-MM% M9G 0F THOE MOUNAIN lu Steve Blair, recelving kis top scoring abilities helpeot bring this about. Holding tiseir .o0fotimSs train feltow players on tise Trafalgar Fard Pline Iero higis are assistant captains John and Eddie Loeprich. - ovice hockey team. lTse Piotas have wn lise 0.M.H.A. <Staff Photo) cisampimsuilp for the secondslstraigst year in a row; Steve selth 7e. O.M.H.A. Min»o Mi6lget Fai2 5252es betwee6 Motton's Dufferin Quarrion andt Collingwood ils aUl 0251 op 290250 w2n2 4pie7e asthe ho02000lân2g- 25500 crew edged their Milton0 vistors 6-5 in an overtimte th2riller Saturday afternoon. Bojtan coye pot1 tse wiiiners in frn atr ny 38seconds of th6e opening period and then fine 2566Utes latter, John Leiat gave Clingwood o two goal leail. Andre Wysnsan hrought Militgn oser un apass8te06226on Rowley atlthe 6.17 mark but Gten Bogcoer put 9the Collingwood 07776 626766 3-1 10 end 9the tiret perlod. A nooreleen second tramne f0lOUwed and thon afn ahanait two minutes ofth91e third period load heo played Ron Iinwley narrowed 9the gap as hie completed a doive with Andre Wysman on a play that Tony Podolla started. Boyce flred his second goal ofth11e gare ai997.28 to 2170 th6e hoets a 4-2 cushon. tlDavo teeoan drew Milton th.i onogoa an. ho dumped i the third goal with only 56 seconda let. Then with Kevin Hood out in favor ot on mxtra 261000160, Ron Rowley got 1622 seond goal of 916e gamne 90 lie up the onts 0001th only 23 Seconds showing on the clook. Pedulla and Wysman helped set 099the goal. Whgner Paul MoKean put Collingwood in front lit9the 4.92 mark of the 07070007 perlai 16ut two miinutes lato,, Rowley agaio working oicely with Wyantan and Pedsfla once again hnotted 9the score. Electric Trap Shooting Birds si1.00 Amma. $2.75 tadaor-outdaor rifle shooting Tiesdlao 7.306.76. Indoor-oatdaor haad geja nhootiag Thur'day 7.30p9.76 and vsitors wecov GUELPH RoD& GUN CLUB Eden MiiI. ltight froin the taceetf ony 216e seonds lnter, BO wefre th6e wioniog goal for Collingwood. Gaine five in is test of 1727 serres goes aI Milton Mrena this Saturday at14.30 Kovin Hond wa26 cafled spon 10 faco yot aoher penalty ehot. 9the third 06 awarded te O3-lingwond 16is aleries and oce again Kenin Osdgoessed 916e shooter. FOLLOW SMOIIYS RUIES w ALWAYS hold matches tilt cold. * Miloni Minor a sebaîl SANNUAL MEETING a Election of Officers a and : : Genoral Business : : APRIL 6th * 7:30 p. M. * Piae Street * Uaiaa Hall a Midget titis Is on the Uine CHAMPAGNE FLOWED FHEELY in the winnern' dressisg raoma, alterWelland juventilles defeateot London Huron East 5-3 Sahurday aibI, t2 sein 9the "A" nerleu rhampionuhp of tise Tei- County Juveisile Touresament for the thicl lime. Tise Welland teain, which aiso, won 9the Niagara district crosen, are Fihesoogen mae irom blioua col- shrasel2 ee o legied 167616e Cauadian Red Coss Ebrasin awe O prodacen a drameaio cessation of tell o secret 1, 116e persen seho Eleedioa. told i2190 you. 2.4 9.25. Aduit & Pre Sohool skat175. 00,767 Hockey0 F7272762 in the 6-1Opm. House League Payoff S 71677,7 2 4 p.7. Pubic Skating (S.25) 4.30p.n7. C211277g257d vs2Milton Mdge7 Ont. Finals April 10 500 an2 4.30 -6 p.m. Ahoday 67407679 6 10 P.m. Public Skating (6.757 6:00 P92.H0us Lea6ie Finals, Thon k You Milton Old Timers for the excellent showing on March l7th, 1972 greatly appreciated by the North Halton Association for the Mentally Retarded unbeaten in eight gamnes of tournamteot play dating back to 125t Se26902 -(Staff Photn) EARLY SPRING BOAT and MOTOR SALE AT MINTO MARINE GREW 14 FT. SS140 V-NULL FIIEIGLASS BOAT: 6Tinted saf77 las win950dshied F0225 F otation *C225pI270 deck hardware7 EVINNUDE 50 N.P. LONG SNAFT OUTDOARD MOTO.: 51106 757kyhelalenao *12 volt 0277077 & bo Sugg. List Prece Including Freight & Assemisy $2430. Early Spring Sale $Pu Prias OnIy 199500 Minto Marins - Minden, Ont. Phone (705> 286-1660 La "iMelt n, Phone Doug Ptolemny at 878-9093 Rise 'N'Shiee Pain Bags ORANGE Rag. 51for698 CRYSTALS 5 'anl.790 Laecia -2 Lhs Pkgs. SPAGHETTI.6 MACARONI 3 F.ioge 067,L6. Prei1c Coleman's Fronh L7e WIENERS'Pko97 Sleadchoose 39cI Fresh. Lean BLADE STEAKS Brao-106-, VEGETABLE Brave Reg. 2 Tinsfor49:.1 64Z. Vogue Reg. 69c24roll Pkg. Reg. $1.02 3266z pkg. GREEN BAINROON SPIC & 5 PEAS 5T-11990 1TISSUE 8R.11s9gc SPAN 85k4. MEDIUM SIZE EGGS 3--a950 Snobts 12th Pkg. Vao Pao "Premium" or "ayMaple2 SLICED SIDE BACON S9Lb 9kg. Preso Lean FrF766 - Lean Meaty Fresh 106 P, PRIME RIB I UiT PORK KKPORK* ur ROASTS q95 Lb ICHPS q~~sAUSAGE 59L BSI@HTEH 5PMfl MEALS WIfl FR9SH PRODUci, V5GETAU$c SPEGIALS Canada Fancy MACINTOSH m APPLES Bag 55 RED Fresh Fi eCs No. 1OUS.A. LETUCE 211as 390 Frnse Caliternia Lb. Bosch No. 10U.S.A AsPARAGUS 45 9,6.6 Ns. 1 Ont. POTAIGES i Os.39 Fresh Ffhida, No. 1 U.S.A. TOMAIGES 350.i 9,6.6 I.ediae Riose" WI2lia a, Piek ES LES19 GRAPEFRUIT J 0 8 Pnoje ed 6e 66R. 77 FAB Box 6901 Firest Gade "Creame077 BUTTER POwe2d6 Oetergent Reg. $2.1 B ox King Sze Box OXYDOL Il1m69 6h 9k 69 ara player 'hot,) Wl SELL ONLV RED OR BLUE BRAND MEATS C1Fresh Lean R 79L. STEAKS ýýy- - The Chamspion. MiO, Ont., Wecdnesday, April 5. 19725 Bowling jade. jhU7:ddR¶~ Lîdled 24 7. 0212 da 6 il , I6ATEPAVERS Othe,. , ùr Idm 28 22., 256oohy EllesmOere 217, 0672562 7.2. éog ielpIe, Gr.a Litt02 717;: DIimdhg l ,GaeL 2 hrn2 00.0for 2, 25012 2 fin 20, 7ne2g log rge, Franko Benin' 340. e2 n or 19, Edro, 5 for 18. 00022 good 6sglesF ...k Benton ('S%.SOAN METF62,IRLS Gille s . .pOýs, 01,20 Iiigo 7 01 32 , idie, h i 171 eie 0212L sOobo 6W2. Bon Reid 621. M2, Maortj2 do aie 619, Pain Pres612 . 00 0006020 tres, 2672v 25702el 0.pp 20062.76260000,067.6 GK.111 O.i 67, Kadh 227670 62 for07,66U26& Mîase 7770r96, MPh2îi 3 for 27-sn7 77217 22oirer927. for6776, C allenger 5 for T7ed.1 2 for 20, Coper77 29fo go W72d, Kd2 fr85.1 02622 3fo 5 Mon 0 for 070 OMNA MINOR MIDGET CHAMPIONSHIP 5th AND FINAL GAME Saiturday, April 1th 4:30 pe. COLLINGWOOD MILTON At The Arena Fibergiass ANDAuminum BoatS ANDCnoGs AVAILABLE OW NOWI Have your OUTBOARD MOTOR Servicel and Readyta go.