6 Thse Chamspion, Milton, Ont., Wodnusday, Marcs 22, t972 Marri meeting oftthe Dreair Wocrcclvc(titute was cancelled. Carly e Featherstos of the Sîx23 Lie is aider dorteres care in Mlon Haipital. Gel meSl wishes are eslesded. Contratulateion aid sineere gond wiolai le Mrs. Gertrude Edmards ot Qon SI. Brampton whe wdli celebrale lier 961h licOl- day os Sunday March 2t. Mes Edmards, widom et Dr. Robtert Edwards, mas hemn Gertrude Fealliereton only daaghler efth2e laIe Mr. and Mms. David Feallierson efth2e Droraqoie ares. Betore lier marrialie nlie tauglil seliail aI Beyoe and e23ee local scliails. A isirllday celehraliee tor this grand eld lady is plaaied hy hier daugliler Anna aid taaiily. Local relatives aid close triendo mîtl attend this happy eveol. We jeie Lu aiolime Mes. Edwcards many more years. Mrs. Herhert Cellihor, Athialiaska, Alhertala bvisiting wi3 hier moîher Mrs. Emraersoe Ford, Galille aid helli mere dinner gets on Saiday March 19 wi23 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford, Sisth Lie. A GULF GAS TANKER carrying cimse t0 5,00) gallons et foel leakel trom lise toudusg ports on lise top efthie tanker and gacoline hiem a tire and rollnd over on its side Salorday the Ontario Waler Resoarees Commission mai nollifird, morusing, os 10 Sidereail jool meot et Bell Sehail Liose hecamse ilsere masoa danger tise spilled gai osigisi contoininale Borlingten. Company officisîs despatcheil a second truck te a nearhy ereeli. Tise driver suffered a liruiaed arm.--<Slnft drain off the fuel hefore il mai sel hacli on ite tires, oint Milton Photo) P'ire Departimn sloed hy ie case et ture ef exploion. Some Omnagh Haîr care is important 4-H stylists are told By Mns. Ceeu] PuSterson The teartb mieeting efth2e Hersby South 4-H Styliste mas b.ld aI Omagb church hall os Salocliay Mardi 10 mith 16 members atlending and taie leaders, The gilrls liait tIse pleasoce ami thrlill et melcomiong Balps et tIse Hease et Hair, Milton Plaza. Ralph is agitted haurstylis and has a large chienlelle et ladies and aIse many gentlemen raooog le bis aliep. The girls enjoyed his ta and asmerng of 23ein maiy questions. He adviced coing enly good champoai te maib otten andlieep thiehair very dlean and healthy. He dîcplayed aiveral types et combe and hrushee and eaplaîned the varioca aies efth2em. Ltler Ralph, acoîcted hy hî .s vo- morber MarIi, apeal several minutesamith eaci dememitrati hair styles cuiled to theirbhair and tealuren. He emphasiord thal -it isnI hem long you mear youc haie' bat -hom meSl ycucaear il long.'- Apprersation mas eopreaaed hy cloli precîdent Hedi Nouali to thece Ime gentlemen for gîrîng their tirae and tlent le riait the club. Tea and coehîra mereaserred hy Rosemuary and Munira Lulieucti. Roll rail Nea mîeetimg mîlIle li eld MurrIs 25 all1p.m. Rell caSl for the meetmng mac Hon 1 plan te unprove my posture. Gel meSl mîshea te Ernecl Prive of thie FftI lieh mIseî a patient inMilton Hoapital. Frîcada mîlI bc pleaced te leara thal Mra. George Pearurli, FourtIs Une., relerard home on Monday MarrIs 21 tollomieg a mee eeli atay in Milton Hocpital. Mra. Fearoci teS on Jan. 27 adasuffered atralured tep. She as nec able t e l aboot wmth mulier. 0gb coe Thr Boyne Rerrealîca Cemmaeole held a aiont suc- cesslul eurhre onFrday evening Mardi 10 ut Scyne Ceaire mîlli 14 tahlec in play. Ladieo nith higb scremere, Mra. Harold Reed, Mro. Anna Thompcoe and mîmmig prîces toc genta mere SEMINAR FOR BUS DRIVERS The reqaireents et sehail huo legielalion ami the sate eperalies eo cheelhbuses were discussed al a seaiear ai White Olis Sresodary Seheel en Galiedie, Thesday, Mardi 21. Tbis Sehooi lies Salety Semmnar, spencored hy the Haltes Ceaily Board et Edorahios and co-erdîsaleil hy the Ontario Departraeet of Teraaipertolîeo asd Commeunecations, as one ot o eies beieg held theeugheul lise previece. Seheel hes eseers and eperalers, drivers, meaihere et scheel hourds, priecipals. leachers aid other mlteresled peeple en the Cesaily et Halce asere on haid. The Sesesar prevsded Iheai wi23 an eppertemliy te diercos the varieus practîres aend prehlems asserîated wi23 the eperalien et scheelhbuses i e Ceely. Participantsasamsatetytfilms aid jledain panel discussons ellenedby questioneand aner perid. Thse Esqeesing Puic Library Bord was estabi shiei Jan. 11972 according te Part 1 section 3, suIscection 2 et thse Peisc L iraries Act. Due ta an Ontarie gecernrient grant, thse tocilities of Actes, Georgeteo, oeil Milton Public Libraries are avoulable te tise residents ot Esqoesing Township witli no "non-resident" tee. For tertiser information colt Bsqoeaing Township Oftice, 877.5247. 'Foin Bouield, Fraili Pearcli. Lucliy drama from tally curdo o'eel te Mea. Clare Ford, Mes. Phyllia Ford, William Clansas aid Haroldi Heel. The uaie delirîouc lainch aid scial limo folowed. We are airry le report that Mec. Florene Snem et Treinaine Rd. ea a patient i Milles Hospital. 40e muIsh lier a speedy rerovery. Birîhdav greeliogo go to:Mes Willard Featheraton, Georgeo Brecnnridge, Carol Lochie, Hurold Rutherford, W. C. Eves, Nancy Deviin, Roger Hadbield, Lînda Leride, Chistilne Gpolees Phîllîp Hadtîeld, Allas MarRinon, Barry Riebol, Gregory Evesanad Trevor Riebot. Congratulalios le Mr. ami Mca. Stanley May on their mechheg aivercory Mareh 29. Standby at truck accident Becaaie an overlocned Gulf gao tailier preslned a poentaiel tire lianurd, the Milton Fine Departinent mas called ou1 Satuirday moraing te gurd the veluicle sole Gulf morbees Irans- terced lb. gas 1t0 aiecnd trueli, reporta Fire ChietA. E. Clemail. Lacbdly no tire eroplud. The truckliaitd rolled over ai the paosesger's aide, on 10 aide- rad, Burliogtes, meot ofth2e Bull Scb.ol Line. A flet lire wa4 llumod. r TIse osly oIber tire incident învestigalod by lIse local departineol during the past meeli mai a tlaided oùi fornare aith2e home et William Gallinger at 316 Martin St., Mosday morsisg. Thse tire mas liopt ml23in the conin ofth2e tureorae ami eaused no domage, report tiretighters. -Mlton selie b invaded seul meeli by yoaig hocliey pluyers mlien tIse annual jovosile tounnoment lu staged aI Militai Arena. cupper aI Oelhel chorcli on Wednesd,î0rr'vnng March 15 was accosccerccleventlwith orarly 100 aelendieg. The diooer mas telloed hy a happy lellemslep. Robiert Gracey ai liai arcerdiee ami Ken Horion ai the couac led in a sieg sons and Mille Mary Halten on lier uilr led lu cîngiog tolkisongs, Il mas a pleoait evooloti. mith many teehing il sheold b.e repeuted very Caurelledl 'Me regolar meelings ofth2e Droinqoin lilimelors have hiait la lie canreled tor the pasl couple ot weelis hecaose of meather ami rad conditions. Neot meetiog wiît he Menday erening Mardi 27. Happy hehidays 10 teacliers ami Pppls aid te al lucliy tamilles mis are enoymng a liriet vaaion away trom home duriog the wioler breali. Birtliday greeliogs 10 Wiliam Harris, Stephen Bales, lilepen Hanoorrl, Faul Wilson, Glen Simapson, George Trenra, Wayne aailey, Bruce Baley, Stuart Wilson, Bob Rolison, Finale Jones, Jimmiy Finnie, Ken Holledge, Jolis Vandepol ami Rirhy Plant. Hornby Jr. Institute wiII host spring meel The North Tratalgar Roce iandimork h ih incloded Clob b.ld 23eir meelily euctee ornemaentul lampa aid amnocled 1porty on Saturday nîghl, MarrIs dreoses. Cindy Cerdisgtey 8, aI tIse Nortli Tratalgur reported on ber recesl Recreation Centre. There mere repceaentateon aI the W.t. aine tables et euchre in play w423 Anaiveraary Luncheoo mhicli the prizes b.lug emarded le the mai held atlthe Royal York Hotel. lolloming ladîec-Mrs. Irene Goodielleai, Meo. Wdmer Macos Gn Satorday, Aprdl 15, the aid Mrs. Ida Foslee. Nervai Jaior teatilele miSl Iosi The gents' prioes mere mon hy the annuel spring meeting efthe Bonk Burton, Gerald Tenecyhe Junior Wemen's Institute ot aid Mes. Jim Hamilton mIse Mntarie. This mill b. hl et aIhe played as a gent). The tonky Mailer Feeda Researchs Centre drama mere cees Iy Mes. Archie on the Tratalgur Boad Nortli et Service aid Ji Cuningham. Herehy. lneeaied yeong wmn lualilule met receally at the home et Heather and Mary Lymn Hyatt. A aperial teature efth2e meetig mas a dcsplay et crote. Mes. E. D. Haiglil shomed hier iformationrca b. ohluined trin, Norval meaihbers. Felig the J.W.l. meeting the girls jeioed the Norval Juior Formera tor a joint meetiog. N w OPEN Drumquin P ot Iuck supper iweII attended By U .Ceedl Pattorson Pot tuel supper 7 DAYS A WEEK FRON y A.M. te 11 P.M. Fred and LivI@ Bonin Invite you te visit #hem DOMINES ESSO SERVICE à Main St. à. (et Broute St.> 878-5323 Eso Has teOuPocs$ -Trs.MnrRp Jug MiIk -Tobacca - Ice Cream - Bread Sot t Drinks - Confectionery Plus: 25' Car Wash on promlises LowviIIe Suggest plan for the North By Ms. ichad Sveregla Ottlulal plan ByMe. lcarSoerlg fhere more about 150 Gary Prie, hitrblikig tbe Pau enerned citizeos tisaI Attendaid American higlsmay boas peut a mneeting mb.re tse propuoed lime in La Paou ii w0m itb ou officeltplou for rural Buriunglo ludion tamly living iu au adobe isorl t oousber tino blgsway iut in thse meoutoins Il ou ry wou preseoled. Tisere HI ie b raid and the roado were buit a notber meetiug tube io ou corvy. lisadoy eveuiog Marcb 23. Tbeoeveutug suit ut thie Ho caglil up an sonme oleep lin Lovl-rne UZW. the barb ota trucks travetluig 240 met ut tise home ot Mn. Asudrey miles in 13 boeurs. lu Sucre Patmuteer witb therolcaibiug Bolivie, a yeoung mou 19, biad tihe Un Koulr tlmugbt. The. worilip impression Ibot Gary mou libesevrwopeaedb de se lutok himltliterityballad serie. peae b enc tallied lIse officiais iet givnu Prograou hlm tinanciat oid. Tbey gave 9dm Fr PrGo su b 50 pesos-four deors Iu Forum. Lurbma proldted bhe American mesey, mlucb gees aO grm Leu nc a Coliu odedtlgar long way in Boulvi. lpronlded Brtied Souday M ar2 Gary willalliree et four daystfood Potid iunday lutborch 2e, and hoel accomodaties. Antber H o souo aumio tellowaltcîly hall wbeo doaradioe rbtlmae Comudpton Bal Program mas inlereuled in bits nes meabero by toe at trip and aulied Gary lu go ou tse naell mter b . ndr aie wilh liai for lua ndglsttlse fisre alu o e ubdse hanaIt heur tlll pregram. Garymai totleming fr everyoue tg ail conversation fer 2t minutes melcome tihe sewmiensand a antbe seel day metlisree peeple tn ttloot tbuts aiho liait heard lise sow. brurto eb. &pwiN h Mns. G. F. Kelly bau ban violîluf witb Mr. and Mrs. Burdge Gouisy. Several people train lisa rammunity surrouudlng are& bruut their croftta uKlbride ucisait te dinpluy and I n tise Halton Board of Edlucaties. g Uutortunately the board eaniber Anniersry geetngs remas unable lu bue preseut. Tise esivne r a t rios. aren mihsiaom wau gued tisuugb as ealeoded l M e. aod M tou people shomed erofl uc es out Maw he mdl celeratetiel paining et uresery ansd portraits, meddnu noîvrsay n slip casting lu a muid baud Salorday, March 25. building aod miseel tbrowu eiirtrhday tgreetiofgts aare ceramîcu, crecisetiug, candie eslutended l tolem wiugKmienath msn"tin, woed rticles turned celebalisgIbei hirtdoy n ai o use, inuert collections, Itieiy laolasd Kesutis slluug, luad maklue mgi Rolledge on Marri 23 aid lu Boibiu ou ce reumd Rahain who mili celelirau fils fr lmbao.Ts opebpe51 birlhday on Mureli 27. miS wiis tia lu o fuetr Anîversary ureelsofs are 0s abu ise lu rts lu estesded 10 Me. and Mes. Roy na ram urion. Break, miso mli ralebrate liseir weddieg anuiversary os Mareis 5. Mes. Gra MeCurry et Losdun lu elrvol Lodies tuotitate vmliing mîlhli er ululer, Mns., beau oud card paety beld ut Vera Wiliaion et lb. EigIq~ eorne oftMs.JackMay on Lile. Soturdoy, Marcs 18. flaire Brare Several local ladies at1eo4d 4 ladies present. 269UIN STRErET, MeILTyO AloC stceeo eoodtn , qehcl K2 AIE GouBAdNTI ..fr! h oCHOICE OF COLOURS AND FINISI4IS LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS * Aluminum Doors BUGE 0 Crbination Windows I~ahug ,et 0car ports * Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES "0000 eerso5 ue L ýUT6f OU84 -03il, OT-t. IIITOZIuEne PMUE SILE8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - ý mý Re- ho, Omar returned Board et District evesing i hrietly f, meeting o Arthur) ynice-ci ciseion ltoset th -e aimn 00 boardt 4*» tisree miluie lu four et s tiso-yea 'ýIscumi go John W reete elordou, ,tirs. Rail lierai coq served lu tse board xç4letio Tise lu .1ctIer, for the tise eleet a very et djteru R. W. Fe Durin weei, M -Lal signsona mnd of b ltied by on lb. re ranultil the i snaiedii -App eaimtt hetd tise the ce architec crnent mors gl luildig -Sent lu the ei mitra h isydro t LÀse mu -Agr '4d.tti busdget -Aut Bi