MDHS addition plus Law Association new school said needed çhooses new siate HOLD TIGHT and you'Sl Su ail ciglu, Katlsy Simoon, 12, tells Sucr brother Oenoy, dbo appoars ceIodtant Su dive inSu the caters of the scimndng pool at Ontacio ScSuol foc the Deaf. Due lu the efforts of the Milton Recceution Cammittee, the pool cas opeseil lu the public du-iosg lust ceek's donter break Shldey. -(Staff Photo) Rutepayers hy the Ion Slissld lie rompatilile Leoprîcti und lîve oîherme foin tee FRA eppeuced el Monday'n coancil meeting 10 reilurule Ilseir opposition lu te condommniumo. "Peopletfeeluany derelopmeul ohoooîngoluould Sie computible wi15 the surcoundiug nrîghborhood", Leoprîrti raid. Mayor Scier tiers raid couricîl ugreed cilS Ihrir righît sobIers, Sus 156 objections ohould really Sure Suen lauced in 1969 cher tee lo n apprvcd arcs* official plen and noning by-lao. AI tees lime 156 medium deosîly desg- nation cas pluced or 1he Scoute SI. lends. The orc official plan and apublie meeingto delvite il cere el addcrised, esaid. 4 lie ratluaers ol the oonriel usecion a ingSle fasily home developino Soc tise Cheingule lands, il could Iikely end op in a supreme court hra ring, the mayor udded. Chuiosalr nould Su enOItled lu oSîrcI lu a change in oniug whichreslricts the laid lu single Iemîly homes, -parti. culacly cîlS the prive they puîd for the land," 'e sraid. Cou prîlsion The mayor sd the six Sous slurmsewerlfroosoorth of eslop Rd. 10 tee Siolovo MiSe Creeli could cersacnly aleciaîr fOoing and draimage prohlirm mn te area. Sut if1th prerrol home. ocoerscwant improced drainage teey cm pehîlion the so lu do il ander local improvemenl, lie edded. Reeve RonfHarris askrddiflco- ulorey homes could fit the homne. omuecu' idru of compalihilily- and 156 FRA spokesman raid teey Sud os croideced 1cr. slorey homes. AIS the surruding homer are ove. ulorey. Se added. George Kendrick, arotr FRA exulîcr merîher. raid the change rn derrîly, may hure Sers well adu'ertîis nThe Cheînion buholooaultepeople read every- teiug in tee paper, evecy cccli. Ne raid 156 people tels their eleclud repreuenlalireu sSould Seep Ihein hellur mtformed of derelopientsin tuhe aeu. More pentectin Mayor Seul said tee nId zontiîg by-luc allocai apacîmentsinl any resîdenlial zone in locn, and tee nec Sp-lac gîres tee preserit homeocuecu murS Seller protection. He tels The Champion Sud dore a good joli of reprllu the ofiîciui plan and sonmng Sp- lac mertings and the tour-day OMS hearmng durS renulisl. Many peuple tend lu les ISuse teîngs pisa Sp, uutl teey affect teem dirctiy, Sie suîd. Spuouinman Leoprirh uaid Sie saw a copy of 15e officiai plan durSh desîgmated 156 Scoute SI. lands fr "developineu". When orereuideels rereîredsnotice of tee condomnium derelopinu lSu summer, lSuy cere shochai. 'A documeulni ofu thuiportance sluuld have Suen seul oul lu aIl the ratepapers," lie chacged. Mayor Seul saîd tee proposaiu see ol mailed 10 erery home, Sutllhey cere cell adrertised aid theltorn lollrced tee imstructions of tee planniog erl. Neidu services Courcîllor Dr. Iran HunIer saut drainage proleisinere one of thereammn terreuriil insste the projectl 5e phased. "If ilis properlyusecviced, il con'lSulSher pour erea." he noled. Diiscussionsuconrluded cilS e promise lrom, the ratepayers tu eîteer ei1 docu and spell ouI teeir objections in greuter detaîl, or outimîla crilten rereme nI te resideuls' felings. The mayor fris tee planming board should deal cilS il. 001 tee rounicil. Laser in tee councîl1 meeting, Mayor Sous saîd represenlasires oi CSuîrgute Sure esked for an 'sinormaS" meeting cilS coundl inembers,to discoslhefuture of the condomoioim projeri. No date Sum lues sel for sucS a Su addition te liillun District ligli Sekool as well as a second lugli school i or near socs will lie orcesouer in the orsI couplr of yewus ticie i'ih nicipatlvi growth in loco. Assistant Direclor ut Eduratios Em Lavender mode Sust observation wlies lie lakled lus report on arcomodalion in secosidary srlioolp; Tliursday ighlt aIlthe Hallon County Sourd of Educalios meeting. Population 20,488 Mrc. Lavender noled tee luwsi officiel plan sliosss an evenluel population ut 28,400 wclie would fenerele 2,500 secosdary scliool sludesls. He suggesled the su2e and loatios of the serond higli sehool would mrne il possibile 10 serve oteer areus sorroundiog tee luo. Ho poînîrd ouI teree major subdivisions are Seing planned for tee luien und tee tirst lu underwey noocandlseplltu lie iislied iniliree of four years. Whlile none of 1he tAree sorte Hellon Higli Scloiol are rrowded ai Ihîs luic, grocîli projerions Show Georgetown wilI lie ser y inht l 1974 and Aides and stedenst and tee rammesitp. rw.clu Ile S uer rapariiy lu Assistent Direrlur Larouder 1976. defesded tee system, of larger Duonog the discussion on folure ochuols aod suggesled large î,'uviidaim ai heovcodcy schuulooneed o ie iupersonl. Sevel, Eoqueoîog Truotee Bill He saîd small schanlu voildii Lucoon inmlîaled a deliate ou tee oSfer the dîversîiy teai large velue of small srkeolu as oppoaitd sekoals could, as far as options lu large Omes. sesi. He lueli tee peint of view Suat Lasesos suggesîed sousll oasi srliools were insre sekools rsuis stiti serre as a peemonal tean large unes. Ha said vieable unit cuti esougli uptions. mome of tee lergekhiglisekouls are fise prolilein of liaving sou many gredoatiug mome of thie 1louet optios lu one teait lias rausaid sludeoio ever seen. Hatin edscalurs anme rosCern. He omid a move luwecd asiaSer Lawsas avoided steting a init scoll would rasuit lu e miore outil lie lid osdurted liscilier positive recchon from tearliers, investigation. Esquesing endorses petit ion Eoqueomng couoicil endocsed tee resulutios will 110w go lu te prlîtioo of Limekoose residenti couiy road romnsiitee. oppnosig use oS tee village as a Thie petitsan Sure 34 signatures truck roule. and seid residenis ut tee village At e speciel meeting laid mccli could like lu preserre tee unique oi minci teti newspeper seas oi cliereeter sf Linsekease and sec mlormed, tee luwnsip curiil tee euiding coud asd bridge discusoed terissues presenteda etminnained.1- sensusaid teatif a arecrus meeting of Hellun truck rute cas neresuary te Couoîy Rouds committer and Fourii Lino oui lu ffigliway 7 eodorord the Limekouse rould lie improved for thie roolenlo' stend. Thie Esqsesing porpose. 's... £ I ON YOI.R MARK, gel set, go... Competing in e Sack scim rce are Andy Soonsuil, Catherine Dilsr end Gocer Merlin. The ihcee yoengssers cece hesdug fun lu the scimmsng poulesi Onterio tichool foc the Oeuf or Fridey. The pool cas open lv the public duciog lest ceehos cinter break holiday. -<Staff Photo) Beastifsl - ' Decarative WATER FOUNTAINS Seour display wdc rit... Miltn Greeriorses, Main Si. Miltm. deai for edooc r or nutdoor use, RAINBOW" Ceceicie iardscacîru ard j 878-2097 878.2741 . SEE RAINBOW FOR VOUR CHAIN LINK FENCING NEEDS CNI B report achool trallg onalitta and aoat of allier services ta Sue Hallon and Peel Advleery Board trated lit review seit speorie exemples ut 50w people lied bees ffisted tiirough he cork ut The speaker soied Osat CNIS Ionder Col. E. A. Baker lid ckildres, Sue aslli, thse adulte isolsdisg the pre-acliail tralii, the enrouragement fsr youlli and Suluf s lika emplsymesl training and lalkise kooks fer adulte. "Tic CNIB la as agescy Sta ras belli siglilless people lielp Ikecves," lie empkaulzed. Registrar, Suprouse Casart sf Ontario; Mrs. Margaret Gilbert, Mdllis, Deputy Loral steglufrar, Supese Court of Osterio, and A. . Kefleker, Surlinglas, l3eputy Local Registrar, Supresse Court of Ostario. 388 Main St. Miln 878235 $600PARTS STOCK These are lust a few examples of savings in Our parts clearance. List Price Clearance 1 Power Brake unit for 1968 Chevy 11, Acadien or Camero No. 987452. 60.00 30.00 1 Radio for 1971 Pontiac No. 988886 80.15 15.0 2 Radios for 1969 Clievy 11 or 65.00 each 30.00 ecd Acadien. No. 987207 1 Car Warmer. No. 992264 17.10 13.60 1 Radio for 1910 Pontiac. 85.00 50.00 No. 988745 1 Radio for 1969 Chevrolef. 55.00 30.00 No. 993565 1 De-fogger for 1970 Pontiac. 35.00 24.00 No. 988720 1 De.togger for 1969 or 1970 35.00 24.00 Buick. No. 981436 1 Clock for 1970 Pontiac. 35.00 15.00 No. 908728 1 Deluxe Rear Viese Mirror 71/ x 101/2 25.70 15*.fl for 1969 or 1970 Clievy Van. Sanles Steel . 9 . 994 LALES NAL NUSBAN DS:A beaufiful tisse-saver, this dishocasher la bousd f0 be a pp rec ieted. 1lt's nst fous ea rly o fhin l a bout Msther's Da y a nd maike ysar plans. A sesaîl deposit suli hld ysur selection. And sen ne sies if. Lucky yau. RICHARDSGN'S 201 MAIN ST. MILTIII 411M lq* AM ACMAN 1178-11lus Johni P.H. Fardi of akai wu elerlad presldent of Sut le Cissty Lawe Assoiafeti Su= e assuel mecing hlId la Olvle March 22. Jolie Bellegliei ut Georgetown was elecird us vice presidesi ulule Deug Latimer, Q.C. of Georgetown wsea elerted sercary asnd William Mandersas sees sansed ta Sue tieasurer's peut. Diecders Dirertars ierlude F. David Tkumpsss, Q.C. of Miltes, Murray J. staculer, Oklfle, Thomias Suthserland, Burfligtan, Clittord R. Dansecay, Galiville, Miss Elnizaeth Rulisos, Bsrlisg lus and William J. MarLead of Oulivile. An Hosorary Memliarstep la Sic Asociation wsea presestad lu A. A. RusseSl, Q. C., Toront, Assistant Deputy Attorey Geseral for flic Province of Ontlario. Thie meetig cas addresued ky Jsdge J. Kamialli Blair, Sue reeetly a astd seeosd CaastpCo.:% =gei li Caesty uf Blallun. The muain speaker for Shc evenif cas Josepi Sedgeseici, Q.C. LL.D., diîlîsguisied cooisel, foraserly Treasucrer ot thse Law Society of Upper Canada, wia reaslsiseed axer hia lault 50yaes us a pearirking Causl. Gueule TIse gus l St ierlsaled tlic follaseisg. Judge Alas B. e rgue, Gakvule, Mates Casusty urt Jsdge; Jsdge R. J. Grakam, Galiville, Provcial Court Jsdge; Jsdge Jaks G. Raberts, Bramptas, Cassty Casrt Jsdge; William E. Matterlis, Burlington, Ragiafrar of Deedo, Cosady of Halles; Rbalert M. Sprasel, Actaon, Ballun Cassty Slierlff; Wlieldas Emmerumi, Geoegeteown, Haltes Cousty Depety Slserlff; Gardes E. Madill, Burlingtos, Local eli on ha ft clu dte t tN ge te wl