12 Tf Champion, Milon, Ont., Wednesday, April 5, 1972 Notes on discussions More on 1972 budget Budget-cutting sessions oc- rate. Fiee area comimtttee and sanitation $24,500; cupied members of Milton expruse of W6,000 setS lie shared waterusurks $20,000. comouiltre touneil for over seven tours in by Milton and the four of adjustîsosi $1.30;: plamung swo mretings heldduring the past surroundig municipalilies. hoard $6,000; properties and weeis. Whlte tise maio tiigtitightu -Couscit currentty bau cootingencies $5,200; arena of tse budget mOt Me fosnid $117,751 in itu capital tevies fiond, bsoard $34,500; economic etsewbere in today's paper. lise sioneys paid by developers and devetopsient $4,000; pas ord toOlowisg ore somte "notes" os builders to coce riosto of $900; tibrary $17,960; fie the discussios tMt surrouoded tseresory servires. TMere io 0f50 deporlient $38000; recreation tse fint decinion. $4,524 in a porking tory, paid isy rosouitter $23.500. (Note, courit -Mary of tise cula totaoling toolders Mn lies of proriding stiores tire rosts with fiour seigs- $27,982 wfucfi rouncit mode ai parking, and 97,126 in the porks Moriog muniripotities; ond tise tost Tuesday's meeting fond retreoentiog rosis grOMs in recreation figure inctudes a originoted front a ' guideline" lieu ut poris. TMe fore reii ord partial yeur'u satary for a paper wiii Moyor Brin lient bas $9.800in o reserre fosd but recreotion dirertor oho wiff Me Mdai prepored. H8e id Me spen 15 intends Meuse partoffof f a Maby a iired thîs nuoruoer. ors tisat eeend going orer att tsew latti truck. tise figures ood f ooking for -Woter arcounts allane tant possible sorings. yeor accounted for $857,899 in --Counrit startgd off 1972 onitis a revenus for tise seoter accotnt. Mealtisy surplus foin tout yeor of Ilealtist accoont on tise tosen $5000 and estouusted $25,0800 Mboks, tise seater accomit ended come in supplementary te. 1971 wîtis $21,432 surplus and Mas Mdayor lest sid tise rerenue inde an accomuloted surplus of us the ledger lusised lirigister ffi5 $92,237. But tise funduf cou onfy year isecause tie Glen Eden Me spent on improring or and Maptair apartmnents, espanding waetr service. Alliance Building Corporation Benuses drsppedl ustustriol, plona, close Mu 154 -Atiougs couril rut isomes in tise Wimpey suis- empîsyres' Chriustnas Monuueu division, o portion of the Miltonitraom th ist last week. Couocittor Plaza addition ali 30 Derrydown Dir. trou Huter tried t0 gel Ibemn subdivision isomes and Potysser remnstated lIs seeek. An $1.108 Corporotion's indusîriol plont wsa proposed, selle $86 mas mill Mll dded Mu lise Ms rails, ortuallp upent lont year. Mayor ciliser wisolly or parlially, durig Bent naid salaries ore isigis 1972. enougis and Counriltor Colin Bacs taxe, OSmilie frît mcii sisould sot Me -A get-tougis pot iry on in tise -gire-omay business" oulstonding taxes -a. seben many induntrial and reomended, as tare oa 9%,020 commercial firmo bave dropped mnpid trom 1969, 1970usnd 1971 us tie Chreistmsonou system. the booko. Tise adminstraion -$ncluded in tise oren Mord's consouttee mon orged Mo gel sy gudget mon $1,808 for more gtss riglit aseoy un tase collections. orousd tise ire surface Mo protect -Liisrary isoard memiser spectators from flying sticMs ond Robet Mackoy and tlirarion psciss. $000 for nese plyseood Mrs. Siselagis Conseay ocre fousrig $125 for new ords frmoln aI 1001 week's meeting oromnd tise ice, $300 for painting, and defeoded tMe reserve fondif $600 for front mati repoirs astd sying il mas mecessry wMen a $750 for engine maoin roof repaies. sos isuilding is approred, for Tise oreus isoord atmo plans tu initial arcisitecî's and parrisase tmo reMdit motors for engineering fees. Discussion stand-isy usits i case tise present swng aroidftothse need and motors give up. New speakers cunoil*s uosorcessful plans 10 and ou-ing for tise saurai systein acquise a properly for a new ocre also mncludcd aI $800. pubiei liMuary building mnd tise library repeesenlatîves con- Indutiel filou Morud Ma prestor a torm decinion -Tise econorù development fromt cdi lu go aMead mitis o commiltee's budget inctudes new building. Mayor Beot ouked $1.200 for ou inusoriol f ili of lise tise adminstraion conuniltee lu on, Ma M prepored by Jars look ito a site lue a lisirary and Carpenter of AcMon. That in tise lsiog bacs a repart snot toter major espendilure in a Mudget Ibmn tise middle of May." Mtalling $4.032. Boy Tanker -LaMe t oune of Oie torgent -Tse tire ores cmnnittee espendîturen in lise on's ouked $23.028 front Milton thM spending tis yeor. Peacicaily seor, us ioccease of $2.342. Part eoery isudget torned in ssowed of dus monyitt iyoaltan togsr laMorcots. Someof te 5-sdk and il mat saggcoted $2,1t0 ins in staff salaris ocre police trous tise capital levy fond Me aI $117,000; administration mced tomard tou item, lcarisig $01 000 - councîillors $12.809; mfly a $230 increate in thM Misn's streela aod oolks 057,000; seseers 1TICKLE BOX' by Ted Trogdorn "Oh» ros. Mouse...- Gsss i. -y aout th isa 0 u sue hi="' Vsfbswages Service & Warraetp Repaie Service Depf. open Thars. Titi 9 pi. r SE E THE BAcND NEW VW FOR 82,20$ FU11 FRItE 160OCC ENOINE .ce rlarse nvevfory uf Cumpletll Recoovdflîseed Loin Prod Used Cars. Georgetown asks Form indus trial Datai Whlo nc the omscoivas aisd spisat type afi ndaalry ia afready Mn tan,"1 Se nid. Did you get your copy of ihê ronaDie i.v. à iLur 1 uoior i.v. %J JJ 1 T«O MATCH ABOVE SET %# # 19" ADMIRAL MEDITERRANEAN OVERSTOCKED IN colonial Chests, E WALNUT PORT. 95 DARK OAK 19951 Beds, Dressers, Nite Tables, ss V E S E aabTl' 1le . T V T ske Nie T.V. 1169 Zenith Stereo$401 Chairs, Desk. SACRIFICE PRICES De MRI i'E hR esEàs'S 9 9 COmOP SALE INLI ADMIRAL ADMIRAL wý'2 e H 2 Speed tt WALNUT 89951MEDITERRANEAN$ D DRANEAN A L $ re A TA G E Washer %pý59"IConsole Stereo 3 23" B.W. T.V. 3191 with over 350 Special Values? D 88 P e Tape $ 995 LO U WESTINGHOUSE AMPEY9 t Ci 10 Dryer $ 1ONLY r er :e l 59 20 ort. 17995 Case, te Tape $4995 Li UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Bronte St. Milton 878-2391 U R ITURI FURNITURE URI P comment extension assciaio Oleorgetoin's reqcest of Ose tiser mout o monsec delays ou Une A sco ou.aciation, Ose Milton Wletuie bdUn89 arc es lein an eo Departinest ut Municipal Affoirs pan tadattrial Associaion la uder- Mayor Bout taold Milton Con catit watt Unt long. ona tse deadM Meica Plmmnf oc ay sn Mms. Acrording Ma Mayor Monday tise grosp msuld prorîde onEsuein'nOfiia PanM Asoîber cequent froin frian lirst a gruup representing liaos its mounctl alongetise extendrd lo May 30 so thy couic! Liorgelounlfor loue copiesuof the industries rn focs hase uset and saine fines as Milton Cbamre .RfureoD hase tour lu asss il, suas towseis official plan oas eburugna astertrisfgfcuoiemilttrethlu Cosusmiercc dues, enrept lise UR I grelrd oti dindain isy accumpatued by a $100 depoitbrginsttutuicsfolse aoiton eîl c mrei . ,U e0.. Esqucsîng counceifors aI a ohich tise Miss woutad eeturned first oficiaifmeetig of lise grosp. ssdustrialty oricnted tisascris- -Tiey cas't bave mois t Io," documents, oas aIse grceted mllbT ish teig cm ite Tcmyrldctdts P O E RS nnappcd tise depuly reeve. lOct estsiasin. The clers was includes Stan Edgar of Nort atacitin osl Mbepid Concllr on fiedtame ourutd oil <eugtasis Atuerican Bocisseîf f(Ontario aelcingg seuwi indsseticad ta oelr tise pl t afee scted tcl a Id Iin Geyorg d Stee1f, RichMrd JoMnsMn ut P. L. toms and wosid provide ou EJALINOTON spociatheg plan ay. te coMsilan tsell s rit t ise mercall Geurgetowen. Mave taboy copies df tMpY wanted Rfobertson and W. C. Romney ut opportlmty of emnptaoues of Ose MAIL Esquesing coonici comntered tbem, allisoogi Beeve Hil11 Miltun Machsine iShop. The grouP vartous indutries tai meet one tise Georgetown requent by acMowledged Oie G2eorgefown mill 1001 in thM future Mu eleet muottar and sweap îdeas. mriling Mu Oie ministr oisjcting cos$msl Mad esn towshifp policy oBficees atnd glet thc asociation "Newe indusliies mmntag ta TELEPHOPIE 832-7788 uer nn Mov 30 extension, soting oece on Mnd in tMe office. uporabive. ous oBtes sent ta us selm w t ta ft y C il b S ji