6 The Chioin. Milton, Ont., Weilnosilay. Mereh 29, 1972 Ask developers redesign Du ,%W h V;AOD btc cfiti e iuyv Commercial St. car wash Oser 30 represestatives ot diflereolnt umfcspabitses were in alteodooco mises o brief fronthUe Coabition et Coscorseil Citizes s preoented te Premier Wilbiam Docte Mosday oiter- The brief arrompusird e ,084 naie peblso asking for resiese Mf pIans for a major Hydre truse nission corridor frent Pickerieg os Lobe Ontario le Nanticofs as Labe Erse. Mosy townships le ans arsewould bc afected byUthe proposeil lise inclodief Ern, Ecamosa. Caledos and Nasse- gaseeyo. Ler Sycocofe Terra Calta, cisoiroas ofet f CCC, presentrd Use friel te Mr. Davs and Joba Seteritar Ifs bisit nmm. Tise groep reportrdl ifsy sere vrry eri rrceived by Premier Davs osd Mîsister et tise Essirosmest James Aulil. Wrwrre gises more lime Usao se bad ostiripatel," said Mrs. M. Tierard, 24.2. 2, Actmn seS vos omosg Use delegat fron thUe CCC aI Use meren. Aise isU Use grop trom Ile distict sere Mrs. Elizabeths Hoey, Mise Martuo Hoey ont Mrt. Joyce Barses front Nauoagaeye towsehiip asd Vie Johnso front Eramota toms- ship. Orrieus flans Tise briel mxploised Ibalt Use CCC îs coovisred Ostario Hydro'o preposrd 500 iss truse missio corridor bas oerious lases ond sbould ta examiord belore an objective Cormmnssion et loqoîry. Tise groop alise cooleodos Ibat Use Cainet bat bers ii.advioed sy Ontario Hydre in Use motter. Tise brief stated, "Wr do sol l0'ofess ta ta terbascol experte Derînt o regu'luc meeting Musdoy, Miltn Coueils -Agreed la support a itla Bs lint' application te uperate cisarter trasportation ont ut Milton. -Approved o isy-lese maie seseral mir crrectios le Use issent u onisg by-iose. Ose chaonges reguisisoos oui groaed flmor area minimumso for hoes, la grem floor aruas. Cooeicillers diocoserrd Use by-lase's seordiof seus forcing biader te ererî larger homes tan secosoary oaid Commîlter ut Adjustment fsarisgs sere rmoulbng. -Decideil te resîse hibrr orbeile of meetings m regular hWl ceascil meetings seould ta talil Use lîrst anil tisird Mosdoys Mi Use mntUs seiUs ceumîtler sntsions on Ifs secosil oeil foorta Mosdays. Tise neut regolor cooscil meeting seil tae nexî Mundoy. April 3 sefh Us romtees ocisedldfor April 10. Ceeniciler Mrs. M. Powys ubjecleil le councîl meeting on Easler Mosdoy ou ilsa a isasis sebaul andl guseruimeol blisday. -Urgeil Use building lespecler toesfurmUstheiss's zesiig isy- lase in reopoet la parofu large truck se n %dential enes. -Learseil SgI. Williom Poîtrmr ut Milton Pulice bas fuse. on compensation for lrg injurisn. -Accepteil Use police cief's suggestion UsaI Ifs speril boul us Bronle SI. remoin as su. A chanrge wa om)niderd. -Decideil le abandoun plans lu base as sererail trasportation stady ofe ton Ifbsu aose Usry flIt Use issu'u popuistion dont nt searrant o public trus- porttousuyslem. -Leared Joe McConn ont Murray Grenise hase bren appoisteil by Use recreobusn ram- milter is sit usea joint conseilee slailying a possible merger of Use parks .rerration asnd areso commutteles. -Wusdorril il il mould ta feoosirt lose Main St. wsa et Martis lit. seben tise creso. stracts'os taises place Ibis surruser. Sanne frît il mould ses. cuosuctin lene il Use ubrerl suere darsd 10 traffir. Tise Chsonttr of Comminerce ma Iotae oubesi for us opinion andl Use aiguisera are is ta contarteil Il se bow ntuci tunr le iisvuiveil -Leamel Bell Canada mil ta repins conduit and buoildinga nsanisaiuon Maie St. and Bronla St. selon. Bosse lise nuibssait sidemaibu M, Brsste StV ausi ensiio~ the sent fbur fOot = 'ieaol rqilaced suitis [ive foot sidths Claucil will puy 2 per seul of the ond ras ta readily 'sowed undrr' osce the discussion gela beyosl Ifs ream of rone- oeil mis Ifs rhemalinofe teris- sselogy. "Hoseever, il afoo stotril UsaI o pubie exocoleatios by uobiosed experte bas sot bers maode 10 esore Usot Use brot ont moot acceptable contpromise bttees efficient andl ecosomicol peseer and thetrservatios of Use qaabty et bile se Ostario bau bers arleyd. Masy efthIe Coalillon's mecotars sei ta affectrdl by Use roue efthUe prepoord bie, soe lselef besaont ottars out- baildings, otters cbens of lent. The groap crîtirses Ontario Hydre's apparent relertasco to diseos tbe ailtter andl tise criterso useil le arrive aI Use ciser route. Tbry seffestrd Ontario Hydre's mettoil et oper- atIses su tdoted in a democrotir ilote. Tise CCC seffestu ui laysng underground rable os Use norm in Nese Vork stoa ondthIf Unitedl Statesobut tbt Ontario Hydre bas drlbsrotely tured its taris Or uedergreodiog by risosofg o voltage sebiis Usry arr incapable et barysef for ooy dsstance. Altsougb Use statut report os Use Torole-Cesîtreil iegios codorseil Ifs Parlcoay Beit foer transmssion bies, Ifs CC cisarges Ostario Hydre bas ignoreil il. No fuarhlng Tise brier lseb statesthUaIt oltbassgb il is energy pobicy te ssrmollyeavid bueciaf e EHV be se o sigle rigist et woy for sersirity relssosi Uste Nese York Pubie Service Comtmission doines l'visel saturation" in termisof ethsee towert obreoot, Use Ontario corridor seill bave tise loseers abreoet, ecr tomer replaeento st. -Neted Use ntitsisg si on Use EHgbsoy Us reconstrsction bad sot bers reptacoil iy Use con- Irocter. aller repeolrd searis trunt tise engîseer. and tise engineer suas tlook aller Usesti. -sised duit $100 ta badgelrd fer ceplocisg Irees duit are is ba cul doses ee a sese satar maie cmru freas Broste St. te Use recevoir os Ifs escarpmeol. Oaissille's Trer Conescoter bat gisen Use issu persionos laeul a locuslitreeon Main l. W. near 'Tremtaise Rd. bat asisei Ifs issus la mata arrangements 10 replace il seili "geseral planbang" in Use -Learsed o National Housisg Act bon sisould ta asadita for beusrisng Imo-Usirds of Use cool et tise seage trealmesl plant extenuion. CMHC seilI finace iseo-Ibirds of Use approseil mot $1,177,920andl seill forgise ap te 25 per cent efthUe fisoscisg, sebicis clesis Jars MeGearbie f igureil le ta acoood 11M0.. -Asisei Use crnd eiHese Res Harris te look isis Use pomsisdsîty of baving contmasity planning nsdonte do Use sudy of lise tesesu core area. Tise Deparbseent of Municipal Affoirs serote mousnil puisbeng oul mny of tase sisilesis are seebieg senmrnr employmntndei Reeve Harris said lie nderutnsd Use province seill puy Use mot local studies mode isy tocs studenis. Earbier rstimotes os Use cool et Use study sere$100 Art exhibition shown here A travelling enxhibition et original lseo dimessiosai stuemt art seul sp aI Miltes Distict liti irisool May 30, 31, oeil June 1 , anil aI M.Z. Besnett Auditorium se Actes front May 16-18. 'Oie tour starts in Blibgise CestraI Uisrary oed ilel ta tare freas April b 10 20. Il seul ta aI DObsille Ceslenniol Lifrary from May liso May 13 ont Gergetown front May 24-26. A varsely of art techniques seilI ta ildonstralrd inth Ifs ot ot trolecis dune isy stadesis arsu Use roosly sen Usey go os dispiay. --Sprmng grasa tire maions seul ta tare toue. Be rarefol seiUs outdser tiret. Use Chsampion clanifiedo ta boy, sell, cenI, tier auntusce. -Gmcetous celebrotes ie 5fth yelr ates atntisyear. cucryieg ose circuit. ~Ontorio Hydre tiolco UseY bave desîgord the lise te seunimise Use impact os Use evirusset bat le Use rolling scorrane country oortb and wst et Toronto Use propoordl Hydre route marchs in a straigbt be for oser 30 Mires, Marly OfthUe suiles fsmng ubybored front, ail otterls opproarbes.-" Alîboof b tise provisciol goveronteot rnacted a stabslr te proterI Use Niagara ecarpamt arre sesti a fogis rabefg for Use Hatote-Peel airra. "Ontario Hydrols preposed route clIùsu eloseiy ep Use esrarpuisrt at an setne angle, fleaily ceosse tUe cresl sortfrseest of Ciseltoubent oeil Usesparollele the crest on Use sbybie for several siies," seiicis seaeld bave maximumt impact ns os -e 0 of esi aiorartte ta cooriuÈso. tfs fibef san UsaI alUsoofis Ontario Hydr a rpbaued Usat t ise 1 tle sla ontmo ber il abeoiutaiy lTE NEW X-RAY MOACHtINE aI Milton presîdent,t District Hospitai's second X-ray mont ns VonSsrbie getting plenly of use tisese days, tisaniss ta lise Aesxslary'u genersity et tise Hospital Auxiliury sebicis is machine. A conlriboling $34.,000 taearil Use total cool of shows Msr.V $5,5000. AI lest weeis's annuel meeting of thse machsine r ispitel board Mcx. B. Frome, Asedteecy ONtE 0F THE OLDEST BOOKS stIli in îive alImenta the attention et firenda Ball, Temnny Hosih andi Staven Clemntt. Tise trie sure participating in o Bible Scbaol itelsi 1051 mer in Use Emmeonuel Baptisl Cisoci. -'(Staff Photos) Scarf causes tragic death says coroner Dangers ut seeorisg ocarvrs sere poisîril eut Iis seei by Dr. Ivan A. Humîer nI Milton, o Halles Couoty coroner,. samys the remenî occidental deaUs et a or-yeor-ald bey sn ArIen empisaszes tise proisîrmo of seroring o srorf. "'ibece bave bren moey oc- cidental draîba in Ontario due le utrangultion isy o buse scarf frîbag cagist ont the bo bigislng aroundi Use sers of Use sictimi." Dr. HunIer seil. 'DraUs os preceedeil iy tour minutes et aouy until suffocation occurrs." Masy housards He suffrots abandunif Use eue of Ifes mort ond ai eter lamse-fitîle laUsiof le faor et mure proer ftîting ciutbing seiicis presenîs su potentiot danger. "The baserdo of Use ocort foc ousteih uls tasetila." bie sid. If yu must serar a scurf or allos your cisildree is sueur ose, Use doclar ouggesas: t-Don't jint IL 2--Dent serap i aroni the saris Imice. 3-Aimays suror il tsaile Use tca.qsco tare are so iou *PNINUIULD SPRING TIRE SALE CASH a CARRY 14" Tires7.35 -u $450 7.75- 15.00 8.25- 1 5.50 Reg. Peler $44 00 Poil a ply Nylon WhiteWeaiis LsselOed Qsastiov 51.00 Instsllstloe Chsarge per tIre AVAILABLE AT IAN'S 6ARA6E 000 LINO SOUIH5 0F ous.ev RD R. R. 2 I400NBY, ONT. 826-3468 IAN BREAK, PROPIEITOR UivvvcI u~astit/ I wioJa/ Ed~ CCC charges in brie f ta Premier front s. geserotbte tatiotu t. Use ronuseiai and indutriel artiasl of Use province,,Use proposed corridor lesB etr good esoagis. 'lie brief utatea tise routa uad correcur seouid impose us us. sereuaaryisarduship on Use people of Sootisers Ostario, and proposes setbeng upu pa mas body lai fsid a full pub=cfoor sitt nfoased judgnsto deal with Usis andl sissilar matteru. rsentrd bsoard cisairmon Omtar wiUs e cheque for $1500, tihe second conrbtionx baward thse omve rodiologiot Dr. F. C. Parrol 'asSickIie andf Mrs. FYrme hnw tihe nrt.--Staff Phonto) Traffic cngestion wscu u thse ciie comsplainte meiser et Milton Planning Boarst foresas if plans lu construct a car wash souttioftthe preseot Ciiret Villa on Cosmmersial St. set lsbellit. reviewed an appllc-tiosta cosstruet atfour bey car wsemi on 100 tes t of trootage on Commuserciai St. juif south of tise Msaio St. intersection. Citea hasard Inacouusts te tise Board frtat the Police Degsortoet Chief Boy iledress notheposible traffic isazarsi. Hte ssggestedl o double drive ratiller tisas separote estrasce asnd cuit drives. car was desigo witi tise reairemstes aMori Yark isy- inseod asbcd Ue priscipals te redesigo Use lot plin t o- cordascesesîtthat by-taw, iscfore giviot tise project further cosideratios. Tise propeu'ty le csestiy zoncil Cl andl resolobst seouid ie reqaired te OC- conssodate tise CS ue. Mayor Briao Bout excsted timueif frsom discussion on Use soatter isecause of a possible rossfbct et intereut. in flood ploa A sksetcis nap recejved fron Use Departoictoft utej of Use rouidoutiai lots propoued in Use Riccoiserg plus for devefopnt atouf Derry Rd. and west ofttigssay 25 coald not ta registered. Tise sodicoled lts were inciuded in seist tise Conservation Authorty rosidars Use flood pli anud. Mrayer B. Bout indicateil Use sketctsed red be ws arisitrary and didn't foiloor tise topograpltiral bars. iseusiers left ItUe matier wets Use devcioper t0 chaolienge Use rubsng sefUs proviscbal officieis. Doreitfailure Board risairsasn Nrt Poarce soogistciariication os Use faiiure of tise Dorel apartmntet teseer te proceed on Mains St. H4e bdicated te as ussder Use impression Use teses sens seing te acéept rcush in lieu of parbing spocosseises tise apacos were sol avoulable. It wsea tis iteme osrr sebiri Use projectu developer, William Joisson, isad taesnreported as seyisg ledb Uste fiai failore, of Use projert. * Mayor Orot noted tisu *resolabton approsed isy Muser *Coascil sprrsfied tta develope must provsde the parings apar seithis 5W fret. "It dids't speif3 we eoulid arcpt ruas in lieu.]1 foo't beose if conseil seould v arcopted ross or sot if Uss Use prrpcrty seaust vilse." 'fle osayer uugete ima onfortastate the projrctbhad folles Useoufis. "il seouli havr bers a tasefit latis il sooe coco." -Thec Cbantpsu'a opotlt Ons soisor hockey players coseludesi diua wecis. ta tise pUst thfse muss 4tatphotos bave iseau Easter Seal fund short Thse Milto ast oier 8. campa*g la au abort of lka, yea' ret Bsosa tie = ,a~~ Rot;ary Clb ofiIaLar tse oearly $2,0110 ralse lafot year seul be ermedeil. The curreot total ins tise, campaigo su $1,410. Lamt year tise onpaigs raised $1,t7. Donsatios are goi is=g r crpted at tise Bosnk of tufnl directedl ta treasurer Jotas Senspie. FRUEN OS DROPPINS IN FOR EASTER ? SERVE THE lEST chickenV iLo 88 ONTARIO ST. MILTON88-292 is ploased to announco that it bas hein appointodl DODGE sa CHRYSLER- DODGE TRUCK DEALER IN MILTON It is îusf saven years sa that we came ta Milton and during that time we have enjoyad serving many of y0ti. We will loak fotward fa continuing service. ta ail aur friands and meeting those who are driving Chrysier producfs. Our service facilities have heen expanded with the addition of former Bell Bras. mechanics John Hoekzema and Bll Mafhies They will ha on hand ta assure you of prompt attention. Volkswagmn oustomers are assurai of our oonfinui.g dependable service. - Nemni Vogel and Carl Boodeoker I Milton Council briefs ___ 1.. le dres Pub bas Wobu for. tls Pol SALES/sERVýJE