4 TheoChampion, Milton, Ont. Wedinesdoy, Match 22, 1972 Tri-County juvenile tournament has impressive 11st of alumni Rin0 Kyvox travecli r i Windsor teo Toronto i thee yeor s. Sow UsaI bardly saurds latte on oaiolesdisg ocleemesl, sanfi pou cosider uit is 1908 Use Torono Mapie Leaf rookie was sali1 playisg josesile hockey is Use border city. \io too RnOîisk 0-choc thee ycars toi osale il froin Windsor to Toronto, bol oibhou les important stops be mode is loloces, les arrisai aI Mopie Leai Gardes may boxe hemn diyd Rebse's tusI stop oas Milton, sehere bcledWindsor iuseises ts thc -A- sortes chaocpioslp oi the 111h asosal Tri-Coosly Juocoîle Hockey learsameil and hecame Use tiait ployer ever 10 050 boUs Use moisi valuable ployer and sutslanding defescesios aisards. laucoaoscl kelpel tsiîs carn a shol wîlb the Junior "A" lOdindton Red Wisgs Use nenl pear. H4e mode the Jonior "A" ail-star leoa tast season and oaa chooes hy the LoaCo is Use oxerage jonior drall in Jonc. Kebse i8 jonl one of sexerat TdHL'ers wo have lobes parI in Use popular learsament, wbich begins its 141h encore performance ai the Matolesras uxi Oalocday morieisg. Detroit Red Wisg centre Bill Collis oas nalmed MVP al Use second locsey, esile a membor af Use Ollawa Alfied Raockets' juvendle ai 0. Prmmlntday pros on the toornamenl ahanai bust iciode Bod Oeisg (Eboira tuveniies 1901), Ros Euhi (Marîheors nsdgets 19611, Frod Otonfieid (Dixe midgets 1961) ond Miltons osen Pe10 Mehuffe, ew a goalie withheiS. Louis lums. Action exelthig Toornoiseni action bas otways beco esxcitig and aliboogb crowds isere downs nbghtly tant pear, wben thee Milton ailsor leams were in O.M.ll.A. champrsonlip series, orsassonl directar 010 Rowney predichi a rasurgooce al isserest Usis poar. Boitas ond Applewasd, tws "C" series entries iquare oCf in the opening game Salurday mornisg aI 8.30. Nise oUsefr games llo Saturday ond Cfor gamis are schedulcd aeh night week. Gsod Priday gamis hegis ai 8.30 a.m. ond ras astil Il aI müght. Cbampioship, gsmas and cosoliation conteste are iiled fur ilolarday, April i. Mitas Pontisc Tempesto hegis detence sfthUso '"B" series championohipsagainîl Orangesile, Tuesda arcll 28 ait7. Wettand, Use deCeiiding "A" champs tlbe on Guolph aI 8 Use saine nighl. MitIon's Richard Murray oas named learnalment MIVP lisai pear. ,iéc Oust ex-champs BRAI) EVANS dives for lIse psck an Milton waîched Milton sltimers tose a06-4 decisios hi olilhimers Dos Wilson and1 Art Melooson corne Naional League Oidtimers.-<(Stait Phioto) bock tlate ler protecl Evans. Over M0 Over 800 watch NHL oldtimers lixer 800 tains ook a tour Oirough days gaine hy chen local oldioers doooed uoiforms ami bîooonte National eague stars of yeslerYear in Milton Ara FrYiday sîghl. White easy of Oie oldtinnees ares t in 1the shape lhey ocre dsirmg the' taone in the big ieagoe butthe slick pansing, agile moxes and velploîned sbolsare shull oeil aider controt. Bolh clubs ptaycd a "dipsy doutdnto gamewith a lot oftoîce plays bat sol tac, murh hilliso. Mony pattern ptays ocre siirtay eneculed asithe sltlesers showcd Uscy suit tisse hsc to do il. Oid greats The tîneup ictsdrd sach sud bie greale os Watty Stasowshi eho iorocerty ptuycd cîth Torti, nlad NewYorkand Pelle Cooacber oho pisyed for Chicago and New York. 2081 Sinith, Hon Harsi ami Jackîc Haouleon sa plopeil for Toronto. Ixan Waiinstcy pluycd goal . Bolh Bob Gldisai andl Brîao McFartane saoaction. Thcy baith are 0v comasenlalars. lioldhsin mode hs saine chen he oas playing Torsonto aod Detroit. Ho is a na tive of Georgetown. Prsceeda Proreeds trocn Use gaine ci go le Adult Rehahîlitalion Centre cn Horohy. Fondn ciii be oarmarhed foe as aduil resîdeoce ait the centre. Jobo MîîLean donnad Use pads cith every intention of facisg Use NHI. shasiers bol oas cnjoced hilare the gaine and hait le hi rcptaced hy Broil Exans. Evans, cho docoolt quille quolity as as îîtd tiioe., piayed o semsatiomil tad of hockey. SOsrers Jobo Heipel, Bruce Broon, les liance and Boas Hast tircd sigles white Art Melamson, Russ Hunt, Larry Aehîc and Situ lOannaol ail pickeil op assisle. Melasson pîcheil op a pair of OPTOMETRISTI BURLII4GTOpi MALL TELHONE 632-7788 0*111* Miuor Midgeit Fiinals FRIDAY, MARCK 24 8:30 p.m. OMNA NOVICE ZONE FINALS Wednesday Ma rch 22 9 pin Sunday March 26 3 pi.. At the Arena ~~WW Anniversary Punjab Appears daily the Wrestllng in the Arena- Tîger no extra charge Badminton /Retiever TrialsvFashlse Showe Camping/Teailes andsports geae/Csiiages Airpianes /Boas/Cars and Miiioecycies Wooiidays Non tu 0" tii Adlts $1 50v Salidays: vf un anr i'Jî' Siadois $1 00 Saedays: 1o 00x Io 9O 00pl Children 50C Take the Ba1hxIý xl&et, 1. IcyI l , Houriyservce nvxthe GO Tîvon Enise procoedn o in i Conservaion Every day-Maroc 178tu 26-Colisoaci, Torosts The toal club represesled a smalcrcng ofiplayernwo haves pioyed on Milles iolermediale 20005 in thc pasi. Joe McCaasn, Bon Pbitbips, Vern Bridgmon and Gos Mochray were amongthUe aid' Raiders set slghts Wellaod or Dnxiile in Use leagoe tisais. Weiland ieads Use boitst t ise seriei 2-0. Darhoam Husbies and Midiond Flyses are lied a gaine aire .2L Useir heut of sexes Georgian Boy lelermediate "A" grosp tisai. Georgetown lest con the O.HA. tntermediale "«A" champioship in 1957. Raiders detealed Tborsld for the bolermediae "il" fille in 1858. Former Milton junior detencemon Blill Corne and es- Milles Flyce coach Cari Hymers are bob in the Rlaider iseup. Cîrcoastances are heyond us A standing rasmi oniy crowd ot oser 1200 oaiched Georgelown Raiders usot BrantCord Forcilers 5-3 in Georgetown OSnday sight ond elissisale Use delending O.HA. hIlermediate "A' champs from the Niagara Ditrict icague plaoots. Raiders, wbo firsed leurib is Use saents leain league, whipped Use regutar seases pertnent cines Cour gamin for 100. Goallender Reith Paileil, on outnloodîsg pertormer Usrooghout Use series, slupped a Mwo on ose Brantford rnsh eariy is Use first peiod and Raiders boonced bock le score licee quick goals... By john meuea 'The Dutteris Quarre Miss« Mldget club esened up tboir series with Csiigwosd ai hsme sn Sonday atteinsaon as thoy drsppcd theirsaorthcrn gueats 4-2. TIhe tocala made a disaistrsus trip ta Colitgoood on Oaturday and acre huaibied 10-3 in a penaty Naris Mowloay pot the Dui- ierioscrewiiront onsafiesolo dash ait the 5.50 mark in the tirst pcriod os Oatorday and uotloaly fbl olill ke tie test gsoal 1ha1 Normis wii gel ibis scases os be bod the mistonisse 10 breaks aicg lialer in tic gamne. Bob Ring cvcnod op the score for Collmngwood and they nexer ioohod bock aller tbol. Brion oyce asd Bill Owens pst lthe seribersers aheod 2-101t the emd oflto periods. Tus Dance icored allter oniy 10 seconds ofthe tisai franmels pal tise wissersobmed 3- i. Ccoig Thomas oîlb the boip of Bob Langridge and Dsse Boberron brsoghi Milton othia liso goals at the 4 minute mark and tben Colicgwood scsred tive bines sn jusl oxer cigbl minutes le put the game out af reacb. ilIon Kciib, Ton Dance, Pool McKcas and o pair for John Leal a ocre coasled Cor the wisncrs belore Km Jensen lisished oCf a Play wîlb Mike Arnold for Charles wins 3-2 A lwo goal effort hy Gary Naplor gave Charles Hote1 a 3-2 edge oser Olsppy Dole Marcb 12 i theWhite liais League Hockey action. Barry Etiioli scored Use ui Milton goal for a 3-2 obo oser Oioppy Dois. Brios Mcliuffe picked op as assini for Milton chile Kes 'thomyson scorel the lune Sloppy Dol goal. In olhcr White liaks action Barclay's batled ta o 2-2 lie agosi ilcbrocder's. Wbcn ose hegis tu hsoo Usai ose dsess't hsow, Uses be licol bogis o khaow a greal deal. chistis Reg. 39cnLoaf L 1201. Lipton Reg. 31cPkg. Soupfss I Fis Grade ceasco RAISIN 4~g CROIOKEN K 9 UTR 60 BREAD N OOBLE i Franco Amerian Reg. 39c 1 e Oe oe2 Spaghoet euh Gond beef Spaghetti Lassia-2 ai Phg. ugt10prcn 2 z Maarn & IIPUE or Gallse 14 oZ tins 3850 ior macaroni OPo90 IL ~ 1.99 Frascs Ame sac Reg. 20tins 4 .ozPLUN PEELEO8 T i a:z.inTOMAIO BroRs2Tii Spaghetti Ors O TOS 5is9 ST-oz10fn9e Spaghetti jn Tomato Sauce 1 OAOS 5~~9I AT n 059 ltalian Spaghetti or Br8-e 5s88 I * * os . Macaroni Cheese Br IKUI e I fio 48 0 fllI. 10 V ogu Rg ile95 DRINKS 3Ti89 I TISSUE 8-99e Lqsd cseaco Re. $1.05320 ci With AmmoniaD Refili-Reg. 58c ea. Fer Astomatîs Dishwashes Reg. $1.19 ho. MR. CLEAN 85cil WINDEX 2002. 390 ilCASCADE si 890 Wl SELL ONLY RED OR 81.1> BRAND MEATS ROUND Fresh Lean f softs Vas Pas Soîiît Preiîa ___OM STEAK $1 . 5 ple BACON WIENERS _ _ 69 e 2b-1 97c-vc B UiT Fresh Lean Meate PORK Frosh Lean Mîaiy iPORK rs PORK ROASI 51bl SHOULDER ROAST_ 47* _ LIVER 290h Fnsh Len Moate Fr Lea PORK ROCKS 29LbISIRLOIN TIP or RUMP ROASIS $ 1 fl1 5Lh BRIOHTIH $MMIH MEA.8 VWTP tDH PRO@UC<, VEQETAB01.1' Fireh ClifrniaNO.1 US.A.Celo-Wile Fresh Firm Crsp N.~~ 1 I..A Yeiisenripe BROCCOLI 1 CAULIFLOWER: LElTUCE S ANANAS Bob j 45e 2ou460 10 Lb N.1US.A. Mian - - - - -- -t uI S weanad TOMATOES crî ins ORANGES F::nc; MaoINTOSH 2 LMo idC amfi;m&0iL. a. iih MIltoa's Ciaigonal. Rab Coucher msado Il a ltu final coat. AI homo on Sonday haons a gsodsiaod crowd of loysl tons the DolIon sqMud domialed thse game frrnm the openiag fac-off. flic locale eieledi in evory deparimesi mspeciaily goal ai Kexco Hood isas brilliasl betarex the pipes. Kexis oas calteil on la matie nmr svsmosy ibitiesil isciuding lino aeardcd penalty ahats. Bslh penalty sholo came in Use ttdrd period and in oyce oaa Use mon Usai Kevis solgsessed on boUs occasions. liaxe Robertson put the olosers se Cront aa he Ciihed ait a seol Usree way poming play wiUs Terry Rase ond Andre Wysisan at Use 8.25 mark oC Use firit pcriod, Miltas csonled loice in te second perisd wilh Tony Peduilo scorisg the Cirsl Irsis Andre Wysmanoand sellisg ap Use other ose by Craig Thomas. Brios oyce ried Hsod' ahlln bld onu acreened st lit Use 5.05 mark of Use finat sesulan. Dave Rabertsn Clrd hia second and Use ousrth MU105gal1 secondsotaler aid UsonaStanKeU gsIo tfisai Coltigood goal, a shat deflCto.ed hy a Milton deCmncemaaaccidentIv. liane Roberton, Andre Wyxîxao and Tony Pedollo sbared slarrcng roles is Use olctory wsUs goatie Revis Hsed. This dses sol moon atol s Usleh cmlt ofthUe leson was nol ihats tecaooo Use viclery waî roaty a isoas eCfort. Rbhertson tobk eeption le the wOy 1h01 Peda oas cross-chocbod boeaid the net ond engagod Rab Coucher in a le'ief igb ntick doet sehieb hirnie in18 a mild stog Cooai. Coucher roceived lne minutes Car bis action ohioe Robertson gsI off ithU a servin misais sentence. Tlerd garne is Usis heit of Byve series gois tis Friday sigbl (March 24) aI 8.308. rc2 8 p.is 10 p.m Publi Skating 2 pi. to 4 p.m-Pubtic (5c) 5 is s. o9p.m Mior Hose Loagas Playsofs 2.30 to 030-G.M.H.A Playotfs March 22 2 54ose ob M 854 March 27 7 to Il pis.- Mêr'f24M Tri Couety Juvenile 8.30 pis. Collissgaisd vn. Toursarient Miroir' Midgets Ontaris Finals ý I Ma2 F5 7 to 11rcli2S 8 4 is. o 6 pis. Tri Csony Tri County Juvenile Jusenile Hockey Tournaisesi Hockey Tournamnent and Balance of this week. Midgets even series aaiupiou AV~f n File