An excltlngl yaur The Champion. Miiton, Ont., Wndns, Jas0050 12. 1972 7 MPP Jim Snow reviews 1971, and Iooks forward to 1 972 Provinciaiiy 1971 mas an excining year. Thte leadershsip race in the Tory party set wheels in motion wîlh Bill Davis emerging as Premier ni Ontario inFeitruacy. Several montits later the ig race was on and voters actons the province wns to Oie polis and providei lihe Tories with a slcong mnandate t0 ride.' Heat East MPP mnd Misîster mîthoul portfolio han heen a part ni lte provincial scene during the year. Halton East MPP and Minter withoot portfolio Jîs linons reflected on ti partin mthe paît year ai Qoeen'n Park and the effeci on Hatesn Eau. Snow'n greateol pesnal acievement darîng lthe year mas iteisg appointedlttecabtinetland then eeevi.,P steong mandate trron Halon East coter. Scotch BlImk Darîng 1971 Scotch Blocit Dans wscompleied and officialiy opened and lihe soi turned foc a second dam, Hilton Falls. Construction itegan on lie Hilton Falls Dam. lTe licotch Blockt project cent $1,258,ooli and incorporaled Pabitrdans Pabitrdan s an inflalable and deflalaitle rut- Pcoitaily the dcîsîon ai lthe provincial level lthai woold mont Oicecily henefii Milton oood ie ltse change iron Zone Tmo to Zone Ose asdec lthe Toronto Cenlred Region Plan For Developmenl.- Thte 1,00 acre Bronie Proincial Park was a projeci Snow iroduced lait spring and sînce ltes lthe proleel han received approval, sonneof tie land parctased and anadvsory itoard han iteen set op. In mn interview Son said a constrction otant was planned ibis year and a tentative opening mas sel for ipriof of 1973. He noted lthe projeci itad come a long way sice nprîng wite he imit teides aToronto. Ontaeio hnusfng AS a dirpntor of lthe Ontario Hoosng Corporation mort of Mr. Snonn's lime itas iteen lohen op aith DUC prolecto in lis ridîng mndaccosithe proince. rTe 30-ui senior citizen apactient projeci n Milton mas compleied and ceady for oc- cupancy duringlteearly partîof 1971. A 337 unit senior citizen apacîmeol ituilding mas aideciahes ini 1971 in Oakitvlle mnd lte cootraci for li5 iamily mils in Oaitville wao ansarded. hlUnng power of lte dans ity sen or ctz n stm ponsw y asese fmit uit rjccnitno Oakespoint WayGrading land t dam for197 co n of would cost $25,000 at thse Keiao .ITY! this construcion of a tome for Une aged in lthe souiliers portion ni Une coaoty. Crowded conditos "Because of crnmded conditions sn Une administrahion btuilding enpecialiy in certain depacimensi of the admis- istration o. juntice 1 feel conrcil mail mmlt early n 1972 wîi repceseslahivm of Une Pubie Wocts Deparitent tu determise scoute for added spue ta lie futnre." He suggmlts a study hze carcied out on, poft1bM2chbIgeà fit the preaentl i4tézni oetniy govero- ment. "If me asume increaied lurisdicios and responsîhilîlîns titen lthe titree additnal memiters ai pcovîded for in Une prîsate memhzr's bill mould hzcome very hzlpful." Dc. Dahes inied planning, engineering. nsasate dîspnnal, police, tire and Cildres Addas arca liai nogitb h andied on a counl0 wîde itasîs. fHe recofn-. mended count y conic il seek nsore cepreses talion and al strooger say on lie conservaion autitorîties ltai nshat presely Pride in Canada is 4-H themne Bp tlrs. Ceci] PaiSerson Hocnhy Soth itad 20 memiters. Boyn Receaton Cmmiteecegîstec foc the pasi mmlt, Focus iooye Ucre)io Cosmiteeon Fîlncos. ali 20 coieteo. hzid tieir iîsicuctrfor1972 a Etighi meeings mere iteid, miUn Boyne Centre mth 14 lattes ln to aiîecnoons as double piayý Hîgit ncore ininners mere meetinogs. A Citisteoas pa'ty was tits. C.D. Galbrcaith, Mrs. H. t-id and an enîoyalti ne mas Ueed. Milford Colling and John hall iy ail. Mensters of lthe cluit Roiterts. I.ochy dranss irom Une mccc Ucîdi Nomat, prenîdesi, tallmes ment 10 Mrs M. Coilisg, Ann lîpsies vice, Manica Mms Claire Wilson, Donald L.utnsk second vice, Rita Douglas mnd J.E. Eliengion. A Vaoderaik, secretary. Dettra deiiciolus lnch mnd scial lime Fuller treasocer. Gter înenshzrs mons enjoyed ity ail, arc 'Iria h'ish - L.uiemnk, 'Te Soutit Hailon 4H Yvonme Ford, fima Vaii7!-r oons, Acievement Day mas teld ai Helen Vandec Boom. Pers Grahtam Hall Hilton on Saiurday lawcence, Nancy Lawrence, Jas. 8 mth over 100 memiters Ansetti Voodecvalk, Joosse aitendmng foc judging ecntsi n Oresdse, Launie Vivîmn, Brenda tce mornîvg. At 1:30 p.zn. Vîvian, Dumnne halîta, Carol moUners and friends aitended 10 Sliit and Sinnya May. enioy lte peograni of skits and Perierlrernrd demonnirations irons lie varîous Eee il a efc clabs. Mrs. Dnrmen Banaier, rev gof tadc an herfc t-me econonst, prenmded amd aredo attendance wan 1.Ttc nselconsed the vintors. laersg alnda m s 10.Tcite Hornity Sootht 4H Actievern lte thaeu mid emis oppremate local dlut, bl a ex t ite Pebterodnes on ori fille mas "il's great taeza Persitytige clb t O esont anr Casadian"; consmeniators mere prd rmmeelites ith cnt an Danielle Major and Tricia F -d in mdînsolicchri lieeiii iaye Cada basement. local leoders Mrs. C. 'Meaes, i a m la Canada am Paltecaon and Mrs. M. Kurna pictos al of Canada spotd Il t nte Leaders Training pctroentidgs ofrcetoandpos Unehooln Feitcuary for the relit anpnB t biligsad.h pro1mlt"Beingmwelldressed and open Bble.sell groomed". Stress freedonm Bnsthday greeings go to Miss Thte girls stressed lthe Eva Cmoziec, Miss Isabel Slouil, importance offreedom, ni religion Annsa Jean Hadiield, Emla Snom, and press, Cana das saturai Wmi Deolin, Patoy Paiternsn, resurces of timhzr, minerais, Eieen Marshall, Karen mater mnd itoiiday spotse, a ilag oftariaVaeeDee ad oor ocz, ltai Canada mn 104 years Katity AIleamiler. old and for ail flit line no war or bttes itave teez fougnl un Casadiai soif, t-t Cazadia peonple play as important pari in morld afiairs, liai mmny people -Price of Champion phot o trainmmylands hve in haroony reprints cli increase id $1.25 for linsprovizgfi iicondemfitllh ai5txn7and $2for ani 1, onet. a Casadias. i. 'the private memter's bill liai has itees panned ity coonly mouncil may hie amended, Dr. Daitesoaîd. Thz ill nons provides foc itree addîliosal cepre- sestativeo frain Barlîngios and Oahviiie. Dr. Dahes noted tiere cas a feeling amnsog coaoly cousclon liai lte requmit for addîlîonai ceopoosîhîlîtien sitould ie brocr- porated intoteill. Ifiiiigoing tohle amesded il could have te ite donc itciorr Une itearisg of Une prîvate nemiter's bill Commniitee in Marcit. Dr. Oakes sîd ite iavoced a Hallon osly regn and indicated -the osly reason hze coul sc foc Haloon goisf mîUn Peel ns Une cezooval of a largr pari of lthe mouniy sucit as Barlingion. He inUncaled Une coiniy soold force lthe pcovîoce'n hand raUner Uhn aitinîg for lte province t0 forcetecoaniy inlo aregiona Confident Uc naîd hie ns confident Une coonly coold peepace ihemnelven far regîooal goverieni and itencfit iy mistokes olter cegoons have made. He salid Haitlon inoldn*l allons costs te iocreane once cegionalîzalion mas invoited. In sonne of the cegioms nons iormed vosîn have increased capidiv and icrcased provinciiil nubitvdcn have iteen ansarded ove lice year pleriod t0 iteip offsetlUe ncceasedcrosis. l)arîog lte posi year lte coum eeslrcvhredteîc commîilce sysiem sireamioinng lthe itot of cemmiltees te four itcmd cons- 'rie nsacden repocieli a busy ycm cit lte Deparimeni of Social and Fanouly Services and ai increase of staff t0 lacet lte heavy workload. van come op nsith ai alleenale solutiîon, lthe Hailon Regior. Conservation Aalhocity may have to nove approsimately W ON0 cuic yards of eartlit aa cosl of 02100f, iron a portion of lthe propccly tce HRCA enpropcîated irom, Gordon Home chen il ceated lthe iSct Blockt Dam and Reservoîr. Mc. Homens laid entends nsslf rom lthe Third lise Esqoesîsg, appronimately oetird lte nsîdt of the AI in meeting Thornday, HRCA icarned ltait Home feoced a moditaoh nsoiid bt crealed itetnod i propeciy mites Une Construction valued at $1 ,242,500 rThe noîniec of building permits isoed in theTonship of Nossagaweya in 1971 itegai ai a nions pave and endcd lte same ay. Titece inece no bitolding pecînîto innued f or lthe monihn of Jaouacy and Decemiter. Hoînever lte cenl of the year mas aitosy oneiforthtonship - biling mise. Builing permitoissued forithe >,cii' lotoiied $1,242,500. 'is year*s totli escmeded 1970's ity more Ohmn $450,000. Thte valoe of bildîing pecmtoissoed in 1970 ws$77,110. l Jonuary andiecemiternsere lte nions vinîth, Aingont nsas lte ontof geaiescepasion. A totol of 0052.090 moclth of constrcion peemils mere issincd living iht monih ity bilîding inspector S. W. Sacage. HOUSE of HAIR AND TREND SETTERS PRESENTS PUB NITE January 22nd ai "Hornby Touers Golf & Count \ Docors opes ait 8 p. FEATUOING TIE YCORKTOWNERS (Radio t TOV peesoezaltiesi Dince alois-Or juni siu ALSO. .There wiii lie a FASHION SHOW Bythe House of Hait & Yeiiow Bail Thnrn miii be dose pelîns Tiv: cets~ $2,00 ecd A lit u ihneserosdmwimh is ico inpie Tceso sais au Hous of Haîr y I andi nit a 14 4 single wslomered in the faîl. Have agreemnnes Gencral Manager Murray Slepiten iold HRCA memhzrs Hume mmnted lthai part of itis pcoperly itocdcrîng itereservoîr graded. mndec an agreement ite mode mt Une Auitocîty mites i mas bilding Une dam. "Wies the Aultorîiy enpropcîated pars of Home's land i made an agreement 10 grade ihose lands on a them tO ose slope" eo.piained Stepten. lilepiten esimaied lthe cosi of removingtiteearti romlthe ae Humensanis graded mould ie abtout $25,00f. HRCA mezoiers decîded Uney mooid have their tecitsical coznoiiime inventigae Une mralter hefore any definile decisions mece made. uoîoiyhomoes. Miltan prajeci Sov îndîcaied eacliec ailempts t0 fîod land niaitle had filed bot liiece mas saime hoapie lthe second aitempi would ite soccessiol. OHC pcojectoocece carcîed ot inGeorgeton, Borlingon and Adtos duciiig lthe year an weSi. Accoîs lthe procînce titere mere a total of 20,'000 mnils nlaried tailer DUC. Maplehorsi deteniion centre, a proieci on lte drawing btoard for sorti lime nons, may iteg mndccioy docing 1972 or 1913. A deciioon ltalcoution'iitie made puiec thle buodgetis1 releooed in lte spcîng. Ready tago hiiow sid althelandthaditeen porcitased, services are in, arciteclo. plans are complele and eeady for tenders te ite called. He said il mas itigit on lthe priority lisoforte Departmeoloof Coirccol ooServices. Tiere are 15 piamned ta ite bit in lthe future. Thte proleci miii ie consirocied aI Hîgitnay 401 and lhghocay 25. A cesideoliai day care centre and Hospital foc relacded childeo is stîlI uoder negohialion foc Dakcille. lThe lreasocy itoard han gîcen theuc approval 10 lie Depacîmeol of Heallth t0 negiate for pari of lthe land on lthe Oclona propecîl. If lthe proleci goco ltroogt i ioold moite ose of lthe csisliog bildîingsoandonnenew raie. Il coosh'.iclcd lthe facîlîly old serve Halion and Soouth Pe li>operfor prngramn Looloog aitead 10 1912 Snow oaid ite hoped the Hîghnsay 25 extension andoîdeningtneen Palermo mnd Qoeeo Elizaiteth Hîgitoos gels mndecnsay 1kms yea Oc He indicated the greenitelt ares or tranportation corridor lthrougt Halion ohould ite decided Ohns yeac. Hc sait i itad iteen pceoly wcli oulned in Peel and lioclîngo mitere developmnent pressed lthe decision. ther lhings i0e MPP hoped 10 compîle in 1972 foc Hallon East ece a 168lihome-lot plan foc lOat- cille onhere lthe loto coold ite ieasedlthepuciaoeofadditioal cncacpnieol land eithecitrogt lthe Conservatioo aolhocîtîes or irecîlo. and o famîly OHC projcl in Miltot. Diagnostic centre Hc ooid the $5, 000,000 iagosic ad asessmeol centre for lovesîle delînquenlu os scaig coiiplclionin Oakitsllc ( md sitoold he finisited th10 yeur. Coudts cul reiec saine juvenile ofienders t0 Oie centre mitece lisry mîli ie inlerviensed ity sociologiso mnd psycitrists. ifatiter ltasn lthe judge deciding mit meihod of rehaitilitaios ohoold hie prearribed iteil celer onne cases t0 the centre and consîder iheir report itefore mailing a decînion. sons saidllite centre mas lte fisl in the province and mould serve the lohole province. 'lhe M PP compiimented Milton Coaiiîilo veyccîi of diigent mocit -Sincc aineiaion ltrer years ago lhey have developed a sen zoting hy-ians, a sens ofiial plan, înstliled major services, allcacted sew nsîdostsy and art weil os theie nsay for sens deveiopmenl onltemeslnide of Snos said ie dîdn'i lim lthe ionnnould gromin leapn and itomrdis hbit predicted a steady, mviil plmnned, orderly geonsti avec te next 10years. NO. 111 MILL ST-lt wsea impossible ti fnd bt il is kznzz to0hz over t10t years aid. Ross Une date Unis two storey trame hsouse was bialt Pearen nons scas thse hnsuse.-<Sinff Phosto) Tonight! to a Bueket or Barrel of the best-tasting chioken in town ... Ktatockye frid 6kfit CHICKEN VILLA Main and Commercial MI LTON ...878-4171-2 Dc. P. Gi. Daiten, mio ended kms term as Warden oi Haltes Comlty ycnterday, sîd in anintrve uith li papec Unere nsere four projecto of prime importance liai ite feil st-uld prareed in 1972. Uc saîd lte C'instruction of a ew pubtlie work bilding ona 12 acre site on Steeles Ave. should bc parsued. The goundworh for thc biulding lad iteen dose. itelleve Maiszr Congestion ai lte Haiton iCetenniai Manor sitooid ie clieved. Dr. Daiten a soaiting iîst 0uctuatedhzleaMi" and 50. Dr. Dates sidlithe vomlty mas înveslîgaing lthe possiitility of promiig a iîve acrecsitein te sooti ta1 aileviate cromded conditions ai lte 370 ited home n i Milton. Ttc county ns looting ai Une r)tona pcoperty bt have received nodecision from lte inso seirlecels of goveroment. Thte oiilgoing Warden saîd i mugittbtenevensacyltoadd toUnhe Milton home. in ocdec ta provîde relîi for lthe situation sin. He sîd tonsecu', fihat as addition ta lte Hailon Centensiai Manor o,ild soi cuir oui lthe Omagh 1795 1995 M8 SEDAN 1395 STATION WAGON 17951 amn - woeL 0, qui y-, i FH1RTH'-x lailoring Anniial Janiiary TAILORED-TO-MEASURE FREE TROUSER SALE-- IT' HSSML . SUITS SPORTSCOATS 2 , /0OF{ WINTER JACKETS 20% to 1/3 OFF RUBIN BROS. TAILORS 0F SAVILE ROW CLOTHING --,us- F-i,--iý 20% OFF MADE -TO - AEASURE SUITS SALE STARIS JANUARY 13th ~'«4 'd4C94 MEN'S WEAR 202 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4472