Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1972, p. 20

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B8The Championî, Milton, Ont. Wednesday, Aprîl 5, 1972 Says Ontario prosident CAS needs [ot so thc key wOr' "f Ishevoýpea1e, vei wed the ,Loda'iis. Ofln Bill, Pt'sideot llsîryo.CltIdie's'Aid societes et Ontaro Children's Aid Society aod of social refos-o for chidren tSid Haffon CAS osembers at from, thie eariy f19il's shen their annisaf meeting held at abandoned cbsldren had a veay Halton Centennial Manor rougit future ahead of them, UP to Wednesdav. ba crret tso. Sfio told memiters voluntarissu, Ltst o reor an on osas lte isgredient laciting tuday. hlsoilrfmbacrna Insifose byegone dayn il wan ai long. way since then tise SscI had. Hoos ironie il u tirat Provincial prenident indicated tiiere wa a tnng may f0 go. toto il is ail sue lacis." QuoI iog 'from a report entigled *We meas ufil but me don't do lIse Trufied Cid, site said! scoîf. Tfsousaods ut penple are prenent facilitien avaitable lu ithholdosg for a multitude ut cbsldren mîght have been ressors, tbe input lbey could ami adestuale 20 yearn ugo, but nom should foc mutiing 10 the isealtisy are overmbehned and faiting. devefopmeol of tfhe carrent crop tome parts ut Ontario have no of future adullu.- services whuluuever fnr lrnusted chdldren; for Ireatinent tisoy fail Mss Bal eredîted CAS bock on the embiltering stefuotecs for vulunteering an tecitniques ut puninlunent ami tatssog port. "Peuple of aIl ages shame. "The ncbnoln. nocial arc babyoilbong, bovauno titey agncs healtb services ami bave osagination aitout a moliser conclu aIl are equipped 10 chît is neyer froc trum cotaloin beyond question iret ittc iviv Tbeyoaeetulorng and tbe cbsldneeds belp. Tisere lu ns îlîvisg. They gîve portion, ami btelpi avadilbe. thcy dreso doils. Tbey bofp mASh A second report "tbe Coldic bodgcfîog and shoppinf. Ttiey art report" soyn 12 per coul of the as coumneer probation otticors, Population uplto 19 yearn otageoor iod as aunlsand unclen for tips ns Ions thon one mdllon cbildron aod leais. lbey tinol and msw . n Canada ceqoîre attention, Ireolmtent and rare becanue ut Hazardu emolional and learning Recofnizing lte isazards tin disorders. oingle parent situations, tbey are Femer tuadopi holding group sessions os citild Mms Ball imiicated the lacs ut spaig e, iouptbe ro nesuon wboro baities for adoption su hiing abse out i e OP5 about serions problem. Sbe said lte cftl abs, Vub osrvit, an numiter of private adoptions sa such relevant loplont iivolvtitg osrai. Some unoed motsers youth milS youlb in octivilien hmaIbi cdre ridb sohich benefîl off concernied, haveonduor relie orarange on Ocliogcarernibtuutscitools adoption ltrougb doclors or ccoonseflofn; setlusf op neigbbor- lamyors. The avoîfabilty ut ltittd services. contraceptives and aborlions laslîsg mooy 00er aclivilion bave also conlriisuted lo ise CAS colooleero tîsd Ibemnelven proitlem. c-vgaged in, Mms. Bail prodicted ,AIl Ibese factors bave the local CAS boards dll cminu conlriisuled lu the doctine in the wn cîolerol of tise socielien as long nucoitor of babies toc adoption as tbcv are alert lu local nees and theeoscreos noshbonucober o and aobold ibese tradition astise ulder cbildroo needmng homen, initotor of local citizen action t0 miton lte moliser later fiodo il tont Ilsec. nmponsiblo lu carry sut bier plan ls raiseblerecitdolono." In the Imu yoar perîod itetosoon 1968 and 197f the mono. declino Nymphs Ofljoy ofl1,377 in theminoier ot cildrn of ainmod mothors curning loto S CASlcaro 1n968g, 30percenlt o dem onstration the anmod nmothers itept hi baities and os 19tti, 42.9 por cool Nassofoweya Nympbs 4-Hd club did s. osembers voos o deonstration Prlvate adoptions os lîhhong o dunler and tacrngs, Mes. Bail said prîvolo giscs bc Poulo Kitcbmng ami adoptons are often urranged for Valerie Koigbl, et 110fr fit tise coovessenre ofth0e rnu00er mseting Club leadler tues. Iloist and the odoplors itut oed unit hosled thc meeting and the roil ibissdoesonot necensrti restâtlin osl as 'Ose point t bave the bonI sotorcots ofth yhld learned about coring toc my CAS boards are tinting tha1 At the club's soa meeting, beocrng otr dittisnît Miss Jenneso tfoesen gare a Aloitog torone difcult matie-up demonstrotion, nsosg proclire ut reo igcilrni treor Kîdd as a mudel. Therol11 e o povgioden in cati for thattmeeting mus sbomiog hmes of eprutolis ar 00eti a pîclure of a hase style ami bres os temple i ran ando ecîlable. wh Btil Kenndy ovaîlabdîly dreboiing. Forly-tmo suitabl. Belli Kenned Pro uet o il cbffdces os cre are îfemosstratedl settbuf os sleeves bolmres theaâges ot 1f and 17, site anîd ceosforcemenl for curved rntedi îosderarm seomo, and membors Allhougb gcoup bornes are discuassed pcelt bonds and fret being opened they are funildby and frocoslsg as outlioed in the fosanciaf ami olser restreintu. mercber's pampblet. PFoner hiomos are ntidI 110 hacit- ____ base of o sociy ciild coco progroos, and me mont tind mayn lu osleresi mosy more people in -Iftoms foc Tbe ChaminPon's ibos vital service." In a tsar ycor social colosse' About the Toms" poriod appbications lur bocomo ai'ealwoys wecome. ColMen. tonler parenlubhavo droppod by l2olores Melansos aI 878-3130 10 21.0 por cool or trom 1,661 in 1967 report yorsnewi. o4,428 in 197f. siEoC GAS FOR LESS AT DEW DROP IN :Due to Iowering Gas 3' Gai., we wii flot be marking Bonus Cards. However wie wiII honor them until April 30, 1972 only. 24 HOUR TOWINS R.R. 3 Hwyp 25 Milton 878-9229 878-5111 3~ more .volunteers CHiATING AT the annual meeting ufthlie Mes, Hellen Bail and Crnig Fraser. Mr. Fraser Chiîdeen's Aid Society areBHatan itrt Dor. oas re-elebedf1 tis he bard. -4Slnff Photo) Gordotn Ask-oilh,Ontaricu Soriety president Settie teachers' contract quietly Quiet omîcaitle salary megolialions resuled in n 7.12 oscrese 0100he elomenfury lovol and a 7.94 oscrcose aI the secondary level. The agreemnt was ralifscd isy a rnajorily ut Hallos Elernentary fracitees and ti1 per cent of Ballon Sucondaey Sehool Teacisers' lasi meots ami mas rotifief iy Boit ou Comfty Board ut Educotios af their 'lturndoy meeting. Comparef 10 the long dramo ouI isatle OSSTF ond the Bolfon Bourd meut througs 10sfyeor this year's negufiating rcnemislod a mutuel admiratfion mocicfy w100 isuli leacisers and hourd osembers throososg bouquets 10 ose mnoîber. Imprunoesln "The lune of negolialionu this year bon sisomu a tremnsemim nuprovensent mnd negotiations cornosîfeens have iseen cnopomolivo. In osy estimation a ceelson degre of mutuel trust isas becs developod belmeen district orne mnd the bourd," Ballon OSilTF president Ton facooutascsogs sîd. Sosce kms eleclion as tedleration presîdeul Rarnantarsingt isas estahlished isi as an oulupoisen ceicufthbe board. In a speerch 10 tise Fnlgarosood Coosmussty Association 10sf month the presidenltasbeoumt a the hourd. Negohohuin ehairman tom the hourd Tom Wotson dosnribed the change os attitude as "bise the dîfference iselmeen day andf Weill complete nîgisi." Trustee Noel Cooper snggested the presemce nf lo wmn uithe asgotiabang fritte cohancod tise meeting mnd mode tossgs rnovo quiciter. Be osdicafrd the osomen caimed Watson ami mode il aositoard 10 spea ins tise feue "Watson tauhion," Tise firs year leaciter mOl fuit qualificatinons nte olonsenlary panel mitl Start 0118,900 osite a fraciser in the frs yoar 50100 mniimal qualifications mil stout ai $5,500 in the eleosentary ponel. 'lisre mnaximum for a leacisor in tire oernrentary ponel osit 14 yoacs' tearising osili ceceive 810,390. A leacher mils minimum redentian in the tirol year 0f the socondary lovel mdll bogin ut $7,200 mite a tsity qnatiticd tirof year porsmn mi rennie 00,990. thes msaximumn ai the secondaey bncil for a luacher in $10,300. Cornmitlee citairmun Tom Watson idicoted the agreement osas reactd withoul cofbang staff or pengran. Olter area hourds have lied to moite sustlantiel culs ut bols staff ami prugearn 10 stay mithis ceilings. Evert lthong secoudary spobensen for the foderalion more pleasef mifis tise nalary agreemnt fboy indicolef sornr ureas nibor irait slary 0001 meeded rotinernent. Sien Bail nogoliafions cornrifteo ctoirnan for secondary scitools indicoled coucrs in the ditterent; levels nsid tom principals, and the Ebonez*r Story of resurr.ctlon Dy Mmn. RnMeLeAnd Me, Finley'4 tbougito dwelf on the cesarrectbon. A ton bomng cbased by a dog, carne 100a cave. As ie hos obout 10 enter, bie noticed duit ail the ton tracho mmlt in lu the covo, isut uore corne ouf, Su rnnlnd fente onxlefy osver ufteriog the coco ut Tisere is lte ofory ufth1 larves insthe bottarntotapond. Titey are talldno oinsfreisvilla chii si on a 0iy pad ond nover corne tacs, Su they asitei une ut tel numbor f0 ricoh sp ami corne tacs and fr11 tireu osit mou uP ftoere, Ose Ad oui Be tint lte worm soin transtormisg ihun bro a dragon fly. As ie simnsed mver the pond, hoe coulduft go domo beoo in the rnud, ami tell mhaf 10e had foun, no motter ieum maris 10 migitt have mnfd la do Jeson lives nom, and itocouse He livos, we ive aLo, so blieve in Hit. lunhosplini Mes. Wrn. Fron s ia patient in Guelpht GeueraI Hospital. Tise lovely flumers more in mrnory ufth0e lofes Dutas L.aoy of EdenIfMls. -This Soturday fn MP lfud Wluttisg lu sponsoring an industriel smblear in Ootsvlle. Lowville Ken Armstrong ta address association By Mes, Richsardtoveregir They are Mes. tondra Wosder, Tise "Pricodu ofthlie Museums" Mes Mahal Doeey, Me, Curty heId their Marcb meeting at lise Warren, Me, Roy Couller, Mes Hoiton Comnty Administration Francie Roberson, Mes. Aima Building. Tise slaleof officiers for Coing ami me hrope lboy mOtl 1e 1972 osere opprovedl, Mes, troue feeling 10100e mou,. toumiers, presideul; Ron Barris, Me. mnd Mes. Don Wrightt have pont presîdool; Me. John Me- rolsesef fronamosees holiday Donald, vice-presideul; Mes os BHawaii. Me. mnd Mes. ArIhse Judy Guebelle, sertary; Mes. Johnson enjuyed an islerrnllng Jean Baflsorly, ticasuror ami oseiks vacation n the islmnd of Mes. Belon tovoreign istorien. Aruba in the Curiiboean 15 miles Tbe Kelus rnusonirmurie0r off the criait Of Venezuea. festival dote mon tlnalized as Tise Island rues the oceas Jane 17 ond 18. maler for driuiig and eleclricily Paurvios Borne and tobool isy rernnving 110 mail osfich Association mutl bofd a generai moites themwaler one ni the purest mseetlig on April 11 oiith guesi in the morid Me. mnd Mes Bitl speaker W. Ken M. Armostrong Treneosiith and farniiy onoos- the superostemiosl t oflpeciat rnioiiled ai 000fr collage ne Educotion and Student Serices Huntsville. in Bollos Cousn. Tise Arts Burlinglun, Congratulations 10 lthe Kaleiduscopo exhaibition mnd sale Farvieos hasisîhail frais, h flic mi MaBy 4 -7 af the Castrai boys and girls learno ended thee Amena, News Stree, Burlingun. arisedule in tirut place in their mnd people are oucouragef 10 divisions omi the commnsity 1010e pari. Eotry formai are wsubs the leomu and coachtes availasie spon reques frosu the gond lunisi theb playýof f. itecrealion Dopartinu. tIhspital lise rornrnily lu îisinting of lSeir frieods osio are in hoopital or osio bave just ceturned borne. maximums rosse for senior IIIIIF teacisers. Be indicafrd the tooT argoboation leonos moald thraoithi ouI the question oft loo ynsr custraclo, cisanges in lise osoternîly beave pIon and merif 1GW US THE TUME! INCOME TAX TIMEMe Take your incomne tas probleuts ' o an11 expert Be sure yoar return " Personal T-1 short forms " Businessmen's forms Disqaifiais fe raua la " Farmers' returns A R L 3 " Commission salesmen's forms Contact HILLS BOOKKEEPING foot ftum pîeputed for SERVICE NOW. $5 u 878m9762 H ILL'S mvc Appoint two su perintendients Jota Grahamo mas appoissi soperînfeudent of acadernie upeotios tor the Halton Coonfy Board of Educolios Tbuenday, ol a oseetinof oth1e board. At the saine lime John Suicit mas appointedl suporinfendent of progcam,. Bolet replaces Kmn Suif and Griaam replaces Ken Ar'soofrng. Reicht taugit inl Ottama, Bamsilton, Pool Comfty mnd Oakt- ville durlug hiu eigit years oa teaciter Bis feaciig career mou = tlom isy filn yearo in ad- isolfofn mils Ajax, Kenoro, Owen Sound, Grey Comfty, mnd Peel Cony. Hein mrrieufly acea ouperinfemirni tue Pool Comfty. He sîmiiedaft Ottama Teaciters' tbtlcge, MrMaser Utiversity and the Univorsity ut Toront. Be bas lecfured et1110 Institule ut ttild Sbsdy al:thbe Universit y ut Toronfto and the Ontario Institutse for 51mbie in EducaSuon on Suporviser Relaffonsipo, oEacuan Me. Grahamo in mrulnly the chaiernan ufth0e enuf miumftlm area in Balton Comfty. Be itou srvn mnd a hait yrsof utai- miolofraf ive esperienco mits lthe Mon hurt A osans maimd envere, isoc injuries in a single mer accident on Saurday, report Milaon OPP Potice ony Richard J. Morrison ut Domosviem mas involved in an accident on Bigsoay 401. urene the Fit Uone of Nauoagameya. Morrison mon tason 10 Mllton District Bospital mnd lter tras- lerred 10 Toronto Wostern Hospital. Onkol ami Bino sards ou mei ou inn years fracig in Ballon arbools. Grabam is on the board ot declues of0te Ontario Homo mnd ilcismi Fmioration, cisaiernan ofth0eChild Sludy Cornnillee ami preideint ofte Baltonnamd Oak- ville branchees ut lthe Canadien Menlol Heath Association. -Tse Haltos 4-B agricinlorat clota have ises organiseit, but severaltrnd more meosiers Rtegistration deadiue lu April 28. SELECTRICITY Pi s Our Businss I î - saOeleas FEATHERSIONE 878-6378 L Did you get your copy of the CG-DP SALE~ CATALOGUEJ ', with over 350 Special Values?__ LJm UNITED CO.OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Broute St. MilIton 878-2391 car protict.d by thse -Ib Andoail 1912 Amecicue MhoSurs Cars are proîussed iyth ee nover Protectin Plus. Tiss plus.. so o u odt Toi. 1 manuatsrle qoaify. A reoiomuy 12 osels of 12,000 mites gaate A ires laer cur A Hoffive sumber for imeoi f0 uct in frm Americue fruuoms le Brampton, Ontario ssoofi vos rise- Ail Imporeane fontses for uey oung0 sar bayer. __ aALLAI CLEMENTS A - AND SON Brouie SI. S. Milton 1171-2328 Dr't Th Demn isold mes, and ifutr bat tçld A rel Fmai bois Fson Tucs and cair bosi Or Mars Pris, Mes Keas Dunm talusq Mes and Fr that louao Mils Go Cao poli Boni Su Clar Jose lier A ilyru o. W hlac chût Don, asu At rat the spin Fi olfe cmes tur Mi Miel TI Mat l MP Nor PiC M. SuV9 me Nwo mo wo A Siva nysi sole m off

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