4 The Chamopioo, Milo 0nt. Wednes. Jorruory 12, 1972 Two losses could prove to be crucial for FIy.rs Radalin Eleclric Flyeen, lespeler Saoday noght. and Brampton pickesi up, four droppeil a 7-2 decision te, Tbe lwo louezn rsed ay points in tire gaines. Brampton belore a crowd of 0000 isnsedîalse bopon0of Use Flyers Olisero 0won 00 in Milton Arsa Fciday asnd claimisg tbcrd place. Dorisg Use The combwnatîon of t10e Gais- suffered a 10-2 drubbing in acck Oakvîlle on fixeo games lierand Brampton double ins ON THE DOORSTEP. Miltn Flyers Haroldl Flyers tooi on early 2-0 leal but0 lemt 7-5 Mi Merry (10) and Jeff Lflekldge (2> are in Brampton Fridoy migbl in Milton.-<(Staff positionl for a rebounil thot neyer came. Photo) Young Ieads Corneli in teami scoring 'A ae gencrated by Milo boys payingbhockey outloflownils tai "~1' rced wîUs Dixie Jonior Os, unti tiooyear îo soin leasing bis rs club, ch Cocol Jay ees hckey leam in 1the scorint race. -ae ... He and Peter Titanic were sied aiteCrsmsbreak wîUs 22 assstsandTitnicbas12goals __an Iolasîit. Caplain = Young was appointed ftam 'i aplaîo ai tbo begîooioo of Use rocr. Hc os expcîed lobe in the liîorp pilers Milton Nadalin RRAMPTON S1ICKS ocre rajocil 10gb aller Ibis goal. Miltion Eicctiic Flyero travel tir lihaca goalie 1erry Mastune i0 soon doin, Hugb Marshall (3) and ior a game Juo. 22 againsi tbe Brait Rotterîoorth (7) are also soon in Use play. Flyr ost 7- F)esbmao Cluoh 5.-SafPhoto) Bowling Flyers beaten "cADIESNPEIA in tw o contests LO7707co Mis 2.1030. .7,", sic,, ii700 2 M Itooos double bons over Use weekend 10 Blrampton aod Heopeler lioooI, -n7 f. 7.iisert7o 7c will maire thegoing rough forthe remainioo l ganssf the Fyers are I tri,07 01,70t,770 fa gomug 10 wînd up on tirdi place. i.sssîîîss OliOo GIRLS Mul0e Flyers sullerel lino defeato river Use weebrod thbc tams 000.0 UsaI bave deveioped as Ibrîr ciosest rivaisoin thr figbi for Usîrd boUs ih sinl,707 Ka70, usk 2Î5 picked up apair ofwios. 72, high trie Y-nne0 Tensdel Bramplson defoaled Milton and ocorcil an easy 0110 oer g7ho Id t,,p],.s, OathO71l7068, Strelocîlle wbîle Gakvîlie Oaioed loue poinls in gamco agaiool 7,7,0 t f7,.0, Shile Pearso0n000 Preson ad Steetsill. Flers ill ee atio aganst restn an 62, 01- 1 is 1,, Mary Fr70, M95 Hespelerfnssoook. ot o ,Petn5fr5 E-- .f,o, , h. 2 0dalfor2, Tn,sz CPi Wý i.d T-e Pisr Hespeier Ourbongton tOakoie Bramptoni Miltn Preston Sireetsoolle Duodas Bulldogs nip 34 22 8 4 48 33 22 9 2 40 31 16 12 3 35 31 15 22 4 30 31 il 2 2 8 30 32 9 17 O 24 31 7 27 7 21 31 O 21 a 16 Oaks growl at Hespeler On Jan 1 the Milton C-rulit and cootinucd 10 give the Ginono leo.Weco starled thc Newv ilsîdogs loy oocb goal teoding. Vear offiight br droppîog Olak ville lit lOakvilie 4 10 3. Eric Eioo cd the Olildugs initb a ENJOY Usree goa7l perfrmance, Paul JU IO McCann scoced thc obe Milton J NO goalt .'Iî Cartwright pîckrd aip lwo assist Hhl Dou Fcum and Oi>l L.os ech picArd up lune sit Olokville scord licol tbev Milto Oued the score 1-1 only luTw bave Use tOuAs cornte rîghl hacA Mnd faite tbe lead bot the hiulidogo really wavled Ibis ove as 10ey hi seured lbccle in a rou. Oshoîlle scoredlbtirrlast goal with thr Wi gualie pslled foe an extra attacher. isl Nalle telie MILTON ARENA On Salueday alteromo Milton Fvîday, January 14 andHespeler battled to a -2 tie in 6:0 P.M. Milo. BoUs tramns played soot- Miloni Pipero haodedmot ofthe gae as 13 v s. penalties oere calied inith the Hespefer NoSIdogs ceileclungosix of Uscm. Sunday, Jaoaary 16 Eric Ellîson pot Milton on Use scoresbeet in the second periud 7.30 P.M. ficoring umasoîsted bol Hespeler Miltoe Flpers came right backinUte startof the 05. Uhisi perîod lu 0ie il fil. Tom Preston Chasrbmnacb pot th0e Naildufs fites This msessage posoideil bp a short îeau as ne sîoue o, Gegetowe Transportatin oice pasamog play setlits, b y Ev i. Elioon a nd Eevio South. Tierai Optait 1 e 11:5f mark Danoy North0 10010fl C fer TraeIspertatioe bis second goal for Hespeler tru PhSonW eE JUNI225 gise lisemt Use tue. Dave Toietzka FLVST ERS THAELNI gloyed in Use nets in MIAh grimes LESTA L and Màtonsa desble Ioas puisa MilMan m itilas our1 points est of foaetb and Aîve out of third. FlyecS came back aller Bcamipton dcew licol blouil lcîdoy noghl and scoced 'tio quick goals 10 lite a 2-1 ferad f015gfruitotohbe serond and nianagedi M old a one goal lead f0100 101011 thstird perlitd ahleail 4.3. fladdy Thomas opened Use scormng for Milton ad Jef I L.ocleîdge fired tbe second goal of th0e fante. Gleoa Robinson was Use Flyer1 hotlent scorer Potling Usree goals. Locbridge and Thomas asîsted eacb oUser wbile Mileh Lajemiessie piched litp assista on lasUs goals. Robinsons prettlent of the tree goals wasblisSecond. Denis Duour flew river Use bise Ine drilleil a s10ot11 Usalte corner. Gene Ingi.es dog t10e porb out deked a framipton defeoder and lt Robinson ilh was percheil On Use goal wouUs. Flyers were in the game aIl along andl hd more Usas Usele obace of scormng opparloOllues bol eradic nbooiting M ad a hot spree by Brampton sbmlters in1the Ibid pocînl cmailiUsewt the gamne Friday. Brian Beaumont, Use lanby centre wbo recenly fol bis release eoms 110e Flyecs came back Me hisaalisent wiUs a lwo goal effort. Chocb Williams, Joe MoGeegor, Gary Johaso., Marh lAsorle and Hreold Kodor aIl sore singles in Use Nrampton Flyeeo wesl loisi Hespeler Sunday wilboul their two top defeocemes, Hugb Marshall andl Oon Srboil and Mouis a 10-2 Usapinf NotA Plyer 4ersce0gin are00 oui injuries. Coarch Veen Qoigley 0108 opUisnsoic 000 aller lthe Iooo Frldiay. 111 ho slow. Il taises a while for Use lellows ogel oell tes nww fises. The backhbecklOf la VERNQUIGLEY improvedl andl wo oiffl have lut work onthe potier play,." ieoSaidi. Thse coacIsaoold Flyers Wite al ois cooceolsitraaso settiog ap a play fora sdiot or twa and Uisaes Usey go scrambly. "We'll have a Posent poiver play by th0e stue Use playoffs corne."' fly Use lime we are in Use ployofls we'll have tfiogo elickiof. We're goiog tes100100811 for Use playoffs. 10000 losiognoassi but sy the timaitwebit the playoffs we'Il bo in 11gb gear." ,.They atre getfiof Use breakis niw aod we'11 gel sest laine. 10e sare dido't gel any toslght." Quigley seili 1e lookiof for a Usied place fisnishsinoordee Uii Use Flyers can masei a sinUs place club in Use filest roundl of Use cliyoffs. Quigley is enores] by Use grossi spirit of Use riaub. "Th0e boys eeally waot 10 0110 n0w,' 10e claoos. Meechants wiIl bave ample chance la picet op badly niedait points Usis week. Tbey se c tion Wednsesday in Norflogtoo and Friday andl Sanday ail hausse afaist Preston andl Hespeler. Fîpers fans bail Useie f lest oppoirtuniy Mo sele tbe clubs laIent acquisition Franki Ptosbolh of Neansalea in action Pelday nigbt. Question: Wbal doses a 500050 Uisait worhs o0t wilb welgbts gel? Aoswer: Moosels. Charles blanks Schroeders 6-0 STEVE BLAIR won the scoring awurd ot Ingersoll To urnamnent recently.- lStaff Photo) Blair tops Slcvc Blair bired nine goals ducîog the logersoil novice Moucoameni 100100 110e individoal scorîoo awardanditerniMilton P"inoto th1e louroameot viclscy in logerol on Bosîog Day. FAil covered by the _Buyer Protecbon - Plan HORNET PICEO 12598. 0017 4 1972 Moio Asailafile i 1971 Prîces. SALLAI CLEMENTS AM - AMI SON - Bront Si. S. Miltoan ~j~78-2328 Chartes Hotel lilanheil Soleueder Construction 6-O in Whit1e Gaks Hockey Leagne action Sooday wbîle in t10e osly oUser beague gamne Narclay'o Tenaco lont a 2-1 tleiller 10 Doroiby's Drivi Scbmol. KeUs Higgs scored soie0 goals 10 lead 110e Milton club 10 Use g- oiclory. Jlm Cote, Barry Ellioît aids Bob Colbeck scored a goal Mod an assi each vitale Marty Seedo scored Use osiy ailler goal of Use gamce Goal Gond Oeil andl Danny Ooudraofiredltooassiosseach olole Gary Napior andl Rick Cote pîckeduflssingle assists. Christie5 "Big Bay" OUTTERMILJ( SLICEI WHITE BREAD 24 oza Loaves Reg. 350 4 Laves 99C Trom Daley and Dan McLeodI s0ored foe Dorothy's white Roy Phîllîpo coaoted Use foste marber for Narclay'n. Bowling hic 0'h single. Jocoe O, aoh,, 278, ladies' Oie0 triple, 7770c gond î,oolco. Mari 00e Soleck 250iîaoioc Marshall 257, Donna Fay Marlene wo 40 fîor57, Macyiou 7 for ,Caol 5for56,Maonoeifeo 5 E2iOî or 53, Maris7 for49, N.- APPLE JUIGE 31 Res. 99c Lbs MAX WELL iflEE HOUSE FFEE~ Ski, swim, underway a lea sh:1 y tod111L . lm sas %M10esi prorm Sehool a0 01530yab1e affole. Thse Mograobasoa by Use Mits ers on enlttee. Abosut 35 yosof people enrofleil wn the progralll Ibat includeson bour esn on0000 eight coosecoltive Saturdays plus free ose ufthUe 10015 following Use lessong. lopp yfaites By Use epslo n ooUs ~wgrain ppesMfe Same resaesn. Whlite MâtonMrares poulS vitre obUaslo tlseirrlle on1 th Ue ski levant, aisso ilisson111ed by Use b Milton Recresatses Commilt la Question; Why did th0e moUser liant Usree socks for her sus aI millege? Aoswee: Ho weote Usat helld grosen aoathier foot Question: 1011s saisro lait a girofle wiUs a âme llseoatl Answe1: A IîÎppapeinos ail olsappeil lipa. Oaiktowne Bowl KERR STREET &QUEEN E. 844-1525 SUNDAY - OPEN BOWLING 9 P.M. - 12 P.M. 3 Gomes - 100 1 GAME FR11 Enjoy 12"7 HOT DOGS JUST ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS TREATS OR HAMBURGERS CHEESEBURGERS Murray Mood Drive-Uin HomeofIdelicious Flavor-Crisp Cbicken Base LIse Malie &70.6o28. Open daîly 0008:30 P.M. Feidan oend Satnedayt 12l.30a.e. Sunday 12noonOSP-ls Primo "Ple"- 140î Tis 990, SPAGHETI SAUCE S Bop One aI Regelar Prîce 31c and STDI WFE Evapoated MkReg 2Tins 43c Primo 00percent- perossaMer-2 ci lai. CARNATION 2T,ýe---o 351 VEGETABLE OL2.O9_ Spaghetti or Macaroni 3 istlss 99C wu nu oHLV M ORSMU MAIS, SolW Proeia, Vac Pa O w il s Premmum or Lazy Misple o swîîe PI-emum WIENERS 491b SIOE Bacon 59ils BOLOGNA 399 Coleman's Fiesh "A" Fye Freoli Barbecuec OIOKEN Salami 59c CH ICKENs 31b LEGS49b FehFresh Lean Fresh Lean 0110KEN ~ ~ 45 CHC 9 BUADE 8 EASTS ls. STEAKlb. ROASIS73b Fresh Lean Fresh Lean Fre ea Rats FreshiLean Moae BUTTER FRESH PGRK LIVER 2Lb9 691b. PGTTOE DLIOU8APPLES ' 35 C UCUMbors 2 r 290 OCINTOS MERm ~ *EONISNS 0 29 25 lbNo. 1 USA mexicai 1 Bg2-1. 9 TanmIma.d .11W. RàwïkmIL-t ii Rie 7.18es play'1 the or asM Beecl Sava eI Mowl Prior and V shoins mul porLo Mord ouil Ricin Recr Gaet Ici0 Beec wsfs payi thec Fire Murs Dole Le Of11i divis 2, L, Mult M( 31ev gams first seso Issu 1017e Glar a!So gi0e twii Brai FI tirs, Lac froir c Cou N Con Mes MilI Spi Oak E Use Mdl Oae ad cho R.à . MII Co" wa Wa MdM Lad MO YOU CAN DRIVE THESE CARS FOR ONE YEAR OR 12,000 MILES AND IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG, AND IT'S THE MANUFACTURER'S FAULT, IT W,11.1. BE FIXED