Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Feb 1972, p. 12

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12 The Champion, Miltes, Ont.. Wecl., February 23, 1972 Na. tit MILL ST -stnictler bricke cettage wctl Reeve Iton Harmes te ancet nf pbote-eeriee an ever t00 years aid. The cottage, ewned by eider bernes as Milten. -(Staff Phonto) Delay agreement on swapplng arena, school board facilities Efforts tai entabine n agreement betwen tta Haltan Caunty' Board ot Educatien aed Milton Arena Board tbat would allows a saapptag of factiltis attst btc possible , this ear aetyway. Represcnatives efte board ot eslecatisa appeered betere n arene board meeting e teen msctbe ega te dieceen te poseibilittes ofthlie arene board writisg off rcta tfor ire lime te bigb srbint hockey trame, in excienge for ne et bigb school gym lecitities. "Aller caneideretian the niens board decided ne agreeneent ceeld taereae t is ycer bat lte item would tae rcterred ta tise budget committee in Mercb. Only ce Atbtetic director et Milton District Higb Srbeol Fred Stevens said nimiter agreements wrinefcttt in tuiengtae end Oniesille, leasing Milton lte eety sboot in tbeir teaRue wbirhb as P.L. Robe rtson C redit Union ends best year in history P. L. Rotartson Employere' Credit Unios Lirnitad tas lent reaspteted tas tet yeer icle ia incorpora lin ta 1955, inetri leerned et thc groupes nnuel mseeting brld se Setardey. Meashere approved tbe dtccctars'recaasrendetinetfor a six par cent divtdend celculeted as the minium quertarty ebere balances, a 25 par cent rebatte an ieterest paîd on boain iseice reduces thse ceci t ofborrowteg in tre pasi year ta nase per cent), and aise coîrd ta pay as ad- dittunal ball et one par cent on depasit eccrnt wtacb breuglit a tatal retare et nix and a hall per cent ta tbase aseitare bolding depasit accnts. Six par cent liadt bren paid eut on tese ae- coutal op ta Dec. 31. Ases, len op Total inete teccened by 22 par cent ta $231,042; tatal luns nicreesed by 73 par cent ta 120,730; saeres tncreeeed by 12 par cent ta $153,926; depanîta tecreased by 22 per cent ta $37,055; and aseasbcrbip Seeks information from service clubs for new directory A rammusîty services dicectary for Nortb Heltas le geo ta tae campiled. pnbbsbed and distributrd and ergasezers ere anbîeg tta csaopeatien et aUt remmuntty serv ce greupeinetin eretoassîstîin csurisg the directacy te as cempîcte a possible. Tbe sealy.tarreed remsniiy ervtcen ceasirtter te bandling the derectary and seesta race arganizabecnprectdinga serice ta itn commnity tai write in seith e description al ite inork e.pliepbs are being accentedl bs Dr .1 H Osestrlate, Medîcel Officer of &hel, c. HeItan Caaunty Heelth Unit<, l55 Ring S0., Milton. ny March 16 Ollictals bepe ta bave the atforaabon necmusary tatare e meeting scherdoîrd for Tburcdey. Mearch 16. Ail types et cammunity services will be literd te 05e birrctary-neretre clubs, breitr resoucces, reccreattoae services, nd s as. AU graups pravidasg nyaIf trene services are esked ta waste ntr a detattbsan et treir aCrk, an ottise et thir ar. biviben, as explanabaon efth1e ceasmustty probleas toseerd wiscb trete service ts diretrd and aIse the came efthe perses te liecontactedfor assstance. "A compretaneive directary eutlîntsg raasmunity nervces and resenrcre cal anly previdas nealîteble tnformsation rencermang resesecces eselable ieacb ceasmniy, but aise tacîbitates enchanges bruin rxsnbng agrarien and organize- baons regerding taterente and possible reterrais,- satd the lies. Herry J. Dawnson et Antan, cbair. mm efth0e remmitter investi. geti2g tbe dtrciery. tic tncude-do yeur arganizebeon as seU ae yaur cemmeeity a ervice, bie edded. Front aIl groups Mcc. F. S. liant et Miltan, anattar membar efth0e ceas- attte, seid tare are erganize- baons pravtdtng belp tee crtppled cbtldren, loaenin weelcbairs and obtataasg ryegleeeas. as vieil ne graups provtdtcg recrealianal sevcs and arganiard recreetionel greupu surb asthe tassas and curbing clus, and the comrntteenaould libe autline et ais and arbevittes tram ail tresc groupa. Day rare ceatres, nusing bernes and nursing scbaos, an udtl as 05e aceal service clubs, Ried Crase, Cancer Sciety, Heart Fund and ettars are îsvitrd te ssbastt a recume et treir ae. btities te the MOH. Bureau, two brigades win prevention awards Haltes Ftrr Prevreltin tiureau and the Oebvlle and Miltan Fie Deparasents oece nemecl emang the semrs efth0e National Ftrr Protetes Associebon's 1971 tire prrvrstiacsrrapboab comeaptîsee. acerdtng ta the result et tae centect. reteaed teday. Thr Barrau, winacb tIacdes menebeen et Haitaces tise tire drparbscsts, cutaeîtted a 201-page screpbeab as its 1071 actîvities and aas aaarded a -special recognition tee an eutstandmng caanty- spamaorrd tire prevristian pregreas ty tta iudgas. flulrd prizecforOntario Oakville Fiee Depertment reeeived Ibird plae re Ontartoaend hoserable msenioen Wn tbe Canada-ide roeaailien toe coasmusities tht a population brimesn 25,000 and 100,000i. Tbe Qebstare tire preventas division's srpbasb alto placed 22nd inait of Canada wene the 30 tap.rasbîeg asantripeblies' entamas sere judged regardlese af population. Mitltan Fire tepartnte scrapbnek rered an honoable messesn prtze sn the content tee reasmanilies ssitb 5,000 te 1e,00g populeao. liepresentabives efth0e Ontario Fire Mersbel's office ssîll present the tree agenctes sstb cerlticetes af recoegnition, at a banquet ta bie tald an Miton i Aprîl. ILS AUOBD increaned ta 305 dartag tae yeer wbîcb juet ended, trcaeurer- manager J. W. Cbarltan taid the annuel meeting. LIxin dcmeed tint ye a ne beavy ne depieted aur assentmenta in League Central et epproniasatrly $40,10W and lied ta taccow as addilionel $t0,t0 t Deceastar ta ascet ibis addîlioan deasand," be saîd. Diateibete 11,0 Grass taceme fer thc year wae $23,361; espenses emenntcd ta $6,719; leasing e net incarne et $16,642. Alter $3.320 vians trnn terred ta the guarantar fasd and the andivtded balance tram t97t wstanna inte accaunt, tta credit antan baed $13,890 avelable tor distribution. Marvin Eneard ws re-electad ta the board et directo;arnd lten Giltart nan eiected tor Uic tiret lune. Syd Cbidn wenrr-etactedI te the ccedit cemmittre and Alen Scot ian nemed ta thc eupar- vsary remmittee. Ottar directars tarlede 1971 prenîdent Harold Coulon, Ken Lewis and Lamne Lyee;rcredit reasmittree aise tactuden Jin Waterbonne and tiruce Kiüteben; and supervieory cenanittee aise incledre Ivan Clerridge and Ken Pel. Gtard Wermingtan, ebe wsea stre-president in 1971, relired froas the esecutise ii e ar. Here's a perfecîly leg;îl wa;y 10 use the Govertomient's ovin rulce t0 bave on incomie tex. The Governînetont hias a Itîv that says ta pny fier ire tiene. flic board ofet edecation nb- certad tta cas tee leer and Deceastar bat Stevens la Ieektsg for t way te rate $2441eor .tanuary andFebruarytice time. -Wed tae pertecty happy te, tiiee tbe stubeet lacilitice eveitebte, bat e ereen board eaid ne scay." "Teepayere pny oee Mitl teneerde tta oerntiee ot lte erene and it etill renta 1 fo1r tbe higb erbual teanne ta ue it. 'ltay are ecteatty peyieg tenire," Steveens salid. . One collision A lice car rellision an Mmnday meretai enan tee asty mater vetarte accident efthlie weeb, repart Milton Pelice. Tteanc- cident ecrnrred as MifI St. oer tirante St. Drivers taretvcd wcre Etvta W. Coutean et R.li. 3, Caenptallville and tirian Artheur Wateon et 224 Martin SI. Eelireeted damage ta tbe Ceetn sciede wsei $150; ta lise Watsnn la 1972, tbe Ciadian Red Cranss elaed Transfusioe Service wili ceqaice appcasicsely 1l,0t0t sts et blaad ta seci tic ceots ef tpetientes Cecadies beepitals eatiaetaide. POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Teterseca l3ultandng bills pld. li s the issue wnnt bie Area Board Geairman Spd c Zaie. t the budget aessiue Cbilds said the bills were lie Marcb. aulstandasg and would have ta be -Tbe tien paid a subaîdy ot A utoi Repairs ilf GUARANTEE $111110tn art aeaela rlek. if w ulcag iib ase"talemsu, well anda ammn hmnc tr is ie terne. Il in an epnendan er, Z un tnccatitee tahe an ttenh ir ieled tien b=erd en .eer PERFORMANCE, . *IN SERVICE THAT SATISIES DON PaîT: Serviae Ma *IN COURTESY THAT COUNTS *IN PRICES THAT ARE COMPETITIVE We want to PROVE this to you DROP IN SOON OR PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT COOCTEIY CARS AVAILABLE AT REAtONABLE RATES MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -5 Whes you eventually choose 10 wiîhdraw il. you have 10 pay taxes on il aI thiat limie, of course. But this is vihat's miost important. in eilect "If vou save 170w for your You pay tax on your înoney when retirenient. vieil let vou p;îy atc itouch you decide 10 pay il. This mieans later, rec S250 inocrstered retirenietot when you're likely in a lower tax c;tc tee plant, antd veill let voe knock bracket. tl offvotr tîeotîce . This has led somre t0 cail this plan So vo oi trclv loyer taxaîble incomie a tex shelter. by peîtieg up 10o S2.500 in our regis- btefloiw nwpas1 a tered retiremieet stoviegs platn aed don t /,qinto il for several years. watch it grow, pay tlle tex on tl. then take il out 10 replace normal in- Say vou're mnarried. haîve Iwo f cotise vihile he lezes in Majorca. childree. aed e;îrtoed fifîcen thouseed l e But letcs face tl, the real benefit in 1971. Depcnding on thec province conies [roni leav ilntil ou retire. 'itu ltve ini votîr îtax ccvig could Tlhe heouîy of tl is You cat a cîually IX ýcÎ_W al because we ;tî Oeî0 S880 cchichi s abundle coi trol ilhe col b il aton as. yoýl re~sae ut naktng Toan iens laegutge av change overflic Nhe ave to piey catt ei;tke morc nionev. Esseni aJ~ or f aler f îeE [i& us 10 gel starîrd. But don*t îhee Ir furcs xcv~~d~I Ad et~~~ r ~Jput îtoff. Yoî e veu à ievII. s re n îe t r cvi ch You can't deduct any deposîts [romn Yotîc;t h;îe Iu iecrfrirb u *e literest rite. your 1971 incomie after Tuesday, -ted rt- ýf il tu t. change your conmbintiîon Fehruary 29th. li nett in iii 4t ons a in ad agem. Theis ciesns your plan So flght lire with lire. dn ot '% o a dd h tleib e iec ies. Meke the rules work for you. yoriinyLp usn n on bso aton And yucee gel your imoney out Save e bundle on incomle tex. o'iis hre lentvs wli i e ou nt tl. Phone us novi! Canada Trust Main ait Charles-878-2834 VOItO CONVENIENT CM DEALER SEReeNC ACTON ANC MILTON 38MAIN ST MILTON 878-2 I ~ bref> ever, ci mai% ages T for i tente cane aboi brou exci A Fen grat fine Rati dat4 Ottà mat largi Aa rab; e fah bout tx exte ari Aent r (Jtrn ert maË Fris tint Start usuing the Government's own rules a to s.ý%Vàe a bundle on income tax. 355 '1-J

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