Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 1972, p. 2

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l7-~ I 2 Tise Champion. Milton, Ont., Wedinesdlay, Marcis 22, 1972 Replace old bridge 'fie.naersw erete bidlge an lsfba O 00, ofbtm sel deflnlley lie replaeed. HilIon EasO WOP Jiso Suase ai Ola wees sisal tenders are bilg catledl iy lise deparises ef transport and commeunicatiess, for costruction of a ncm bridge structure and approurbes. Thse cuistiug bridge crasses 10 Mlle Cre i uthe slih mnd of misas Is cuesesoiy laaom an "Wllmntt's Mlats", bail a mlle seulst sf Britain Rd. Solp's runnling Youngsters 11ke the sticky stuff -Tantes good' were tise woedc seven-yeur-old Fiiip Gog Stokes used ta describe a=amt af maple syrup ise mas givmn ut Rttlesnake Point Conservation Aices on Thucsday. Phillip mas one of 50 youngstecs taom the grade one and Ima classes of Kitioride Public Schel selo seere given an lss-depts taour of tise parkas maple uyrup display. 2,0t0asades Thse youogoler rceivel tise syrap frous Mamno Maritain, forestry tecisniciun mils tise AIIow Oakville firm 's Lion hunt ---o evielad in C'ville bdt evc ad LIKE TO BE THER. . .. Betty Jsdkbss et Milton orus profoblY ilsinking misen use suse titis illustruted mup et trelmnd disptuyed ut tise St. Putricb's Dance Fildy. SOse aras mne of tise duncers; eojoyiug tise f[issg--Staff Phsota) Tisere's a Sion Isnt going on in Campiseilville and district isis semis. Ttay're nos seeking tise African-type lias, but tise service club-type. lise Lions Clus of Miltan lu tarusiog a new brancs of tise Lions in Campteilelile and mmn living lu tise village mnd vicinity are învîted la join. An organizutionul meeting wilt tie isetd tis Tbursday evening, Marcs 23 in tise Mmsonic Huil ut Campiseilvilie. ClifI BiBl, one aI lise village cesidenta wigo l woriig sella Murray Nsed af Miltan Lios an forusiog tise club, reporta tisas 10 meae delluitaty ustarestad lu talping ta, stars a Camptelle Lions Club. Tisey need 20 memtern ta obtain a chaurter. Osesers of a mrts Oubville property receieed permission taam Milton Council tisis web to tube tise first step tomard uervicing tiseir lands, after tise birm ausured coancil tisere mould tie no pressure an tise tawn ta allose tfot ares toi develop. F. W. Nurley Holdings, aseners ut the O-acre farmo ut tbe corner of Steeles Ave. mnd Tbicd Lisse tarmerly owned by Fred Bell, tald courd tisey woutd marb out un ugreement mils Wimpey Homes Ltd. tai oversiae tise services curreoily being issstalled in tise tosens nortb-east qudrunt, dscecily seest of tise Nurleyltoldosgs'luod. Wimpey is ttas se is tllisg staran sewer services oo tise former Wiluoo farm, i n preparation for tise firot tames of sefot will eventually te a1,200-lot subdivision of uinsgle Levy $96,636 Tesrie ilb -odFriday, Marcb 31 lu ut tbe Oubville d generalya as oay su Mtan. Neys ta comcs MiIton's eaucation Hre odcucl rate down 3.97 m1iliS Sheridan journalism Tougis fluancial planing since lae formation of tise Nutit Comnty Board of Education tisree yearsuago bas put lac board inua favorable position nom. Estimates Sbom Mill rate reduclions for att municipalities encept Actan. Actan's mdl rate mstt go up byhallfa mdl. Milton mdl caloy lac greatant reduction in mutl rate, tirapping 3.97 mils. Foc a home assessed ut $5,0N lass represeata a tus reduction of $2. tacrease Tise reductiso so tte mils rate mas mate posible seien provincial grans mere increased ta offt mcreased conta. Tise board's spendmng mdjl increase by $3,500,000 tiss year. Total expendîturen mîli amouat ta $43,000,000. Budget commsittee cisairman Bill Priestser sottestat muoy arcu bsoards are having ta make Actan Burt. Es.q. G'sain Milton Nass. Mak. County Total Leus t372,692 6,818,642 349,288 1,097,931 400,63f 385,682 6,557,165 16,478,036 sersaus cuis in teir budigeta ta stay mitisin tise provincial ceitmngs on spesdusg. Bolid planning Ne saidlahe soliti planning lu tise eacly duys orthle Hultan Board made i1 possible for lac board ta continue laeir programs witaout cutbing uoy part of lae progrum, or releasing staff. Directar JiM Singleton suid lae ausesument os mcreususg fuster lam Mhe student poulation. Tisat mili mark lu the isoard's favor for lae nent fes e pars. But it lu mtsikely lae board mils be able ta, reduce lae MWl ratas lu lae future. Tougbersent yesr Priestner suggestati the board moult ibe us guet sisape tient year setate it mould te even taugisor for seme boards. Tise foltoming table sbows levses andusiilratessapplicable ta, eacs musicipalitys Public Secondmry i i mols: (in mitîs, Total .59 +1.00 + .50 ' .98 -1.29 -2.37 -2.'34 + .7u -1.64 -2.00 -1.31 -3.97 -5.75 + 3.48 - 2.27 -1,.35 -1.24 -2.59 -1.37 - 1.07 -2.44 Cumulative chansge 1969-72 6 .7 7 7.07 . .10 -12.09 - 10.51 7HALTON SPORTSMEN'S ASSOC. MILLIONAIRES' NIGHT POWDER PUFF HAM & STEAK ROLL Friday, March 24 O 00 P. M. CLUB HOUSE UPPER BASELINE-MILTON, ONTARIO MILTON LIONS BINGyO EVERY THURSOAY NIGHT $12OOPLUS sEarty B rds at 7:30 p.m. s 14 Regutars at 8:00 p.m. . 2 Specials . 2 Jackpots -54 Numbers 00 50 Numbers $200 Milton District High S<h.@I Wiliams Avenue Admission 51.00 inctudes 2 regular cards Proceeds for Community Prolect. eoversized evetopero' o5ative of and there students invade town SiSheridan Coilege losrnabism stadentu mill te "mnvuding" Mdltaon sent Wednesduy, Marcs 29, foraillday field brip. A group sf 12 second ymar stadentsanmd up ta 24 firot yesr journalism, students mdl spund the day tasrlug Milton, intarvieselug cstizems and officiais, anti preparing a smo-page phtt-story "spreud" setaci mill te puislisised lu the commuity coilege's nesespaper, 'lie Seridan Smn, dsclug April. l5eadqumrters at OSD for day tastructors Tom Allen, Bmn Rose and Bill Docle m l te operutlag lae 'field beadquartarn' ut Ontario Schoml for the Deaf dariag lae day. OSD adminstatar Art Britton mdl te laeic liaison man for the lise studenta mdll bie lmoking inta Mdltan's bistary, devetopgmest, attitudes and mmy aMher aspects of conmmmity life duig the ail-day fielditrip. Ttey mre bopirag citizens and tamn officiels mils te able ta spure a tem minutesota belp laemn complete tteir job. THE SERMAN-ORNADIAN CLUB of Halton Csusty irtis 10th year Invites You To Its MARCH DANCE WITH NICK OSBELT'S TRIO Milton Pin. St. Union Hall Saturday, Marck 2Sth at 8.30 P.M. "BoseeA Meesber- Clu 23 pa.24 s., 25 Shosetimes: Mar. 23 8Bp.es Mar.24&25 7p.m.&9p.m Speciat Matinee Fruday & Saturday. 2: 00p P.M. Admisssson-Childres SOc aduits 75c s...26 m..e27 r..28 w.29 Showtime - 8 p.m. Show Time -Thurs. -p 8Pm Fri &Sat 7 &P9p.m Special Matinee-Fri & Sat. 2:00 pe. Adesission-Children Soc: Aduîts-75c mitt te o cot to tise tawss. "We moutd flot espect ta mse tfoue services until our property focomes a part of Miltan,' bie udded. "Tisis s istduslrial lmnd, mnd ut mmne f uture data it wlt tie ta tise tawn'u advantage ta fove tdss issdmstriul land serniced." Wisile Counicillor Dr. Ivan Nantar praised lise f irm for is foresigbt, Cuuncillor Colin Bssillie mas against the requeut. BSsillie sut tise town bad turoed damn oerviciog une issdustriatosite out side tise tomn surlier as tise mame meeting and tbiu was "a similar dm1l.' Ne atme marned ilsere seould tie great pressure on tise esancil ta mxtasd tise services ta the Norley tands ut seme time us lise future. Tise motion approving tise agreement wms approvedl on a 5-2 vota. Islalta Reian Canservations AutbUty.iarttan d Dr. Lily Ussik, tise autisority's conservation education co- ordîmtac canducted the taur for lae Kîltide students, wiga are amossg more tMm 2,000 Nalta elemeotacy scisuat students miso fove isents sciseduted ta viuit tise demonutration. Cosuervation advertiuseslat have said tisere were two metsodu ut evaporatisg tise uap andlupl'ay ai tise parkr, ssld aa Nomever tise Kiliscide paela learned lise old metsod couldfoe divided ino t o; Indian and early settier. Early canadian piameers used ta, foti the uap ins a large iron folle. The tadiam wautd placethe sap in a large cut- off log and drop beatad rocks ista tTise modern metsod of foiliog tise uap, nia a sese evaporator ta tise parbos suger smaty, wms aliso viemed isy the yomng vioitos. Modern mesod Taday uap cofleclss dages't involve us mars or a in tise duys ut Caesda's early piosseers tise pmilo learssed. Iouteaid ut movisg taom mne tree ta tise nazi wits lise bucket, coservation warkert isoot tise pull tomoe bme. A plastic ise eiti tlaps ta iseerted tuttu several trees and tise uap Trn dowssill to tise mne focset. la the past theautsority uaed ta conduct is maple syrup demonatrate thse evaporation demonstrations ai Crawford procesu. Lake, us thse Casupieilville orea. Pulc turs are il~ Hoseever parking becume a conducted ut tieprk tiu bi problem, so the locale wus from 9:30 arn. ta 3:30 p.m. Thse switched ta Rattlesnuke. Sap is public is ulso invtted ta touc tse coliecte i uthlie former location accu on thse amIt tlree weebends. lisougs, and sa ieing tubes, ta Scisuai toucs entend titi tise sap Ruttlesake Point ta stups russsug, samnetime is Astril. [ Snowblrds Snowmobl. Club DANCE SAT. MAR. 25, 1972 AT TH E HOLY ROSARY PARISH HALL J.C. & The Squires Dancing 9 tai1 Refreshments I S4.00 per couple îassasssotttttosaottosottassttts1tsa 878-6660uott.t.sss mear Canada's Galileans sing Gospel Music Easter Sunday APRII 2-il1 A.M. - 7 P.M. HIGHWAY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Accoss tram tise Miltan Plaza. ALL WELCOME LADIES' MI1-FASHION11 RAIN BOOTS Wot-Look Siock White PRICED $4.49 f0 $16.95 Ladies' Kmds' Boys, a Men'S New Styles àad Co--ur. TGE RUIBERS BLAGK RAIMBOOTS RUIlER BOOTS Tender Hppe 13.99 Sies 6 -3 '2.99 '3.99 to $5*b99 10W IN Aiso ... we have new fines of White, Blue Strip.d Running Sho.a - Pric.d '2.49 and up MIIIII*~RMENT STORE iu. m20 AI T.ILO Daily to 6 pe. Thurs. & Frl. to 9 p.ns. 878-0281 a à 1~ The President and Board of Directors 0F THE THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY COUNTV 0F HALTON cordiaîîy invite you andi your triends ta attend the ANNUAL MEETING os Wednesday, Marcs 29th, 1972 ut 8:30 pm. in lise Aoditorium, Haîton Centeensul Manor, Ontario Street lHwy. 25,, Milton, Oetarlo SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER Mrs. Helen Bail Past President ONTARIO ASSOCIATION 0F CHILORENIS AID SOCIETIES Mr. J. Dennis Toews Mrs. James Sproaî President Secretary THE SHGE DEPARTMENT - _______n.- - IL Pr F A dani csa Bue Kilt R Eare tse tais and sien irei maie onsl papi may and fous doit Ti Bar Se Lous Side Side aot just A edu, unis sr on v cuil saïi tse ter sre isna O tse Dec enp $21, F. tse wfo set a Aut mitt gais

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