ïke &iuÔliauo MLTON ONTRIOW[DNSC2A MARH 221972h 1VTý g ,ù Ccots Ratopayers' protests flot ne.d.d Withdraw condominfium application A lieeritg on tise reznnug of Dronte St. tendu te aUbew 254 enlia uf lire-toey condumiuiums wa ildenby the.ew Friday m ning, when the develuper=iveved lu the heerlug retused te egceu te the teen's roquent that thse duvelopment bu ntaged. Cheingate lbevelopsuentu LOd. proposed the 254-unit cm .dn Umtm develo esnt ptuu 10 ugetmiy homes un tbree vacat Ounc oted Iying nurtli ansutloftHeop R. and Anne UIVd. nt enut aide ut Dronte St. fise nurtlierty blocki weuid muntain U9 nlle, the centre blocki 40 nlle end the noetery biuck 115 nlle piun 10 lgi feiy homes. Nu iu u "D" zne, the tendu bave te bu ruedtprdt medium denit uepeu. lis mediun denity deniguetion eue uuggeeted lu the tesene officiet pieu. Neiglilire ebjeet Homneowuere lu e wlde ure eerrondiug the tendu olijected te uning the lends for condominiums, wOuds ttoey teered woutd develue their bumes end ceeue Buuodlug end treffic probieme. Tliey bended tegeibur recently and termed n =uuitlon eteych engeged a taeyr tecr tbulr objections luFrdy' a0MB heerlugen But tbur objecioun.wre necenurY etter nil. About 45 ut the bumeowuere ettended FOidey'e Omarlug but the tieeriug wes conctuded buere tbuy were celled lu volce their objections, Milieu Counciln solicitor D. A. MeConechie entied 0MB ciseirmen Atlen Ven Every te dismiess the beering, wben Chilgete's solicitor George Nenu retoeed te commit tee clients te the luenes etegieg pregrem. fise conull eetied 40et the moutheru block bu developed tiret, and ehen it lu 'neli- ntentieity occupied' deveiýpment couid buglu ou the centrel block. Tbu nurturu lnck ens te bu heid mliil tbu central block eue ucceplied. AU ateonce? Mayor Biln lient teld Thse Chaempion alter tbu lieerlug that the cuffecl feered Clilgete miglit oeil tbu three blucke te ditterent belderu. Thse wey the tewn's agreementeith Cliningete eue worded, nil 40rne beldere meuldlieve demeuded permitetuor construction et con cudm- lulumo et once. Clilgete lied eerlier egreed te stage the devetepment, Mayor ileet said, but tbu nieglug eue eut npelied mtutbu teagreement the tlrm nd the couneil lied eigned, o e cee ne enu dreen. Cenil le te pey 65 per cent of. the must for e ntorm uewer that wud dralu nil 40ree blucke uf tend end the developer seeuld pey the remelulug 35 pur cent. The teen's cent lu mstlmeted et dloe lu $1t,Wit. Cunudil met Tlierudey n the eveof tbu heeriug and eppruved e dreft ut e new ageement wicli eoetd terce the developere te stage the devetopment, trom nu4 te mr40. Cholugete retoned te elgu it. 10ttaut buffer Solicitor MeConectie euptluied et tbu utet ufth4e berlug tle 1 acref tend were luvolved. At 10fot butter etcip et trees eeetd bu provided buteeen the condominiums and att Propose 18 Suliciter Nenu tetd the 0MB cbelrmen the nterm uewer eue propeeied te bu outnied te serve more then the Cliningete teupurtien. Tisbere ens neyer nyesuggentin e ceuld net buid 40cmn nil et once, if we nted te,' tic neid, nddiug it wne imperative the builder proceed n al 40rne blotksbas qolchty ns possile. "11e ment te go nOeud ne quicily ns ire cen," bu enld. His tlrm lien efready ugreed te bulp puy the eteem eer mests, but If thulumwn atstoforce the deveiopmcnt lu bu eieged the mompuuy woeld withdresc ie agreement te utinre caste ou the nemer, tbu Chalugete solicitor said. Atter o bni receee, wben the oticitors conferced wltb mencilloru and Cbomngnte ut- ticials, Mc. McCouctie malled toc a wîtlidrawel ut the appica ion aioe0r " buiI nblauld bu oe hee ppIth" t ucedu," repliedp tIe 0MB ctiuirman, aud the Oeuriug mnded. aboot su bouc atter it sierted. May nue tome Mluerwurd, Mr. Ness ield fise Champion Oie cleiet migOt ent lu Ormng a Oeil ugomust tbu lumu foc damages. Thc ceoucit ted (oOec ouPege lrs Inside today Home improvement section llpring is Ocre. Il yuu'ce -District pageHB6 plaaeing aey imprgvements le -Hospital unnoal, B7. ur home Ohie sprmng, cherthe0 Ohird section uf toduy's Ciampion. îles a spucial home iencouement section eith ptunty 0f ide on hem you cou curry eut home improvemunto w50 thc assistance of loal stores and dealers. Ameo n wteduy'o Champion: -ports, Pages 4 ami 5. -Clsîtieds, e, 9, 1t. -Mmuor ocOey teems, Bt. -Ediociae, columue, B2. -Youth nes, B3. -Woren'e es, H4, B5. row houses on Bronte St property A prupoa la te metruct 1n rue c ~c,9,4 houesuon die ment aide of fote Si. receîued nppruuut lu principle fromn Milton Planning Bourd lut meuh. Thc Hourd ens reuielufg n proposai soteeitted by Pccmel Construction fer tend meuth et Cy WIOAT HAVE WR GOT duen bure? Elbride tiey ulsitei tce purk un Thurstiay. Public andi Hison Enterproues, mbidb moeld Public lichent stotiente Bruce Richardunu, school tours ef boUs ulti ami modern meUseete require a onmng change te Rd. Greg Parent, Virginin Van Gruotet anti Poli of collcctiug sap are nom beissg condoctuti ty Semerrconcern Bucter sompleti tise muple syrup tiepouite at conservation emptoyees-(Staff Poto) Mumbers efthe plnning hourd Rutlenake Poi Conservation Aese espcessed cuneru about the County budget up 12.1 % expenses are $3,478,886 Hitln Conty unpeoditurmstbis yenr are mstimsted ut $,47,8nnf- --n lucrene of 12.1 pur munt over tonI ycuc. Rond cupenditeren mill total $1,153,660. Dermng the moulty mccl mcctlug Wcdnmsday, Avion Neuve Dr. F. G. Ontien tried umoccceetoully te bave e $5,000 grunt lu Guirlocti Gerdenu lu Onidle duleted. Heaergned the perti did net qutify for a menty grain. Ontivillu Reuve Allen Massn suggentcd lic woold pay $25 et Ar- l'nu'u$lttebreoft0grnnt. Both bu and ttcpety Ncccc Hurry Barrett nuggented the gardons houe ne moch riglit tesa couty grunt sthe Ronyal Hotenicul Gerdenu. Royal Boienical Gardmns reccivcrd e 920,100 grent this year and test yenr. lIse toiluminf table shiows the apportiomemt and lucrees tu the mouicipalitien. TOc cent of n stcty construction officer lu divided butueeu the fîve norOe emicipIlties becue Onhuille and Burlinglon cmploy thcir omu men foc thuI fonctin and tbu flue orthcrn are utaru eue man. Couet. 1072 1071 Muicipality Boude Generel Sufty Total Totl AcIon $22,727 45,578 1,343 69,717 62,13U Burt. 506,302 1,015,402 1,523,303 1,311,004 Giemun. 75,575 151,502 4,050 231,410 204,288t Miltou 34,000 70,086 2,108 107,220 97,37t D'ville. 440,523 895,47e 1,340,t06 1,223,291 Keque. 40,208 92,667 2,729 141,745 128,932 Nass. 21,317 42,751 1,392 05,485 59,359 Totais 1,153,600 2,313,604 11,622 3,478,Me 3,M0,892 Steal f Iag at cenotaph Someone i0 cÉther a ea of e ~miscbicf or e velu of putriotiemn made off with the Canadien flug from the Victorlu Peck cemieap, locsted et Brome and Mary Sie. Thc flg mes tatien late Satucdny nigbt or enrly Suday morlu, report Mdlton Police. eer cupacity lu tbu ares, and Dr. Ivan HunIer soggmted the deceloper ebould prepere n engineering eorvey on the nyotem. Cbsirmun Norm Peerce uggesed it eus the lumnes reoponsibllity te prcpare eocti s survey, etuci woold tube lu more then the developers land. Memhrn rqcestcd flic developer deleteon euenit trom lus pln, reducing t luo 17 ne tl woold more cloey coine te elde und reur yard reqoirements. lieek commenta TOc proposui lu thenco lubu sutimitted lu 040cr municipal agencicu toc thclr commet bufore ît lu reonuiduied. Hourd memburu noted o rend pattern eobudtted for 17 ocres ot industriel tend oened by Kmn Marshalîl provided for lnustrics lu becti ente Higbesy 401. Tbcy obucrved lOin coold 1usd te ouluide etoruge in the erea mont visible trom the foer lune bigh- euy, mOlle olber industries fsclug tbu Oigtieny lsd Oee reqoired te meet certain standards iu Oigbeuy upperence. The Board ulso agrcd the rosd pattoe ebouid bu nobmitted te tbu Departmmnt of ISbgbeuye for their commenie. Propoe chnge MA clisee lu zoming from, M-1to M-2 wn propoeed by Milieu Plannlug Hourd focr the Third Lie site of Soperier Propane L.smited. Thc uite iu et the uorth met corner efthe Third Lie and the CPR. Thec firnu neted il wsntcd te, mncrenne ie eterege cupscîty ut this location, wtecti would mcmn the mncrmued outside niecage of cylinderu nd tankse. Thiu wasn o purmittedl in M-1. Neigburlg land eus zonied M-2, as une land lu Ontville acrossothecrond. Il mon epîanei the presmnt Pyrofan Gen plunt on Steelen Ave. woold bu moving lu thie location wOcn tbu expumion ut the site wue completed. HRCA elk is shot police charge pair Churgms mure laid Mondoy s portion of the six foot fuec ulgOl by Burliugten Police elurh surrouedes the compound, against tee people believed leadmng Timmermuns lu bulluvu cmsponsihle tor the shomting and 40at the animal hnd buen drnggcd aOdurtimg et a pregneet 5Mt oeer the feoce hy three or leur poueti lO trom the beflelo iedividuals. ompoundi at Bottlesnabc Point Thc lOrre your old elh ens te Conservation Area on Wultier's haveccalvcd during theoirst eei Lie in Northi Burlhoglue. of Muy. But more thon tee peuple mure Postli2Mlfeard involve i n the incideet, or- Qeer the eetind the Bollue mordmng te Sltaff Sergeant MatI liporîsmun's Association, Milton, MscPbermn efth4e Barliegun lsd postuil a $20 reurd lendlug Police. He mndicuted charges arc ta thecarrest and convitin of the peudmng sgomust othe individels peuple ruespansOlu for the cOks and uoid il eould only toc a short oI.HApatrsdutPe lime Oclore IOcy arc Coulnun onîd the incident eus 'a apprehended. bluck murk agant all bussîers." TOc Departmcet et Lands and isnsifg Frlday Formet aI Hespuler rereivuti an 'Mc elb cas Oelieved lu bave aomymoonteluphene tip gîving Ocen stiot Tbursday. Pranki delu t40te îdcntity efth4e Timmermans, manager of the celprîts ecer Bue meehend. Halton Negion Conservation uurhongton Police eould oI Authority's fume larm, onid Oc clahoratu on hue 40cy discovered olied the cOk, une of touerie the thc individuels involved, ecept mompouu, mss noonlug elien lie toc sonne "information cOeced the arco on Pridsy cecivcd." mornuîg. Apparcetly the animal eus Partictus nf baie mccc foud on holrterei 0v the aisductocs- WH2LE A SMILING Bob Stanfîeld looks n in0 Hallun Comservatives et Oakvllle's T. A, picture force, Hullun MPP Jim Snue Blakelocs HigO lirbol tact Weduiusday. Thse congretulotes tse Tories' candidate te tse tee 040cr men contestiug the nominotion mccc ncxl federol ciection, Tcrry O'Connor. Bert Hlinon 0f Acton and SGm Muir uf Oak- O'Connor won the nominaion t twe bllots bu %àlle.-(ýStff Phol) Tories choose Terry O'Connor Oee 500 Helton Tories 14 short ofthe rcqired numbur to HIImuon pipcd te the stage by gstliered ut Blutieleci Higli pull a rieur msjority on the lirut the Lamne Scots. Schoul iu Outiville Wcdneday te ballot. Moirecdgcd Hluton by 12 amard 31-ycar-old Tcrry votes ou the licol ballot and Creedsofe Jeu Muir supporters O'Conor et Ouidle the Heleon pictied op a lot of Hinien cbanied -Wtsn our Jim cmm Progrceive Connervative supportern on the sccond ballot. msrcteng in, ohi wet our Jüm federal nominaion. On the second ballot O'Connor cmcc marcbng in. 11e ko Bert Hietn et Aclun drepped picticd up an additional 30 votes, Oco gomna bus a mner, ohi weln out afier pollteg s close thied on temngmg Oluttl lu 276 elle our Jeu cernes marcbing mn." the terst ballot. Oakile imsur- Mmc tluiisbud mils 219. O'Conor bad 1cm homplu lu bis once oulesman Jim Meir gained Eu40nutensu lccueniellon thcn the othcc Imo. coneidccailc groond ou O'Connor Tbrce busloods et ArIen Candidatms sîîne andi beilooce ou the sconed bellot but culdut supporters and tee Ousloads fildîcthe4 scisool auditorium. overiaeeb favorcd O'Connor. tcomn Erin travellud te tise Otto.mlinnAIe O'Conor polled 246 voe, jest meeting, giving toutou support. (Ceo,,,,,cd en Pagc Thuer> Charges wrong fui dismissal Mrs. Verrali questions hospital board K Tc 'EYE j"E Tee yeurs of muouoerny ovur the dismiseel 0f Mcn. R. Verrall, former dicecter of nurng et Milton District Hospital, continncd Wedundny et the aunenti mnetlug nfth4e linupiiel buard. Mcc. Verreil cburged the buard wi40 mrongtul disudeent, monllued te prmsstor rmsins sec enu uuhed te reelgu and clinged the board had "prutected' ber rigst nulut liebr proessin. Thse eseiliet lins liee 1very dausagiug te my persnul mnd twutesninl rupuietieu," nlie teld the board and ti00 corporaion members attending Wednesday's annuel. -I eoeder eby t bud te rcsccnignomduiouscend - tee yenre lu succession.' "I havenot yetbeen given slid mnd matiutnctecy rusons" for bavlug te resigu ber pont, se montioued, and I am sueble te obtelun aponition an n rcgistered Tee year tight Thcntroversy luuolvlug Mce. Verrei bugelu lu Pcbrenry et 1969 elsen furmer edminietretur Dialton McQenig dmuused ber trum lier pont. Suspensions. resiguntien nd thruntcued enlonute tuilumudthe hocbepital eau greyhlutd Oy the nures' association and McQunig cvcntonllycrenigued. Mre. Verrail eue rcinstuted luter thu1 yens by the boaerd sud e monutant ene brougbt mn lu rcviee lier eurk duclug s lmngtby prolinury puriod. Wben the ceonultants reportenas ruceivud, Mcn. Verri, mon sed lu rcmign. At Wcdncsdey's meeting direclur Bruce MerNul lunchei the sebject ugulu, cbarglug the lioard hautdne "n cemplelu suose joli". He cbargedtheIb board eboidd tllO mmne "baic treOns" mnd snid his enck un the bourd eue bumng '.frontruted Oy the anderhnd tblugs that arc bubhg dune." Very sîrange"l Mcs. Verreil rose fremn the audience mnd used the hourd te clnrify bur positin. Ulie nuid ebr did not epeti ut lest yence annuel meeting bcue shc wns ndur strict erders te may nothlug lu public. She fuît aflur 20 ycsrs nuea nurse ber forced resiguatien eue ."ry utrunge-tu 4tei day neitber the anîbseltreter noc the buurd bave uver given me eny ressens eby t ens aehed te resigns -What bave 1 Occu accueed of?" hou ustied. Bue launctut n pormonel atieck on udmontrutor Bonald Woods, nothe 40board Ond nshed hlm te asounu ber wori but be bired n nuluide conusltant I oait. Yet lie prolougei and dctayed lier probationury tenu, for eliat lie calleti 'heulth ruanuns" Mrs . Vcrrell said il maa strngc bu eus net qenlilled te anuenu bur eork, yul bu ens qeatifiud te everrete a medical opinsien by thrcu doctors on weU40 or nef se ens Bt te tCoc0inued ou Page Six) - VOL. 12-No. 47 AIL THE IRISHMEN tend uts elso eish flluy sore fresh ubnmrecho, fumen ouf that mure) hati fu Friday ehen St Poie'ick's Day morniug fro Irelenti. Kevin Mulluy of Use mou obuere t O ail the traditions and Stulluy Shuebuett (centre), douce urgocoser btnrney tisat surceunti tise patronu sant uf Frool Lee anti guent dancer Kareu Kniglst tretantis epecial day. Mayor Brian ani OOrn. (riglit) are pidtureti ith fthe Buste St Uhe Dent (O'Bent??> mure muarn' the gren douce te Hotly Hosary Hall.-<4staff photo) FIndtay nWglt sen Usey mure ecentuti wili MUON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1972