"Miton Memo", a 107-ant condomtinisum jjltDtea Si. N. propg:ed iy Teorelia Caprlin[d., mas exptlae Ondti nmemisersnIMia Conrd aI teir meeting Mosday ityVictor Hinde, repreoentiog tise developers. Alttoogit coonicittors tooked otith tanne se most of lthe deteita of lise pojeet-lise mon tirai cosdnminram-eoncern as expressed abgut a creait tisai floms tlsroogh lise prnperly. And Courcttor Colin imitle nie sa a hsa doesn 't lise fise ane i tise projeet, eÉtiser. Tise Mems mosld enial 117 tlsree-slorey esedemiamn humes, arranged On severaf neperae bslocksofibuildings, andmsatld be toratad on thseeaslside oftOntario st. s serts ai lise Mayfeir Apartinents. Eauesit mnutd bse tnriased iso tise occupant and cntrotted isy a corporaion coseentl. Milton Planning is reommnded noven conditioss lte. fîrse muni meei isefare approval miti bsegranied, and Mr. Mde assared oneil hOn fi agrees mils att aeven re<,ommendalinm. One condfiseo On a sidemalti ionneel tise project 10 lise Torttrpp nais- ti into tal iuit 10 Jisess, 10 allom lise condominium tenants -'à h jýý là W' MAXINO DO msfis un improvtsed croen, Pui ont recetved thiset regul erosens front lte Perrott udorno Karen Datey and Dune Milton Contnunity Service Clubts su gar. McKee, tise snow queen and kig ai Milton Perrott mas 1551 yeur's onose king. -<4Stuff Ditict Hligi Scisoni The roupie, iso mdll Photo) toke part in ülos yeur's wtnter cornnval, isave introduce parking plan for merchants, employees Milton Parking Aathoriiy miSl soon mîtrodure a nem parking seiteme fo r merchants and employons, on lte nem Mary St. parinmg lot at lte sentit of lte dontnomn itusmness section. t An area ai lte rear of lte lot mili ite resrrved for merchants andt empioee, aI a rentai tee ni $4 per space per montt. The front tall of lte same lot mutl ho reslrirleditit our parkngfor custamers, as miii lte tonn omnent lot attse corner of Chtes andt Mary Sîn. Free parking mitt sititl bt otfered aI lte lt aI lte nia lte cnanly tait, attse corner ot Hugi asai Mary St. Letters 10 ail The system goes int etioct as son as saîtahie sîgns con ite oeeted attse Inn Mary St. toto. Lellero; miS go 001 to ail meecitants and titeir store and office staifers, lthey bldt enunicil in a letter reait aI Monday'n mauneîl meeting Peser spacen sitooli bo saved for lte castamers 10 use, tite parking aaitorîly memiters Mackay chairs Library Board New chitormon ot te Miltose Puitlie Luitrary Board sa Robert Maekay, mito itas taken oner tise pos ition frose Mes. Isabtel Titospson niho iteli tite pont in 1971. Mes. Thoonpson is nom ie charman of lte board. Thte eteion ai ottîcers was compieted a coupte ai meeks 000. 'fie oniy nom membr is George Jackson, mito nias elecîrd as imitticilo cirmon. 'Me otiter membrs ai lte board are William Guignon, properlo chittrman: ireasarer C. S. tocitie, Mayor Brion BesI and secretry ta lte itoard Luitrarian Mev. Shetoot Cnnnay. -Chaimpion claosfieds wiii mal, ao tOe lepitone ring. Try Oneamilver. explaied. *As Cuotomner parking It is flot fair for employons or osso esoential ta any booioess, me omners to eocroach on customner are eodeavorotg to moite an parking opace miten tl o o nany cuotomer parking spaces valuaitie la itusiness." as posoible avoulable close o lte Parking permsnilml be issord busioess titey wioh to patronize. at thte towo hall. We would like ta thank our many friends for theî r past patronage n ad welcome... * TED & JENNY JOSCULA ë ýw The New Management ut the MILTON INN Aex, Mabelt Dan and Paf MacKay BRUCE SCOIT MRI. SCOTr On lte Crtssade Direetor andî an Assocae omt tise Campitetl-Reese Evangetislic Association. Presently be serves on thse Direetor ni a signiticapi youils miuistry On tise heurt ai lte densety pnputafed Gotlden Ha'.sesiton ares oft Soutsern Ont,.rio. This young man milS ho preuciig aud singusg ai lte lgismuy Gospel Cisarcs, Wakefield Rd. & Hlghmsay 25, Sonday, Feisruury 5iS. 11 ose. & 7 p.M. aceeanlaeadistand sinrèq n lit tdleit. Staggered fronlagen ang Ointario Si. and a inesedittg" of tse carat mili be carried oui, Me. Mde said. Tise hemi needs 175 parking spaceo and plans to Condominium project *xplcwln.d to council 2t On be tandnepe t tri efsveriadlapertg epecu laier fOsasdflg Dr. tiean Huati. Baodisng problerna dounareeno andf Mfer a tengtty dIn=mWs, mmncine afreed O nmit soama direciion an snerall flood conirat mark in te Ontario SI. area from lte provincial conservation itrancit. ow es tos.%re a Here's a perfectly fegal way 10 ose tise Goveromenî's onin rotes 10 nove on income lt. Tise Goveroment hons a taw lthat sayn on effect "if yon nove nom for y00e retiremeol, meItl ]t yon puy an mach an $2.500 loto a reginleed reliremeol naviîtgn plan, aod me'lI lt yo knock il off your income". So y00 meref'y tomer taxaitle incarne ity poltng 07 10 $2,500 in one eegisîcrcd ectirement sas- ingn plait aod don't pay lthe tas on tl. Say yon'rc ,oarred, have Imo ciidreo, and earncd tilteen thon- sand in 1971. Depending on lise province you hvc in your las saving coaid amont 10 $880 mitici a boodîr je any man's fangoage. To top il att off, lthe nioncy you nove cao makc more maîtey. Ensenliaito titre are fanr mays yo cao do titis. You cati hase os învcnt i t in stoc.kv. Yoa can itave us imst tl for a guaranteed rate of itlerent. Yen cin itave us invcsît it it incoîtte pioduciîîg bonds aîtd marîgages. Or yon con dividc yaar nioney op usng ony comiiation of thcne titrer alterntatives. Tise iteaoiy of il is: You cao aclnatiy contrat lthe conniinatiait as yaur nerds citange ovr lthe For inîstance yon coui isest in stocks for severtîl years, for torig-trrm gromt. And teit as yon gel claver ta retirentent you miglît niant la sîwlit iii a goaratteed inte'rent rate. liait agaiti aîîd agalit. Ttisnieiiis yonî plantis flexjible ai attlies Atnd 000 cati gel you nioatcy ont int 000 wael il. Witen y00 evenlnaffy citoone la mitisdram il, y00 itave la pay taxes on il ai lthai lime, ofeourse. Bot titis is mitis mont imtantfiii. Yoo Pao lax an yonr maney miten y00 decide 10 Pao il. Titis means lter, miten you're iikety in a tomer tas brackt. Titis itan led some 10 cati titis plan a fan sitetter. One fettom we kon plants 10 pay loto il f or scierai ycars, match il groni, titen lake il ont ta replace normal oncome mitite ite faces in Majarca. Batltls face il, the ceai brîtefit contes front iceaving il ii *lii yaa retire. lis especiatty vato,îbie because me don't itave a lt onf satesîtten ont înakiîig catis, titerefore yan don't itave ta pay sales comîtmis- Juoi cati os ta gel starled. Bol dît put tlol You can'i deduci any depasits frot yottr 1971 lîlcame afîce Tocndiy, Feitrntry 29tit So tigit tire nith tire. Mttke lthe ride~s iiark for van. Soie a itutdie on iticoîte tan. Pitonte ns îîow! Canada Trust Maiîn .11 ('tt,tiris- -878-2834 WATCH FOR TOUR MILTON TOWNI Mrs. Joan Harcourt ..geRg FOR INFORMATION i Halton Real Estate IMmIMI Limited, t18t Main St. TCESILEOD a4 I E. itn aedsic MILTON BUS LUNES pleasure in welomi g DRUE ATIHEATRE Amu sa Htarct go, hou Adrnssepn 1.75j ROUTE MAP DAVE LEWIS 78-3125 File snowmobile petition awoit provincial ruling Pravincil tegilaeion tram aalag tiseir airai, goveralnq seowmoilea taft> gaf Maton aoeneiteg la MIIe ei urge the = ad= . Itet, Police deparlosuni ta itaep an eye So Milton Coancit egread Oneta nuse aI enonmoilan t lse Monday ta tala no acion ai th aeea. Renidenta etalmed use Pueseai ime, se a Pelilise trm machines are a noiuy nuisence 17 Pine Si. residonîs mho urged asnd complaînoît ai reekiens tse tanin 10 han mnowimoiies drivmng in lthe area. 1~