content. Oithee speaksern wece District Gucernur ut Opturnut Clubs Gord Jucgemen ut London amdiIbis zone's lt-Gon. Bill Vîvian of luriogts. Guvernor Jurgennen nasd ie lisi been connected oilh tiptinit mors foc 17 yeacn and this osn the f urss puis pesing content for guets hie bail attended, sait osas "a igisigst for me.' He saud oeutecn bave borts cashi- gatosg the yung people for a long tane-2,100 yearn bofore Christ osey osere saysng our its are goung tothe dogs, "buttIthinsthe dogs bave isad a long mat". HAVIN' FUN nbompis to tise bout of Betix at tise yools dance Fritiay, cooptes crooti the flour ofth2e Chisitian Edocation Centre st St. Puols Unitedi Cisurcis. Tise sposors report o $300 profit mill go toaurts the neo coffee bosse on1 Nipisng Rd.- (Phsoto Sp R. Gons) MARY ANNE POLA-SI mon the Optimint Patricia Roche miso cunte second and Bt rigist Clsb's puislie speoking content for girls ss third place minsser Kim Kissgdon. Optimist Wednestioy, asti milI go on tai a district Cluis presidett John Perrtt offers con- competition. Shins soon in front with the groîsiations. -<4Phsssby R. Dos) certificubo and tropsy nin received. At trOt in I FOLK SINGERS Lurie Gosoasi andi Shelley Hure (os is goitsr) eotertnined tise young people ut Friisy's Milton '<outs Counceif dance, wben Hetix memrbern tois un occunionsl breutser. --(Phsoto by R. Gomnst Hutchinson & Thompson are pleased to announce Bairnady L. Henderson B. Comm., LL.B. is associated with them n the practice cf Law. 219 main Sf. Milton, 0Osf. 878-284 1 INCOME TAX TIME IS HERE CALL HILUS BOOKKEEPING i2o Pin(ý St Miltor) 878-9762

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