lent :)I 1 in the Milton Harseony Court uportseent resdeolo beli theie Fsbruary meetinsg se file ceonn roose Tlsursilay evening seifi Russell Clessente iu fise chair sud 2a flreust. Reportase ere reuil and tesiness disesed. They were favured with hagpipe music and! Scettloh dancing hy the "isa Bonu" vilha sare vislting fiseir great-grondmuflser, Mes. Fus. Mru. Hazel Wilson thanhel fise lades ut the tirait fosr tur fise esloyahîe eenng andl then eseryone playeil curds. Thie Generatius Bridge gruup of Knox Chureis, wldchhbrlngs fise otld sud fise youug tegetlser, met ut fise home ut Mr. sud Mes. Dmnald Martin, i17 Lydia Ave. su Soturday evesîng. Damnes were plapeil. s lc serveil. sud a goond tisse ws hol hy ofl whu ottenleil. EleeCairs, 223 Parissey Do. eSsepeteil in tise Western Highsland Dames se Soturday, Feis. Il in Brantford. Eleen, seho ottendls tise Milten Sehont ut Dancing, son a silver mudlotr dancisg fise higistand lBing. Congratulatios sud sinoere gond sistes te te Cutis Ssssfie, 311 Martin St., who celeheutes is isirtisiay on Wednmiloy, Feis. 23. A large crusei ottendel fise Duteis-Cosedisu Coutry Club's Carînvot Dance on Soturday evemingeut lise Canadien Leglon Hall. "Prince Carnisai" (Tuny Do GIrsut) wssuster of ceremesîse for tise eeening andl tise 'Troubaours ot London suppOi tise msioc for dancing. Firet prize foe test costues sent 10 Mm. Eric Sorensen, Me. sud Mes. F. Vonderilselen, Me. sud Mes. H. Kerisiof sut John Vsndesalh. Tise daur prise Sars son Il Bsrbaro KoSule. Gesse Churcis men's club spomoreil a ponruise supper on Obrove Tuesdoy, Fuis. 15. Thse meo seere isept hs serciug up piles of pourasis andl sticeil hase andl those siso attendeil enjopeil eveeyseotslul. Heslt aond isppiness are oisted foc Chris Ocissuten of Fise Sîderosil on hîs Lirtisiay Thursday, Feis. 24. Tise -Wetcose Wagon" basteos, Mrs. Bey. Glisson o tes s ses assistant,' Mms. Jane Hugheos of RHR. 6 Milten. Tise Welcosee Wagon Visits seseumers te tise are, ringiiig giltsansd vitel infonmation tramn neigihborhood busineunes oeil Livie leaders tu belp thoem get ucqosînteil in Ibeir e surrosudmgs. Gel weilwseseare extendedte, Eddie Itusesttes of 475 Kingstegh Ct. seio ws eeceîîtly retesed trose Est Generul Hospital aller havieg un operatioe on lits tend. Thselamily ofSOtanley snd Elsie tegleisurt of Palermo base juot returseil frose a lise ue stay in Florida. They stayeil sît fiende front Brailford, and seere aise, in Lons seit Paut sud Sandra Mattees ifoemertp of Milten). Poul is Mes. Inglebartus nepises. Mes. John Murray, 245 Garnet 0f. poids asîsit te Hurmony Cort spartinens tant semis sud seteil st hou murs -hursony" there resttp is sseong tise rosidonta. file tenas ait sposis iiglily ut their surrousilings, and tise building, shc ssted, is eey uieOl isetsed 551er. Msup happy returns ufthfie day are wtuhoil for Rap Andresu, 190 HeslU Rd., who ceteisrses Fils irtlutup on Frtday, Feis. 25. Me. andl Mes. Aflexander Watson, 15 John StL, reeenttp returneil frirai s tue semis teur flsrough lise Dnited States te Florida. They truselteil seiti 46 cOllir people andl the Watamn's flrueogislp mnyci tise sehte trip, empecinlly Washiington D.C. sud Disneptend. Paut Martin, 10M Millet., spont tise week-end in Windsor asa guont of NieS Fetter ef Windsor Colae. NieS is fise son of Me. sud Mes. H. Fetter, 41 Main St. Best wishms for lise happieut ut irthdups ond a sury happy peur go te Larrp KEomle ot 395 Mople. seood Cese., seho celehestes fils irtsdap un Monday, Fuis. 28. Foetp Brounies andl their mefliers attendeit a Brownie dinnmr ot Lise Churcis hall on Mendap esmning, Feis. 21. Kion Corunatlun group, caltereit te Ose dîner sud Ras. John Murray sos guest speakser. A hirtisdap partp w05 setl Soisirdop esoning at Ose home ut Me. and Mes. George Puellttrio seu fise isirtisiland sua seddisg ooniserssrp sre cetobrated. Cloue te 100 goosta attenilei oend o Mdlten group plapeil music fsr duscing. Junice Pelletteeiu andl Lyse Otes, bath ut R.R. S Milton, ondl tsins ick and Ran Reid ofR.R. 4 Miten receelly cetebratel tiru 2tst hirOsdaps sud lise portp sas Letld on Oseir Lseor. It sas asn a lOth is atiday psrtp toe Boie 1700 of Milten suilut edight Ose porty turned inte o 2970 amil- versarp celehratioe for Mr. aed Mes. OSm Reid of R.R. 4 Milten. Mes. G. Henilersos ut Georgetosen, Hatton District Women's Institutes President sud Provincial Bouri MueLber, sud Mes. Vebma Norris ut Guelphs represeotseg the Moontein Uios Wl ., attesleil tise 751h asoiessry of the 05.1. celeheation ut Sohney, Ceeek recentlp. . e Mr. sud Mes, torse Dîxn, Dorey Rd. W., sere entertamned ait a faily dinser etMohawks Ose sote occasion ofOsheir sedding seeiversary on Fuis. 14. Ruth Boers onil Florence Corne of CampLelvitte hested s sesceOsaes sisoser Toiesday eseoing, Feis. 15 ost tise Corrne home in hosoe of Corriny Sytsa, sebase macriage tu Bob CoOig tehes pisse se FeL. 25. Neîgisbaes sud relatives stteniled andl preseoted the Leide-te-Le iOs sesnp Lesotift sud useful gift. Tleighbors oi 'rom and EOsel Htowardsand Nacy onored thes Ooturday evening, FeL. 120et h Msoe Hall in Campbellville Letore thoy depart teose the mcoseuitp to taise up renidence on Militen. Ruse Hurren acteil us chairman fur *beseningsand on Lebalf ut al. Helen tuti oeil Caiourîse Curnie preseetel Tose and Ethel sits s pair uf taLle temps sud Nsucy peset eareiogs. Eucie wsea enjopei LT ail prescrit, with prises going to Jean Fuller, Helen Iutzî, George Inglis sud Nyle Istzi. ce Beruhsle. fIr, and Mrs, Lbe ot 282 M, eilton, isu frese tise Interloo seitis o ology. Sse is vorking ut .1 Chiflren's filasL B 19 10 Bc SETS :harger its )CIE 'Yts Io Nome fir. prevention commIt>'... About the town with Dolores Melonson Copt. Harold Coufun, Miltios, vis naseed ehairesu ufthfie Qoristas progransi shile fouir tire ehiers, J. D. Witson ot Oak- vitte, J. C. Cunninghsam ut Georgetown, A. E. Clemen f u Mstton oeil M. Hotmes of Arfon wer nseedto cbairuaprgram coseoitr The 1972 soditors witi bc B FosisoandiL. Metotyce of Actos. Chuirsean Otrisîger, sire- chuirseus Jise Coutuon ot Maltes, seceretary Insp. Peter Campbselt of Ouhosule andl tresurer Doug tfartey uf Georgetewn hail boas efeetel at the grnupls Jauury meeting. District Depufy Cter Jaso Jefferis of Burton te pouf chaîrsean. Tise Bureau oseseers mml seuethty te plan tire lsreoentioo progeases andl cusePulus thut are srrd out Ons unty-wd ssdbasishy the fise seiobsi tire detiacisenst Durisg tise sume meeeting, seseers viees a ses fltm se isodnig lsquid petroteuset gos tires ond mode plans forsa sprieg rIe-up campaign. ~DEtEP CUTf -0- 0feàrù WHI TE SWAN WBITE SWAN PAPER IATNROOIR 0O TO WELS 2 BOLL PKO 5 9 IiSU! E 4PLL PKO. 590 LuBLAWS ItITCHEN PR10E COuKNîso irsîSB HOT CROSS >C UAGIC spu79 US PKO SOF5 638 RABS 6-soe 9c Russ MISSM EW 2 REN S o 3g Ti 3 z- 490 MILK VN FOOD NS - PEEK FSEAN TOOTHPASTI UB 97C HOEASSORTED CRST FOILBISCUITS 1 LS 13A 59 C OSG PARK< ONtWEETENEO BRIGHT SIE FR9OMAPFRI SNUPO OILE JUICE 32 FL uZ. JARs5 NOSTEIS 14 OZ. BAs cs TIIES PINOCESS SW155 PLAIN MARSNALOWS 33 GR UYERE 12 POSTIONS Cl0 HSTESS CHES OZ. peu. 51 CHOCO 2u u 9 VTNROWN N 1t0oz FRISHL1 ORBiUND SERVE BREAD LOurPRDEO LOBLWS eITCîiEWtPI pE ~ PIE0 RAISIN 2A Ze ~ pe ARABIA FIIE OZ PG.45 COFFIE RAISIN iCENSiE'7 BREAD 16OZLOOF 27e 2 WINDMIEL 9 OZ. VOIS 100OZ ALMuNs CSoNCS OZ7. VOORTIANS' 0 STOIfELYS HOME STYLE BISCUITS '[ DAN 1d FL. OZ. TI N35 DECT RCE V- CONTONESE PINEAPPLE EVERYAY, AY DAY SAUCE 12 FL. OZ.JAS V3' coucîvos tIUx5* t5 CHINESE STYLE MAGIC . c CHERRY 8 FL OZ JAS RACS 10S PKc. 77' SA UCE 43e §Abri$ 0115 PliASE GRINO l ui H ATHROOM TISSUE IKRNEÈLcONI QUALITY PRODUCE SUPER IQYS FRON CAIIIRRIAI LARGE fILE 8811 SUNIISI NAVEL ORANGES 00.89C PREMIUM QUALITY! DOLE OR CHIQUITA BRANDS! Trailer CoMing The Champion, Milton, Oont., Weil., Febrovsy 23, 1972 5 Course raie of' Thei role of seosen in today's Society whethc the% are bouse- wsveý ois carsoî ojne wis v the basis oiea progeos offeed in the Sheridan Arts andl Crafts Trailer, when itcomes toMiton. Tse course weill be beld on Tbtesday evenings fromt 7:30 to 9:30 andl Thursilay afternoons Antempnrarouseom b e ld. a ýtudies Murch lu fromn 2 p.m. ostOl su3rs p.m. e ai w o m e n day, te acqoabot MOltos residenta sith the various artsoandcrats Couse se ou seOslcslteCMrstPae soiosh oîiI iolde sopîs sosO .as teenagcc odisi ibr toysofliving, familytliingor te nsesand atiilgbt.Mofriig r wsrkosg selle, back te scsoot us courses seifl atoo lie oflered lu su adut, yoor chltdres arid urea schoot childrse. PresenOp drugs, tusaosudthe ewomen,amitd Oshebtraiterhisualt Ose CamphellviOle x 7Dvs~ SAVE PRICES~ ~ (NOiCE PEACHES 15810 1EAN tfilTt '0I 0 PORK SEINZ sOITOI FL. OZ. >1C HOUD KETCHUP BOTTLE32 H UD NISTFT SOLOS DRSSING MIRACLE A WHIP S6 FL OZ. JAR471 WETHEYS APPLE 2F ZJSACL JELLY 2 i Z A 9 INSTANT 10O.JR 173 WISU COFF!! 0 7JSSIl UAR PION F1 IKINNED, -UE BY1 Cooked Smok JAVE BLACN WIENERS L lécufLo-01- 8 3 4 1111I PRENIUN NMACARONI tL CHFI f COOKED MEA ORONGEPEO pegonDE' IURIfîf RDROS E 0 METpI TEA 1/2 LB. PKG. 70 I&EOHIAUTAA PIE9 S69 MOTHES PORKES'S ECOSOMY IMORE -- IALÀ SHR SH- - SWIF911 99190 tfINtElî of LAZY MAPLE SIDE <is BACON 1 .196f 75 18110 LEAN 806111 PORK R BUTT tLB. 59e MINIMUM FAT, 10000 OFF ed HA Ai F 9 t PIB.I PO 5 59c SE' PiCKI IET t lotit IINCHOI RLorBtlfNA ILICIO d) C T s 0 fi PEf. EAC 2a IF 16 01 ÀH75C ACSK0 pu 5 LAMB LG nUEO "SuI 5 L e11 550S -~ ~~~~~5 _______________ CEAN RAID BRAND NB Àq Àq e 818 ENUNf188D LONETS CHICOtEN NOOSILE 2t fi c FROM TEXASINO. 1 GRAD TENDER & RIEN! SOUP 2 /2 OZ. Pi<u. 10* C D F LE SPL G99 NE1W CASSAGE 86CM S9 I OUNG READERS NATURE LIIRARYPtL8f FRON BRITISH0 COLUMBIA! EXTRA FONCY fRADEt ET THE FIRST tOLUME "THE GIRDS" î teInTI mm RED I It O 12 colourfully THISirWEKB VOILUMEÊ tS ON APPLE PIE DELICIOUS nrrPoES 6 IW llustratud Volumes E OUE NY$9 99, osem 39cPR TIR RESHISf THERI t 0 t I T 9 OUNTII 10 GISONIE I Y ff t IR INNTS 3 I MARGARINE I AT CHIPS FNYPEAS Cordon Bleu Stews OR ANGE CRYSTALS VES I. q ikMa4ri . 0vYw»*e' s 0.1 Chairmen ei cammittees for 1972 were snsned at the Fefsruary meeting of Hatton Comnty Fire Pueventisu Bureau hy Lt. Glenn Stringer ut iliton, efiairman. Cisief Dougtas Wilson of Oak- cille retors os cisairseas efthOe Oiteroture cssesittee and Chiet A. E. Ciesnet of Mittons oumcd ta chair the publio celtibos cosessttee, sis Rtoy Doues ut Milton os Lis assistant. Ivan Clarrilge ofMilton seill Lie in charge ut posters sud trophies Ibis yeur. Atter three years in business we have foonil ourselves with a large number of odds and ends. If has become a problem to, store these items, su mie are selllng them off at g reafly redoceil prices-un many cases, tar Iess than cost. Come in and hase a look-we may have Jost sehat yoo've been Iooking for. - Summirer clothers - Streetwear and accessories l b - Dresses - Lingerie pelle~ - Bras Are yau MISSING somthin STORE HOURS: Mon fo Wed 12 fa 6 Thurs-Fri 12 la, 9 Sat9 t 6 188 Main Sf. Milfon iIOSTEOO SOFT 1 E TonUB 7 MARGARIUNE 3J' SOMONO POSE VEGETABLE 0 li32 FL OZ. BOTIE 69I OiL H fRIN CONIIT I ORANGE JUICE HENtEs WHOLE OS POLIS ICKLES 64 FL. OZ. JABR9 MELODY MARGARINE 1 LB. PKG. 190 oz RRAU 401 SO NEL ESS Loin Pori Roasts l L SUPER BUY DEEP CUT PRICES EVERYDAY. ANY DAY QUALITY MEATS