The Champion, telton, Ont., Wednesday, March 29, 1972 &3 GIVE THOE INSTRUMrR SOUtE ROOM, youa.gsters wben tbey vinited Rattiesmike Illbride Public Scisool Teachor Mss Christine Point Conservation Area. Marttala ta a lhggins lells ber puptis, Mauno Marttala torestcy lecisiician witis tise Maltas Segion (teitis construction bat) explained tise Conservation Area.-<(Staff Photo) Principle id lapsisg b-ens for sap ta tise Là&L "TASTES GOOD," mas tise unasimous opinion id tiscer Killride Public Scisool youongnters alier sampling tome mople syrup at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area ecentlY. Tise titien "Jackt Horners" are Micbael Tbompson, Tim Seager anti Pbilip George Stokes. Scisool tours of tise maple sYrup display are being conducted by tise Haltan Region Comservation Antisority.- (Staff Photo> 2.3 million fans visit at Mohawk frollers and pucert [rom Gnarin, Qneitec, New Yonk, Floriduuandlromnastfarniestas otrybars, Suskuatitewn, itelped kaitk off Mohawkt llaenay't lotit teuson nf nigit tarneot ruciog, wici gol undernuy nit a nmne- race psmnpam Mandy, Marris 20. Senenly-three stabltes, lis niosi erer itedded don in Moituwh'n nooded stable areu, are jumoig lte 828 Mauils la cupucily. "Wr bailoa rndontabl spue to 250 tarses," suid Direclor ot Racng Ed Bradley nito personully scrers ail stull uppliculioni. Alinost 2.3 nillion tuns bine clocitnd troogit Mohunits tvrm- tites inie lte Irucit opeord in lte sprng ot 1963. Sînce ten taeoenthîe niorld's greul itortet mnd drivers bone visiled Moitant -0ress Yankee mnd Super Wuce hune gruced lte Moitunk noers' rircle. And tite niorld drining citumpionsitip nîit lte globe's itesl iturons drivers uttructed n gatheriog of 11,7400on Aprdl 18, 1970. Welwoeid han 25 Mississaga horteman Sutl iEeSnand, nho snept driving issors aI lis 1971 opring sessio utit a record $39,429 in portes, basS l5ead ut Mohawkt, including ELECTRICITY di D5 ur Businessc , FEATHERSTONE 4 - EIECTRIC a 078-6378 jus ace trotting titan Keyslnne tary. Coniisy RossiCurrun of Smithits Fatlo, mis reeolly altuined lte $1 million plateau in curer parte eurnîngs, and nelerun Kelith Wuplet ot Durham wilh more titan 2,50t career nirtariet, bath have ponergal ntfitu ut Mohawk. Oter tep mlceh reinomes Stke Hon Feugun, Oet Guvien, Nelson White and Harold McKinley are among lte 147 drivers nito miSl compele for rich portes over lte tine'eighlhs mile all-neutiter racng sîrb. 'lte enio additions te lte driver colony are Donald Keeten, aSimrapo Illinois native nito ha he cumpuîgniog ut Pompuso Park tn Florida; and Wtalter Wenie of Chuthuam, niho tas isen drivng ut Windsor Rurenuy. otithor Thonipson of Weyhurn, Sasks., Leuminglon sulhy stler Sert Mudili, Wieteuley itorsemus Gong Melsbmit and Don Larbin ot Grand Send, mdll ulso uneila isst of nen racng talent. Allas McManus of Strultord null ite the presîding judge reprroentiog te Cunudian Troting Association ut the 24- igit sping meeting. TOEve-eroldE MeTHOD of evaporating sapina more colorfol, nee-nrodGorge Willey seecos to bie saymng to Maupo Marttala, forestry tecisoician seit tihe Halton Region Cosnser- notion Autisnrity. SRlis tise nid metso of evapornting sap and tise modern metbod teere demnnstrated ta George and bis classmales from tibride Public ScbooI.-<Staff Photo) Jury urges new ilail CROWDING AROUND tise Casodion Indian souke Point Conservation Area. Tise Indians metisod of evaporatisg sap are ponngsters would store tise sap in tise log and Iben lbrow from Kitbride Public otchoni, tebo recently lsealed rocks inside ta an effort ta enaporate visited thse mapte syrnp disptay at Ratite- tester trom tise top.-(4Staff Photo) Wh-ite Oaks School spirit is improving By Ed Ford ta lthe pool tes yeors t taon totied a greot citange in tise atttudn ni nearty all Witite Oaits students. tli sot e that our scitool mat rompoord of titrer olintoled and ooCOMprOffiing tactions. Ot coorse ltote dittret grous arr stil tem, it one clati bas risn In a ne proporion. No longer are ltote slîppery, Imiter esnwrapped tbet ot Scoretb oneonibo raieithe scitoolonor are tie clanolith troteriy itrolters nito item isp down lte halt. Titese cliqurs itave iteen replared ity lis stroîgito ont traigits ithi longer baic, and lte teitool terni to1 ie moare onitird tao isiore, Nos tere are alniayt gond lornootsto anheltbaîl gomes and nolIonger do lis lanilors havelto pick sp lice tar itllet aller datret. Ahane library 'lthe litrary osed 10 gel ripped otf for boksinilteiorst nay. A. T. MOORE CAMPDILLVILLII Bui titis year iton't beem nearly bal at bad at precloot years. 1 itave alto anlîced an improve- nient in lte teaciters' atitudes. Titren and tour ynaro ugo tey odniays oted to ie onitoppy aod 10l lenipered don ta tome greany clown on lte itark nito at ittonn itiitet 1 ot bis bazooka e-ni. Mr. Robertson, our parkng lot attendant con alto most ratier ltrone days. No more '55 Cies nit dual trotit and 327's sqoanitog and toioealing don lthe paring lot. Ves, titere itan hem a distinct citange in students in lte pootlten yeart, for lis btler A grand jury report issomi tusi nirok echoed sentiments of prevînus grand juodes tonring Hatton County Jaît in Milton. Tht jury recommended priority consideration be gi nen 10 rrptacing lthe ancient and uladequate bitldng. The report notrd a tank ot exris rnas for pritoners doring titr tonton monîto and SMILE AWHILE6yPAUL RUTLEDOE next wintr Hazard The report oned a meat hasard would becrnatedn5theintance of tone or rvaroation due te lthe configoration ot lthe building. Thte jury aioo tonred Hatton liousty Ctoldrnn's Aid Society and ther Hatton Ceoinooja Manor buttloadenocritirismofteither EXCLUSIVE OEA.ER 4., ELECTRO4OME und SONY/ 26C MAIN ST..EAST.MILTON.ONTrAIO-4-ses78.4633 owwwwww