da ander Gerusan hae United edahave' S0O00 tatal nve aies ta in te B0 citdres d.~ îi silides. )S D "Tm, very eptimiotie ahout 9 t2, tcani toee us geing aeycoher but Up," Heitun MP Rud Whîhong saut fles weeh in a o"tcial s'ear-esd itervieo colti tus sesespape. ..The goverusuesi must couse ta gris sessh sme vers' tough arobleus itis year, but tue geseral attitude arrosa the country has chosgad mo murs. t e a usarhed ditteresce i people'suatituodesanom, couspared to lisa tie test year." hoe said. "lses' hove more talh i tise future, Ihes' are mach more optimistic nom." Long cession Haltmn's isusy MP ta currestly home trous tise Bouse ot Gemmons in Ottawa, and hosdhog mursaeros prohleus la tise ridag (plan tr>'lag ho coork in a weeltu vacaton) isetore tise Bouse restiues attingu us Feis. 16. Tise pacliasnsarys' essian wcci just reoesaed os Dec. 31 cous tise tlord tongest i te histury ai Casada ad, in te coordsofe Liserai Bosse Leader dila J. MacEaches. "a auh- atautiai ausousst et goverssent busmness isas hees compieted." Alihougs tise Homse got trougs mssne important hills, aime ane aies held uner for te seat seasion wtoch atarlo ho mld- Februar'. lTe icouse las bill, te esalishimest of tarus preduets murketisg huards, onerisanlisg afinareat and hal prucedures, estaishmuent ut te Canada Devetopuseat Corpuratiou, updatisg of veterans' pensisns, e organsiton et tederat coarts aad changes in te regioomi develupusient inventives uct, estlishimest ot a textile uaid cistisg hourd, amesdusens te anemptopusent insurasce asd poast ulice aels, amd even te bill which increated memisero' alaries are among the recelît accomplishusents of the generaimesi. Refmla sigaligsa But Whtcng elesthla tas retorm measores cous the legight of tai past yeur, as tuer on ho coas coscersed, "We haid aiea coasbsg 10 s'earn loe it," be seid. "I receîved a lot ot ltters from censhitueats and I spoise se te retorse bill, ttt i caucus and cn te homse. Many of te suggestios trom ceustitueois in Hlltoo coere tnorpnrated in te hunai !egislatise." lTe tederat geveroimeot hot alun had a hood in mass' aeco ,building projecle lu Ballon, revîecoed Wittng. Neco senior cîhuzens huildings ionch are masnly fisianced h' te tederat goversusent and bust soder te supervison aad management et Ontario Houssng Corporation)i have is.e opeoed lu Aclen, iblaon asd Georgetown and a 11h- mnit semer citizno epartseent building is ander construction in tiabville righi nue. Geared le inrume rentai hesng bas aise heen provided in Actes and Oubvîlle and a reposai toc a neco unit toc Milles es curreotis' ai te tender otage. A large prejeci tiated tee Oubvilie teil threugh cohen neigbort le te McCraney St. ares ohlected sed te gevernuseni and ciyle oficieis are censideriug eddîug usiulan esting lco-reoisl houomng preject en Maurice Dr. Pols'uer Indnstry Wisitisg aaid isis isiggeat ",personai" accomplismuent duig te puiait yesr mas te decisios hp Palymer Corparation, a crues corporation, to locate i Miltes. Be marked clonels' mit Ton of Miltes officiais lu moning Ptsls'aer te te tomnaond te reaaltiag $5,506.000 isdastrial plant, misichmwll requice a staff et ever 200, cous meti wort te probtemt, Canada Pension Plan effort, and dîsubîlîls' pensions the Asie oenuumeratemaystse litîcsud gossnadso. *Pctsonab ' achievemeuis ofl pes pw 1972, Witisg idicaedthe Sedanmol mece mass' sasaller iaiemse taI masti ai tese cases. te wccb h elpod ho hrhog about a people dAd mit have ho approach solution, Intraduction ut a their MPlfor action, bat once tsy "choses agent" apatousi i ASIhof mere us contact wit hines aias far people mai hand to Iravel ho aisle toasped upteatsi ery or Waterloo torune eupîomest cut daman n me et te red topo imsurance hesett and clis cnvolned. He cites many cases opiealsg ut a nm anemplupusent chere civil servants mere ofiei akil er neo tu ssvutiustomlp le sait aume et setrve the Oubvile an s'a on bis cosltttents, and a letier or arens; bis actions un litoratis' ailepsune cati t rom te MP gui "denens" ofut immgration case te popermur sapoeded up. tindiug molutions ho ceeansl TheU.S. surcharge oa importa, misich attecied many Haln israas, wsea a bioco tat teli duclasg 1971 but te goversusrent bound Sumne reliet lue muas'o uthem and Me. Wbiting cos usoy meeting mitb induatrialiais ou the surcharge and related prebtemns Wifi tore bo a tederal electise in 1972? Wbtung meut say a q dsetiniho "ys'o" hot taule Ibere la f "a olrung posaibiis" tat Prime YOUNG SKIIEBS msetintes aeed a helping and, us Clseis Watters prenes by escuriss his daslgiser Annse ai te Gien Eden Ski urea, Annte is une ut tise participanta ha tIse junior ski prugrami, coac i l spoauored by te Milton Recreaiua Commsùttee -<Riaft Photo) Safe snowmobiling course offered at Sheridan College For the sutets'-minded soneosbisg mst i taagbt, somcouiler, Shairidan Cetiege frem stoehang and auppig te will olter a cours e desigsed te toue machine te leurning train suesesobile operalero in smoubite regulttons isaued hs' mei of et une pesaliug te Depasteet ut Traunsport and techniques. chat local by-las muni b ha- Tie tco'das' cousem entitled merved. tinocomobileru mOl ai Sheridan Bote dtaase-Mobilics. onstrscaid ou campant resdlag, will ai cosdarted Jas. 15 and drivmng and steerig se isard Jan. 22S en tIse 250'ucre campus mse, mîit mnon and ire, ditterent ste ai tiberidun's Heavs' ground conditions, eculugs' and Equipusent tichoo in Milton. polltionse proles and noise Administraler ut te Heos' nuisance. Eqaîpuseni Scbool, Wilt Studentla otaWn ba adviced on Fournier, cobose main cobat te do in emerencs' respenshslits'centees around situaionescoen tere is a ngine natets', dli i chies isructor bar taîture or accident, survs'val te course. metuds lu cold meather, sehat Seme clasuroon instruction type et cluthiug and equipusesi ho osti i given us one et tai neco taise on long trips and boco ho ton buildings st oposed, hocaver sieigho and dimhtled muchines. te pructical application mt i nie cearse seiti cont $15. For monducted on tai open fields ai farther information, centact te te campas site. Cenhunuing Education Division, lAH-binuive Sheridan Collage, 845-9430 Oas- Ait sulets' aspects et ville); er 632-7161 lIBurlngtoni. Mînisier Pierre Trudeau wiii cut anrilectisu. Wuitic teris il wiii ieîihe fieif one is celird titis "42us.God record' "I ibins ce coul go ho the messer', cohen te lime comes, oith a gond record ut steward. stop." hoe sahd. Be tests bis ocon coork us the Homse and in te ridint coiS stand bim lu good teud cohen il cmes lime to campuign toc re-election. Besîdea bis regutar dulies us a hocb-bencber in Ottawoa, Wiing as been bans' on rîdîng preblemos and partsamentars' cuutmittee corb. He ts e memair et te speciai cemmsttee os euvhrenseeot and potiution, coblrh cous esb'eseis buts' betore te nununer recess. Ameudmeuts tu the Canada sbippmng aci coure gicen te bit cunmittee belore reaccgl te Houme ttmor for dehote. - . Be mat alsi activeos te pubie acceunts cummîttee, cobicb meetstho morucogs eucb coeeb and e eue et te muni active cmmîtteeu in the Heuse. For the sevin aes vivniiu'n s' th.ie Wbîtog trettes that the iederai goverusuent l "s"ucose as pior telephose erua malbun." Close as te phone "Wbes t cous elecaid, t cous elected le serve te people. Il tey bave a probtem il jusi taises a letter er a phone cati and t coO ce glaad le assi." During te r'- MILTON TELEPHONE I NSWEIINS SERVICE *PERSONALIZED 878-2020 tehains the normai coeeists arbedide tue a boss' Memair et Parbasmesi lise Rut Wldting, co serves the lederat consitu'-scs' ut Haiton in te Hume Gs Cummeus ut Othocoa? in a year-eud interieco te uther dus', Mr. Wldtsng explited les "normal" coeebtys' nedule cohen tai House es ta session and i teerhsoeut tu about neveu das's a meb, 14 te 18 boues a dus'. Mondas' merscngs you coitlind te MP catctong the asrport himousise trous Qabvitie, cobere i lîves, le Toronto aieperi. He flies le Ottcoa escb Mondas' muentas and ta ussatlist bis nffice in Parbiaseent's meat biois bs' 12 odesoc non. Bis tecretars' bs' tain hasithe mail reads' and ie onnatis' spends a couple of heurs goicg over te mail and dictaling letters, beture te Boume session opsens at 2 p.m. Weehead business Be stas's cn te Buse setil O p.m., tain renurms te bis oftice te seorb eut soluis te problecos cotons have mome up ai home i te rsdmng ever the coeebend. Wlsittag sas's be la oRtes iu contactcosth about 30 mustihoonto on an average coeekend ai home, mnd mncb ut tbîs requires lurthar action trous tIse Ottawa end. Bis screlars' usualis' stayo settil 6 er 6.30 pus., gelhing eut te mal seble Whoting mabes phose catis and han supper hetore rehocoiag ho te Homse for the evesing sittiug. Parliament adjourna aI 10 p.m., tain bie catis home te is site andl liu ammwerisg service in Onhusie le m e chas messages mus' have aceutlahod treagh te des'. Be l otfen spend antIl tt pus. un te pisone, returnig catas ho mmntiiuens, tan stas's lu les' out issneat da"sseus'i. Itisaettes usldaigist or 1123 aus. misen ha beads tue is aparimeat la Ottawea ta Ilia Msrning mseetings 'The nexi meraing linds bacc i fls ottsce ureuud 8 or 8.20 u.m. and belIl spend the murssing corîhng letiers, making phoe mills, or uttendcng censacittea meings. nie puislie accouais cemmitee,eof hicble is vice- cheirmen, meelu evers' Tusdas' asd'l'bursdaylrm9.30te Il am coll the raumus sees Wedl- nesdas's ft 0.30 lu 12.20. Fridays, te Homse session shorts ail ase. and adjouernsaround suppertime. Meancobite, df tere sa an important luncheon cn te riding, i coul maise a spociai trip home le attend it. On a regular coeis, bie tcoads home Frîdas' evening. Saturdays and Sundapu are speut in meeting coilb monsttuents er aitending social and buscness tonctiens in te rsdsng. "nia phone neyer stops ringcng, even un tiudays," bie says scit a grin. For Quàlity and Friendly Service ~" FLOWER st lansli SHOP MILTON PLAZA d78-2881 -Wedding Desins -Aeciersarles -Hosptl rrngesnts -Fuserai Trihulas SORRY FOR THE 1100H VENIENCE Tony's Barber Shop IS NOW RE-OPEMEB ta serve aIl mur reaular and flou oustomers 153 MAI1N ST. MI1LTON Revlews fat yeor ln Interview MP Whioting optimistic about 1972 (CLEARANE~ The Chamspion, Milton, Ont., Wedes., Januoey 12, 1972 3 week cohen hie a in Ottawa bis He aise gels "buttonhed,, coste takes messages ai bis home when ho tours the ridzo% for telephsme in Oakvitie, 845-M16, meetings and public speing aod if she is out an amiwering engagements, and has lseld an service hoodies the catis. "open houoe" recently in each Whotmng cats home at teast mseicipalty in the Halles ridlsg, mnessages tsdecafusuale ati catiy diccous their cproeblemo sema the pcccsv back leler the cere 'ielurdayinoi,îg or ateroon, dayý withou an appotrinient Home owners can now roduce payments BY AS MUCH AS HALF ouas nome oconer are nec ailgibie for a lac cool second ne Ihird coorl5age ioan fum $2,000 lu 125,000 at reduced coonlhly Itarmenîs. FinI ouI hou a oc ost huma ocner soan can pay ail cour hbis, gice cou addilimnai cash Il raquired and al the same lima reduce cour montly paymenîs hy as much as hait. Find oulhoweasy itisîua e youroan approcag.. nIthin 24 houes. Cou sancisaito 10 pes. lodlay lor heiplut courîes ser- vice. Promnpt Inestmant Corp,Lld., 330 aysi.,Toronto. Cali coituct 3U-9586, ecesing si ai1-14a .Seven days a week MP describes busy schedule i'c~ I ~. .1, t OFF JES mo