las M*About tqhe &a in untown ka bita la wbetno Dolre wean ithng Doe Mlno IcAt thecrecent Wortd tay of Daciog the Lrnten sason St. Prayer srvces held in Knox Fauta. Chrch chour is c for loca Church, a chour tormed bp ladies presentlug a cantata, Fenitence, duled for ' ram particapatiot churches led Pardon and Peace. The first paru t ILfont, the snigaut the aftenuma antd waasung on darc 5, thie second eveniuf services. on March 12 and lte third part on En unit i At tbechitdcen's service hetd it March 19. r Society the saUte connection, the "Kn Several noloînts of the choir, usa ieek. . Youth Choir" under the dirertion Mms. Judy Cormn, Mms. Judy d"nA aR ut Karen Trimble and ac- Hanter, Mina Lais Fay and M. A. dl isan companied by Marilyn Mactin, MurKinnon have ansisted. and flic "Junior Chair" nf St. Marjone Magen in organint and Pautus Cburch arcompanied hy diceclor. Mrs. A. Brodie contribated r suitahie mnmeru. A get weSl wish goen la Tommy 40e are happy la report abat Mca. Frank Tbumpaan. 137 'fToas St. ban raturnad home aller a step la Miltan District Hospital.,We is bar meSl. Mr. and Mcs. Carl Daly asd Karen Daly of Sf3 Ontario St., Dahhie Aibenhad, Victoria St. and Peter McCuig, 190 Sarah St. travelled ta Kapuskasisg as Friday mOere tOny mera la attend a medding on Sahardap. TOny monre toaurrie bach in Miltos tuday, Wedaesdap. A Inouïe cufl "Uhke a Mighty Army " Imok of fie mmul uarmoan un tOaaday aI Kun Chuncli. The film partrayad bamaone cmn leua front Christias mach ut ap congreation. TOe upper auditurium in baiag sed as a sactary wintle lIse cbacch ns osdargaisg nenavations. Thn mark shaald ha completed Untlime for te Douai Friday services. Itla islsa ceparteai Ibm St. Patrichns haaaar aI Kun Church as Suturday mas auveryauccesufut event. A Mmnyhappy retursof the day ara misbad for Henry J. Stmnley, R.'R. 2 Rochmaad, mIsa cnlehrated tas Sirtdap un Mmnday, MarcS 13. Mrs. Ivm StîchIe (Beralca), 154 Haulap Rd. cecestlp returnei [romt a trip ta Glacc Bay, Nova Sctiambaere sbevnîted bier parente Mr. and Mes. Chartes Strauf mnd belped th0n celeheate finir 5OlO îsedding msnivnrsary. Houstonnof 288 Kligslaigb Ct. isba tn'ahe Ota lef in a fuSl mbile hatidlapiaf mith hot poants in Austria. Mc. and Mc. Franh Tboanpsn, 137 Thoas St. mare vlaited recenlly by their daagbter Helen Grsenameg of Ottama, and theïr son Crifîta of Toronto. Au executive meetig f uth1e John Milton Chapter, I.OD.E. muai held utLthe baise ut Mca. G. C. Gamlasd recently mban the budget mus preparad, comanittees larmnd, and meetings pinnnd lac the coanu peur. Beut mias o tache happiant ut hirlbduys and a very happy pae galao Darane Vaughan, 09 Wood- murd At., isha celabrutes bier ba'thday an Suturdap, Marcb 25. Drace Churcb A.C.W. beldi their masthly mneeting un March 15 ie parisrh aSl mith preuîdest Mm. R. W. Ponter la the chair. Guent speaher mus Joye Porter Irais the sais Vanier Institation for isumes in Bramton. Sha spahe us seis isethadu ut correction and dm10t mithhler liteuas a guard ut Mercer lastitutios. Tbe Rt. Rev. W. E. BagnaSl, Bîshup ut Niagara viniteai [race Aglican Charcb un Smnduy and confianad thela aominf 1 Geaf. irey Banner, Rager Clemant, Tereaca Evans, Robert Fruane, Daiel Hoblep, Kercy Kitchen, Ronald Kanx John Noble, The sapermachel where we lihe la boy our rocerien han lOis aigri an the door: "Ctmsed Sanduyu Sea you ia Churcli." Sa wie wient ta chucch. Afler te finIt hym mn were nurprisied when friendly banda reuched oui lu shuhe aura and wacni, drawliag volces naid. "Glad poualîcoutldoome - sice tuhavenyou wiabun- bape yo'aSlcon hank agaîn." 40e ment harO.- 10 churcb and la Adîlt Bible dair and loa roveced dîuli supper I like our pot lockl. Aad wbut a napper! Ifuge platters ut tcied chtchen an only suulern cockur taom huis ta fry IL, ameet palatues, salads, other tanlp cuasroles and dessertu unesdiag. Evcryosc 100h their ows dînhen and cuflery and nul by faoiâes, bat the food isas placed os ona long table tuab ha red by aSt Domu Sic centre of nuci ufthe fur lang tables anarcbed a culorful hne ut cumelias, accnnted Op a hamfhl ut unalean an the mdddle- aIl trois une man's fardes. Sa wn fated aur nyes au meSl an fiSled our himmies. Then tai fine an nomathif ta thhah ahana vin beacd a ndnaiasary, former muiiter uit tia ZeSaaod cburch, hameaon farluugb, tlS uft iiru isonli n than Plidbipinen ishera tOny hune ban warkiag fac 25 yars. TOny have four mare yearn la put i, Chben hapa la retire ta ZaSsnaad, wharelbaey haught a pfut of land muny yearn afa. Os the Wanld Day ut Prayer me utaended marning serviceaut Mt. Dtara Usitad Methadist Chucch. Il mus the tiraI ârne id anar atlanited any otharnservice than auc home anes on0tat day, tba fient lime in a big rhurch tac tha1 avent and tba fient lime Id sen the service attendad by mes. 0f caurse thern ara muny bundreda ut couplea winteriag bacc and maul t of tem are in 10eir netirament peurs. Bul t've alwuyn aasdered mby, ia the fit plane, men mere nul iacluded in the Wurld Day ut Prayer service. tan't il thnir daty la uffer prayers far aur warld seighhaiirn, taa0 Me nevry isucli 11the fore ta tba lita ufthme chureS dams heme -lduf dteaching in the Susday Scbmol or sinflaf in tba chair, witae maay aiheru attend iil tbaîr saSi famibles. Clionch ina very real part ut lamîly lite hare. NOTICE Residanîs of tha Townshinp of Esquesing t972 Dag Licences and tags are avatiabteaut the tuonshipaoffice, R. R. t, Georgetowa, ar by mail an raceipt ofthPle reqatreai isformatian asnd licence tee. Usaier By-taw Na. 33-7t, att auvners ut dos muast abtain a licence far eacl dug eut tinter than April 3tl ut each pear. latarmatien raqaireai-sea and bread ut dog. News licence tees ara as tullums far eaa mala ding 4,900 Bar each BernaI. 6.00 Bor each spayed Bemafe 4.00 Delmar Frencha A.M.CT. Clerk Treasurar, Township of Enqaesing. Bradley Smith, PNul Bpraa, David Tomner, =E;la WatrsF, Dean Ward, CaralET Carlas, Wendy Grahuam, Janet Howsard, Jady Bradabai, Sandy Guan, Caîbryn Gana, Judith flod, Patria Huad, Donna Baynlan, Alfred Bayntan, Linda Stavon. MaxI Suaday la Palain Sumday and the sewly canfirmei gcaup miSl attend holy commuanion ut 8 a'cluck, la ha foflaised bya lamîty hreaat in the purish hall. and alayed at tha e aIMo Mr. anal Mca. Paddy Wilson, 413 Klngilegh Ct., Joneph liSud fi Miltonmnaljust rcenlly ad waa amnplayed by Ed's Welding. Mc, mnd Mca, Kanneth W1dta bouse of Walsecloanmd Mr. anal Mca, Donald Davian ut Toronda spent a rcent mehend viuiting their oncIn and aset, Mr. ad Mis. J. Crufg f utooudwsard St. 'lhc Red Cross compaîgu Joseph 1sfn, Iormnerlp ut Mitan continues iu Milton la thn esd ut (ad British Guiunat nom o ut Oisanth. Donancaubiesent Toronto, vinited Milaon renenSly la the Bank ut Mosteai. aeral ail ication on nal snetoan iglat; goal. t obtained oin demir aen thse otant la 10g0icaf tarticalar 1merribrca diat anal romn pur try ta, halp alion anal ena ynar A meetings sday at B raiap taon inon are farther 'aIl Mca. 53 ailtir B SPAGHETTI 45 SAUCE 20 FL.0z. c, s5 SWEETENES 0 GR î OR CUDNKY BIPéaFRU QC0 JI ZTINSU' SURPRISE 001CR SOIES GREEN BEANS 2fu9 FRUIT SULTANA 53 CAKE 23 OZ. PfG S. 0 LOBIAWS CHERRY C CAKE CACH 59 01001 PARf ONSWEETENES ORANGE AO JUICE 32 FL OZ. BOTILEWI* HlInP PARK TOMATO tSFL.OZ 0 KETCHUP BaTTLE 29I KRAFT SALAS DRESSING ACLE A6 FL. DZ. JAR 470 L î Ta n mn. anE 0' 'ta utn PANTYNOEI 2 --99f Thea Champion, telton, Ont., Wednesany, MarcS 22, f972 U Mrs. Newell is convenor Maytime bail 'Ticheae nt on nind istee tac the Maylinna BaS, the annual fand-caining sacial avenisa nposorad hy the Auiiary ut Milton District Hospital. Tia dCeesd dance wdlbnbalduat the Galasy Club ha Oakville au Satorday eoesisf, Map t. Mrs. Win Nvuoll iuucoveai aovn odt Sas a hou! of ousmîltees marhisg as the eenu. "Spriag Mugir" la the theme and the 18 par couple adision tee includea dOnner mnd dancing ta the Big Fiva orchestra. Tickets and table canarvutians ara availabla thraafb Mcs. Ehane Joyce aIL 878- 2400. 'Ihe Ausiliary recon tly ,auochc'd anîthc'r cru praject, uettîog health rcoard books lhrough the gît uhup aI the tespîtal. They are recomaugended foc parente, tac hneping up-su' date bealth recarda toc aSl their children. The boohs balp parents Oeap truch ut tbeir cbîldran's imasunizalins, dinaan, illansues, iniuries and baspilal cosfineesnts. -l'here wsil o vu poitl srieos Guod Fridap, March 31, Sut normal service mill resomne Easter Mondap, April 3. PRCE I EFET N ILO OLQ ualitqAYMACH2 PANCAKE AND V WAFFLE MAIX 210 Oa 7 BIG 'G"S 70Z.PKG.34c KILLOGG'S Il OZ. Pf.f~ SPECIAL "K" 531 (AT FOOD WEETAIIX 61/ OZ. INSTANT 111.1G OATS 5ao. Ra LONG GRAIN 9 lICE 2 LB. BAS 8 MC NAInTS PITIKD RANDO PR S. 0 DATES POUNS37 BETTY CROCRER CASSEROLES ca -u49 c JET PUFFED t uz. P '>0 MARSHMALLOwS s 33 CMAXWELL NU 88C POWDERS 3 OZ F5. 10e PINEAPPLJUCE MAXIE WLL . OUS ROIN HO REFIL asICi BACON Vl THRIFY CSP CAK Fi tO0. TIc tanteK ra9s 33EAU e 62 SACS co iu6 0 IE -" HOSTESS BLANCHED t TI G PRL.OKG liSA&TED 1 70 59c VEGETAULES SPAGHETTI I SARDINE 2 kN BE 6 I ÏÙÏc U S 6RE .IO N 491T Bo.eless Shoulder f011 î85 QUALITY PRODUCE SUPER IUYS SRI RIS PLISHSU GE [1 C FIfftDA'l PFIlStI N AT 111111 BSTît 10111 AND ICtt SOCKEYE tOI H S U A E.. 9 I DA ~, , SALMON 7 3/4 OZ. TIN68 SW1011111500f PAON RINDLfIl PENNIWI1I RIVER WHITE G1RPEFRUIT ScIANLIE0IFL CL 17' Sida Bacon n. "G94c STEAKETTES tif690 -RN S 24TNCAE 1 CHSICt F1011f fIAIt BlRNS illOlîf I SICID fIEXTR IN TOMATO SAUCE PORK SIDE COED i C LARGE VIVA id FL c'? 10 0 SPARE Ries ïB.I & MEATSD IPI.75 I sll 119 e 4 5f SPAGHETTI - iN - B5EFOE KNES UETBADCOE F1Sf CAîtîSîIANt O. fI t RDII FIHIS AVAILAIII' STOK ELY'S DAR [REID GOLDEfN11 IPf BTRAO OUI CELIRY STAILKS ZFOR49c BIDNSYî~o.~e 210 BifLn 165 tt.î 6 PROT RNWC!.GAD!TOP 10f II fA 364;i YOUNG READERS NATURE UIBRARY FROf BRITISH COLUIA TA 180 GRADf C T H 0801 191 M T 11E aET!itali 11îCîEnn PrID THE FIOSI VOLUME "THE RIRDS" APPLSDEN49 CHERRY PIE 12 C6OOUrful VIIIII,1fIRSVLIIIII1O taICDU airai6fO4 Ilîumtratmdl Volu..s EAC VOUM9<LY WE f111191 101 RI00110 PLIM OUAfItIE lo0 fîlASîfBL F000 ILA BEOIRîMNII Mr~ji usouoaai n SUPRBUa SUPEaune fil fatîîaîînîenttt à -ila n;1u-li PLMTOMATOES PICKLES GCREENHBEANS IDETERGENTI . CIGARETTES FINEST MEAT AMY WHERE uiiPOLLOCK EHH AND FI CAMPBELL Mînunial EnOnnuisa DEE AN UT AAIES BUTTER 12 OZ. JAR 4 APPLEAO JELLY 24 FL. OZ. JAR41 ROBERTSON*S I MPORTES SCOTCH t2 FL. OZ. 1 MAIEALADE JAR 421 BII.LY BEE NO. 1 LIQUID 12o OZ. HONEY TMLR3 IESCSINSTANT CHOCOLATE 70c DRINK 2La. TIN I9 PRISE 0F ARABtA INSTANT hOZJA COOlIEE 0. 89, ORANGE JU ICE EAtPO RATED TNS39 COFFKE 16O. A CREAMAER 89 SUNFRESH INSTANT CANADA SKIE MILE KuD II 3 POWD El BPi NABOB fEt ar BLUE BRAND IE 1 REBD or BLUt BRAND BIF BLADE SHORT RIB ROASTS ROASTS BtADE f081 OUT 1.9 152 RED ar BLSE BRAND fIlF f RBD ai BLUE BRAND SIF1 Cross Cut CHUCK Rib Roasts STEAKS ..85 L.85 LAYMAPLE Swift's Premium SfiDE WIEliEcu