Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 18

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B Th1e Champios, Milton, Gel. Wednes ,Fehs-uaey 2, 1972 Practice the values you teach warns tamily lite Sy Dan O'ReiOy If oU clt yOUr chlljdrea' 10 have a set of values, looka aI yousseîand examine our ac- tions,0 o dis'o"'o 7hc1hor ,,io yoIU praic" 'n aines 101, 11u 1114211. Trhis was11 the1 opinioR of Don Wilson, Sheridan CoUege's F'Umily Lite ConsuAltant wo Spoieto a saaout esaptured audhence comsisting of members ofth11e Milton Co-Operotîve Niarsery Ochool. Duiaia bis tak, inbich w05 held aI SU. Pool's ChurcCl os Wed- nesdoy, Jas. 26, Wilson said parens soOmetimes teocIl contradictions. HIe cîleil the exemple oS lhe laitierF wo teaches mos-alîty lnoUis ctaadreno, yet4 ihe salie lue brings hsome a copy of 'Ployboy", Wilson tISk issue witb Uhe notion tUaI yoAOK people are more hoseslt Usail Ueir parents. -Young peple pretend to 11e hosest, 1ecause they feel Uses- par'eats 0001 Oiem To play tUaI type of role. There's a tendescy by clilire to react Lna way they esitect chter parens andl teachers expect them tiihehave." 014 caps, new probDenu 'le pi-oblesois of paresttood are more comptes thail ve before, Wilson explaîseil. Ai Me. andl Mrs. Mel Phelpn oC 390 MaPtewood Creoc. wece visited on th1e ineekeni by Ms-. and Mrs. Lamne Spîcer and Heathep Irom Os-ochville. Mrs, Upice- Es Met's sslop. Everyoe takeotice ofthe oUil br-onze plaquae over th1e notice boas- in Ceon t of Knox Church. The "11srnUK bosh"' as the world iîde oymbot oC t11e Prenhylerian church asd t11e plaqse glas doiaed hy a memrber of th1e charca. Oestwmashes foe th1e happiest of birthdays andl a oes-y happy year toRs 10, Mm., Sheila Ous-It of 203 Saveeptace Cs-esc. who cetebrates lier hirthday on Suvday, Feb. 6. Gel wetl wîsbes go to Dora Morrison 39 Pear St. who as Iteen in hospîtal and is ,oic mecsperating aI home. We join wth her fanulyand friends and wmshher aspedys-eoveey. Mss Chartes Moolton, 155 Rohinwood Creoc. rerpîveil Oic sad newo of the oudilpo paosing of lier sister, Mrn. Charles Peetty of Rasetta on Jao. 10. Ms-. andl Mrs. Moolso motss-ed 10 Laoarb on Wednesday anid attenilei Oie funeral on Tharsday. SUs-taI in Rosella Certciy, They spent theweehesd with Ms-s. Moultn's sAlter and Iamîly. Ms-. andl Ms EevsolEuîson oLaark and also visited thele son andl daochter.io- tac. Me. and Ms-s. Robert Mootton and hahy John ini Ottawa Ms.and Mrs. Peecy arrs Barbara aod Oeth, of 236 Heotop Rd. attendeil the lfnes-al on Jan. "Parens in general are boving difficulties, mayhe because Do one taught tein 10 11e good parents.1 No onIe ee Cook a 10'.dllîingof tI he 1940's 211101 adaptable 10 parental ps-ohlemrs of1 tIe 1970's, added Wilson. 1eaohing children tshave a set of woeîhwhile valses isano eoiremely toauh callenge, aoted the1 speaker. 'You'ee sp agaist the values ofsociety-..a oeiety of soateriabisti seO-ecentresloess." *Ttiere is rio sucA Osing an teenage reb1eliian," suKORuted Wilson. When ehildren e Young they have 10 folIowte sl parensn' dîctates. Aa yosat childre hecome teenagers Oaey lave abetter chance 10 asserI their indepesilance. Teesage rehellion is Uust usresolved childbsod probleois." Wilson remarhed 1ha1 pareats aUl too Olten caOl sot let Oseir chiltlrenlhavea fruîstration safety valve. "Il's sbtticult 10 deal nith negative emotions. USne parents oho are not able 10 deal cith thefr OoKA'y chiUds-n come ouI waUs 'tbUt'O esoughgo tobed.' TheypO obey yoo hecause pou're hîgge- than tey are andl youre th1e aiithority. " ~out thej towvn Dolores Melanson 2aI Lanark of lis. Barr's aunI Mrs. Chartes Pretty cho hail passeil away soddenly in Carleton Place Hospial, Jas. 18. Tlhe Oarrs' spest the ceetaend oith relatives andl friens in AshUe istrict. Rcpcesevtatîveo Ceomn the Ps-eshytes-iao, Romnan Catholic andl Unatedl Chorchea met recentty a1111e home of Mrs. C.AS. LoclseCosrt St. to milie plans for t11e Worlil Day of Prayer. 'me services wiSl 1e hell on Feiday, March 3 at Kox Church at 2.30 p.m. 0.15 pis. andl 7.30 p.m. The speaker Cor the alternon wiol 1e Mms. R. E. Astin ronn Campbellville. Rev. W. R. Lewis of t11e Boston and (110061 C11arvhes wîll gice 111e aidereso in Uhe evesing. A very happy hîetladay cîah goes 10 David DOapale ot 395 Maplcoood Cresc. cho EIli veleheate his 10111 hirthday toscoreoo. Feh. 3. On liaturday,' Jan. 22 a surprise dince paety ws hell aI th1e homne of Mr. and Mms. Stanley Raodao. R.R. 2 Georgeton, for Me. asil Mcs.' Richard Rasdall who have eecently retarned Crois a foyr mosth holiday in Europe. M11e Young People's Uociety oC Koox Cliurch helil their meetisg aithOe Cbaech on Ssnday evening. T'he meeting coosîstel of a bible otudy and Rev. Murray asA atteoilsoce. Hlappy bîrOiday 10 Tracp EOis laaghe- oC Mr. andl Mes. Gar O'lliî. 30 Maplewood Çresc., cho mill Oc lîve yearn olil on Friday, U'eh. 4 184 MAIN ST MILTON PROIE 878.R572 th- IIEIE a sE.ak âm p Tomi Unifr appRinstallentro ossB wlekend,boau' to mnduct a tala on prsueon mO in be cils, he ensl t. teb haelm n1myh to 13.13 consultant TO Dvec gtllned but Vregrai or C.NaG y t ehave inve, B tanadie butean be negYaong question tend ted Ovede Imruemn ande th hanhaml C.r N.a frntough aens PoU tîveappruotoayali9 pharttuets, cn aeaed ~ tyn ya olle ae, aned hWilon e Wilso ave cted isOr 21 O MtI N DS.nMITNg ailopt ishen they're home." Paents nhocisg theac love t. lourR: vues. Tue., hr.9t bo eav t sho to slay c ' hwy di aThistu de n r I to ses : Wota Ct- iso aI s c oleg eohile hy in os alo coisd bs21 ANS.M LO eatîil ec oht Wo toda d lits d cauDos tsdes appsoach 10as Wlo os adpss mD a eir chilifren. "St doesn' motterfo k ho oht a 1hdeiIrmicî"blteipUesoo heoT sdece hotOe edto OTu . Tsus -' il atee yos' "Wilss ililtais cams seera cstraticton. Sanie le teems and early SOsJ if yoo love elaidren, Isecause ifn 9t A ai frwa ns atitds onsap the d colige have conderable emotional ou can't âbow Oiean Oii ai- Assoated with JohnRson OmrIso APPoc iciUithetterd, onustatudes ama p1e oDg oolemoi. "Tey have neeraI ecton, on mgDt as tel, nt aPpmmh 10 te istteenot 51 bp l i1e teacem. "Manly ot esnfacting values te deal cila, love tsean," 11e cmco4nctudeId.anSSuAAimlaa5olnlloiIIiiiiliiiliIiiIIIiii Yeung people daont kSaw uliere ilieyre Bt.", AT gUB ia le h tif to a happy tasnUy, Raid Wilmo sathe -M.arly eomniuaiti in tie aJSBy B month for BreB are planning grinter ann etngs.e1e'aryn the carnlvals, btthOere te esl une mendiaof Mltun secn annul "5510w Festival". R'n in Milton "Sn5mw Festival", trois Feb. iltoi -------- ý I CUDNEY CHOICE HALVE DESSERT 4rL OZ,90 LOBLAWS KITCREN PRIDE FRENCH A 4 APPE PIE 14 OZ. K.9 LOBLAWS RITCHEN PRISE RAISIN 10.LU 7 LION SNAP-OFF PLASTIC BAGiS 115sPx 630 JERGENS LOIAN 7 FI. OZ. YLE717C ROYALE SOFT OR -FRM HAIRY IOOZ UERO 50 C SPRAY TIN d DRY. EUS OiRREOULAR ROYALE 17 FI. OZ, C SNA-1Poo BLE 49é SPRAY 14 OZ AERO 11 DISINIECTANT TN 1 ROMANA PORE VIGETAILE LOZTI 9 BE&NS 7TINS0 CHOCO 13 OZ. C30 GRANMS K.~ VNDI SUPER BOY KRAFT PROCESO CHiEz 16 OZ. JAR 84 ALPINE I;LUS PLUS DEPOSIT SOFT rf30 FL. OZfl DRINKS j BOTLES 897 CACR ST EU KG.9 MAI-SAVE_ aFP crPRICES de f loilit 9#F % \011T oI, CHEESE 16 OZ. FR0 CORNSTICRS 59 CLOS ROASE SALAD A OLIVES 12 FL 50 JAR48 SICK'S WINI 32 FL oz 40co SAUERKRAUT JAR RSPER SRWRY- L IAI0 RED FL ORA G MuIN] MAI LA0,JS Plu HERSSINSTN KHUPOT TL CHCRAFT 2LA TIN f yC IAGSTAITp , ' gOEVPRATED i2PO39c MiML 50S JAR 7 IoLW I(l NPlo AC MACARONiI ON AP E I Iî SPAGI ETTI Bonoless WE IKD Loin Pork COTTAGE Roa ts ROLLS VUC PUC Le.~ L 6 SIDE Pork Side BACON Spare Ribs ID BRAND BINDLEDD COICE FBUZER MOllIS 1 PRO116 72 e L. 69 4 PENUY VISE Boof Steakettes 10 PEUIKG 69C BURNS OhIOBStO Cooked Meats IMPORTER AUDRULION SHOOT SHAMN Lamb Legs SCiAll MUER RUME QUALITY PRODUCE SUPER mUYS MERAs 21ffl 390 DEPC RIS FRON ISOtUL MEW CR011 EXCELLENTI FOB JUICE OR ROND ROTINGI SPREAS CIKN -OOEDE U RCE JàFFl LARE 8l C MEDIUM 4f MIX 21/20O PO. 10 OR. BALLARO O JAFFA -5 îl CAT EXLR5L A ORANGfES"z 97 I (Ai v u FOOD TI5Nz- 20e D O LA BAS 99* FRONT RItOlO MO. IBRODE1 CRIS, & SWEET' U E U AF ~ 33C OL'NIISaïmuiJ FIOCAS I 29e D'ETERGENT LPO17 DOGER F0IK EC1 8111011 flU.JGS&CT vFOts PLUS '5BBL; fi LB10 BAUT ge LDEGN 24TFLE PREMIUM QUALITY! TOP BRANDS' 5 Nia E0 MUT La LIQUI 24 FL 5 BAINAINAS PON YOUNG lEADERS NATURILIBRARY SPRU BRUSSIL SPROUTS POUND 938, 12 coiourfy THE 15 Y@LU:M ONL CreomeCruckers WR REIERE TRE RIGRI 10 tIMII SSUNIIIRS 10 RIASONUBIt FAN 10 RESUIREMORDS lutoe V um s E19 1 9,2 /014 3 SRUitNaailAI t SUEiII _ SUIER *îas, SUPRI *BOANAIAIAp. I OANE UIE I MARGARINE I Lunche Mel I 1OFEIH S INTNT COFE SIICE I 6. 75e~ WRL R OS00157 ,OL; 115 I ~ l bs-8 Kg; lut On luc Ana CARNATION INSTANT MASHED oPO36 p8yT6 E G" Z KG CHEERIOS 10OZ. POý 40* K ELLO G G'S EJ SPECIAL "X" Il OZ. PK05Ni NABISCO 8 PKOALC SHREDDIES -46 QUICE 48 OZ. PKO. 5 LARGE 16O.PG PRUNES 450 PR SHAKE 10 oz PKO. 890 REIZ JUNIOR qABY 71/2 FL FOODS 20z JAS 430 A.,.. BABY 160 POZ. 450 CLOUER LEUF WRITE T UNA JAS FLAKES 6KOZT IN49 REDSUEAL SED SOCEYR SALMON 7 3/4Z. TIN 149 L Peunut Buter AMBUSUASOR PORR LEUNCHEON 2 OZ TIN 35* A PI M - 1 A EN r4wwm,, Il Il Il W "UV

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