Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1972, p. 14

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B2 Thse Champion, Milto, Ont. Wedaas. Febru.,ry 2, 1972 I Eloctrical IndustrY's raie MilIton Myd ro. . (,oovd e, t'aie BI) t947-Suliîtation 1 Buildng a eTTO Cana a teur paseer brias iu Juue, andla t wsea purcttaads Buil ing a b tterCon dcznew isaukkeepsag systemt mas yeur. Along mils atiser israchtes if apaisesean an musy occasions. tise etectrici almlusry, Cacaluan Froias itenferetoal aras, electricat neanufacturera are tisa Etectelcal Bureau of Cacada: celeisruliag Natioal Etecîrie camtes thla accacut liste elec- ateai, tise Uie of lise year misas tIcal induslry efthIle '70s, tisey tel ,iomeedsng aisout tise peeparel fer tise Bureau by meittions if dollars marIs if Tiranto buesinss sarlter MIse eqmipmert ttsey praduca tor tise Irving. dinecir ail aversene markiets. POWER GENERATION Ocer lise yars, Cacadiaca I th ie iseglalcg, amati amd isaveaased mare and mare isoated cleun enginea mere etecki power, mita the remtât usaI, isut isese disappeared t',l lailay tiseir per-cupila rapidty la faner if the me ef- ceencampîmas is greaier lisan mont ficient mater turineas mail le ittar atis. isydri-electrie cites clam la the Auige isyslr-electric pralecte in citiez. reasate areas isave meade Aasecg the firsl if tamse pmmer Canadien engicecen piaceers mn patentiala te tie reaaled ami saris prajeels as damas, large isarcneaild mas Niagara FaIts; turinm aid gaeceaters. locg andl, lailay, lise vannaus istaca transmssion nys.,ecss. generatii%, statinet stel alla Tisae- pri-ec, otaunrasulig have ac mastal capaeily if tirs isîtao tewsels teing carvad iiaco ilowaatts. ait of tae mildersesa, isave Maay ataer Canadien rivera deaned tte usmuil reliaitty have issn put ma wrk la ganerale in aqmpneens inder tae mass alectricity, inctading the entreme of ecviranmneal maneneai Cisurciil Fai conditions. Priiect in Labiraour mici si Todîy, ten, Canadien aie- have a caPaclly of lice mltaoc trical engineering aid Canadian kiloatts. Pamer frcane ls il nite ateclrtcal praducta are uccepted mils te fmi i a grtd aupptyiag aamnng ttaetilntem rld, asergylttheeaateca partof tae and iselpmng to el al ectrlcat Norta American continent. manuacturers siat a totat Mucy ataer aras if Cacada iidustry in tae Canadien Elec- have ci mater pomer, bul are trîcat Manufacturra' muar vast daptsseof cat or il. Asociation. 'Thic isas ted te tte develiemecl tt in tams urganautian taat if therneat stalions. ainttimanufacturers mils maay Canada is iseec in tisa npecat servics, and actscac taar canguard if surleer pomer Maximum Comfort in Every Room Is Yours Fastcav heat ns citas misS elccii heeting A saparte thsesat i nerey moissures yaîio manimume cmftie FEATHIRSTONE ELECTRIC GENRAi WIRIis ANDi enrAIes ELECTROC HOME HEATING BUmGET TEaMi AVILAiBLEc 878-6378 6619 HWV 25 MILTON Clean, Even Heut ... Anywhere You Want It Tiare's an electric iiiting unit perfect for ail pair heîfîng iteais. Inqie tîdîp, be- cimne anatier sîtiaflîl castîaar. McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIDI 66CHARLESST. MILTON 878-9513 - 877-5795 INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL FARMS - HOMES ELECTRIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS ganerelian mita tisa develapmanl if tae natural uraiuam, isecvy- muter neideraled CANDU reacter; acd amits mits a totat nepacity if lice nelion ilotst are case uder constructioc. TRANBSISSION Cacadiuc ecgiceers mare aasiug tai lieut te develap igiser ad yet igiser voltages for prîmsary transmcission Uines, ami talaisbas calctlaatsd in tae 735- killviteystesc tel case lis tae large power sites of nirisare Onty 60 peurs tefare, tae tamn recard-israakscg lecet if 60 liloicalts wsea teing nei la transmit lise pomer if lise Niagara River. Tifuy, tere la a vans array if igis-vattege tenes in Canada, ami pancie techisiques isave iseen evalvif fie tteir suparvision ami maintenacce mitaîît luning off tai power. Mes mae neelalle suite la equeliai tise etectric cisarge arîînd isaem acd use catf- pripeimi electric carte ta rai n tae acteat linac toeae inspection if the tee sebie il la Transmission fies traverse soea if tae seartla' macs ruggad terraie iectudicg maîclale poase, permeafrost acnd sampa. Atmist four ceira agi, tae caew ara if direct carrait transiasn mas mltriducmi inta Caneda ethen an indernea raista teisif Vanicouver telacd mita Belr, i itîtish Colamisia. l 'uiturprsing, tiserafare, la laes ttet Canedian cacsflting lianes and contracter urganuualians are eecagstized ai tae mne ale in taie fietd, ami Iseir experisa is ised in projecte au the seartd. DISTRIBUTION Canadiac cilles seiis large malli-alîrey office comnexes and sigis-risa aparîmacta reprisens aceai if cancentrutel tilgh-daneilp lsed, aid demanl tai atmat reliaiily if atectrir poweer. Ttsey are seeviced isp csneplec eqipasens, midi aulamalic cisaigascar senen te select alternative sourcen if poseer simulil ana lia tati. Appearucce and protection tramn tae seeataer are imsportant istriisuincsideratina, ami chianges arc lsng place le, iprice tae icaraît lo if saris systenea. A great diii l oftac etectricat seiriag in nese resideniat districts as temg instelimi undergroumi. Whtere avarisead i mag ta ule, ctesely-spacad ineulated enailst tam reptace ugty crnei-arsss aid brackets, aid transfirneeri ami seilniss are liaing atty maned se canneete or mea poes, or in graund-level isaki. Placmng rasidanliat equspasent undergroundl ramivannnsigstp poes ami mires, aid rediras poer interrupltos as a reîll if gscsng tise cyctene udded protecion fram tae elemecla. teîlialsy, coste are tegisar taan mita îvarlieud nystenen, but tai illereinc is rmiîced iseCama neaintenance cnta are virtsatip aisminaleil. INDUSTRIAL Ites paut 1f yeacî, tae poer per cent iscrease. Ibla gcimts tes litai met lip tae etectricut indîstry taraigli researcli andl ievetapasenl prigrenen fair ennecding taica if any itair iustry. Ailcacaeenlsi n cintraI ami peiceis equipasens lune enaltai taenaliin'npriary inuîtries ta maitaii tistir internatiînatp canepetilive posiio. te transportation, Ine, alec- tirai eqipmneet manifucterers isave uered ilamealie andl iverseas markels. Tidapas rapsd tramis systenea demnd precina, mil raiaiste caneets t-une traction engines te geceraiicati cantrît ami ssgcating fieines. COMMERCIAL Todaya trenil te igiser lsgliling teval in offices ami the seul tir cîmpltea canefîrs eictrit, tecausa if tai entram,.v of choriste, have prdîced the ail- electrir concpt if anergy aie. Hat tram ligistirng aid ataec aqipmact sauaseil te ient a ludigand, nlp an tai caideal da asupplamectary iseat aequired te maintecu cinefiel aevals. Aseequase ceaig. alr-cleusicg In limidily cactîli, ad, in sîner, aie-cunlicg, pravida meaiimum canefort fer the oc- cupante of bsuidinga acrons tae country. Moderc Cacadian office biuildings liane ucdeeflnee ayclamts fer power aid connotait- catima distributin te idividuel daste, and the trendl la te a su- calsmi lamiscaped affect tee il- fices micis, il la said, pravldas tai ma-m-n psycisilagicall- carrnect aslvirasaint. Archilects Becs tai seneid have taises advectae ut tae calialalil acd acacamy if mcli canadiean produrli as tegspeail elevasars mils cînepaterizel cactroI; and ahio escalators ami neîcing sîdewsan taal pravide facst pedasîriai transportatin la a higis-ilneilp traHfir arasa if Stoeas, enhteions aid alepera. HOMIE AND FARSI Once agaie, electricllp la solving macy of tae pealilama la tai isome and oc tai larea tat renull liane lise cauntry's etrmea af cliats. te the home, Cacediaca can nase eujap total ranefrat ronditanicg mils lieaticg, milta, rleaiing aid liidlty cantaol if mer tat la gastiy circlmted Iliraug tai seluta teise. Far tai kitten, taece are case ialra-red searneers acd lacst micraseave miene, aid mc Canedian lustelda liane lieta rafrigeraters andl freezers far tai blal stoaga if cisesoiel praIrce. Laliir-secicg dleviesrrage tram itectrir can apeners te, tnetislrnslias aid fatal nieia, and f rusa central vacauum cleanera mils auGlets la icary mont ta intercomunicatioc und muasic systents. Waite disposai systenes are mail te figlit tai liattle against Polsution, acd Blamelesi ilicrc tieat in na sed cin leay Caseilian homees. Oc tise larai, meacatila, rtcctricity is prascsg Ilut Ille mmid lia no differeet tac 11h la i tae clIp. 0f Prime imeportance are eleclricolly-pamired matir Pupipmg anir srigation urtenees tisaI are liuing lare output. Aine, the neirtaily rata if sesetere piga aid ataer livastecli la reilacei canside rmily isy keeping tset su liarne misera the titanS are lialmi ta pranenl mld ilramgisls. tesîde the baren, ventilaion fans pravide tai cecessary air cniges. OairY larme tam use alactrir poer ealensicaly fon cillslg the cama, andliialing ami vicldalag the lia as mal as proscmlg tai mils. Cisiciesac are hteei lip infra- cmi teaters ail fed isy ale- trscatiy-pamarmi convayars. Feai palauce ta stoemins caitraimid ainaspkecec ti rmiicî spilage, and the allai ara litim b ly ishsig tai fiidaer inta taem wnta ai electrir fan. Grain an Iried and giiensause taill iieatel iy aîactricily, ami alectrir lincas iseep the rutie ta tai riglil paalure. Finalsy, aîactri.euters are ismi te cil taiturn if ils mnest cinenen pest, sie ay. Tîgîter taese accunt fan aoia if ais, ressens sely Ottasees Onymetaseet af ladaitep, TraIs- ail Commnerce saYa; Tisa Caniodli electrical manufaclîrlag ladastry's con- trîibutions tu ta! lissa ail tae farta hiave midi a aignificant imnpact. e,,t acly an tai livas if Canadisut iSon tai lices if people in many other nains. "vent mincerai and agricuitirot seealt ascassin-ed C..oilaia imsportant place amscg tisa machIns trading nations. "Tsa mmi te isarvisl that mealta if naturel reseirci ami te liarcisa ac aisamiant sapply if ilnotric power ut lise cecI lia fustermi the gramth if a Iycanc maiaeclsring idStrp, gaarmi te tai producion if qualisp mnto.aSriaI manislaecp ail mon- sumer g-nsast Canada demnanda, 'Tis, la latre, hae ciragmi tise daviepssenl aI an efficient unI teemaeî-Ieaking inlaslry salin cac suppîy a lircal spectan et prolirte te mnect tae casîs if aLi ndustries, tisa canurni. ail merll marktls.', lmg aitasluoe te maise sure all cmarrer pullfo teelie paseer lisey uaed. Tisat lt il gaI coet ut lise lim a it-miis lise nese isysro systent lise aleune generutisg plant iees dtar mua viollan uaa--and lise clers gin la matlail steve. Si lise conel enaugste msau pres decreua Une. 22. By lise teme's fir Earl, W.. K. Auder msisssaae ali tl Evenîn includmI electricia neuve ist Ttamuaa I te luien isylsa cu extening tise lise,, ald engù ut puasedi lipe form teiti-Millin camplele lise conversion te 60 cycle poweer os Part of tise dumielan-mile conversion, amI lise tam Imi bey trucs garage wsea ereclel as tlaIds an Cammercial St. ner tise ra if lise isydre, office. e tatilernt mIe tema 1951-Naew fluorecent liglit ep taei ling marne fistume mira ardared tee Main mark la. A nica Chist- i., a salistalian lut mas puar- tste consumeras muse clianel an Parisay De.; aid the la rates, aicaieal ai liples mec pancliasal Iseir fInal tam trudis alier mneay yians of usnf netelt cuiins. icd if the ya tai 1152-Tsea-îay relia t iydra commislsion, iquipsaint mac placal la tai Iien an tisa Uàglt trunis ail office. aon, mac farnel. E. F. B. Clamante and Dr. R. 1961-Office rasivations ceaI sec mari tai final ramn $1,000. rs. Mayor Dr. H. McCall iclbaa on theCommision. 1964-Milten Hyir lr bae talaeil ia. st 5fts ainiversury ald as a dasaînstralian of mutuel ci. iperalioi and service betlsen + + + the temnandlte cra isciathe citaissiiinnr agreel th ut tai et fiew yeumn iaminate tise enterlar of tai the tmrig aftie lirai teme hall te mark tai occasion. c atter lie rilismi ta TIsaligsts eara trei an April 29 i Sim; the angagteg if during ast aivcrsary diunr taiS as lts replacement assecîmi isy lira ami provicli tai naila if tai 235 isydra officiais, mils Ontario siner; prilim la Hydri cteirneen Rune StIIe as tydri service aulside speakier. Tht year naew stret bsucdmnien; tale if th aie mnerlers mine lastellel aI se, lullir, fanera tir, evirycnerainrtteme ta ilI stean generattag plant ta iltoln Teile Ca. for $1,000. te 1915 tai Comiliiin liasel a ator, buima as tse "ld post office" as a bydri affire at $11 per neanta. TIsiy lasa the ill Poweer station tsM. Ager ait$15a Mista. Bais Pitlips mas aigagmi an alecli'rieea la 1922, a Job lie meluamie ta iald aitil lia retire- ment la 19514. Recarda if 1924 inîscala Sbire aire 496 nsstcanirn and in 1928 aitemnatin adilrisasug eqipment mas pillan tai locaI usfie. Tisa ald poern hause mas sold ta Williaum Hliggins for $3,600 la 192ti. lInynivaments acnd cita if ",taihe aore rirent peurs seirta asliig liera ancluile 1933--HEPC seater tealîrs mare purclusmi fie resala bure. 1821 Naew aIrait ligliticg ipsîe on Main i.; Cisuilsin Puisem is prisent affra tir $2,200; bsuiling rîemidelsel aS a nias if $3.490. 1944-Wantime lui cri aie if isydri poweer as liftri aid 0751 isydri ciatoers lirealsail a sifS, if relief. 167-Tisa casa Ontario St. ails- station mat ipeei te gine aven greier service te nansamnera. 1969-Miltoc annele 1,600 acres frisa Ecquesng ail Outs- aille and tai comsacsion farmi e ill farnceaely f70,ial te parnis tai "plaS" aquipmecl ta tai aiîneel anes. A rate adjuailint ta pear iii Msait ratas decrease. Tise Commsssîn alsoaeccapSel ilelivenpo ut ste tamine trucs tiseai tai ail if the peur. Watee matera mare istafia Iliniagsut lima aid the lipla aneptel tai aillaI renpamililitp ot mater readiagsan mi iillings tir tai coarporation. TaIay taier are anar ,ols custemers sh eliapend on Milten Hydri ta keep tai paern an tir tai n, 24 hanrs e day andl mvii cias a meeS. Tise ispila s haen peîermg aur lamas, îur jos aid aur lices su Milton fon 80 pears ais-e-a-ve cimne ta dapend ai It. -Ant esperiancai al-tasen la wastsug ta isear fria poai S78Ii 2341. Thtntae nuneter tunmlsl place a Chsampion nlainifimi. National Ellectrical Week celebrat&e Edison's birthday % Natioal Electrical Week la akeervel auaaly acrusa Northi Amerlca tsi enephusize and facîs attention oc lte contribuîtions af thse electrical industry ta ur wayof lfe. ,, FebruarY 11 is tIse 1251h anniversary osf thse irts af Thomas Atva Edison (1847-1B31>-lhe invectare gealus Whto duricg ttls yaath carrled aut several af bis electricul experimeats lit Canauda, anmd Wha iaveaceil the electric light tiqlb. ma S invention lias cltanged aur lives. S Thse week of Feli. 6 ta 12, 1972, bas beec Sdesignateli National Electricul Week by ail lc tricul maaufactarers, distribatars and dealers across Cantada and tse U.S. Your...... Ln tpFr E rIeCne I RAÏRFED SPEAW CASE11 PhOT81-11 GLOBSAY 0F ELECICAL TERME AMPEIcE. A tait of measure for tise qtanllty or volume of etectrcity moving tiscags a caîductor compaes mils tise autaunt if muter tiacatg thrug a pipe. VOLT: A cuil if aseasure fer tise pressure il etectricily muig tlseauglt a cauducter - campaes welts tise puds ef pessure et muser. WATT: A meaure ef elactrie poweerequal la, une auspere fureai Ilseaugs e circuit isy one vals of pressure. KILOWATT: A unis if poweer espiat ta t0 alc otts se u.2t ofsissep eer yeult tAut ifene sin oecaor sai te ofaon iplaaeisuta. rt KILOWAT-HOURil if ana lititimalt. Clean, quiet, na-starage electric heat can lie individually cactralled to heat any roane ta the desired warmth. Easy main- tenance moas it ecanamical, taa. Coul for Free Eattmate. FAY'S ELECTRIC 878-2048 CERTIFIED ELECTRtC HEATING CONTRACTORS AM -FM 8-TRACK STEREO by Elgin ILECTRICAL WEEK $299 SPECIAL ..ONLY Feaures stîrea 8-tracS tape playar AND RECORDER, attatc pragrasa change-avec echunise, pragraca ladicutar liglits, neparate record levai meeers tir ach chanceS, neparafe volumei cintrais tir rîcsrdisg andl piayback, record in stiria or moaural, test fîrasard tape systîca, record la stîria direct tram rîceiver, ricaivers cas lia aoeitsrid, AFC, twa speaker syltasas, tasa rîmîte cintrai maicrophones, phano isît axuiiary Input. UPGRADE VOUR STERNO SYSTEM .. . Seeair saiectianaof fini sterea speakera far yamr purty raies or thef infra races pouce tint aIdie fa lhe hîtisa. Frone $28" pr. LUV LITES For pour sterîs.. far siîrea ya cansecas meit as heu'. Yîî ,,nvar kaîew ysar stîrîs caf id do ni _ach. opily $3995 eacit. fL1diï44jeTV ~USIVE DEALER r- ELECTBC HOM'E ori SONY/ 26C MIN Sr.EASTMILToN.OmTArîîO.qlCese7e4633 I ~ 1~ 1

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