ce recuived lise bouri et bows rsnd ont ut tise bowc s ts yecr g sencret 7enidenta last Jars Carisctt repemed ta go irsntding lisey trscks off tise maege iserane 553' egi-fd ta bo repie lise re Tom isll9 agreementso glven tealsI be oeesty. Hie red firse in de by the iself Educaitisn Grand Tsol " power ISIC 1 69 Grand Total REVENUE 1971 Actel 1,25,53.95 7,353.78 90,273.04 5,708.75 582506.94 4,566.36 4,416.93 170,924.90 1,3U3.22 10,410.49 1,568.923 20217.61 3,20.00 3Ï.894021 652889.2 33,505 2,094.59 5,456.00 10,299.36 197 Buedget 12,800.00 93,9000 12,00.00 4,209.90 1,500 3,W090 2,4100 4,510.0 9,908990 2,290.01 2,»00 15,937.14 2,300.00 2,109.00 1,209.10 16,0.00 12,110.0 * 050 12,990.10 2,M3.15 1f,490.00 1,290.0 325.00 2,99m.00 750.00 375.00 12,000.00 ,. Geserel Geeemeel Excative Slaries Utal. Hof. & Hol. Pey Extre Besefits, iteserve for above Groap ins. Usessp. tas. Medical tals. Pension Cas. Pession Audit (self Conservation Parking Asutority Cansnitboe of Adjsboent Legsl Isunrce Proiterties s Baesbop (+Mary S1.) Ecanorii Developisest Indontriel Cassi. GriseraI Adiistrtion Convistion & Dues Casrns, os Debeotares Miselltiess Iternat Misc. Grens Tas flebates Public Relations Protectisn te Persns & Pesperty Dog Control Pire Police Uigis PebMe Wsrka & Seelbotimn Gurbage Operation Gurbage Debontures Scuer tiperaoins Sener Debestares Streefs & Walba Edorellon Hifis Srbool Publie Schol teparabo ilcisel Rerreelles & Communelty Service. Uàbrury s Acna Recreation Parka f +0W bromi Cap.) Delsesieres Charges Watcr Lacats Debentares k onyRt 440.63 430.00 3.90 22900 2,110983 2,100 2,903.22 3,090. 1,443.67 1,4000 10,05613 15,05000 6,947961 7,50 8,411.07 8,0500 170.00 120.00 2,325.50 2,300 14,597.30 14,50 1,917.63 1,4000 3,000 3,500 294.79 30000 2,23003 2,590O 1,05000 750.W 3,079.00 2,025900 729 5001,2. 13,193.32 2,000 1,224.43 59,05.00 -70,3=3.72 137,20.00 îW 7Y 44197048 +,il-m'79.93 Fasl-Msnlng Decoy Wbnte checktag Uceie speant of once 1 00 dscfl dccoys, a snaierfool flontar and bis son mUrentd one of thc decoyu moviog sleantily ntotnnateam. Baffet, thc tino sportsmen oacbe thei dcay slcadily cissg aoay. Fioaily, tnosome teskparsuit and ensuatly capumen thIe mesaoay. Aont, ta lhisci surprise, foond an t-poulet laege-ssouUi bass undrescats, trytsg 10 isake lunchs ast 0f Ucir ntccoy. 1971 Acteel 13,ftW.tf 52,042.87 10,79f.91 7,463.27 1,500.10 2,919.42 tIfW5.85 4,255.24 8,057,2 2,101.84 2,025.00 15,403.71 30.00 909 199 84 9,191.03 11,549.28 1,407.22 12,394 2 3,49323 12,9f if4 1,2109'08 53.40 7,901.*47 589.37 75.00 12,004.50 71.10 191,09341 4,944.00 18,758.32 130,51.35 24,90.67 34,428.123 5,708.75 45,214.84 90 273.04 10423.90 539,794.01 32,478.75 572,242.76 27,916.93 10,945.20 19,285.00 8,237.64 2-,384527 1,353.22 210,419.05 211,772.27 101,907.88 Wleere your money goes f Cesincii frai Page i) 1972 EXPENDITURES *Accepted the bonder of King- grave ta ispply ose 5is tan per sander pIon twa flasbisf ta, intae ba soont of $2,794, jet 10 Uic approvalof 0fhUi artisent of Transpamlaton Comonicetias *Was taforised isy rIens-bosas- r Detisu Frenchs Ucre bave n complaints; absout tise dtila of Uic nId road nt tUi nsiip dsisp on tise Fourth -Receivcd a lettr froon citera for Dufterto Materiata Constrsction asito for on endesenl ta tise townshsip ing by-law, wbicis old bIc tsees 10 operate as bail plant. ~Reoived a tettar trais Mes. Glynn af Liesoe Uionktag unsfor ttas-csdorsesent ofthUi ilion Lieeoose ores idens presente thUi Hatan Inly roads reoitta. Tise lion asised Ibat Uic environ- Il af Uic ares sol ta distorbet Uiecostru'ctinn of a bly-pass only Road 20. TIME Tisse esay ta esonisgouat on o il yoo cates yoorselt saytng [ber's a qiker wsy ta doil on thal" or, "Vos don't bave In roff Uic msachine ta iseke on justisent." AsoUice coon [lacy ta, "I'v donc il tai woy ycarsand neverrevcnbad a ose cal." Wbcn yos get ito ts Id of atlitude, yoo'ce eeally adong for as accident. Il's juol question of tisse and place. Honor 11i truck drivers 67 yealrs accident-free Eleven bMilon bouck drivers Fourset Home wiUisa rssnissd bot off?7 years Foar drivers froislon of accidentboge drlvng seere Equîpisess Ca. inere amsn tis bonored rereslly ai a protes- recipients -oner Skerwood soal driver safety banquet beld Homne for sie years, Peter aithUi Estamoinet in Bortisg ton. Watfoon for 12, Roy Robsertson for Thc DOakillr and District live and Willaioi Mayors toc ose Transportation Safrty yeac. Association spnored Uic event. Also bonored wcre Ulnited Co- operatives of Ontario tmsckers Centl Hont of Rbert Thoissons Ecic iomeose for ssis yesrs, Transport, Milles Heigis, icas Clarese Feenstra for ltao David lise reripiist of an 1ti-eer ec r- lUiisie and Edinord Irvfsg oec rident-f rec certifîcate. P'ellow each. Tisomson drivers Lloyd Rear asot Top driver 0f tise yeua iis Jios Moonat rereived awsrda for oreo tas Arstur Nelson 0f Maris cigist an snd bee years ithUout Tr-sport, Oaisvillc, wbo bas a an uccident, rcspectively. 25-yeur safety record. At thc reguiar mieeting Monday -Reccîvet a setter f rois nigbt, Esqusstg Cooncil: Onctario Hydro sskisf Uiees ta inclode a publie otlity exemsption the-Pasaedl a by-law aotboriaisg dlasei sei eo'ninf by-law. Ucdemis and meeve to esecota a lisse wiUi Uic Coointy of Hatan Reeve Tois HilI prcsided for tam .92 acres 0f land os LaI 21, Uic 2fsI boor meetisng. Depoty- Cas, If, iniere Uic Oies Wiliamss rerce Russell Milter inan absent. nur oeisorial bas becs erected. fLJJD D ff~. Chooe tram panels in stock tfor immediate Toast Mahagany -caispite r ticn- ,shed ready fsr seOo' 2.95 L Plantation Pecan -a realssothern J itoch in plasact b.ntones 4an 18 brait g Summer ring iseautr of ksotty ursoocl4, a' I~i thc panels aeilasfe.See CEILING TILE Tile, Cushifned Vnl oor coinpfete section. itcment patterns to chesse and Broadloomn open MicdaY te FiuIs ii rois for ,isediae dci foery to conrpfete cour haine fis ' ' top.m. tJ Patterns trois plin whiite ns proeisnt progrent. Chosa tidaea.fm.tof 1m I. > attractivegrlles. Priceiltro n ntheconortaofor selre 2172 Maic St. Miltoc 13oc sq. fi. soarom. 8825 eîe -r-. CM san MED3 "9 ~-9 Ui PESKY HUMA3<S, Uiey citner stare and glggle and augs, or Uiey Coke picîsees, lis bld tbsby gat) seerns taise ssyssg ta bisisell. Thse goal is anc of tise aima cared for et ltse Msssstaberg Gasse Ilosrv by tise Halton Regias CoSlservatsss Autlitîy. -<(Staff Phsoto) Recreation ... lm7 TAX LEVY Delsetels Rescvred Hydro Seoers Gurbage Water Fiee Ares Uibrary Balepayere' Shere 0f L4cele Watcr Locale Seiner Lacata SUdcscaU Locale Hisd Lestae Sener Resata Gurbage Collection Provincial Grants DepI. Tram. & Comm. Unresditional LC.B.O. Ifecrealies Greebo in Lieu Ont. Goot. H.E.P.C. L.C.B.O. Dais. Govt. ,i, Ober Revnua Fines &i Fers Licences & Permita Conty Rd. Mince. Coonty Bd. Rebale Weents Dag Tas Penaltieo Liscont Cly. Entes Î, Water Admistsration Miscellaseos Utilities Revness Cassi. Adj. Fers Restala Tax Cortbfcates Land Sale Suipplemesbory Taes Petom Surpls 1e9 LATCH 'ARIO fContincd frani Page if 314,994.29 "I gaI Uicmc just ai be left." Mayor Bries Best sld Ibare 2,05.90 inn a sesd fom profeontosil 2071. managemenst ta Uic receotios 1 B,7.0 feld. lie onid ise ouold raUcer ____0 iîea recreation tiector tisas 214,491.9 mari. (96 ers heve one Hontar claimcd Georgetaswn 57,372.00 banl18,000 population ami bas just 2,971.25 esngoo d a diroctar for recres- 55,395.00 lion. lie inondered inby Milton 60,747.46 serdu n ontth Ics on i ail Uhal 12,4.0 population. Olisrcrnilloms 12, sis0 aret several sssailee tawses e, san d Milton wc avae dimectoms. 23190500 Coueillor Mes. M. Pownys said 94,731.90 sel tartog a dimectar inn a 27,223. 70 "ectiograde stcp" as people 0f ail 222,109.70 ages nced assistance and guidance. Dr. Hostar said bc couldalt sac potting asoUcer admistrative 29,479.92 body ta the tain bail sthUout 19,275.00 someose 10 supervise bim. 2250 Ottars poitet out Uicmc ocre 9,1459.'(0 several isunicipal eisployccs 9,4.0 uorking inittaut dtaty super- n339- ision includiog the totos cleefi and treasurer, ta iniics Dm. Hontam repied "il's o belluva 123801 inay 10 mon a railcssd." 224,31.19 A rerealios directoe utît 32,375.40 "denclop a pmnfra mas at il must msore and ssore," clacocit Dr. 10,2.0 Hontar. But Cotincillor Cotan 1709 ismillie sasd Uic mecrealtos comissitec sert fine ib terris of reference and sain thUey bave 593889.70 alwayt bemn ncmy fai tam theUi coasci. "6829r Os a cota, ai] coonicilomo except Dr. Honter sont Councillor Syd Ctalds votad ta kccp Uic mecreatiso dimectam'n salamy ta thc cotissatas. 1972 Budget Let tonda Bi 1,246,308.54 Tsmntag ta the parfis boaud budget, Dr. HunIer frît a $XII, espanofse fumepaimtag the roand- 7,151.28 inay ta Rotary Park couid ta cul. 60,747.46 Dcpaty Heene McCoaig sad the 5,871.25 only inay ta cliiiata il 5oi5 10 92,185.23 Icave the roand tna osent stata of 4,U49.36 repaie, or toms il once 10, the ton 4,416.93 sondt cIhU ton inorks depaml- onent fss il. 170,919.21 Wben Dr. Huntar questioset thc libfrory boauds $8,500 blooki 1DI.1 badget and ssggestnt il ta cul by 12,8M322 MW11, Coonctilor Sonille sainthUc 1,6.9 Iiflray fies ta "kep up initisthe 1,943.72 mcadtog. Mayor SesI cîabocnt Dm. 09,05.1-0 liaber inas 'ne1 taltang frais 3,300.10 knostledcc", and saint bis - - qustiosssoald bave isees ankent _4762 tasî teei ne tise liisrary boaud repmcocntativco inere present aI 42,05.10 thc council meeting. 24,50.25 2,05910 Counciltor Gordon Keantz 6,0W.90 coisplatocd a cat in Sfic uona _____ bsdget mîgisî mean more 87,550.9 enpassine ice tisse for local miner hockey leams. There arc Thse Chamrpion, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, April 5, 1972 7 Witt restore old lime kllns Credit Valley Conservation Aotboritybhopes ta ectore thse old tinme kilos at tic Linetiosse Conservation Ares on Esqscsing's Fifth LUse, as part of th1e Aaftority'î oncrail long-range pias for tis itevelopont. flic Autttortty bopes thc restored kilos ces tic osed! as part oftan cotocation project. A dam at the parksaalso to b rbtas ahoecfor wildlife, buitno swinooing iuI bc altowed. Messbcrs arc considcrisg cstabising a onin-trail for watkcrs, ta rus boom Georgtown ta Actes on tise otd radial tise right-of-way. Police chief resigns Georgetowns ctaef of police store 1967, Hartcy (Boudf Lowc bas roslfnel. Hehbasisees initistforce store 156. GoTbc Ontario Police Commsission ta corrcstly ancstifatisg Uic Ocrgeton force and a report was expected by Uic tans police commission Uiis inei. Tise modern Cansdien ta ose cigar, takes off tas Siniso icacs whio drinks Giessan frics a bangs optais Ponama bat, drinks Soiediss qIais while siltiof os tise hs French wise, and picks up a Daninfi tasitare, alter bavisg ball poins Pes froon Tasiwan ta cosse bosse trois as Itien incite 10 bis Member af isovie in bis Japanese car Poriament a ltter ralulof case powered by British gasotise. lises he pota on h coc abost aIl tise mosey lisats songs Jacket, tifis a Cabas leaving tise country. nssme niso clais ast-af-tain troses stastnt no s e tise local- ucesa bot Uner rentata boep Uic liea place opeeatisg, Ite said, soit top local teais would bave ta pay ligb esuti taiser ice Iras il aubaide sois taisdidn't soissidize tair tisse. Det I oies greed ta teavr Uic orens and budget intact. '91eebedtboe" -r Adisittisil bebad enliossted is isee idees on cslttag the espenses, Dr.co Hontar anken thUi press ta sole tais "Ubis budget tankersn slasbed ta U Uic base Ibis ycsr, wc'nc col il tuLi Uic rock bottais." Coonctillor ilie added Uic sali press ssosldnote Uic tows, and althosgb the buodget bas be ose taimsond inkerever possible, ta zon "sttill sot decreastaf services." ena Hecsaidtaisrcisark was dieed inft espcciatiy ai the Qabville Paper, whacb in arecest edtaribd - accusetheUi tain of betag tasi tahe planning. pet Tise ose addition ta thc budget res De. Hsnter peoposed did sot meet Coi nuls support trois enangs Peti concilors. He wnsld the $Min moe] Chistmlias staff bonsses f$15 par by ceploycef retastatad and catieti Of Uic taoues "go business." Most ofthecosnclloes disagmeed. One tortar chaenge ta ich budget nos pcopcoed by'Mayor Bent, wrio Oelt 91,050 of the $35 70 Uic toon savent on bisto a garbage pacfler could ta put tato th. as incenlive peofrais for local t geoupu. H1e telt tise tain coulnt ont olfer 3501 ecri ta the Miltan foa Yooui Cooncil and Miltan Senior foi Citiocn,by gictoOa 25 or50es i C donalion ta Uic groups for cveey lu dollar Uicy cuisent tisciselves. h Worer aconds Tise Yooui Cauncit bant lastà.1 necbsskd fure$NO ta boatUthiir sein coffer bosse and cousci bad - carlier donataif $4150 far the finst ticce eostiss' rent on tise building. Bes1 said Uic oncentive peograe îcould isake sncb groupn onoris for Uieic fondu enslead ot askseg for "bandous". If the ooney ta not ssed by Sept. 1 ltesuld be tured once 10 Uic steets ami insUs comiiboc for sidecials repaies, be fell. toise couscillors disagreen th i linsting Uhiceetine fond ta jouIt R Isco groupa, and tisougist evemy organization ta bn sisould gel a stare of il. But several geosps are already gclting gro.s tiseougis lb c ecreatios cois- - Dcputy Berne Seb McCssimg feit esasy geous obtain tonds s boom taspayms in Uic caisssnity . and as extra 25 per cent giRt troin = cooncil snould ta like a "*sur- charge". The casncil dccidcd, ons a 5-4 vota, ta boit $1,050 ta as tacenlive fond, isut askcd Uic adiiistratios comisitîce 10 discuts sent serk boin if sisoulnt ta dintmiisolcd. ARTHUR A. 10H NSON 0.0. OPTOMETRISI 218 Main St. Miflton à 878-3673 fistona Wednecdoy and fafarday ii TOLE CERAMIC - MOSIAC BATHROOMS & KITCHENS WALL TILE ALSO HOUSEHOLD REPAIRS BRUCE McGINNIS 878-9700 Ad-Ventura to your Spring PONTIAC VNTIJRA Il COUPE You'd have to go back 6 years to get a new Pontiac that costs Iessi, Yes, you'd have bo go tiacs six And Ventura Il is easy f0, boy. eqoîpmesf. Complete seis I years fo get a new Pontiac for less Because i's a sesaf er Car, if bas a license, gasolise and Ontario fisan tise price of a 1972 Ventura 1l smaller price. We seant to prove Sales Tas iecloded Ventura Il Is af Milton Mofor Sales. this ta yoo. As an exampie available nsw at Vestura Il is thse pocket-size conisider a 1972 Ventura Il with Pontiac that's easiest of ail on 250, six cylloder mafor, tolly ;r ' yorpacketbaak. If's for sesail synchroeized tisree speed $26977t~ car lasers onho waet mare. If's a transmission, Eltold black waIl Pontilacl1 Vestora Il i seasy on thse tires. If's eqoipped wifh the cyns, easy to drive, easy on gas. Canadian mandafary safety 388 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. 94& 87e-2355 IlmulsUtIMes uatees- -ieu t n ---- slIies,îsiaclg css I NeNUl------a riiimes Ni ltsm lu -f----------------------- 1---