Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Apr 1972, p. 11

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ESTATE 'LWODS KMR NqTRY D Area w ype home, rg roomnt 3 pcl bedrooms situ- pooaLaately Io rig Lot sqneu Tosta road frontages, Aosing $33,000. Townshipt. Ank- Tosonsig. Ack- qsualified busyerc r homes, poioied ho general amr- for a ftre mo- price mie omn IiLL - 878-6057 17e00 ST., MILTON the Qakville aie Board -Good Value for ymur Mmtey", - This toor bedrmmn bome witb singla car' garage la sitoated on a 66' e 153' lot and otters you a combhinat Ion liing and ditlng room - oall te mail broadloom - targt Isitce et the romr - -plece mashrmmr off cettre hali -tOaster hothrmom oith vanity -tdor style troteleaties - Priced te self at $28 ' 800ithatfull domt payment oftesy3,550- 8;. par cent N.H.A. mortgaga. The omnrer says "sell' and bas reduced hic prie by $1,500. Thin Is an ideal opporunity tohoy a 7roorcplt levelChome iouated ona 7e' o 400' lot le Milton ieciodieg 4 bedreos - dens kilcet - recreaties room -3 plece hathrmmr - full haisemento F-A oll CeatIng - large garage. The ooeer is open le, aller - askiog $27,000. Taxec oniy $398. Immediate possession. Tarmc asoiloble. "Stop Looking" - This is t -This sntart clay brick butgaow bas manyustom teatures - "L" hapedl ing and ding roommith tirepiace - oai te, mail broadimirn - spacious kitchen. Three btdrooms- patelledsun rmom -panelled roc. rmom 14' x 24', olth an extra ktchen - lautdry rmom - tw haîbreonms. Large lwo car attached garage 2'u x24' -may etraso-ater sottaeor -T.V. antenna, etc. - Lintaid aI $30,5000 Be Cure and see this atotoculata Coma Colore cou look elsembere. il's a gem. Just ieteO - Thssmart home Isloi:ael he boudary ofMilto, ooerleskîag tha 16 Mlla Creek Volley, providino rosi oilC O Spacous comhinatiotLiving and dinieg 'om- cempleta milS brick tireplace -large kitcben, pasalied den aed master hedreses on the main floor mthlowo large bedrmmrs on thecsecond Iloor. Wall 10 aoil hroadioom. Bathrom - paoelledlomlly reom - gmd, cleae basement. F /A oil Ceating. Large 132' x0220' lot. This home le l Il frst close condition and "Opportunity Kîocks". This temaculate S bedroom Coma cumplate otC double oaraoe is etraliy leuatad in Milles. Spocieus liing d.e.erig room. Large k itcCen. Family rooem 12' x 24' wiC tireploce. 2 bathrooems. Oroadloom tCroughout. Laundry rom T.V. Tuser. 6' e 132' iatdecaped lot. Priced te salit ut $42,900 terme avaiOabe. M.L.SC Listing. Eoriy posesesion acaIaCle. Mokea offe iodai, immedate possesion-Oneaotly FirstlClas refaitstore-locaed nollo tCe L.C.B.O.sîora on Main Street ot Millon. Tostores ad ail 69thCe oparleats Coae tae reated. Tbis stoerents at $300 meetCly tnCluding elaclric Ceating-aleclricity andooater. Tbecstoracoeeielecf 1200 square fef plus a full basement, wasCroom. Parkitg for 14 cars. Reeerce your storeanow lmorrow may betoo lai. Couuntry estatacosstiag et a beautilul loaCre oooded loloith 3 ponds nortCoest fcMlton. This attractiveChome procides ymoith a spacious livitg rom- saparale dioisg roomn combleation kitecen -ue loeciy room. F ireplace. Coud roomr. Guest room. Master bedruom Ens uite batCroom. Plus 3 olher bedres. mis home must Ca soan t0 apprec iate ils valut and hosseft Listad on M.L.S. aI $84,00 NO wiC goSd terme. TCe ideal eonCulive home. Cuuntry Come -Osiy 3 miles tram Millt le beaulitul woe satting. ThisesmartranchCstyle bungalow isIn ecelletodition. Srauoue living reoe,, large combnation ClcCen and diting area. Four bedrSs- ceamiC file batCroom -tull dicidtd baisemest - F Aoi 1Ceoting- 2carbrCickgarage- smartlandscapedlo- L ,eted ao1$39,900- Outer opet 0ottfer -M.L.S. listing. Te neR addition le the Milles Shopping Plaaa cs noaring Complelies - milh J Nem Stares tansod le date. Nom Is the lme te take advanlage efthis excellent locaties, andowalch Voue husines grco oith the Tome 0f Colites - competîtîce rests - peety ot paved parkcing - Store tacingIo your design --full haaseens- maehromc, enclosaet mail concept piotnad beor 1973. Alco acaliahie, 8,000cquare 1001et lullV aie condifioeed office spaoe - will dîsida le cuit requiremesîs - reslsng aI 14.00 cquare lest, Includlng ail services. Posessioe le 30 dayc. SPECIAL OFFER-OS -acre tarot adjacent te Mohbawk Raceoay aI Campbeliville - tresagees Hlghoay No. 401 aed be led Lie -livehbedroomc -trame Couse - total 0f g romc-ecelent ooter capela heautilul ooded ares. This le an idesl properfy for a Corsantan -hobby larm or retreal. Priced aI oaly $79,000 with excellent tarms. Omeer open bottfer. Co.L.S. listing mhe laoci prestige Industrae accommodationno avalable In Milles - AI the Alliance Building Corporatlies compleo on Sîmee's The ideal location ln Milot close f0 doontoon shopping and ad Acenue. Immediale possession le aoailable. 2,000( square foteclt- loiann Cantaehai Lake and Park. This comliorlabla lb rea elorey coafaitoed untl up te 10,000 square leet acalablo. 2,000 square lest Come prouidas you ofC ail the liing ares y ou raquire, plus ocdtioa esils milS linisbed offices. Two oaebeomc. Truck-loading dmor -recenuealrom aoselfconfained aprmoSlon the tCirdloor -Cocuno o sprinklercsysem -pavod parking -iandccaplng - 241.00 montbly. tlof 1i2i rSes, plus 3 baîbroome. Heoted lbrougboil by OS oil fired Ideal serviCed Industriel silos aoailablo. Ot pacod road. Altracfively hot woter sysîlo. Too sforay, 2 cor garaga and oorkebop. lesecI priced oitb excellent forme. Coul loday for addifional Information. bui proparfy fodoy and cou will ogres lt'e worlb $46,500.500 Our capable staf Bob Crase - 878-4892 Art Peacack - 878-6447 Lemin Sales - 878-9136 Bah McCuaig - 878-2894 "'OU"J are Invlted to Our motto ""OPEN HOUSE"' A Saturday 15th and Sundoy 76th - April 1.30 PaMa ta 5.00 P.M. "Gien Edlen Court" is the latest apartment compleo to be but in Milton, at a cost of 13/ million dollars. Conefructed and omnesi by Netegate Construction Ltd. - PrBsident and Geoeral Manager- Mr. John Richter. This compleo coosists of tme towers of 9 and 11 tloors mith a central foyer, a total of 162 apartment suites plus service areas are Incorporagei. Situated on a 3 ocre site, and coIng two fier parking, 198 parking spaces are providei - 64 belng onder cover-vlslfor parking Is proaided, The maoimom possible landscaped area mith lamos, gardens and play area are proaldesi, The tmln towers-the hlgheet in Milton provîde excellent panoramlc vlewsoaer Milton -the escarpmoreî and surroonding country side. The location Is mast coovenleot for shopping-the 8C00 medical centre - hospîtal and schools. QThis is a total electric camplea-in ce-oeratian mith the Milton Hydra Electric Commissioe,-both buildings are electricaiiy heaged-mith individael raam thermeatats-peciai eiBctricaily heated boliers pravide fast, ecanamicai hot mater. Rentai Rates, incieding heat, eiectricity, mater, ane parking ". space. FLOOR 8 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th 6tb, lth, 8th & 9th lOth and llth la BESTr R eaity and Ineurance Ltd. BED BOOM 1147.50 115000 1155.00 TWO BEDROOM % - '1M,.50 0 r '170.00 '175.00 POSSESS ION Immediala possession je acailable l. Towar " A" as Hurry - Hurry.- Hurry ils ut your service Stan Thampean - 878-2455 MiSe Ledmuith - 878-4873 Jies Bailey - 878-6506 Brios Beet, P. Eng. - 878-4118 Coarlorfoble Coma véitS self conlained apartmeet cealeally looated le Moiton. ice brigbt living rooe -separata diaing rooneowitb t ireplace coneient kitctaen large badroonsunaroomo nd rear porcb - oporfeent consete ofta livingoroom - ilcCee- onebedreotm seporoto boîbroon,. Lislad ai mearket price $26,900 Ibtis preperty was eoid osîbse Ibres dore of beisto lîsted. WCr ntI fake adoanfage ot lt service offared by basf Oeolty and our cetepetesf staff. List your property lodor. SP 1 NG SPECIAL-141, a creafarmeflalecaaa loetoMilton- oitb lroaonueorîods craak floosng fhrougb tCe proparfy - lbree Mdcroomcl ay brick bunsgaow -epacoun living roons, dining rcn and k,coen -lour piece btroom - fulbasemenf - F A oil heolseg o lrge tuo arOgarage. Taxes otly$281.00Pricadftoceaital 5,0.000 O Oer open t0 offer. "Service and Satisfaction T "GLEN EDEN COURT"# 122 Branle Street, Milton (Tamers A aad B) FEATURES INCORPORATED INTO EACH APARTMENT TOMER -Electric: Heatiag mith indlividoal room thermostats -Tom Elevators to every tioor ln operation nom -Individool eohaust tons -bathroomn and 'Çitchee -Coesplefely finished recreation room -The laInst sauno bath avoulable -Main Floor storage roces for Bikes -baby carniages -Children"i-- ployroom -Deluxe laundry rooco with the latnst eqoiperent -Containerzed garboge dieposal systees landividoal balconine for eaery soite -Breakfast orno je the kitchen -Doubla stainlese steel kitchea sinks -Notural wood tinished kitchen copboard andi cooniter unîts -Deluoe-coloured 13 cu. tt. refrlgerator-3t" electric stove -Vanity in every bathrooes-ceraesic mail tule -Drapery track and drapes supplied -Storage locker provided-iocorporated la suite in corne cases -Average floor area-1 bedroom eultes-645 square feet -Average floor area-2 bedroomn eultes-775 square teet cailloble le Towar "B8,11 fmers. Possession oi Ca Flar Faraished byelSutsN.45ado.06- nth h of the SICh Jciy 1972. For unse y * To er ~8"Is m re han50 / reted201 Main Street, Milton - 878-6949 El IBEST ReaIty and MInburance Lad. . UU kThe C hmpion, Milton Ont., 11 The M ilton Real1 Estate Murk ensly pl1,17 OiFFERING YOU THE BEST SELECTION IN THE MILTON DISTRICT o help vooeriti i100e ourde. Coi? lalor, 870-9311. leont Sites Vitbousenthe su ofliho rillage Alsc cyrnar loi 4 acres, suiolal vcrlopoacof. To proyeriies cali .ooodo, 878-9511. fnl Free sepuroio enruo- 1 sof 2 bedrocan dlose a l on- sdrsc CCie prop- :ss Cascon 878- 55. 00 Down ooe seolid brick i siae itchan, ioodscgoed 66' roil Dorees Cho- 13 or M04.2403. 17e00 SALE on County ras scorkobla, 70 lavaI clay base Odeol puelure M6. a yaur. Pries 's' Farm iii sali draining Wigbomn solde ontbrick hes, lovenienes, 0050 buekhbarn 55ox .000 with teas. 'hulele solde a prSoparty. Cao sold eC alov ica $14,000 sold *ariclars and nt, contact cARTHUR 2849 ACTON. senting '1NTEE & oe. M0. o, Oat. SSIFIED ADS ýGE 12 -I BEST REALTY & INSURANCE LTD. 8784118 310 MAIN STREET MILTON 878-4118 MEMBERS 0F THE OAKVILLE, ONTARIO AND CANADIAN REAL ESTATE BOARDS. WE COVER THE FULL SPECTRUM 0F THE REAL ESTATE MARKET YOU CAN ENJOY THE ACTION 0F THE MONTHLY MILTON REAL ESTATE MARKET REPORT WHEN YOU LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE SY OaBEST REALTY" . illâ &âï#*

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