Qïke ftubiauo EIîampÎ0 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1972 Tenty-Te.o Pages-Fifteen Cents. Barber-Greene to builld M*ilton *industriaol plant *mploV 125 in plant on Alliance property Barber-Greense Canada Lt., an international compans' manufactoring atone cruahers, aspesSI paving machsines, conveyote and relatet eqipmrnt, bas piurcisaset a site in Milton andtplans to bild a oew indstr-al plant pV Alliance Building Corporation bas sold tise tires on 11.5 p3 acre site at Use sortis corner of the Alliance indanti-ial mail.,U$ property, sorts cf Steeles Ave. nar Ontario Bt Msyor Bilan Bust toit! Milton Concil 1910 meek tise frEs plans n $259,00 4,6 0 plant ast nostit emples' 125. Thse compans' mania to start 00 conastruction mitisin six meres, 9e sait, and isopen ta bc in prodsuction by aressnt tise rot of Uhsa year. flecemdmajerm indstry Barber-Greene Wi» be lie second major nen ieitustry lu CANADIAN NATIONAL RLAYS8 locate 10 Mitone in tem titan a year. Polymser Corporotion tw starletl conistruction on a $9,620,166 plant on Harrop Dr. last samesnrnbics la expectet to employ 230in the manufscture ofCO conccete hoessing matules, ise mayor soidt he second nen indt8y mas anotiser feahor in Milton'n cap and nos tise ,~yC I result of " ond planing" at thselocal municipal levet i Thse 6cmn 10i a letter meade publie at Monday s metg akrd round 9ten llac Rd. ta the morllsand ment tu serve their plant, and provide hirileer muiciipal services Thse rosI of the roid ami services, estimaited ai "90,300 mi» 9e rlsaged bacs ander local improvement. Apva f the Ostario MncplBoard wml 9e sosegis an san an possible. Barbser-Geene 10 a melihemaon Company and mas loanded 5 ynes aga t Aseora, iois. Boaris pata are tocnted in DeKalis III., Chicago, Milwaukee, Branil, Hoilasd, Englami ami Torosnto. Thse Teroxeta plant an "Bart*heeee Road sear Dose Minai Rd. 10 brmmed In isy residential devetopamnt and mill 9ie rînanil mbrn the Milton plant opes. Mayor' Best isdicated. CN spurlise A huilding 140 tant isy 300 tant and 55 feettigs a planned an the Alliance site. Il mill cantato Imo 25 fouttravelling cramsand a CN spur linemwill ran trough ose emi of Use building t0 tacilitate trasportation. freim Minois ose mors sg, seni an hoor in Milton and tIen hans agai0, 9ie said. Transier brr Torosto plant manager John A. Kay said the composy dit nt assousce is plans earlier, because tise unios ai tise Toronta plast had t0 9ie notified. Presomably somne of the employees at the Dos MOle plant miti Irnsier o Milton. Barber-Greene had also considered asother locatios an Multon's onîshirts , omned 97 Focus Developeeos. The Porto site la an Derry Sldeeoad in sorts GeissIle, jant mmlt of Canadian Meter, but coanicil retosedtal annes the land t0 ton for a nombr of cessons. BARB0ER-GREENE CANADALTD. bas acqsilred an 11.5 acre site on Alliance Building Corporation lands la tise sortis end of Milton, for a ane $750,800 plant wbich mill employ 125. Tise '12' rompoesy's proporty le sisown in tise ehatet uro on 1910 mop. Annmsnrement tise company hat choses the MOilton site was onnounetd ut Milton Cotentil an Montuy nigst Averag. b111 up $37 MIII1 rate down but taxes up Gree. have buen goingon for Milon's 1972 budget, vtlally over a monts,nMayor BesI finaiaed 9Y Milton Coantil on revesîrd. Thse Casadian brancit MondaY evesing, esded op loner of tise company had hees than il wsea originally espocted tu cannidering tsar sites in the le Torontoa ren and the final Tise average Milton home- decisin tochane the Milton ste omaertfaces anomcrease intiislsax mas made by Frans J. Merci», bill ot an estimuated $37 tos year, presidest of the Casadien but il could bave bren morse. Tise operatian and vice-president of provincialitan rehate scbeme mas international operatioms, Mayor droppet ibis yesr, and il mas Beot naid. Mr. MerrOlnen tp north $61.70 por home in 1971. Caunicillors seere omable lu mahe Watssretup the lana ouit rb W ant str etmanaged ta Iran aboat $25 off il. la effect, coanicil reducod laces sidew o ik bY $25. Taspayers mîll receive a portion of the uaie provinial rehatein 1973 mises they file Useir schedule 1972 mncome las formo. Total 11,6111,279 Mitn Courcil ro.y embark:on Apart Monday's meeting il street paving and nidemaltis Cacl 17 eod drama oep. Depoyhev $1.688,279. Of nuse $441,970 comme cCuaig suggested cossci tromn otlier sources leaving the contact cnsalting engineeco ts tomn 10 raise $1,246,308. dram tise scisedole. Coancillore attempted Mmnday H4e nnggestadth1e engisseers 10 tinalize the mn rate ai 89.00 along mith canncil cosld consider minto(the rate for serviced priorilies and bave maris dane residential lami) isat isetore the anar a nombr of yearn. He said meeting ended, they had cbrpped lie frît it mas seresary tu have a a furUser 88,600, aroosd Inn. planoor gideline toisand dom tu tids of aMWl, fromthe amoust a fttae coanicil. The resaolian reqied 1090i raised isy taxation. w l 9e diacosed 10 committee. Thtemvin ratemuflbriefinaized al Plan to cut taxes fouls their orsI regular meeting on taxes os eacs $1,006 morts ut In efIdc, coancîl passeti on t0 April 17. ansessmest. Att "average" home the raîrpayers tise entie Last year's resideial main assesset for $5,988 mill pay $439 decrease in HalIon's education rate mas 91.90 mile, or $91.9610n taxes in 1972 comporedtu 10455 levies, 4.04 minas, plus isetter than taxes on earb $1,0f0 of lest year-oot contisg tise a mill saving in tenn genral ansessment. Tise estienate maiii provincial susidy, seiicis lasI espanses. Tise coanty rate mas up rate of 86 muils ibis year is a byve year moteld have retucod the one-qater ut a mil nul] reduction and requiree $80 in total 10 aroand $393. lTe rsidentiasrrvicrd rateot S pend $1 1 ,000 windfal on sidewalks, parking A sendfall of psssiisly $11,000 fean alto Miltes Coancil's lap Monday, tusI as the toma mas prrporing 1u finalize tbr 1972 budget. Cauncti leaesed nese ancomtitionat provincial geanto ut $1.75 per copîla, 10 aiin th1e motof municipal pollcing, m ie9 intrmiuced later ttos year. Deciding seeUer 10 use the fonds 10 offset carrent muicipal mots or settistg t9e monry aside f0e sperial projerla urcupîed hll an honr of coancil's tine. Main proislem, 019119 te granto are sot officiai yet and riens Jacs McGeachie wsearmoise 10 contact officiais ai Queessu Pars an Eanter Monday 10 gel more lelaîto. F10 nldemawk In the end, coanicil mas in geseral agreement tha1 80 per cent ufth1e anexpecltd fomis should te set anide for repoîison sidesls ut tise aider sectian ut toma, nî19 t9e remoindr 10 9e anet toseard a Imo-level or three- level parking lot on Mary St. Councilior Colin ilmillir proposmi usina t9e fondu for sîdesealhs and parking lot expansion. People inth1e oider, long..eslaisliased parla ut tn have poid taxes for yrarn isut the sidemalha arr generally in a pour state and nesd replacing, 9ie saidi. Deputy Berce Bois McCuaig agreed. and uaid council bas col monry slatrd for sidenals repaicu rvery year aI budget tie. They're su hait non tl will coul more lt in thet, 9ie added. " AbreslnabIsîr Coancillor Mes. M. Powys sait the sideseathe are in "as absominable utaîr" and said potting off the repairs amuait lu "a mortgage on the future." AUi the $11,009 sisould go lu sîdenals repaies, aditei Coancillor Art Melamsos. Ne said lie gels a lot ut compiainla about the state ufth w9 alts. On a 5-3 cote the llnillie proposais approved. 86 nuits îochdes almost43 rilla toc general exponses ut tise lama, '1.61 mtilis county Ievy, 20.11 nuilla publie scisools and 15.80 mills secoodary scbos. tieparate svboot supporters nilI 867 18 nulls resîdential, 20 esîtîs commerciaor tnomrills less than puie scisml sapporters. New asesmenl A mili tis year is mucUs $14,098. The ton bas added alinost tno mîlls nortb ut auseusment lu t9e rails sinco a yenr ago and espocte a fardier $35. 009 worth t le addrd 1u0the raols during 1973. Councîl bad last semis cul $27,982 off proposed espondîtures, but estanates ai tisaI lime indicated anotiser $16,501 bud tsble cul for a "botd- tbc.Iinc" rate. Since Ibat mne et i ng, bonever, nîscalculations sere itiscoveed seteis gave the ton, prior te ibis Monday'u meeting, a .63 mini decrease in the genral irvy. Tbcy found a furtr to-tirds of a nti by juggling ignres ibis neeti. ITT flou lltreets &Walks Semers Srncr Deinnturrs Garbage Garisage ttebentures Econonîc t3evetopmnent todantria Comisîsion Grorrat Administration Fi ce LigsI Police Proprties Finance othcr than ildo.> Acea Cotuiittee of Adjanîtment Conservation Libracy Parking Authority Partis Recreation Less receipts To Panse tor Genecal Levy To Rise for Couoty Lrvy Educat8ns To Baise for Public ilcioo Secondary ticboot Seporate Scbool Grand Total 123,640.00 55,395.00 66,747.46 57,375.00 5,871.25 11,906.00 2,832.15 19,700.00 20,718.00 25,000.00 163,773.00 12,700.00 387,900.0 19,275.00 2,000.00 15,937.14 29,479.92 2,300.00 9,145.00 25,500.00 1,057,189.32 441,970.48 615,218.84 107,220.00 264,731.00 231,905.00 27,233.70 1,,01.54.s Recreation directore in budget ~ iattempt 10 postpose the Coancillor Hanter toid coosctl- Wo remnove ils 86,006 reserve hait eftectively and effeciently," tie cornitter sere sot preparel lu gca fu8 timi. rerreatinai lors tie spool somne 190e on the 10 detray 1972 expenses, misile the eaid. carry on, on a voluolary hasîs, and0 e si ut don os the meetiend revieseing local budgets partis board mil alto 9ie asbrdtlu He thaagist $1,000 could 9e eut seithout somne belp. He sait il seau nry isoard's isooti-iuyisg and peesested a bast of $17.600 10 su $1,100 ilis reseeve tund for Irons the parkas budget for mice lu promise lu reduco taues, I gel failet Mosday, mises proposet expesses br tn lt co cpital proîrels ibis year. cenotape maintenance but "bat me stili have lu provide erillor.Dr. Ivan Himiter 9ie rut. The recrestion tirectores Bydmntau Deputy Iteeve Bois McCuaig services ta the peuple of the antet a 18potat programt salary of 86,100 for port of ahlene Bay tuemoasiesinth ton."1 gedta eut coa mil ami a isaif year's mork wsea Use major ibm. Counciat saed $3,500 hy csiegtset uene s r atrsi s erain ~ .191 -mmMOos oacil He popsaI10risp 2.16 ram deciding tu purchase 'a ne mors couldt 9e continued for ans terector mmml' needet last year. atet 1972 bsudget totelng the arena board isudget sens alto garisage pacher. A temomîtrator lesa, and 9ie reftoed. "'Hon moul He feit Use mon mas only ueeded a,279. estet toma, ns seere mont of bi motet con 9ie purcisaset for yo0 reduce a $17,060 budget by an "a cisaprone for the as~~~~~~~ ~~~~ re$sintrca llo9e ts nlinn 9 3,5WOlessathan 19e telt price. The $1,l00and e»n peovite tbrse swmming pool." lie tarot tis someneer, ast budget. oIt machine neets a major over. evc? is euyev McCuaig repliei De. Hiustec library ra s satoe reserve He bat altou preposedtwo ctsa bau ast cooscil lied agreeta asised. soasi obtain the fadas iseore ata caner ls expensus, in0the parba budget, tfree 1019e bay a nese use, estinatet ai Predicta reslnnllss matiing saris stotemenla. "You w om cs rl ed, BoUs Use liisrary boardsa, ose in the tire $1,w McCaig teld Dr. Hanter uit Of batd an appainîment mth the HA TRICK isero, for wooelbridgr in the "C" (rigst) alto playet a stcong gane. îry bsoard and parba board arra beard's and ose in 910 oma Cooncillor Hanter frît tise Use reerenin director mus set reerentios ceusuittse cisairenan 8orderedta close est Usele peopeety committee's, for n aresa budget nbenldli 9euct isy hirot, Use toma cosIt save $29100 Sntsrday, misicis 700 tids't ciampiosbap gante nos Larry Arcbbaîd. FULL juvenile hockey tosennenent coverage re undi ant uUse henseny furer saving sf82.,675. 82,006ý-maw sisol br nstong Or Use sebrle rocreattos progeamn, brep," bre cisarget. Hanter sait Clrm MrMfee <Irît) mo a in os»a but ore Of tise is on page 4.-<Staff Pin) 972 expetuen. Tise lhenes' board mitI te oshedthUem lu oporate a litie more isecnue the membrs of the <Cestinset m Pagc Seront six1 Woodhridelg goalsaont Rutd' Vnirie VOL. 112 No. 49 Stan Fay vice-president of P.L. Robertson company Stanley A. Fay, generat sales cisildren lsve in Peel Village, manager of P. L. Robertson Brampton. MarifasCturing Company Lemited since 1968, has been elevated ta the position of Vice- President Sales, effective Apri t. Th9e ansounoement was mode tant wenti iy Martin J. Warren, Vice-President and Ornerai Manager of the compaoy. A native o f Milton, the hortonn of the P.L. Robsertson Company, Mc. Fay joined thse Company in 1946. In to5o fie mat transferred t0 thse Montreat sales office and inhen the Moolceal wareiouse opened in 1959, lie wan appainted District Mtanager. In 1961 9ie mas alto responsble for tse opening and operation ot manufactucing facilitien of Pan Amnerican Sce Corporation sn Montreal. Mr. Fay managed 9019 foess unt91 bis appointinent as Genera Sales Manager in 1968, mises 9e retorned tu the Milton office aller 17 years in Montreal. STANLEY A. FAY Ne and bis mite andt thee PLR Vire-Presdent Sales Budget details Where your money goes Althoagh Milton Cooscil chopped a further $9,600 traon is spoodmng estonaies for 1972 ata fistai bodget-chopping session Monday eveomng--mortb another two-tisirds of a mil-brr are the figures prcpored by thetomn staff tsowember the money come from, ami msero il gars. The tollommng figures have sot been adjoste tu 10shon the final 8,600 in cati. Coooctllors saved 83,600 on the garbage collection price by decidiog ta parchase a demonstrator mmiet garisage pocher, bot pot $1,000 of that money ioto an incentive program for local groops. They alsostrocs 81,t96from the porisisoard's requirementssy ashing the isoard tu use mosy in lisuremrve fando-so atoag the board nill still spend the total bisted, tise town dorsolt bave tu raise $1.096 ot isat. Coanicillors alto lstrocted the llbrary bisord t'o plrh op *9,009 from, ils reserve lsnd tu defray esponses 110e year. . " The tollowng liit; of buodgets indicate an 86.66 vaill rate for serviced renidential tand is ton, 94.54 milts for serviced commercial and industrial. Rates in tise unserviced area are 13.99eislls tomer. TisaIs an overall decrease of 4.40 minas residential, 4.91 euilo mndostrial-commiercial , most of nhicb came fromn rrduced school 1ev ie n. Seporate scismi supporters' rate is 60.10 mina, don 6.51 seilsi for residential; 92.19tminas, don 7.29 for commercialtand indsst'ial. 1972 PROPOSED BUDGETS Z. LOAU La c 45ç 55ç At ou diret d1e; pes nt te» tond libre for 1 I