R eturn .Omar VanSickle hospitol board chairman Omar K. VanSicisie. was Brc MarNais, Mrs. C. Peacacis, appointee ta tise boeard retned as cralas0 tise Mrs. B. Porter ansd Mrs. 11.. reptacing Dr. G. E. Bye Board oi Directoire oi Milton Stran. F. MrQuaig was retari District Hospital Wednesday Edgar W. Foater joined tihe board as the Hospital evening mises the board met board Ibis year, replacisg Iteeve appoimtee. briefly fotiooisg tise annuel Ras Harris as tise Hatton Caimty Casiesittees ai tise meeting id tise corporation. Cousant appoastee. Dr. W. S. board miii ta named a Ardtur H. Brittan Waal named Legate ia tise medical taffus meeting ai tise isoard. .ya-iara.Donald Bmttstt Wfted as serretary tai tise Laies sent ,.Stan Edgar, a directar lur tise. pont tisree yearn and vice- -clurn fur tise plait Yeur, 10st .lits sat tise boeard o iectors wiea neyes ran lur lou seta on mO isoard. Tise tIismesosr board b*tse esiers appnlntedl iy isie indnplan 12 directoe, farx id iini are eler.ted lur titree-yeelr tenu ai thtie isard's Aqatuatl meetings. Inscamients Edgar, Britton, Mg Johtn Oatter seere nnnsinated for re-etectian atang otit Dnnatd eoardon, Edward Gaseranaki, itrs Selaghs Consay ait Franks lte. Mns. M. Powsey, woise terni expired tant weeis, bua servedt si continuns years an tisa isoard andowasnoSt eligile lur lThe isittatting chisne Edgar. .4tler, Gaseransii and Conway luý tise fou mats. Salicitor Iboaa Hnlden, mise condorted tie etection and sutpervisaedtie Sraning oftieisallots, naid itoas i very cisse race. OMAR K. VANSICKLEwas re-elected chairman Oft fflgt eteen Oeisers continuing an tise hoard District Hospital board id directoso aitie annula ta msexpired tarmots idffice are Wednesdny. Hei lson seitis new members oif tiseb OmaruVanffilcikn nat, Bev. Siselagh Cossoay (seateit), Est Gamraanld and Edgar R. W. Fsster, Retord Gardise, (Staff Photo) Milton Council briefsJ Plan aisout 150 t tisaI itteited the pcnpilesd irai Burlngtan fine igisay fisera setS lu Mis titis an Mucis 23. snit ni tise ril Mn. Barira cesesisd lise tise service of î asn eas ceceptian of y transier et t luis dissar everyase ta neiniern and a lp wits tio etiy lus lesn Ir. and Mrs. e frein tis ousdlsg ares fia. ta KisId ispiay and e a messisalr of ni Edaucatian. board seessier sprienit Thse podi Usngis as fA acis an où r an portraits, s moeti, isasi ciseel tiscasn etisg, candie krUdces lorsed et cotiections, kaing, roi etanies stade tople istpe titis ce tai sund lur sgtaa. lies Institate dl party bellM aI Jacks May an 18. lisere were intendent ta innestigatae iuyieg a msed anase bloer. -Learsed tise contracter mestalling Use soren and sanitacy tranis seoer Uscaugs Use Wbapey subsdivisien est ai Ontario Bt. seul base to close Ontario Bt. ta complete Use praject. Cosacillacs preferred a nine-etay clsing and a 12-bouc shsift instead of lin live- day ciauing sod a 24-bous e day siilt papnsedl iy Use contracter, because tise senior citinens' apactinenis oece nmrby and Use moise ai macbinery oorlsing et nigbt meydistrbUshee. The coud closingis1 espected ecesad April 17. -Receiveil e letter of Usanlu fram, Mr. mnd Mcs. A. Mettis fo lomecs received on Useir 5OUs meddisg asniverssry. -Approved a Boy Scout epple day as April 29 mitis advence soles April 27 asd 28. -Received e reqet ta resene Buperioc Propane tends eithUe serUsment cocoec ai Third Uine andUshe CPR ta M-2 Isdstriel, ta etlom Use tirai ta espand ia Bath Formula 5 CDE1TRGEýNJT gAISOLCINES CL' FAN CAIBURETORS MPA, tise CO-OP detergeet do b additive does clean carbaretors avd keeps tisem cleav tas more miles ta tise gallon And tisats etit all 1It t t lieO due ta carburetos icina helps prevevserust-ve yoa more powes vmie yu needit ansdlessens pawer Iass in storage. Btart drivieg yourtcar, à; truck and tractar carburetsrs tise clean Gasolines. UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO Bronte St. Miltes 878.2391 ý--PutroIeum Products; Uhsnyear, r. Mrs. R. ed te Use Auxiiacy biepitat t Use sent tse Mltlio I meeting oard Mrs. Fotter.- stoaae facifities. tt is pcestly eaned M-. -eersed tise Otario Municipat Boaud bas appcovedl Use construction ai Use neo mater maie fram Brante Bt. ta Use ceservoir on the escarpenent, et on entimated costa of0222,000. Tise tise mdll ta 0,020 lent long. -Noted Use rucent bulldozer repaire mnd tise restat macine ta pack garlugemwite Use douer ws amay, cot $4,079. GERTRUDE smniceoanDo Occuponcy 72 per cent Tise Champion, Milon, Ont. Wanesby mar Hospital finances "sound" Reports Mn Use past yeacOa et 193; mnotier id patient days divecsioal tlirepy service la board meeting 4 fiseoces and activities seere 21,7M8; anidaverage lengt oftay etcesnely papoter and tise Pins in ces gsseo Wednendey at Use annuet 9.20 days. .eest vnture tsa ecrefi croup secvice oece meeting ai Milton District Areredîteten whci maties articles te bi old in Etoise Meile Hospital, asdiceting Use issptet He iiotucei te new dircsoc ary Use î sbyad a ieto Ms Rsos bad aoh ebssy year sad in t ofnursmng Ms. Evutlaccuch and Cairm, Van icd Mattrso Ni "Sr~ good fmancial ibell. th Uinew maagr of aryand lara a d ubsi Boardei VeU cilUssdesedt nmm houske dng. weaants bail decîdd et lis Feisruery G2regory tarfis Nmté Vanickl tol theaudince Use0 Norm ia Hrisgod s ec ede meeting Usat Use memlics ai Use isimmer oisen orctopeocy bit an statue. ellomed ta speas et e liard af ail-time tam, tise financiel Tise edminintar ssid Use dietr eeting, provided Usey -Mlo À .....M. a-nd... receive permission frem tise sioUsisatte Obltuary Judge e James a Bl1ack A former mayor ai Dakisnite, r Judge Jatoes Roisoan Black died Friday nigist lit Dakvitie Trafalgar Memorial Haspital. A prinata forerai sernice mas iseld Manday. Judge Blaris oao appointadl Deputy Magiatrata tac HaIton in 1962, and istar oas satsed a Provincial Cort Jodge. He warised as a porcisasing agent lur an Dakisnlte Tannery in19 tt2oien ie moned to Daknille front Boston Mess., ie mas, isors in Dublin, lreland and isned in Nova Scotia an a yontis. Baneisallfait Jodge Btacis's iseen interent in isaseisafl sao ii namned a life memiser ai the Heltan Coanoty Baseisati Assaciatian. He wsen aise, an enecative member of tise Ontaria Baselsati Association. He warised witi sneneral Dakisnute doubs. In is yosts ise aise pinyed tacsey in Oakisnile. A past prmsident id tise Daisvie Canadien Legion, Judge Blacks servedl overseao during tise second orld mu, mnd wsea amarded an MBE. He terveil fou years as mayor of Dakislie irom, 1952 ta t95M mnd as ton coanicitior luiore tisat. He isad sernedaanutice oftse Peace. Oskislie Paris Boeard He served mare tiso 20 yeurs witis the Qakislle Paris Boaud mnd mas o member ai Bt. Jude's Angliscan Cisrcis. He oas Dais- vile's Citizen of tise Yeor in 1963. He le aarvied isy ists siell Isaisel Hewon, a daugister Etiaietis <Mes. Jobs t..oydl ni Dakisytte, a ses Joisn ai Oaisvtite and a sioter Mise Elizaethll Blii of Dublin. tcupany lur tise year averaged ut at 72=rcn. Revenue mare sasn oee operatianat npemses, ie added. Frase tise operating bundget, 0.5 per oent seent for salanies ad seagen toaeting $99,5Se. Plan expansin Expassion ta nStl uppermant in ise board's mind and sonme lorai of eapansion is contamptatadi in fie or six yenrs, Vontilse eparted. - Tise poputation grawts tarmeen isr Miltas wlt secesoitate estarged ispitat facilties," he said. Tise isoard's operetiol statament sisased revense and epemses tatatiing $l,200,5tî for 197t, up sUftoavec lest yeur and top $t77,000tover 1969. Tisrougs an incestine aseard aiiered isy OHSC tise ispitat seit receine 9,035 tisis year os isetow-appraned csol or 197t. Administratar Ronald Woods renieseed statiatics os ispitat mse and colie. tacremses oece noed in adlait admissioms et 2,192; X-ray esanseitis 7,225; etsergency visita 11,5s42; narmber of operations 1,112;isous of ors toc patient day 11.6t and set cost pcr patient day 841.70. Derreases oece noted in detineries ai isaies 30 per cent ucupancy otite tise medicat-crisonic departrtent ta at tO per cent capacity. Tise ovecati, average lest yeur oas 72 per cent. Ciief of Staf Dr. W. B. Legate revieoed tise sori of tise micat stafflo ainei5 doctors, tiseir trainîi and educationat pragramas. He oetcomed Dr. James ibsan obo opened a Itractice isece in Augost and cosgratuistad tise laur dactars misa have opened tise e medicat building os Main Bt. DOvec tise pat yenr t lane oner aeen an murs castronersy in tise medicat departasent," ie added, "and it's a gceat Using. Tlsey are renlly battting att tise tinne for seiat tisey titi ta rigist, ît las lien leiitby criticisen.' Preseits $,000 Aouxlay prenideot Mct. B. Frame presented isoard cisairmant VanSiciste eitis e chseque lac $5,000, the AunUsary's second ciseque tamards its promise tapay $20,Ot0tfor Use sese X-ray machine. she aisa bciefiy cevieoed tise Aseifiacy's services tuapatients and staff and soted Use Cendy titripers I teenaged votanteers) contciisuted 1,137 bours lest yeu. The Ausiliary's IC~ Mange eATTENTION FAKMEKRS N 0W! is tise tisse ta plan yeur grass and claver seed sprisg plaeting requiremlents. -Special prices os grass & claver seeds menS Mercis 150h tili Mer. 31 inclusive Meille titis poar gress end claver seed planning ments 1972 and visit ns eit MASTER FEEDS tSTEWARTTOWN). -IT WILL SAVE TOU MONET - Regalar Special Price Price -Certified No. t Versai altalla .6f Per Lb. .63 Per Lis. -Ne. 1 Elser alflIa .62 Per Lb. .57 Per Lb. -Certified Ns. t Climaes Timothy .30 Per Lb. .33 Per Lis. -Ns. 1 Elear Timeihy .32 Per Lb. .27 Per Lin. -Nu. 1 Elnar brame grass .42 Per Lb. .37 Per Lis. -AIl oter grass - claver seeds .00 par lb. off Regeler Prices REMEMIER These special prices aregeed Mercis 55-Mercs31sf, 1972 inclusive LET US MIX THE SEED MIXTURE 0F YOUR CHOICE NO CHARGE FOR MIXING FOR OUI CUSTOMERS .... Me have stade arrangements for aur cesismers regardisg sesaîl seed and seed grain cleanisg. Contact us for particelars. Watch for Advertissg Regerdîsti sur Asseel Spring Store Sale. cisairmanot tise board. Tise isoard and a mairie isadt earier rsled tise general FYsday atterni publie 000 sot atiowed ta attend stadenst. sinition oi long awarded toMrs. for 10 years and to eVosîtta, Mms an, Mrs Isabel Crs. Marguerite and Mrs. Satty ne years. cary is a pstppet sanso îWednesdayl muratson slated os, for isalidaymng RTRAFALGAR During Useir meeting lest oees, Milttes Cosacitiors: -Laarned anme of the traBfic signsoan Higisoay 25 ai the nerUs end of ton luve yet ta lu rer- tdfied isy Use contracter oing on lhe recenstruction. Tise ton's consuttieg engineers luve orged Use contracter te act imsiediately. -Approved minutes of, a cwnmittae of Use whle mee9tg blld the prenlo ean oet atic Use casnrcil autisoclzed tise urcttt ta proreed wiUs a cement isocis structure fer Use seans garnge. Pricen on a steel building oece tagisor. -Sent a letter of apprectatian ta Use seorlu departtsent lur Use entra isears pet in docîng Use isydra faile at Use WaUser's UÀne seator pomenp. -Agreed ta place an additiomtl ,4,O in tahUe streetsanmd oalus budget for crenis cleaeing norUs ni Use CPR. -AuUsorized Use seoris super- Country Mort Rockwiood Acton EQUIPMEIT FOR FAIM LAWN - GARDEN - RECREATION -Sales -Service-Parts -Repaîrs 3 miles Westeof Acte, On Hwy. No. 7 Phene 519-856-4712 i. - 1.7n a W M M2 M MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2369