Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 1972, p. 15

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ChrIs Smith wlnn.r Optimlsts chooso top ora tors ètI go laid aCtaW cmuId Mll verts ic1e laon Jafor FafE aaol ch Bell icLedWfthl r. Directaora Mellt ofrnI es oaf flic In nliaild p ditse cien sures 1-4 at ccday nigisl. icj as tic lait. igo Canadien eW abolt tcc licrus at tise iurcday) >d cay Use fait cd isould tic avoraisle. Stise Torocto lNe mec Mae ishour, misicis dre isegac a Mocday, cia nd Alderaliot. mers' Cluis p.nt. R. R. n "Fecifs aid r Uitile eicy- ily melcomcd tla mIndis- i f loelaid la sDmpllshlnt Cied. Tise oct- taC ipalant la for tearldcg ! Candai ch lt, 187. rallty of or tic jai Ma nt en setisely st âM or four c elaered isy Msain mas of Milton publie Wedccsiay, a of allucatiai id. Milton curling fertcon, John r Mutin, sip, I s series of entertalsacent acec Hall, ai tlon Tuiedy. of Brocklsl, icot, cure tie mer dcclarlng Me. Blahens 55MPION fraie, there isead for Use dictrict final, wchl offaire c $100 girls' puisopeaic centeol; for icholarifdp la Use lap speaker. Use firait tinte tis year. hi cilli M Optimistecare alosponsoricg a hlId oc Aprd 5. "Our cbalienge-ivolvet" 'isat cas tic toil of=ua excellent ipecis gicai Wcd- iicaday at tic Opiiat Clis cf Millecis fiftis annual heys' oraicrical competltios, hld ai Hely Roeacy Hall. dlaris Souh, a student frsm, Holy ROaI School cas caceed tiret prise ciccer aftar Use tirsec odgc frOo Port CrediC >)5naolari'n Club hagard Use four la ise minule tllis. Second place cent la Brad Toneti, said Cisir la Cis Orpec. AMl tisree cincers are fron Holy RoearY. Other comopetitor ircera Stepiscc Willougisby, Martin somervie and Jim Clarrldge, ail of Martin St. Senior Pubtic SeMool, and Seai Nevica cf HoCy Baary. Allelr dlsser Don $lmono, tise Optimint Clis nisaleinan cf bocys cork, dhired Use evenlcg. Speech.s folloned a diaier airved isy Use Coalic Wonten'c League. Hond tabsle guelae lcchled fJpticlat vice-prident Marv10 Sine. Mariera froin the lcuai rclnts TICKLE BOX' by TdrodsWhite Ooks u 4s ..-...S vr~I o l mn wik mac 1-)/>çri7lldaya hase fialy arrisai aid c once again ther halle of Mille w ~ .t2 .Oakslamdlaillantin loelies. , I t really braksl eserylady c.p t hat ce hase tu misa a chle meek of the educahiocal precese, but. the eacheraaneeded a reak. o Çtil2The special grade il physiral educatioc cilas trippeel eff o aohrski trip os Tkursday. ::1wo hacloade ef rager, impatient .**7* sidera eft i erlol 10 the ntersing lit asd retursef compietely exhausted ai Use ekîîsg mas es- cdls. Monkarviait 2.2. A Three mocks ef the Heiy \\ Monaitery of Uic [cet FciCh "Say ...Ia.'t h. laukd. ot h-h1th. 1. - viiied Whit Oaklaatmweeh. Our Name James A& Treleaven assistant crown attorney Jamai A. Treleasen a iseau la Aprit lie planso Mcove la a appalnted Assistant Creen lame in Burlingios. He atarta Attoraey for Hatton Ccunty, cork in Haltoa ea Marris 27. repiacing Murrsy RoaCston cho trnsfcrred la Use office cf Use egintatise couisc in1 Toronto recently. Trelessen 1a 30 yeurx cCd ad lises in Hantilton cit its id Cseryl. HIe repraiects Use Chird generalion cf isis family te practîce lac. Hia fatiar ia a lacyer aid hic c grscdatsec cas a lacyer as ~ îS w ccll. Ha great oncle folloned Use faiiuy lie cf caris as ccii. HIe mracs the Jastice of Uic BSpremne J Court cf Ontario. MeMaster f2rad Treeasai can edaratef at. MeManter Uiversity and Dalladi Hall. HIe cwu a partnor ic isUsohr's fien c? Treleaven and MCic aitil Meing appoinlad asistant cran attorney for Wentcoets, part tinte 1010067 acd hWl liin 1971. He is servef on a cide camiser cf contntamty and legal mcaittees in Hameilton. JAMES TRELEAVEN Deait perfect cr5b hand Mes. Melsin Slarey of R.R. 1, SI;orc aid Me. Mss cal down Canipbillslle. a criisiage player befure dinner fcr a garne. f0e maiy yeur, Mad liser f irst Mes. Uicrey mai deali Use 5 of perfect bsand Saturday aigist clubs, 5 of spadnt, 5 of diamonds wite sieplayd cardintith Dcug aid île jars of hearta. Thse 5 of Millon of Actai. Mcartu cas cul. Tise occasion cas a 22nd Il cas Use first tine ciCher ntefding amiserscry gaticricg player ladl esceusteref a perfect at Use home of Rassgaccys hcd. Cgaicitor Me. acd Mes. Cal McIntyre, R.R. 1, Actai. Mrs. ________ -lhe icicol isoliaay swncm F seasions at 050 Chus mais are prosicg papulse mils tise F ow ( -Lrecrawda hsaveiseco bring joy tit E, syrap camsp ait Rattlesnake Poi order early for Bi Conservation Arm. ls ope ta se dlvr the pubietiru ceci and s as r eivr ceekecd. Corne ins or phon ARTHUR A. Wr mire flomers tc d~ IlLIC'I [F aleay nthere s thE JOHNSO 0.1). morid fhroogh PTD OPTOMETRIST 218 Main St. Milten ftrry I W 878-3673 sare ~fCancenely Auton Proprl.tor5~ dalelaici 1 Wefedap and Satueday 111 Malt Tce morCh Halo teachers weepromolaf le vice-principals o the Hallen Cousty Board ef Educatios meeting Thtirsday. Wayne Doddsccho nom tchnt ai Campllvile Puhhie Scisooi asd Mre. Barisara Ressîcs of Pinrsient mere premotef. Idre. Irma Ceuin o f Frostenac Pubie Seheel in Borlînglon aIse recisef c promthon Mo cicr-principal. Rus tisatrs, pricipal of Pinrsiem ci Me traicterrai le Cesntunai ichoel i Georgetown. Jor Bray ef Actes High Sclaoi ciii he trasfered te the pastîtiec et admeiitratice cen- isMa1 aill the ard hradquariere mile lai Demmie of Burligles Centrcl tille Brayes elci at Aresn. Bill Rehinses mli ge front Milles Distict High Schoei te Goregtewn ai a vice-principal. Administrative assistait Paul Walsk ceayeu hie post le ge te M.M. Rohbinsn hîgh echool in Burlingies as vire-principal. -Ooed Prîday, Marrh 31 le generally c hlday sn Milesn. School news School's out this week Area schoolchiildren aitf their bcckc. hehind tisent c.n Friday acd wonct pick them op agai 8111 Mcc.day. Botis students cnd teachers arcco hoklidays as Unisc the ek of wicler break. ilcîcre scficloîee cs Fridc.y c. hot dcg sale cas held ai W. I. Dich a.C sccc heur. Pc.rpcse cf the sale c.s lei finasce an afterncon shatcig party fer the studesi body in the Milice Aries. The grade tco classes et J. M. Deepes cdC take part sn the maple syrsp demosstration ait Rattlesnake Posi Ccnservatios area, nest Tuesday. Thee trip heid liesn planned fer icsl Tueeday, but the ire sierse se Chai day clcsed ail North Haicen schccic. Neel Wedneeday, the grc.de hcve clases cdl Mi visitiig the Royal Ontario Museu.m ie Toresto. t Begiesief net week the grade f our chcir erilC hegin pracieisg f or the North Haice FestiaC for t he Perfcig Arts,ich e held in Actes ie May. The Champion Milon, Ont. Wecesday, Match 22, 1972 M.M Robinson Win first swim meet By Donna-Jane Byes M. M. Robinson as lostoeeof ilc hock. Me. Hardes, oe of our istory tec.chers, paesedl ccay after a losg bost wdUsaner Priscipal Mr. Richardson indernted a ehorhed etedeot lady Friday mersela, chier chirh M. M. ohserved a minute of silesce. Me. Hurden las Mccn a memlar ef the Rohinsos teain anre 1967 and cul losg Mc rententlred in lic hietery. Aoy gent iatcrested in senior surrer et art mevis' csd greeset' soc. Coarh Mr. Curry ci lagin prachrces aller thc Marrhhbreak. Robiscon hld Usesr bi cmos mcci Wednsaday, rempeliaf agaist the Gocrgetocn District Hligh hehool teant. We shipped hy miMha 189-184 vcrtery cîUs greal porpeise performances fron Seek clearance to hire recreation director soon Mictn Recreatios Comeuùtee will ueeh clearcnce frein Milles isiery of ideos asd Useciogy Ccuriito prureedmwiih Use hiricg classes ceai aid rapped lU hOf a recrcatîoa direcior, Usen for alaut as heur. They are approsed in prisciple earhcer hy fron tM. [couis aid arc really courdi. getting oieo heipisg cesoise Use Meeting tact meeh, the Black Panîlar siuation doca Commitier notai actios mould Me Usere. Snse the arreot of oal cequireil imntediateiy if a sister Asgela the PasChers hase recceaima dircicr mai te Mi cooied den t ey c.y, ccd are lied ccd bacc tinte tc prepore hldiog dîttereet escale te ralue fcr Use normal unner progrant. Morley ic help pntr hiacla amd Ccunerdhaldearhier agreedleUsth mitnt ahite. Bcisg Antericani dc of hirîsg a recreciios Usey arc of course cecerseil ami Airecler hut idiccted notUsig uiieriy appalird hy the futilty coiiid la dose outil Use municipal aid ansiety of Use Viet Ram budget mai finlihced. pamer gaines, ced ot rcally Nanted le represesi the Parhe mrapped up cn il. ced Recrcahioo Coaiitee on a remmitter etudying Use relation. Report carde are coin Out ship with theAren Board were secsn, se Mitter Mi cn yeur let Je MeCant aid Murray Oreake. ches yeu gel hack te echnti chter Moseigs Use hehidayc. The pnteîhîhity cf meccng Use Mail diamead lîghic le Rotary Park le asoUser locatios mac advancedhby Chttf Houston, Oies Wilsons ccd Bill Brueh ccpceseeicig thM Sofihalt League. 1hey eoted the prein of ac- comntedang aitheaseftball ad lardlh mnor icagues es Use diamntde i Rotary Peck and cesdered if thM cosgeahen mou Mc rehieed if Use iights mccc moeei te aiotlar location. Il cas sotrd that sente of the mntr trame mccce aise mahlcg use efthUe highic and Soard memlara isdirated a meeting ccuid hieceeed of mineir lasehail efficiels aad the selail greup toressider Use echedule fer Use Rotary Park diameeds te chant future seede ccd plai presesi use. Plas fer Use minier vacaions cwm pregran cere finc.hc.ed and ilimas soe eariy ticket saes had moi hees ai great ce in carber ycure. The presios mnttrr eminti onsi eîahturdaye bai cesuitrd inia set lese eof lU.5 Carole Wadc, hhawcc Roerts ced Boh Sieccil, A term of roeerc lccm Rohinsen siocig cilS the Georgetocn crei epeil ie ergamore the mccl wchtiurced eut ole Ma huge Tram ntre Oicr Hî.Q tram mci Hiipark cf Hamilles Tuesday hut cere un- octnatey Mdcce hy a elceeger tram of echoicce. Tram menthore wiil net dicurs the acluai score Sut tkey wccc pcelly dis. appeintrd. Hece's lc the ilcee mas tram, Lures Hirson' Je Stcci ced Ciaudie Zulias. Reme! Oh le he cîsgisg leicards Rente for the March hreak! A gang Iront Rchine, aidier thhrdirection cf MoOrxccd Mes. Baird, arentahisg theîc mcy inkte siree of Itly rîgkt sec and docityouih you wece ith thmc The ereis cii he sn Roe icuring andrcttisg curlece for 10 ilcys. More trips This summer Mc. aed Mes. Baird ciii la ntakng a relurs vieil le Airiru aed os the planing bard for the foiowing Marrh i an Astriai ski trip. Ail are cponscced hy thc Ships SncoI Associathon and ceSl certh thc pcctly penny. Thece widl Mcas important Mig- wig eicdest-trustee meeting April 1l ai Rohisos. Sicdect reps Iront Rcbinson cdl Me preparise asd firisg questions to Mr. Pellelerie, Mr. Cecper and Mr. Clohecy. SINGeR' BLUES 1-Aive ... se mcre cdll hive. elood Desor Choir Fciday, Aprit 7. 2-Tliat'e t!' Skueso s cut. Fine Furniture AT FACTORY TO COU PoîcES MILTON PLAZA SMILE AWHILE6Y PAUL RUILEOGE WA MN F 1EýEQ c5cEQYODAPPGE A. c.cMF _)ilscscc Ec NE T ý,EN..: EXC-LUSl VE EALER r.,_ELECTRONOME and SONY 7 26CMAIjhN ST.EAST- MILTON, ONTARIO #-e 878-4633. TSIBEE WINNERS WERE CHOSEN LAST Chairmen ofthlie spealdsg contesi Optineis WEEK WHEN THE Optintasi Club cf Miltes Des Sintont prescrnts the amards tei (rtght h clif lils annual baya'oaralrs coesa Thece lot), first prize minner Ciscis Smtith, scn jiseges fron thUe Port Credit Teastatirs prite musser tirei Tocelli andf third pris Cltub chose wdosera front cnong aces wiuser Chrie Orpen.-(Statf Pico) entratsancd they were awordeet ti-opiies. w u. ID plvii jJ J IIs> f.aI transfers approved A Mediterranean Cruise of a Lifetime at an af fordable price.... A Crise f a lflC, heliay~ inLondceo nd lO eec of c lendcid cr- hco c sec23 hdPaOi1 l..c c, ,c foec Canal. belcc t -nAP cilh cnc Scrîccec Adi -ýI auFccc el.dol CAccod - S781 f,.. Moctir.a ASK FOR A FREE COLO C BROCHURE MILTON TRAV EL SERVICE 14 Martin Si. Miltce 878-9211

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