Milton Miner Hckoey HHouseIeaue happenings] = pool a Il tIe Goal.ib noed hy flae Commltta ia a trfaf bas ta t. did tise moter 10e lier son ut rote that he'd >t. s oorfe Ulan a ewI Bp Jobs MrLean Novice Rirhy Vaughsan mcored ut the 7.18 mark of te fRst pend an a piay wit Bill Marc anS tat vns te ooiy goal mcored fa te garae ai Milton foots Service edged Barh Brothers f-B. Bot Steve Bavard seho registeeed the sbateat ami NeSl Boyd fa net fer Oeeeh piayed strong gainea. Rehebob Lodge came op wit an atil round trami effort on Satardoy moroing . to drop Mooisray Faei's 4-B. Brion Coee citer goal getters nere Scott Draper and Tony Rinat. Sntt Pron also dren a single assiat mnd Donny Ficfatt earned te shateut. Seore E MiSos Receotion scored tno ananered gate i te final prod to drop Dominion Hard- ware 3-f. Stan Fay put te wioners on the mcorehoard sehen oe scored on o solo effort fa te lirait perioà. Greg Finn pot Hardware barbi tise gante ai hie mmmite on a play with Danny Simos bâte in the penid. Barry Riebot ntanted the oloner fer s Recreatian and tben Eddie Gaeton added a clincher. leiremon tuai a 2-B lead but Beech kqst chipplng aoay mnil it feu taon Sitrese minutes resnoini gin the gamne, Nidk Eip mcored giviog Beechs a bard foginSM-vctr lp's ,aa te renleat as 6e bad tied mhe gantre Mwo n mtes eurfier an a play snst Breol Alisena sebo bnd scored te fient Beach goal with help from Frank Euyper. Piremeo goals came f romt Murray Hunt an a solo dash and i Dale Wilson wo iebd heip from Dsaoe Tintinro. Pee Wee Lopsied soes oaa te order etflinentorning fa te PeeWee division asFigg stepped Porter 5- 2, Local tisunped Pay 5-t and Milton Aoswering Service lrmunred MeCuaig 7-1. MrCuaig actnally got on te ncoreboard fient as Alfie Hilta put ina reey front Ernie King and Stene Cole. Tint Steikn ieS te game ut thin midway point of te fient perood on 6ie srored te fient et is trer goa. Anerisg ten teofo rempletef y over in te second f rome as Sntelko added Inn more. Glenn Young scre&4 Mire mnd Ler Broding ami Dsve Clarke added singletons. Smelho alleu picked up a paie et assista to give bonn a fine peint moening nie ollier assista nent te Clarke tnire, Stephes Lewis, Greg Bronris, at)d Dave Boughton. Puy and Local otan fintnhed te fient period tied att-I buat ten Local got Mo gral performances front Balpb Serafini and Cedrir Clarke ta go wîtb thir earlier eonter hy Tom fiteesentan tu County council sets committees hicken ICE FRE er-tIa ni lai. issn990 491. 1. R c290c SAVE NOW SKf DOO SADIDLE BAG SKf DOO SUITS emerge an 5-1 victors. Barr Crooko asosîsted luire sehole single helpero wnt ta Tommny Smith and Tom Clseeneman. A solo dlash hy Hetnry Brynkus acconated for te taie Psy fafly. Fig 1,Plainteok a narrow t- Sidft t eodpariod foIt heisind i-f ten Jeff Lyoms scored titres gona in a con ta end Porte ra chances. Other goal geiters for te ninners were Steve Hart and Charles a e. John Andersnnanaited twlce and single ho eo were earnd lay Kerr, Hart oad Pat Tlaompsn. Caernat Gall and Guy Marshall scored ananamsted for Porter. Baslans Wednesday night, flood' edged Beaver 1-05 asminy Claer scored on a play nits Terry Milton te account for te lue goal et tise contrat. George Walonga in guet for te ninners picoteS ap te ohateut nisile Tom Casulirh in net for Beaver oaa aitoat as sfoarp only allowng te mne mistake. Wyatt Evans orored three tintes on Satarday mot'ning to fond ia Bell Broter cren tua S-f drahhing over Celer Voar Wurfd. Jim Jefferson and David Andercheh got singles for te ninnero ohile oasita went toý Terry Nova three tites' Wyatt Evans, Jefferson and Brian Placido. Derek Tiefemana scored te onîy goai fer Ceise Youe Worid on a play oith Aian Cmoper anS Ron Otathoro. Richard Serafini and Kenin Lenis arored on solo dashes tu gine Hilmer a cimse fougbt S- mn oner Police. Alen SmiOth ntnverted a Pot ltaggert pana into te lone Police tatiy. MlSget Haris edged Pigment 5.4 in a rougis Modget ronteut as Marc Hyatt coonted tnice for te wnoners and singles rame front Jack Rohertson, Mibe Carrofil and Mike Lonlie. Assias aient 10 Rohertson and Bob Haggert Mire earis and ose to Martin Farrell. CucbMrlork hada pir of goals for Pigment wblle Steve Cooso and Roms Fuller added mne eacb. Meurck, Boy, May and Terry Douglas dren single ansiats. George Larocque orored o bat trick i ieodmg Saper have tonaS- i triomps over Bofla'. Don Richard addml a single and snsiwqaient ta Yon th4gPbaS iseice, John CloalSooer and Steve McCann. Steve Hemiernan ocored tetlone Bilisoal nits help fromn John Volpe. Phil CeSien picbed op asother shutaut os tals Knight'n Men's Wear oofaad tepped Seohie's 4-0. Single goas hy Lee Potier, Mite Nevins, Clif f Herron and MeSl Haynard and aiste fromt Tom Elliot tinoe, Murray Hall, Larry Beaulien and Clave McKee or- ntunted for Knights pointa. WINNERS 0F THE Canadion Meter anari nere presented nith a trophy folloning luches curling competition Taesday. Jerry Benntt anS Carolyo SIrDonneil are nson nits te tropsy anS Jaie Beeton anS Rohy Cisildn are in lin hans ron.--<Staff Photo) Thos. litti. extras that mean a lot are now on sole at reduced prices SKI 000 HELOSETS SKI-DOO SNOW S-HOES SKI DOO MITTS Mc. MrlCerr maid the tenn uses te town domp most of lui lite but on occasion hai ami MarMn Flate and the faiegroanda. Bot ofgîhese areai isonener have homn teo sofit rerentiy 10 lobte tn trocks on. Each ymar son ln trurhed front Momn St., strerta teading off Main St. and sone of te ton's narwactente. A stroigsîsmît solution lu appbied on Mi St. but talta Ste mly plare. Mr. incfere maid o sud nos used theoo isecause il non hring trarked arosmi and mabing o mess of stores on the downten Tise Champion, Mîlto u en 7 Youth council is formed, P. Perrott is chairman Paul Perrott was chosen to inparticularttoseoflhe Milton iscsons oth thse gcnoy head lise Milton Youth Council at MiltonCcooaouosty Service loubS r 'If thet rson Vuffonî the ficst meeting ofthe couci they coldn't see the needlfolac , , Move' locîdosîlujan't Mondy nght. Of thel16yong second arena. readyto accept suggestions, but people ltait attended thte meeting Bath Kevmn Smith and Tanis ne are," Craog Smtith suggested ai the hane of Mrs. Marjore Witdfong saggestet tet aa a He saof the groap didn't pretend Powiys on Mill St. KEvia Smila aeed for an eoctose-d sOasaning tu, plan tor the commuaity but nan elected co-ehairm and pool and a comntanity centre but eatser tu interpret the needs. Brian Green, Jane MeNeS., Craig suggested ire tinte was stitI heiog WUt help Smaith and Tanis Widfong wece rented tnout of tonn people in the Police Cloief Ray Sbodreas oaod etected ta tise advisory otd rinis. hecd go along nits the group and conasittee. Tanin wl nerve as Smith snggested something btelp if se coatd proctding tisey nerrefary treanurer. atong the Untes ot an O'Keefe nere nîllint to worh for thoe Mitton Poliee Chief Ray Centre for Molton woutd nuit the beoefiî of tise commnty atnd Andreso and Optioniot Preoident needa of more peopile tan a temnelees. John Perrott both attended. In a second rino. tIn correction wits egg hrief peso roferenre aSter te Smnith nase the groop an a tiseong and hont an the target meeting memisero of te advlaury protertor of legal roghta toc ail he uss i o a reanonable bsoard outfined sonme of te oh- indivoduats seho don't mnon tieir chance. tertives and ambitions of te rigs. 'tie formation of the coortti memisershp. lp toaus han corne about as n nodirect Llke tuhelp Perrott nuod the ton roanrif, resuit of tise Hallone'en Their objectives are seide amI the Optioont Club and tise potire dioturisance. Milton coonicil licpes cary front entobhuig tianson department liait offered help. the groop null protide hasson isetneeo tise police force and the "We hune no sisortage of adoît betneen ton courocil aod the ton n conril and nperatng hein. fti mup te us non. Il dependo yoots garhage droves tuerlem uptse isonmuchuweputminto i." tonn. Thse gcoupnwadinappomnted a -We'd reatty btie lt help te nisat tey feit nos a pour turnout community," Tanis Witdfong and encooraged people ofoanyoele Escort, lookmng at hîgs prices said. Bshe and chairman Perrntt group to attend meetings and on menu. "Weil, nisat wist yoi mndorated ta a coffre bouse, taise part on artovitoeo and isave oy ylomy littîr doIt' dasces, andmotorrycle rallaong o n ies JUST A LITTLE HIGHEP. Georgeton and junior isashethail gane Friday. Milton loat tse Milton Junior cagers hustie for u reisound cootent. It nos lin fnrst gante of te reguar inlon lin Milton net dtoring a tagi s chool leugue scisedale- -Staff Photo) Snow removed from streets is dumped away from creeks Milton's ton norb ai min 600 tons of sand ai a do- dnopmgl Bt son mat muse eoî department ns domng enerything rcing agentlotis wnter, ualeso o taia fromt ronds. Stadien shon possible tu peevent an escessonf senere sterm t lise orea or te risiorode levete ta lhe great taites mail Srom hemng domped ib te ten has a prolooged rold penid have mncreaoed treefold since greol lobtes. Unlahe same vities, ninre îcy monda bad ta, i te tecno f the renbiry. tisv tonn norhs deparîment treatrd. In Ibat rose tise ntorfspile Thimntelagd tt stock' dompa snon anay tram creelta soufld hune te ise replenished. pieshe mnsernsed 10penn nios lad venooy t li loe. Control damping leatang and the mail seeptag itt Toon oorknnauperontendant Recentiy Minister of tise te groand and enenteatiy te a Bruce McKerr eXPlained te Enionntent George Kerr orged nateecoorse. tamn nould use absout 60 toms oS mutoîropalities 10 ronîrol estahisi, The groupnwaseager to find a nay to mse arisuol farititien for recreation alter srhmol hums. Perrott said oter attempts tu, ueI mchml taroisties had iseen put donn y te prmrcipal. Tlie yoang people nere happy aisout an offer Chief of Polire Rtay Aosdrens made. "Ce said instead of everynne standing aroand Main St. petting eggs ne coutdl go te a corder andtron thernat hans Perrott aaid adding that he and bis counicot planned te rharge a fee for tat privitege on tatione'en. No mrena White te group seemed eager ta support romonnty efforta and A.T MOORE IcAmP@ELLVIIId 854221 Cemntttteesnmmi hy Haf tan Counly Counorl daring tise inaugurai meeting Tuesday fofloned a nen rommiltre q.lrurlreeinlrodsred esperi- mentatiy tant year. Named choorrimn of the Cemnaonity Service connoittre nas D. H. Ceons of Borbangton. Memisers are R. McCsoig, Milton; D. McMiao. Nassa- ganeya; T. Hiti, Enqaesing; A. Speogisi, Georgetonn; G. MrEenzie, Acten; B. H. Baerett, Qabvitie; Warden Snanbarough. Eleried chaieman of te Roads rommîtine non Nansaganeya Dopuly Reeve Doo MrMiDln. O te rommittre are R. Harris, Mouton; T. MSl, A. Speigst, G. DObes Arten, A. Masson Clabville m ad Warden Swnborough. Georgeton Reeve R. B. Morron nos namned choairnoan of te Monor comisittre. Momisers are A. MarArchur Nasaganeya, R. Miller Esqamsing, P. G. DOkes, S. H. Barreli, R. MrCaaig ami Warden Snanfarongh. On tise Administration commotiee, A. Masson is choieman and members are R. B. Morron, G. A. Coons, A. MacArthuar, G. MrKemie, R. Miler, R. Harris ami Warden Snansorough. Representatives to tise Museum Board are A. Speigist anmd R. Harris. Trflgan Po Novices are naiting tosee wothey'i meet in te OMSfA qaifying round but tey are hy no meana nittiog idie 'lie riais mn action in tree exhibitios garnie doring te pool neeh. They won two and fonit ose. Steve Blaie ami Doag Dorney aed glving Mion a S-S tie agaisst Burlington Saturday. Wayne sccoaaiored te lue assais on Doraey's goal. Smday Blaie f ired Moo goan and JGlossigied glving Milton a 3-S min over Brampton. Dorsey and John and Ed Loeprich picked up assiste fa tat qr TH§ MN SCHP SPORT COATS 222 Mats St. Miton fReg. 65.0-79.50-fS5-S Phono 878-3302 fNOW 2 5 %/ TOI 5 0% OFF SLACKS ALL WOOL FABRIC OVER 200 PAIRS 0F SLACKS - MAKES SUCH AS KEITHMOOR - DON PARKER - RIVIERA Regolar Prîce $17.95 fo 26.95 1/2 PRICE EXR OSe have fhem se nîraîgis asd flore SPORT SHIRTS f DRESS SHIRTS TIES Regolar 9.00t-1l1.0t Regular 8.B--9.00-12.00 f Regobar 3.00-4.OS-t500 % OFF 20% oOFF NOW 1 .99 -- STOCK SUITS Regular S105.00-S110.00--$120.00 Now 20 %/ TO 50 %/ OFF CASUAL COATS SWEATERS Suede-Cordoroy-Melon Clofis Cardigas VNecks Soedive wifh Borg Livivg-Leafher f Psgsksn-Plaid touts Berry Necks-Tutie Necis f Regular Prîce $12.00 fo 39.95 Reg. Prsce $22.95 to 89.95f N0W2 5% To oSCOOFF NOW 1/3 Troi 50/01OFF SEE OUR 1/2 PRICE RACK FOR ITEMS SUCH AS SUITS - TOPCOATS - CASUAL COATS - VEST SUITS i/L SKIING EQUIPMENT - SKIS - '3 OFF ALPOLIS - HARNESS ETC. MILTONMARINE & SPORTS M IT N 25 COMMERCIAL ST. 878-6521 1 - - e-wm-qffl