lrv.y aoabout Ibo grüb ed of d* tl. COrnS bui nduet a mail- mua wul non- dW t thil d ta coat about mtce rigbt nate, obog," elle dI owse, have a and municipal gbt rualt mail 01n Post Office, Fateron andt acate wtbi MUIR'S THE MAN, proclaimed thse beld last wook in Oskvtib Cosservative's candidate's youtfsful won in tino hallots.--<Staff supporters ot tise Tories' nsmntiotn nigso sTerry O'Connor tPhoto) ýi--- '- HINTON FOR HALTON iras lise csmnpoigs slogan of Bort Hisho's supporters ait tise Progressive Csnservotive nmsianations in Oshjille last Wedasesday aight. The Actas mercisaxi placet third. 'qi'FAYS ELEC TRIC WITH SIGNS CROSSED, Terry O'Coasors Progressive Conservative nominaation atT. A. sister Siselagis O'Consnor and bis sister-in-IBO Blakelocb Higis Scio in Oakvile last Heather form an hosor gisord for bin aot tise Wednesday.-(-Staff Photo) -Hallox East MPP Jas Bnon, Miitee oi Public Worbs, was gsost speaker ail Use Oab ' le Resl Estate Board's meeting Tesday of lost stico and also po 10 Use Junior Chanstor of Comenrce in Brantford on RUNNING IN4 POLITtOS bs advantages, an Jims Muir discovoret attse Consereative nominations aitT. A. Blnkelock Higis Scisoot in Ookvtile last Wednesday. Spporter Assgelo Hextersos gives tom a biss. Muir toit the nomination to Terry O'Connor, who tise Toies hope wUl oust Liserai MP Bozo Whiting in Use sent federal olectiois-iStaf Photo) AN ACTON DELEGATE tu Use Federal Progressive Consertiative nominstios in Oshitill, Jobs Goy chats noUs candidate Bert Hintos. Tise evesot wa eld min bT. A. Biakeiock Higi Schoo-<(Staff Photo) A Canada-ioe game plan is uioderwoy andis gearedto put Progessive Coooervativns in lioner ol Ottaiva, Don Malliews. Canaitian PC piesidext tltd Hialtox Conservatines Wedoooday ai tboir ominoaion meeting in Oaheille. -We'll have the benI ad- verlîxing andt publicity rampaig ever. Our message wit bob nvery paper, on every bilthoard, lelenisiox axd radio," hoe said. Malbowx promxoed hetp for enery regiox troin Tory boad- qoarlers. He oaid overy candidate woold boe ix day 10 day tcoch with xational heladqoartero for probse and rjheism. -If ne're 001 big exough for COMPLE ELECTRIC SERVICE *INDUSTRIAL MAIN TENANCE *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTI NG *ELECTRIC HEATINII *WATER HEATER REN TA LS 818-204 FREE ESTîMATES Inconoe New Moaling substance: Shrinks Piles Esvlaasivehlingxaxsanoeprosan fo eseloinraoroS alod mollir ,oindaiquetoaing sbstancvaniti thse aiiîn Io seini, henarores0 painOaxe It retieves iohns ancf clisvotort in mntes ana s0050500 insie a tsi. tcase, wintiavaisl rievi,5 Pain, avtvai eIotIoti ixsinkage tosli plava. Maxil imnportant ofall-eSsts ver W tiroost tisas thi imnoeoosnt oas nan,amocai perioiof snaeo ris oas acconplisd vvit a navv toaisi Substance (iio.Onss otiin sooi tneps tisa injured vcille ana StimlatO orontso 0100 fissur. Nmon 0 nls offheO 10ointhriet and soOOoSitory toise Osillp Ocsparatioe H. Aak fer Itat ail nosg sfoles. Satisfation or nourienno crîhicixm, we're 100 amani for pro on', Ho said the Cosservatîve virlorY wotd end te first teril, of a Canadian Prosident and boPobdly the iast. Ho crttisied lthe primo miiter for tryixg 10 boop too sayo thirgs asert. Ho tiait sebat Pierre 'rordoax moxideret a toea wvostd other- avise hoe bos as o standard proms retoaso. "Ho ia leaba bomase ho bnOowa il Wsete bo bo cabinet that sixho," Matsowoosaid, notbog toit df maxy oliser Uhoerals croassed theifloor of lise Comsos it woid sooobo up 10 Bob iltaxhotd to rail lthe eleciox. Party pros. says The Champion, Milton, Ont., V Nationaewlde schem. f0 put PCs in power Now you can arrange a boan in your bare feeta Canada Troist has a convner vew way for yoo to arrange aloan. lits rouned Phove-a-Loan. And it' josi usai simple. You phone. Wr oan Ai cortpetiîîve rates. The ceosons for iiorrowivg are yours. Wn'lt tend yoo noney for a new cor, poyiog hbis, bon improvenins, i vacation, yo onaine il. Ail von do is calti os. This mrins no special trip optowo, or dlown.t insso. or acrosstows, josi la, makie arrangements for voue Jour. So cati os front Aherever yoo like. Typical monthly payments Cool sf rota Moîstî Toits A oos Ias Repaysoss Pans 6Omoîlhs a 300 10.37 $ 110.31 5 1.72 2lish til00 64.90 1.06490 88.74 24 aonth 1,00 204.52 1,804.52 15.10 3t montho 2,000 2.3210 1121.3 36 mosîho 2,500 479.29 2,9719 02,70 36 mossih 5023 958.58 5,58.58 165 5t 11.8% Averge AnneIniterest Rate Canada Trust E PhIoneu,3-a-]Loani Service Main aI Charleî.-878-2834 - I odnsiedoy, Match 22, 1972 7 He beltd Trudeau roopmdlte far the 650,as0 peraaoa axemplayed and tbe buman sxlteing inatnved. "He mst bie belld reapanaibte for aoxng oatdated tacties toit resxtt in human oolferixg.', "'Mie siny publie relations venerl o breaig and thse cesi max is emergi. Trudeau pot his record on box and polished tthe box, bat inside ttore sa nolting. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 ps.m PARI SH HALL HA VI,.VG A i'R DRIl' DROPI110 niake iadian more In sIty ensus irecise 1each îgitres ,o thix r sup- ved s Please g and ,e will tional ttsctly e, the ' your imilar .r owts la and vari- itinue luired caoet o in a )le to vision tus to ion to t this, eadth what pie in 1 rv * ý-ý &