82t The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednenduy, Match 22, 1972 tmpîofl t d E14ws , t ~a ages of -'t ithe Posti 20 years 090 Rodonotopmoant af Mitton dantamn cone ta a difficait mobjort Theo taon, if it flions ita antn oficiel ptnan, miti encauange tniglo-rto dovatapmoaent ion Mae davantann crooe and tomne coancessioens wiii ho nceooncy ta obtan Moe doveopmoat Mat ta mont ttonirabte. Somo ctnotd af coanfusdon, oorrooada Une tlorol 17-stary taor of sores, affices and apnrlmaan that wa pcjooed tac Miltoano cont-ai Mata St. Then bmitdor in soart 14 pnring npncon and coanfuonn stemo from coomnctin mont recoant docinian ta inniat Moe biter provido actant pinynicai pnatcing opncon vitin ion fot of Moe projoc. Town pattcy indicoten Mo' dovetopor con pny Une ton til10 ian lieu afIan actant parking apace. bot Moe couancil decraod theo spacon moto aoodod more Mhn Mhe $15,400. A motion appravotl by tant yoar'o toundi indicnted payment in liof pnrking wodld bo accoptable. taut n mort rcnnt ceootoan damnands Moe dovelopor provide theo opacet. And Moere Moe $2,000i,000f pcoject nporoantly teSl tiorooglo. ta nonne ctactorn Moe dovatapor ta boiong accmsed of ncatling Mae praject viMhont looclier neotiatena ntitn Moe tawn, aItar loanotag ta mas imponsible "The procono of migratioa it thM noaarooonding caontcyoido ta an age-old ptnomooon. A cortain porentageofM Mhe popumiation making lineir liviang ta Moe orbane nntren maantas tai tavo ta a carat necting viMh iota ai apean npnn araund ttsem. "People living ta thenoraa ares, or contomptatiog moviang tinera, ara denicoan of entremoty tam daosity tvtaning wnt maximm privocy mnd a genniano cpral netling mhane May caan ho freeo noaine, pollution <mspocially mater) and traffit. Ttoero, Moe gat in planning Moe tarai aira ta banod ipon Moe coancepts ai largeot atand proaorvaion nI theo curai scncaand eoaogical valaon. "Ifl tand divisioan in onat paananod and coatralled, Mean the carat tandocapo cmn in comptotety riained aand ocarot viMh ribboin deveoponet avaryminan. Theo toto beomo nmaiter aand smnitar, acattoned tinroaginoat a large regin mic rendots ian bign con of nervicen, mrons, edacatian, etc. The end renait in ttal dentructioan ai agricaitorai lanta and Moe rurai notting. The original dram ai Living viM Moe boaaty of anatuco miii ho camplately lust tai Moe ta pardona lati vitin Moe nqaicord 500i foot af Mae buaildiang lac Moe oxtra parking apacan. 'The doveoapoer, aa Moe dinar ned, maintaina Mhat alter mare Mm n ayonr of frutrations ha vane nt prepanti ta apeand aany mone tAnne inauling avor Moe projoct. He chnoe, taotead, ta abandon Moe pianso taceM tomer ad offonal Moe tonombloed tland- thrno primo davatoman propeciton-for mata to Moe tagnot biddoc. Sinc Moan so businessnamanmd rateayorn have indlcatod aanbappiens abaut Moe cmncotation of Moe Donte pacject. Thay som it as a gneat ntimulant lac nedavopmoaint of Moe domantao con. tt ta doatatiattMa Dontl prajoct vitl ho neactivntod, but Mhin cane may porloapa provido a tomson ta Moe dif- ficaitiost Mat lie ataoad ta nedovoping Mhe oainting buinesns sectioan ta seovo Moe fttoe ontmated poppmlntion of 20,te0. Conenit ta carroatty caanddoring aangaging a consultmnt ta atady Moe clvopimont of Moe davntoman cone, bat Mthr sa n$M,O ricn tag on Moe ntndY. Wa Mhinic Moe ntiovdopmoent viii aimnyn havo tai dopond on Mae tiVate dovetopor vina thanM vidion ad Moe capital ta loea M tofturn ad hooid tomard Mhat gat, ntody or ana atady. pollution at ail typon natta an air, mata oise, visaa, att." The o Iaoing, pobtaslad varbati tramn a doscriptin ai a prapoaed nO aoaging pian for Moe neortn noction taroogton, ltt theo proverbinalai tigbt on Moe bond. Yoa cant bava poi carat lot and yoar country living orde nomeone, ta Mhia cane Moe Baringt planning experta, taon topa ta prote Mhat oanviroanmaant an yaar bhiaif. Wtailo Barlingna nam aoning plt foc Moe oin mont ho popemiar vi mmny of Moe presont ladanro, it ta prattitai plnan. OgM>' Utoagin toatia itt o the furo cnan theno Ms of r "opraml" ho haitoti. Odly throagn propor plananing anc caon proeaent proparty omanot invoottoanta ho protoctad. Il anat, oUn Barington cmn beoa a nanans ai roadn ctltonrd oniM haome a neparato "tawn" of 2a0e0 people, npramling naubdiviion ta itsolf. Tino tarngton aaning plm'n aiven cancept in a gond idos. Ttnore mn>' marne arena mtaace theo zoning miii hold ian dispate, bat it ta ap ta Moe rai payera ta ntady Moe proponat mnd mn Mheir feelingn inonov. ail ct an a al la te- ina Commewting brl.fly Winin me taad apace ta pembtantntMo test of al Mhe sapeechen givoon b>' novon Youang Milton boys aithMa Optimitt Clubs public speaining coantont tant meain. 'Tint boys apono non "Gar Ctaalienge-Intolvement" andti lb> made anme excellent pointa on Moe nt lot titizena tai la mnne invaivoti aniM Mheor tanimunily. Il's budget time ta Haitan and it nouit appeurthIal miit theo oincatin rata in down, theo contaervatinn and caunîy ratea ara up. Wa inoar tnmnrs Mhe tawn etadot 1971 noitUn a aatMy taarpius-porhapo tiere van't ho a miii rate intreane Mhin year aller aii. We're glad bo heathUe Chambat Mf Commerce ita conaidogring tise covival of Miltoana 'citizn oflthe pont" avard. Dois amard mata given lot novotal yaara dnrtag Mhe t96tOn bat il tam drappat. The concii han a progrnm lot haanoting citizoto fnt sarvice on tawn boards and commissina anti ban approvad oxPmndmg thatapastea ta allom citimona ta naminate peoplo for rcognition lot a vatiol>'of gond vorka. Tha "citizen Mf Mhe yonc" tribonte mauid comptomont Mhat pragrato. Main St. vit ho andocgoing aote coconstruction ptogtam Miis smnnr. Wtaee Hnitaan Coant>' Coeancii approveti iAn 1072 budget most matin theo riconnatracion afIMtin St. Irogin Matin ta Bronte Sue van ti t e Moatimatea. Thno ork miii hca niance whieitas in progrono (naeean hot Ma ati on Moe section osI of Martin St. Nto peaon ego?) but Mhe and rnalt vii cottainty te an improvomont. Enpocisitp il you'vo noticedth Mas annf pot holon doveioping. Ose of Mhe hot books on Camada worve over noon came accous oar donin Mhe othet day. We hanve no lanitation ta CotoMending il lot evot>' home in Moe aion-it'a intocoating, factuel, colorIai nnd compioto. "«Statintica Canada" compiti and editethe Mo&3 paga relerence tomdboo nmd il mont on salo at $1.50 tit vool ta private bookotonas acuas Moe nation. tt'a donigneti prmmarti> lac Moe genocai public sand lot atadonta Mf taglo ocoot ago. Evot' taome nlmd tanna crie. Hom cama dopan-tannt: Nov como mnon aney ia npoant on cmncer researchn Man an ttafflt nabot>'? A speatker aI a rctnt aloty conféroence ntetheM average cmcervictm tien aI 63.4 Ytarn. Divsa nyon taave Moe A carrespondeant ta Toronto snd ataeg a haatta c otn lot publication ta fia Championa, Sont>', wo dm1' publiait paatry. THE SIXTEEN MILE CREEK flans incongb Milta ad i the Mown mtacb aconit boauty mat nealin tavidonco altorMoh Mact toc ntacnn itt a cantnte-lto caatod ovoryting viMh a baf-inca tayar afi tc mnicta sne ta meat nmoag aoig Mhe macaniag ani. Conancil mnd Htn Rogion Conservation (Staff Photo) Aatocity are carrnt> moroing nna fltod contrai achomo lot Sugar and Spice by bill smtloy Loloanan pople mnohaveon 00t tnt tll grave and tla aMher tant btltag out tla cigarette Mhain potttag Moen tlare, I tecoa n orammglp averse ta ctange. Why cml' mp mue lae the may ntao van vlan I nontriai lier: nmaot, damta, innocent and lolieving than top opinionas moto nmportant than aern? ntty tsi' anp dnogteatay, "Yen, doid", tnstad of 'Look, Dad"' Pilp an't any on do aaanathtag laniden ntoa las taad ta agony itten t anpond an Mae vn'tnesof taitrd motta, meeting paur poyanvi, and ailt Mal croit? i oaan Mthtah oniy peapleot aSom taoun an ntili onth e tarre tave-langMh ara ait finonda. Nana, tmn ot gotag bo givo pou an snalagy toanpacang aId frianoin ta nid mine. Althanga I do Mmlk e Mop ld lae tept ta Mae serro plane: n cul, dry spot, ta lae ta'oaglt out ath elac amainomeant. I havotaroaghtloot samo ofanp uid lttoodn et île mcong moant. Ona ta parlicolit, tan ccota tanvoit miM my doîmontit telatins. Wa'ta haoivg a tavely barbetue, lot exempo. fia lido are dciftog inmad oul. Antien ha maya sameMhne lilo, "Sift, reaneanor Mhenigli me pichet op taosettao. . ."-Andt1lapnmntly ito t aand taller, "G p O ea, Mono mo suai clam- nlalis aI Mhe leatta" mtale tan and mp muae encaage matas anit mraIe anental ntes and prepace ftunt Mtid-degreon. fiaovar, as tloy ony vlan tlay donet to a y attet mnp ai goting hacn an the truck,. manne nid Itionds proorna o odly Maeir snîty, lot Mheit moneof hMotna. Retantly tad n lottat iroan nac. Dovo Molotonta, n roder ite Motachad vtaoyatda tf îmuracmaa. fi a yn lae ias hon mciting policoe ta Ottawa fot the Canandien Press toc imo eturies. Tit ta lnomn an ndr- atatemont, ut litoten, if yan ara tatang Englnta tran ana, and arenIt pan gtnd pan aran't? Xtamant ta Uivernity tagoMte, "foatît" ananiipou any it thM Ragent Pnlace ta Londoan) tagathat, nd hoa&eta menp miMh the tolit omaan t tana anot mot, itten tie coaldolt la data adndaadm lit ta. Dna vu as hedy ton-fcain t North faune, mhica soards Bina naneMing mat Mf Dickns, ndi vao. A "Iranidanca". i maandn limea nmaodacn anploaaism mentg songe- plane pan ara pat nmny. Mnny ni Moe antatati ai île toona renideoro ld hava taaao pat nvny Mon. and toma lava tean nin. taicl provosn ottag. The "jottan" dodn't lbk lio, teaacnnn lae iauglod at toi. If ynuar anot ap on tho ilanet nlang, jacîn morthM, ta thao dnyo, irait-caltap vtas eom Mnw t theo mnp ta get nanta van ta lie n the toutn, ancy the cigt gil ndt latta the rigot popto ta tine Ince an pou cliaald Mae taddot. Tlay' an- lotmnalp na olill vita nn. The ordy dit- taratata an île letocitp ai Mai aidolaron, an toospaco th the Ma ntatofa ttaair irait- eul. Lanîmweel I gave Mae utotooce Mhat Joan- Claite Klly, île îutuus skoer ad i lave Wlat'o murao, t'va aariaith Ma ong aoanethig in tuantoon. We doa. me mote btM oir. Tha Amant topo top matriago tact aniter Mhe nigo of Virgo. poatr aloalit te a Libra nr Sanrpio-t anarried a Pisces. l'a ntat an antcningy "ast" ila ane poplo I ltom, tast I have a ttiood tala Isiloma the ditay tarosnpe ouinanmd tapa and reatt everpltig la con gel ltt hands on ta Mait line. Ho claimso tan Mie ta rotait ly the stars andt te fitttaiaiy taiotan Moe gnidaeons tait down lp Mae experts tata interpcat lins hotascope lot lino. Theo Cinse Almnnc toila ana t (an n Vicgmanî an dotag jout about ovoryttaog rng. My incnp day ta aupposer! ta tie Wodnoadap but Matas one M of thorat dapo of anp mort My lncly oumer nlonîd tie Nwo, tant t praitr novon. flop top mp fiovet ta toto Morneing Gtary bnt t retot rosesnand jrhaly nnoaidn't tannm n Mocdneg Glory ithon i toivt ane. Thetane pince tte Atanousr ition Mf virgon suita me is n tacniotn-tep top mina is lina anit that tust happons to tie anp lavarite. toen t Alonnac lgientato anp ponntitp, 1 i ut t pcalsod ait critaiait.HMotoatothaGOGO patn: thave tact, itatto, loadernhip qutalton, a talent fot noit-anptondon fim Itoua on vida varintnofnsljocta, montai sapotlort, dipîomary, and intellectanl paot.r And Moe BAD porta: I taraiterlrvatp, i ccitocmeo tharo, t dant note Itionda quiclp, I am mithdcamn and nn- communmicative and l'an mooceitad. Oh dient. idi torn targe atrotcho th Mo conit cranta anichaged mnd Monr ta a gcavtang crnaent. tbacing tadmnta agaanst Moe ociom. - Theonanthoton didn't tlak film, teaocnm lae taghod at rhom. tf yna are mat ap an aMiten, oloop are Moe people vWho chacle ovorthMo lntanl nicioun toniof Mn play, mha onarcot nyono ittan an oner nttoned a taon mot, ith ar rooenl i ehM rtght places, bunt conîda't moita a pnrngtapn or a atrine, or n poono. 'Tino ara the Ilion mhahomouz nrnend n ccress. Itomuet ho dond. tf it shovs signe Mf fia, Moey dtin wiMh ataro nmd refrat itt ganocralition liko, "moitl, nitor ait. hon aonly ditng loin on ttaag." tl hae "tlotag" on vonniliag on Moe ontpot, MhaO'a tine. Sarrp, dloapu. Didn't mosn ta gtl mos. I havean tonthacno. Mac ad i intmn froondly hocamoe i vno theoanty nean-froao ta Middte Haute. Wavoerolalong abont aid frionda. And ta lins ttor, Dovo atd nomotg Ihat nta'ndl n. fia mail, "Waohtaoa aro a tdld mina." Hons rogol. And trot tetago mo ta anthat aid friand -nny Invoarota maly. Natuanty, in Moe vaolly tf whticn i oed ta te oditot. It man miMh grat dolignt that t tead tocantiy n ltteto te Moditat an said moouiiy. It atatait, "Thea formnor oittrn (t'n7g mo) moto genttlnnoen." I agtoa. t.atanl issue otatan that Bill Smiiop ta "n fine mon ad n gtont wittr." I Mhial tha wtitat ofthMa lattarthu Manr'otainin ian ther a drtatang ar a montai pretatean, tant I dan'tonoan coco. AiMhong I thin fi neigt havo booo a fineatitrnandnagrent ma. Anothat gom, sane issue. Ctaantiod ad: "Notico: Wantd Mhe pon iho tot any giovon ttnm any car Ttancndny onaning and laIt mo tva poands nI hatter pieomo plana.. A locnalcospondonthoegan, "fi, rianrs, tatasse oaanta on Moe aid aviania sticko Mia maal. A iadymwhaoanonotoevnliced n nialo nick, Ilavant. tt'a gntd, ait rigot. Mp fsture, Moe riant fino anonths Mf it antay. mink dray. 'This math l'an sppostd ta tie havtag difficalties vlMh "nacceantul compeotan d ta Aprit Ian due lot tomoeanoney protaemo. ta Jny tan ta tan tata aanloa acqantances. Sa Ilato it ta-mhnt maires Boy Domna (and ailth Mooote people tere belaeen Angust 24andtSept. 23) tItI. I dan'tholiene Bl ehl-ion the porta mite. A dopnttmonl stare cioro iho ahattecod ales recorda anndosUy slanned atl nedlt. Ha onptainad ta Mae hass: "Coontanno cua ta and I noMd lia soano fitlooha. 'YontU nemi n lingfor lot u ooinn,' I ouid and nntd toto anme fine. 'mon Itloir him, 'You'Il have ta have n toit ta go ith the fino,' an t toMd tiataod. 'Yo onghtato have albot8 o cont mse yont ne om tint deap itatot, I muggestad, nd noMd lio nabot. fiant, I taid toto, 'Ynu'it ne aot trnUer, ad loo tat for Mhat, t toit, 'Moit tan pl pothMo traiter miManut n car?' And grossi ithat - hae hanglu anp cnr." "Bat,' Mae loto punnntod, "I amaîgned pan ta o gcoetnng card dopartaaent." "Toat'n togt" tha satauinan nodded, "tant tai couonnetr cama ta hor a get-votl cnrdhforha girl, vhahbrutboeealog. taen t lard Mhat, 1muId ta Ilooa, 'Yan havenet gt sgyMtaig tondatrnMi veoato pan mtglt as motl go ttahineg'." Taisntonts the lneonlThe Cnaalau' Ch-ePion, Tbnaudy, Meteil tii B.1 Milion Goannil naged ta heny land aI ile cernert nf Bell anal Kig t. an, Moe reelLn tne toothm put tf tan cedld 'hoe ' 7toad vhn the nov colnorta vnro An ontatat prepncod loy Mitan Jnior Fareora tor $0 Hatan Beed Fait ali Bann Show wan ficst prise. Sali RoMd van doctod ro â o MUtan Rotary GClb aith Mo en2rpoo athM MilUton taon Utai weeh. Franko Boeln doectad nito-t'elideut, Mma tadvth noctotacy nd C. Dobitreioantor Diretars nppoittod vote G. Macintoah, W. Mc- Gontdnonn, G. Glarkeo and. 'Thmneun. Thnomas Dictanno and W. S. MatinlMa addanaod moro Qta 300 ltta larmen t Moe Sntntdny afioenoon sessinstof air Mon nannat tutd Fair and Elgth Amnat Bacn tov, npaetd hy Moe Hlton Cape teapronaeent Assnciaton aend Moe ls4çn n Prodacora' Associton ta MUton Ton à.Mr. Dichinan ta Moe mnanageraI theo Otawa Dnlry Feanon and tir. MéMcen van n topa'ououtatine ni theo Domeinion tlvetock tcanch ta Toronto. MUlton Co- oenvn theo grnap ttttsevin thoy dotentod Moe Onntil toron 5-4 at Onhnttoe Meortal Aceena an Mnedny digt. Theo tempo and temopeta vote luin au tho 1,7w ft a tdod a rai thitllor. 50 yeors ago Tahon frua theoisueuofTie onada Ch-mpion, Thauday, Marth 2, tit. Elgin Ford ta ont agatna nter about tNo monta' itaoan. flac tho Bramepton Mata Cinorusa athMo Motoodtat Charlo tonlgt. ('thnnmndny) Fnmnotln neoigllorhaodansoM thfait that lonoks voit at prent and ud d o voit if condtioons tend ta o aoral. lIno lortctanoo' alito aithMo Toronta Gocepanyns Worha las ondord. Theo mon have ncpied Moe pny, 3t tentsa n hoot, ic Moey ladt totanod. Ino Greon Bird Ban Servtce bloan n MUtma-tainnitne rvico tast Monday, nia Kiltaido, Cntliste, Ftnmhoto nd Mdotnlot. Monetlly oncloro nt Farmra' Clb Taoodny, Match 2t, at a.30 p.m. R. R. Ftleming iti gmte n ddrouunon "Teea and Foodtag". Theo19t uitiin ofthe polidier SIte qocy- ctnpedl ni tho Dannione-"li,tB Pagta Abont Canand"-wli ho vanty wotanmed Y tho pulic, vtacregardsainesantdia- Iit ouid Unnt toc popatin of fcetaid ta vlinlly liteatt-nn mnt ncnplinlaaont in n country an, npantey atlod. 'Theo ont- standing tact of the odacattua uyntanno ta Mda pareots are toapinbet tor teatang Unooc clioldato the otomantaty suhiecta. 100 yeors 090 Tahontfrua thissu tnofireoCanadien Chaanptan,Thnraday, Match SI, 1DB. An onidance M ofh nortlity Mf mac countr'y, vo are happy ta nny tha >1U ta mvw mithont an occuaint. A gang ot hatgan han hoon actanoty nt matin t Wondntacn. Sonno tduros «ourn business establinshmonta vote mntared biy to ta ono niglot, alesa ohan opn and alloorvino ptotty Mhorongty taached. But it aooma Moe Mhinan dtd nt oloteta mach of ithat Moey donitod--cao. 'The eanionn ni Moe MUltan public acloant vtl cannante an Wedceaday, Match 27tia am. Ait tatonda of edornmon aro cocdtntty, nitad t anttend. Theo hactotot' rugirof th Mlotn curling cata, compnodr of A. P. Rnortson, Joha Devar, W. Patan and Jaspeor Matn, uhtp, han corno off nictorens tna nsnortes of matches fn or t int mertet. A musical and liteaay antarotanmot vit te gyme i tahM Tonnnotace Hait, an Monedny at 7.30 paon. Theo naoinatilon fthe Mout Ra idin Mf Granvitle, van hald at Prescott on Tannlay. Mr. Coctatapoor F. Franet, of Brncnnttt, and Mr. Wtlliam EMt, of Prancatt, voro Moe cndidatenmated, Moe torero dectarng tannooit n upportet of Mr. Blahans Gonotoanant. OoonWin . E.. u.cnhtnoman mi Chris ecellant e oeaday at Miltons0 crataiial ttaly Ratai Gloria Sri Holy Rusai Siat prine'1 jadga t tantr ta fine place mont vltot at Other Stoplen lloetntlle M9 MartLa tchad, ot Banay. Don et Ghaiad dia tdlaved a Gatldic V Head ta Opiantat p patren Gano.tcitia Optindat Nan assi James appointe Attotn> reptacli@ Oeatot toconty. linon ta tinotyl. 1 gonotati actico grnia t tnoiy Li frelon MoiMant Ougoe mn tan ta and Mia nunantaa Ho hg cenmontt Dei MaI tar mar pettott wite ao, Matiou n Theo i at lin Conei Mctntyr ildren vialtiag nyrnpcet Moe pt veeheat IActa