Cal! 8 78-234 to Iseet Buyers Here Ouse totm VICE 'on ds pair Vour o-l lotor taipmtaat tOring )RTS 'PAIRS G NS WEAR 472 rnON 'ULE RONTO m.~, *0.15 8a5 pâti., o., *6.38 HENER I., at-4,lS %ITON 1.30 pet-. UELPH day, Sui- eoely. CE FON mot 53-1010 7M7 RIestyliag lm a Of cati- tiable mnli ttleey 01, t-tp- aate et 2ilt Service GA 21c« iON 'RETE JT) St. 2I1-t 141 IR AD ION MPION Sitacero tha ta lDt. ýHeeter and thetnrieg staff ota the edirot Bloor. Riteto-Is 049410 -Lto Hlorntît. t o-Iod like to ttacek o-y relatives, fritend and ocigldho-a atd tht Bcthctl VO. W. for giOBa f lamera, cat-ds and 'visilote t- ciard achile -a patient en Mil- Ion Hospital. Also tht doctera and nucse" for fhtir hieso teed mare- Carlyle Ittathe-stoat 04942= Mlot Diatrit 'HighScBhaci' ccoldShcketa iefain allparets that the secoand teen report rarda mill Se distrihoard to cSca- dents on Wcdcesay, Aprit 12, 1972. c58-785 'P Test CSlca nd to-tact exaroleotion fo ta atoet aI tht Milon District Hnspitalt, Solerday. ApeOl 8, 1972, sports- ccedhby tht Milton Unt Conad- inCancer Sorcy. Ste ditplay adi this mcok for bortkiet-detailtj Rcpoirr ai ail types RICHARDSON'S J Radio & TV 2t1 Maie Street Rosa MILTON Phone 878-6949 -Fa-raittcar 1970 KAWASAKI-R, ()0 cc. a )nt~ and fotcf itto pro-ductiota -hotly. nn tn - Fvrtgreens, t-ca froat littlo hiko, for $2750875-> -OSon or-tk 3048. 5à-87 aoitionscrafo mpati-a- Sa-at-ta ritesand o th e ramprehSce -Bitreh aces (plant tSr la- tho Rpr(cng7 960 MUSTANG, gond o-coing ira-, folie raoFa-ceY poid Sa-aoûit pogato codition, ca-tre oherked. Colt RAINBOWA ,atot 7.30 p-c 8787-4742.ÇU81 For a-o acta-ie ta-oa ppoicunt o ntact LANDSCAPING J~ ttw tîa cao W. A. SINGER, Empîoyee Relations Manager Campicte Cattdarapiog and ahatat-m roadilicta, fct Maientenance Service gooroabccd. Lia- Na. 536g204.ý Cai CGLLECT o-o-lite p ta 9 p. 878-2097 - 878-2741 Ba Motos, 199 Goclph Street, MILTON ,Geotrgoco, 877-5286. (416) 854-2182 10421 ShdO-830 8r49 Ecellen-t irioge htetfitc atd torSing conitions. Apipy en o-t-itang ootbieiag BU! pertinent inaform-atiot io-iatdicg pt-osent toaay, te: Canadian Meter Co. LfSIITED 3037 Dto--y Rdt W. Milton, Ont, Ait, MoIteriata Matao- aml WOFORUMPý - BITH ARS FTHNK OMNGEENS5__VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HLPWNE --R-4 f CAD 0F THNK OIN EVNT CLASSIFIED RATES 8 HL ATE OALZER - -George antd Sran I t- tt,6ttct-re ntitta-a-, (.ttiF i, 1' '1, o-rtlbt\tIc g om Ince or (-tatt.-) Ori Btrittt lttt,,attt.tytont, 1,, ,, iva,,t, a-o a- Telephaete The Caldian lot Matin St. $5.00 and Qur Thanks t Mrs. C. McTrosh for her I Lt ttt 1 d -"" a-att aptaed taaoo attta-ce the ar tghhartrand reltites Woho hout att St. Fauta'a Unted- 878-2341 Ctattapaan Miton, Ontartio Ad Heading anttiona tat att i, la-ght baic waight 7 Iht., at Jostepht Broa say ta Milton Hlosapitol. Alsa zc antd -ra-ashmtott Adamia- .GGIrr -u.r.- IFOttttt kOR A T A OU D W1 cre 87-992 ttatite 6aarait Meatortai Hoapitat, Baalingloe, thooks In tht tnursea, saff oed cion 11.00. FOR54 ALEot. FOaR ttne* ETC. - ta.5 ta i, chosea forta-a AT.,. 09 on Matait 28, 1972. A brottet-for Dr. Syec. ta- c a-ý,,, thee.tcaS-toa ...ara toi,ti.-ta-c hnegrae,i DIIIH UP AND LOOK ADCsItktr A" ______ Georgie ottd melotae gratdott c49,-803 Billit Beonett. Tho Regimeelol Boed, Pipes, att tc,,-9. - 1t w.cta t , o- aca] tha«ft foc Mille, aod Violet Balatt-oatd *Drums and Doccets co Hec Mi- ato a- t,,tt lu--t tt-h itto BCPRRIRNCED mcctoi ce- Jatte aod Dot-een Cotttoa. t i to tchatk aIl aty celaI- jecty'c Sa-oaa- Got-ds at Mopto rcat earrcc. CAtOt OFclAK attotat tta-eutt a. fir Âairn ira - lac~~ies, Icietads, teighoa, Eden<Loot Got-deer, l-oedoy, April 10.,~ aC 1.1 Oatca ... ddili.r.1-t. l *,*, ootrcd ioaaediatly hy leadieg COLIII-SON- - Homard atd Ma- U.C.ýW., lot- aatir loety corda, 1972, 8 pata. Reterce tlrkets' tt-. tt t- t c-at -t~~ItI Ot. iIJ Totioner, tedcleitsr eilye tif Seeeaavilt (forer-ae gisfle.oltceca aed kied enqoir- chrool Mulot TrocelY Set-ia- ra.cttett- E-STAT $1.5 1- ,Im ro17-EEOaieu5- -lorhrip.vr o tonge L c oodialotn maeio eaeie, ly a Mtlot) wsob 1ato amato ires. A apecial lhoek y00 10 Mo- 14 Moelle St., Milton, Ot., 078- î ttttttrac o O t 91MTO aat-o902'a atday o- a oae Lac.7 ond ayotlg ote eearpetInter- th hireh cal thele son, Scott ther aed Dod Hamtilton foc tak- 9211. b49-8121 BOXrcte NUILtt . aria ce- tt,, .tOotterat 1969 ONTa-c Taiineoyoaoadolca we, rvnviw andacccSay. tetec-7 AI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 PONaA 10titcc. 2-ta-a hodap îotol oa-cr Mac ate-r Fc9Of.oedSotApcl-t-)y7&DIE S1 NO TEDA nl 126 ils N81 Alaat tO ha., 9 eet.oa'Maa-a-4a~8 i2oo-clefcfy -ia dr4e 0-p.mPak ToytaHoy. 26a t97-2. A btrother foc Ptgy Y00 ta Dra. Aikee-heod Rd Maiea Boit, apoecoced hy DALN151 ONTEDY oy3,0 ca.LrNoi 7 W, Goragtowna-, 877-8144. and Kren. mot-do aed Legate, otd Misa 19 oiar IMiteDsrc __________________9________ tt FORD Ecotattor toc. A aat-d ta he o-lac, carce item. Uic. 8661-2567 - Jee Bîta ed er dtif0o Hospital aI Golocy Chah, Oak- ORORAT- ac aa Jetac n B oc ahe d mbersfai on de- a-ilte, oc Saaardoy, May kdtf. The Charmption, Milton, Ot., Wedaecday, April O, 1972 9 C4084. ot late Newel> oft R.R Ne. t-tag my stay on Milaon Hospit- Cakildet-deiago WANTED 4, Actoat, tit-e pîcoacat to aratoc aI. Siea-cemly, the Big Fiee onchestra and tari FOAE 2POIEFO AEWGNTM ce the hireh of aheir ace Todd c49813 Donna Break. e. Adiasc St coa e- -c___________ 1967 FORD (6-ata .c*o a-stat wo-oa- Lir. X38885. Ccme rwr Aro,7l.1ý z iMlo aat Rlii Joyce 878-2400. 1BOY-S 20" Musange bice BALED Say. 877-1790. 19cr FORD IO-pa-a-roorr sttaton-rogon o-mtai rark ce hier hck. Barlis coctrortsavoriaato Distct 'Hospital oe Aprit tat, o0-7'iSco ct adèoc ad24-O La 304 1972. IN MEMORIAMS MittYh C ce65 ci-tho $20 s 7c-a21 la-49-886s Mingdc Wo49806 Ltac3884 tece ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Hoa-a)e 12MO t dot-o adhcatr Re8 p.t th Chiio Edroiaac itra ta rat atceca. ARMON nit-, excetua- 00gv lingr os Liite HOPWDRN - Kee and Baedy 8-ROMAN - te twvieg memocy chi F"ic,8p. mdilt ADDbSO MACHINER, type- lity, suitohblo fatord i 78-6285. Giali Motr HARLD . VVIA Miltoat, at-e pyleascat to aeeetaa- taBrceotatpaacdaoy Ap- ter ait St. pol OidChthpî,a-co 0790062.saHot-tia Statio- MILO LZ 7-83RR ,Mlgoe oe tht hirth, of teit- dauaaec, t-il 3, 1967. Milton. Mocia hy Hetix. Ai- j - lo-417-tt 6,000 a-troc ahoot, hacir, at ILTO PLZ17-83Rt ~Mtco 7a1.4o.a itnDsrc ioe 81 per pet-aoc. Open h=xas att Soi bd att-aa-. Coact 878- SoroetsVille 826-1434 Totroto 925-0887 416 - 689-6137 71.4c.aMinDicitWe mho, bard yoe aadly mies ai th fjw Cffee Hose Nip- TV ASflaENNAS. Rtcu f<or 30I4. 2c49-858 5b49, 81t49 Hespital on Boeday, Apcil ZntA 700, irctag Rd., Sotcrdoy. April 1%h, ail yoo ocîoc r--retas CLA1 o aa a 197. Ahtyaiaec at-Dam. s tdarea teftroyeo-, ai 2 p.m. Att are acaome tO Raotcedgo TV, 26C Mate St., MOr-;d limrer a-ccd Bill Loca-a, 1969 DODOS 2 dor H-T, 8 HELPWNE NeddI teR, «Aar -et hoaca etd tiie ohael. C49 9"9 tac, 878-4633. toII- 27c62.648-730 plataes a-nd tires, gauc hody, , -iee R-ttHA - BtinadThoeghta et yoa acc tact- eo. corda- came669.s mator trr 878. 1 Biiegoandlcretory Cle-k Mat-garet lace Camîty) amrea enti emocy fader and lfe de- Vniversity Wcmeea Cloh of 2 THUHm: o M O tBdCar -e;htd2407. 5, OTCE4T9W-793Eoo plcased te annonce tht hita parts, Milton and Diist-ict pt-camait 2ooo rcra-,raoi for GM; 21NO a-1- 634299 Batogtac Emptrmoa OpotairAr, Tyec cacao cf dtit- see, Mat-h David, an ao mOll lice foeer le cet- Spt-ieg Musirale feoat-rieg Mi-f51 rvrai11 M tru 3-95Brintn mlvet potnt c, yigncsay etic Penath, ai theonirita y hil ts ton Choacoactaca o-ltt gotat G0-I4 Pimstoc tit-ca. Ai lihe i 2a-50-6 1969 VOLKSWOOEN dola-ar 1970, prahihita mith act-taie Ma-at Sort- aptitude fat- figures. ad el-ttia; ia gHondptita, lot- RtttttcnlcaaelIrwtlit maQoaa cm V aao 8784034. lc--It ca-aa-a-, exa-ra tar-a a-ta-, rexa-llrnt or-ryptto diaa-rimicoaion e - adephi; fni ranchld or ernmbeed lwys istrs rtits rasQartt fom0n-00O qaalty haroe Sor, 35c t.-dti S1150. At idot 2td aror ses or moritol saoao MILTON BRICK CO Pa-caeseca Roert and Blioo- Bomae, Chatiet, hctÏhtt- im, aacraiay ai Wectern Ontario, PEAT moca aod moeot-e mix-' Fa-t hoai; oa a-t-oaa-, 306 haie. aar. 978-2,132. 5a-49-794 Sc a-ar are oca-upationa arte hn 8844 bet Cwly;als fr urayDad and Morbier. 049833 Caltoge of Musio, oc Raeday, cd '966 hua. hog. 5 haga et- 1877-9134. 2c49-854; 6 .Balatmtc cotatdrrd muattratvto1 P ne8 -4 1 bchCaccy is ocMatryApril 16, 3p.m., in St. Poolas motre delerrd.Oouaraed sva- '69ci ý wnr inW B-raaonditicon 04 and Muet-c Krtmian; a ]tille MoDOtALD - te ieracg mete- Uoited Chcch, Miltot. 0delta toc. Arhdalrse50Coorca alcd;aary, o7,4 daoroa-a a-cdao auta-a-ata- ts ciatao the cohet- nettaa lot- Palr and -Roth. ct-y af Morbe- ad Doi, Mrtt. $125 Stadecta 75. t5-740 Nocaty 8.1 a-a- Rdoatsa Wila-on M-,t tlu oa toil a-lul Ooatantced. FER - t-ct tal Feme and Mam. James A. Ma-Donald, laOOS -o-oit 878-9463. 2a-47-712 Bac Mator-, 199 GOrIFS Oto r cotS Fositions o-li contine ON4E BRICKLAYtR & ON4E o-R-Buc n loec ho poa-aed ao-oy Apt-ii 4, 1961. "Remae et Ramoalea- la he j YOV WILL LIRE hayieg yooc STORIMONT _and Radora- Grorgrtownt, 877-5286. tta ro stoto o-otSr fat- men or 1CONSTRUCTION LABOREJf (nemcIgialam pieaedto a- and April 12, 1971. fnlpcat-om tcf cho a-eactan inebildin moarriada and coiai t ,ed Gaa-, rcaed. Aiaa oet 5b49-831 cao-ccd Saa- xlatiaga rc ot ot aro r acatt nouerce te salfe ar-riai ef Mc-marica dm1t fade, dccv joat the sior Tt-aaei and AdaccCrartdaCo-peirit ix grat-in. Johna RarSrdaon. a- te Set- -c 8o1614c Miton ta Gelph ot-c. onad theit son, William cott,-o-igttt tgram deep, lot- cot-ca- Tocada, Aprie 87-4M a---al-rH 7 ttc., 6 oas., ai Joaseph Brant Gi onc- o-c lcaed, hat a-i-ai othe Otao Oo fat- tht ghqain.Pot 740 2-9e PICKUP TRUCK wgsfrtergtmn Ca-mphtiaiIce 854-2232. ta-4-fa -- - - SE VICE staion ttenant Menant-l Hospitl on t April t, flot tmap, GeaI, 8 p.o- Sec thc spectoaulot- MaollTOoH and Carîtoed 1966 Satiior Itara-tao, RIEaati ata 1toda.1--e--tt etih e 1872. ~Uneca - otheord, hut hays saror i ofhe litl hnaaBa MAFS ai Mdaton asawicg the .-oa-c AFFi- Oe-a--Drap-len 878-3111. PREMA NY 1972.0 . B._ I)apir, C grode-; s a- idct- O500 o-ira-, a-a-i., dual mi-ro-,PRE A O Y k an c-on t-y, Smcd and carot r.u ta-noodoi o-ia-h taok cI- kataodplt--a.Sa--o ctprdaS at-F-c a eAt-.647-699 COTUTNLT. ZANAITA -Mt- and Mt-a Gi- near,. ue adptt Seilo'tcd= e an jbnA-COTU IN J aei oaf 128 Toaoiat MilIce Suitl iaaed, atitl micaed, caili rd hy Johcathan ýHogot. Ff ecy a-ti Jonuar i. Sitagle a-apiea, riatSo- >octt.R~Bo -lRSTUATS -ce are plcosed tco oatnottce thé acry deat-. adoasaof at ota y otr ceacoa 7-tca-nad la- tac ot The Chamcpioe fieald 878-6355. 2S58 $750.001 Appir DowaaaOt-p-Ic 878-5111. Phono 854-2672 or laith a-f cheir con Lomreo il Odiy miaaed acnd oîo-oya ce- aiakos-rao-c and hbricg a fr1- ala-o, l9t Main St. Mlot. 94 ~ 8423 hl. 8 oz. aI 'Milte Diatriot Ûeo- tsetatecd 'hy the fami1t. td 9-4'101tf878-2725 H c49-81 HAD rugweavng fo par pitaatoneMch3tti,t972. A LARGE glossy pritstOf Ca- 5b5, 0-Otaa --aatffa-o- broche- for Doaitito, Bteaeora 0008-10) - le mcmecy afoor 1 FOR SALE adiao Champioc staff Photosa., 3 ANIMALE FOR SALE to-o or fait lime oatk. 078-9290. and Luai dear frittd, Agea whapaa 5x sa-iaa-$1.25, 8xt10cie$2 00 c984 FlTiePsto _________ed awoayAp-i13, 1971. plusalas. Cashmusatoooaatpoy WNE NMA vr3 u a CROAR poata-, ocy sdo-. 854oidot-. Eaqoic o aio Champ- FRSE ta gond homeo, 2 terot lý WAT7504 ao-3 a a- Open For Young Man S Treoaaced memories et Agnea,23.l4-01ýl fie,S11Miam.oitn dml odn ardrd o 1.otol fat' 3 sa-oai ohild- COMINO MARR;AOES Aoycttfal faIt etr fan, t4-laoofi,19MlotMioaa-9 -853Galc- aSaa a rS-gi o - rnc t-5 For arcS plus roam &a WitS Grade 12 or oqoaleet Always cheerful, lcl~~~~~~1o71 tI; 954-02 3c49-3 GL ock boa-h adsl.bad 7-27atr4pm.adt er uomtv at eal And kindeat ptraanevtact to ho BELL ptia-ca tacd Seco, gcod 878-9250. 7e -d87-275to24p-8adt cc oaaaia oterti CAPELoaLR- M. rremee.cditaa 854-2264 ba-50-707ý,4NumBERFD tic-kets tor pot-1 COLLIIE, aScia-Sa-d a-yaa- itat-a---1,,la-t- Mo. Wiamsa-. 9049-797 tfli and o-amhocing. and Mm-. Norman Clark, On- c-49450 Rt md Bd. MiOIS go in Sels taba 1 t.100 oki-frgn oe ek UE oOkil odyo AE epe aead piasataaceoott tac- cOTita. IE Cat 07-5 6-403 a a--l-l- or soiaa eI, -d. 878-9349. 3o49405 St-adaa- 970-447. 74-023 oaeroidfroc-ted-Iradhte- isoic plaedI nntne h orh Si 55 poc boaSot ac Caead- PiIPPY soa, parc hrtd aciaia- BABY crotriag-, ta gacd ao-ta ig 'Mitot offie. Eaptrcc Atatet romicig mot-Hage of cheir daa- ANNIVERSARIES lé FI. BOAT -it 40 H.P. taa Chamtpion,. 191 Maie Bt-ete, Pooditsanod Schnauazers, tittiat Reaootobr 8700537. Ja assot, at-citt lt-oic qaabihiedj vinCeaa eta 0M- o-oaat- atad traia-t 078-9626. Stitoa. 1r23-421t a- fý[, ta a-haaar tram. Reaoc 7r49-826 1Pai For interiewa, aoi 078- CAAiAtn TR MohnGedo m pbell actaIf Bette and Gor-don Caot-ditl ta49-82- TOP quoa-t dia-rooaquaoo- aSic. 0784517. 3r3?9-O 1c b a-c -9511, N. J. Longo Rt-ai Bsae,Mita M r.and rs.Gordn Cap- , ýhldig Open Ho-taco aci rrga.$.--- SI - - WNBOnniciacb-1"ee oteOkvl Rl ha-il, Agincourt Dat.> Tht met- ar5ed C ~ PliCE Chrome Salte, greena itatea2t gai. 299; 3t , gai. 10 HEREFORDO aiera, o-eagh- ira-t ond a-hataad. 878-3865. Ette Board."_ 8r29-4399-af dicg o tair plkctoe Ratorday, homeon a tac ng Rooad whilo, gond cottdition. $40.,5559 if gal. S6.fa-; 15 gai. $J90, t- 400 has.; 15 Hoctford ha-O- 7049-824 I EG PCE May0.97. I n Sotorday, Apc. 15, 1972,fromt 874-5240.147255at809 g. 1 $2,9 teara, o-eghieg 4,25 Ulhs Gond qua- OIRSB too,2C-20K-hn o ernOucMiltona Oea. ta 4 attd 7 ta 9 ta relettrate yýar writtenro gatl Pet liy caitl, iutac rigSata fo ras- IRL Bil,2 4 hl ton ConySenate eur o Iheir 30th Weddiog Attiver- 2 -PIFES Chesatrfield, like Paorri Mca- Fat- Ptooo, 877- Froc drtta-oty, 92478Rt-cota a-la g racdaion a-lb 078-d -g raIen R Si-tto BVAN-SVRTRM -Mr. and at-y. Bt-st witahet oeiy. 049-670 tram, $190. Dacer irortttf iat.50,O-tfraa-. r4-fatio ý 242947 aft-S coto- .a 87049 Shoî r 'Mo-. 'Rata-a-t Rayoyn d et Mil- -- 4 -2 87-42 ta4 - - - - -- -2- -- - - ---.- - -- tnare toteasedl to anoeooeae Mc. and Mt-a. Cam Agnaew of 1988 CR0503 caompor, acadri CHICOTS t-ta-a-a-t, te garda-o- Roqotcoa- A Wcrkief Soat- 7 a.m. 10 5 pe. lthe forthcmico mat-t-ape of Acco arectbatoitg aheir Wtt 5000003 dicoaara-elle, haf- 600 racmpltot o-th dicciar, pt- F I S H I N G n-dittion. fa-t 2 tar aid 12 inoh 1lyWc Bceerey Mat-gaml LoiseRSu- Wcddaap Aateietary and miii Iri, table antd 4 a-halo-. Reacn, aa a-t-ra,, extra stoage front o-Sort 070-4767. 7c4-800 CARETAKERSDoWa- tru t JmesWele Evnhob rtaciria-g relaîtives, friendc oSt M7-2400. Ia-49432 ha-oûa- o-ltrd toc hydro ho- RA1NBOW IiROVT Mari Sa-to o-a- Troaportatio. and neghbors a8BI BroSa-rt fat- tittoe hroaS- FOR HOLY ROSARY OCHOOL. sona et Mr. and Mo- GaARtac Mco-fo a- 1-a1 aid ýare otmr la igccd Evanas air Goclp. Tht aceddicag Mor atl S', 55d Wi4o Sa w - ATO fo 194 ait-la-acd x 16 o a d aot-e aire gaon- Phono 634-6028 ro a- Ca aorparo- bao aliMlc Açl a slitkepaeRbtdy Apral O 0 on -pt-il 9, 1972, frote 2 Ford, 487t8-6 75ci trr odito hn co 8-fl Brigo 3c118-1fr dma.. Ex pere. MALLOG FR 15, 1972, aI O otback atist ta 5 Pet Plcaa-e. no gift -to-7892 --490el a-tlerto 5 ioa Antan 05.06 Bt-ig ioan Choroh (iscoiplet of 661-2515 t PANT dres-sk, tr;t SLS 7o52-772 Applin laoriîing bsnCTD Chosti Gctlp, Dt. cilar actita fEXCLUicSI2VB earty sketohes I1OOhmrtaoitic The Narval, St'h Lutte o-cal et Brote- Bath ccaro once. 870-4615 ofa Malta-c atraitaht in foot- moill oghiecIro uo,9MitnneSpri HAbER- t-IHTNBRGEB CMIO VENS 04-805 prinas, au-abhi fat- fcaacitg, aI a atraSaoaa oo- Mentn 0C Suervio ciao &-49oaChnhiIWo - Mr. and 'Mn. Charles Lfah- ___. 2.40 or cn baati-necai i00.o 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE orcka aid. Tt--at-d ta- S itar PO. Bas 308, GON DOnyt,4 tenhereor ofBarlieygto etlth fa 'Bitagegatea tocr Moeday taa ierloded. Aooitdhile et Tht lita-o- 078-5256 afior 7 Pmt B 5300)4, at otemorte the forthromiag mac- iS pet. $50400 Jackpot. Hety t B V C Cacadiaa Champion, 191 MoilCO M 7c,19-540 lii ECA9C riagc of Ibeir daagtste-, Doatta Rosat-v Parish Hait, Milton. R'> *J Si., Milton. If orderiag hy mail, ITtS TRACO TIE_ ________________ MCHNC Jate 1 HediosMoits sf-5192 J ls ni~o add ISo roato Pot. Gond otieg ontditiott; JHrrcyl Hblercu oaaru t M TROPICAL ando 1 02-f 8 HELP WAOdTEO 8 HELP WANTEO gond Sury rt-oe; gercroas andt Mo-. Wiliam J. Haller et Eorhre St. Geore'ts Chat-oh EXOTIC FI 5H 505 obca haro roody - ta - 5F (1 731 dirsol ccath cabohng odea-etec ofltniyo Catephelloitit. Wcddieg 10tû Hall Lao-rOle, Toccday, Api imop-t-fGdMlonli'MF 6151 diesel o-lh aS a-ahcrnn place in Park Aieo Chuch bi979 aIam 8rni p.m Admisiion,750. Borliagtoo, I Apra 29 892 aIm Adisio97c Opena 9 o.m. - 9 pet. acetkday- Milton ara-aoc oc harle ttotes 54F 1101 gocpm-6p- ody oro aiartmp c i-M 11fca-ittaos a .T P R T RHNYA Biogo eaary Tccaday ctighc. 8 S MILTON HEIOHTS CRES. tac and Holtoa Caacty, as o-iil 34F 1205) fOs cctth toader aidrsoiblteinud a-et - Lcgioe Hall, Milon, tpor- aroas fram Hattoo Board ofas O fOi ite-ma-, groctiieg rard- & M F (351 diesel URGENTLY REQUIRE) tg ne roOttola obeao-ut and aorcd ho Ladies' Aositia-Y, Eduatian hoilding a-il tho guai foond in en H C 44 o-a-ait '329 gl andh servieaknarnat OEATHS Royal Catodion Legioe. oa- atort. Fat-kide Gocerai H10 al ALSO - Wc al bi tcsd acoa oyo tma o27-d602-aI et MILTON HEIGHTS Stor - a pen 7 daysa o -eLk or I HC (Hi gras ,Openings Avoilablo auttomlesin t rot sdeToyot HAICO, tOe-Sodtl <Scosapac aîtdo,0-- 870-602 p. i m. If a-a- haron ot Ol i, forllîlea eaot-t-oS- HasMLT a-Aottaa-aorideLoon t-8SOtc tthttdaGta ODV AQARIU.MS and SUPLE tac dcaorhoaatogethfat- NEWs GigsopSUPIS d u ettgeilfr NEWOFFICE OVERLOAD F o -odtk adaa Matrch 26, 1972, tn Sas 17th yta, tai Mieac Midget Champio-1 t-f a-tie o em C mpiîi oanamod ad 'Rc cera baono--54sc 345 Lakoahoo Boa-a, Okoitte ; a falot-ce aaiîh oor a-o-pony, a-ai dcar acta a-f Hcrh and Biteen a-hp cao-cal oSe ata. 4.30 joodot-ca-road Mltfcocigats2 atoaaaa- Hamiton, R.R. t, Wmsxetr, 1-93 Sr toaaMlt ogt- fMra..m BePobyka mc- 9-8o3tt 2ioEip O M N-aa dr PCA 845-6663 and 845-6664 I MAC HUNTER (Ms etPclyo t6t ac o h ht lhNwIe 65 hos. 50o-adtr 809Halton Truck Sales or, Olai (Mt-e. Jette Nemelti Wi- oa Aorliac Sole, apoetorcd hy WAINS 11967) LI2OTa" egham, Soae itMro. Wo'ily Krca- tht Optimiat Clah ai MiIto.,ý SA LE WASHER PARTS67 -talaSFai eme) Emia, teenWrxet StuBotta-e 0, nuilding Systemsu Pups- VlvsDivision22 HThiBuldngtysemaDiisin ig NorM Nrt ter, Rady, Liet and Batbara at ottoal grcods. -9-7M8410 toatot testaiicd a-tih ait! - HaLca Pompa Mitn Vota-o PH78-782123Te5 home, predettastd b5 Jedy 1981 caioRbGtoe hoocot VHF hcad, $62,54. M1 FA NOG Moiton cqulpmeflt C..a a-on tc Mrc. Gont Wtatey, oSe Ba-tmr Sior, Fo-day, April 140'îtooor lostltîd at a-lb a-ci maoetr mohe- LIMITSO16;daEmd- HmDu roy e C roain Ld, Br-ampftn. he 7o,-l 2 pm D iace, Haure otatt af ahacctcVHF hradl7.50. 13163 Bacc Lis-a Rond Funeral ~ ~ alt a-cd 'Mdm 2)Dmn oHrda re r a-o7foo-r int-bled o-la ail McCabo Parts Dopot Lt MILTON, Onta-rioardcto.n frettet Mcait Fanecai Honte, Dat-- _ _ ___ haronel VHF hcod, $91.50. 10 Httdo Avo., Hlamilton, 347-1209 1669 REUIESPrduton andr rt-b Gorre Veitedt Chorch fer 'Haltn Centeelatl Manor, aIPR-coFdoa-tonara-caad Sa-at-ta tao-eSao, reporiecel atnd veait-a mentattorrie maottt. & Tea, Weteday,MayO, 2-4 Extra Sooda- (for scond TV -ýnraýs'i lt-cicrre andcotaa a-vd--aftpopo-infoor l la-t0ng5,0 se-oMdiumctesai-etoaitrla p.c, and 7 to 9 pet. Boke table, ccii. tcctaitd 200.5VEHICLES FOR SALE 'lotia-crocd o-ata-oa hocdi Caoasidort-o gia-ca la appSocact di a doa avrt basic tacodotiot catls, pcnny table. 669-708ar -oaa-yrca aei TH SF, M. atoohoad bosto..1 99 OD at t r-y, qabfr 00 ioat-- - oa-oa etcel Sbao-haOt Paa-iaaac icoraic sehpede CAROS 0F THNK chotre, sponottaed ha North $20.00. SEE RAINBOW 15FODhl opikua-ptitude (a-a a-d ta'tt-itttoora tao bctrottard ta ao mvs-tleit0OatpdracIee- J ccishtol extend mte tttaelc y86ctySaO ac Itahi 'thod, ta--\ia-c $39.VHF For AIl Yoor 950a-t-07616 5r494t83 ttrd-a-- oitchia t6cnttcot ftity, kied April 7 aa 820 p-te. 00nd pt-ltta and UHF, toctobbrd $84.95. GARDENING NEEDS 1967 BEAUMONT a-oroaio at Ss- nlveo-d h triceda and e=lht for tht and lnch. Ademaisio $100~ 1aaaa cartor. icsaoitd Da--orattrc foutair 970-4640 Stfct-c 3 1 o--r-o aoioo aath- apao in tht otpaeycs lu tavefe initati ata- tolI in~cr~ tcopiataî $6>~19*e5 Chailan ticSing a-ratle modolor Soocieg anat caca- de ao-co-a-o-o- jaa u-m afdet