Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 19

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tmp year, Feuuir SCOUTING AHEAD to oeewtnieh direction hew noailer M Most ont Mnl onommoMile ot the ohoutd take Ma Frank Steptoe of Miltn, a-ho KeMso Conervatin Park-.4taff Photo) mon taldog adrootage cf Sotm-doy'n good OUR READERS WRITE: <Cualinurd feum PateOBI) Coanril mem1ec Mave oniy Ma eead IMIir ropiea ut galdelicea tue Oie M.O.H. and boardsoftbeilih tureaice the oveemheCg reaponiien rareied bp De. ChamMe-! il beromea icreaingly rime a-bp Haltonc ruty s cuind tar a Migb turcover ut icalth peeali and as liadt ai iciai fine MOHas amre 1965. h-Mtn reaidecia mMo are rumpeleci publir health nures are travelithg Peel andWellingtonMmuebr ratifir iMo tarce Oie ridircloun cane lodc, teostrations and lart ut joh satisfation in North bh-ltoc. A qaurk rumparioc miOi Peel and Wellington mndiraim mve are deth-lteily a "Muve oui" rumLny. otb ceigbricg heaith uiMs Mave Merger peotemsiocai ataffs, mare mn-aere edacabumni prugeamas lu buep Oieîe otaff up Mo date, mure relevnt and Progresuive bealth cr",irm. BoOi bave asistant medîrîl attirersanmd Peel han an admîiitrauive assisant. 'This as murh Moo beoad a Mopir lu cuver in a leiter Mo tbe prems 0oM 11wth boaed ut heaiOi but me inuni eiu aumembere ifi hlac r.enec ore evr ging lu oMert rereivno A Mitter tramn Qabeille lamper JohM tepea- Mu Oie HalMon Regiuc Canservation Aatsueiip deoplog mpy cocnc ci iermtin mon Oakn- ville land deai min dioronoedl ai 'lbnurmiiy'a meetmng ut HRCA. 'The letter asahed a-hp 1h, urigmaMe, ci Oie ca-nflir chMege dldn etr "bie a man" and tlt Mo Depea- peeaucallp. Th'l'beba man"lause aa direeted ai Gabville Cumrni0uor Robet Himper. AI 11w Nuvember meeting ufti 11HRCA, timper Mdai aukei tue au icvesigaion ut an moppietyi1hewtnmof Depea-, a-M aa ar.g au the AoOiueiiy' oliur. Depea- badl remmeoded lu tie Authorit liMit il reluro a pacel oftiami il Mad eoprupriiied tram 11w Holo HeighMs LMi. rumpacy. The îautsoiiy had arooîred Oieeel carrein ut lami Oie cservirea Oiey are aledy Meing Moxed t propane Oie tuiiumicg: (if tormîligate Oie temibiiiy ut netiig up an advioy rummitiee M 11w board ai 1h-ath an lu dace rnsmecucien; (b) prunide pr-eau 'ancrage uver h periud uftlime Mo expiaic rommuîity bmiOih rare and t1w nariu pruteanuat u auld he upeeaig. These cuid pusîblp mrfaude pre-catal riasses' heiler pre-arbuol prugeama, addiction nervicea, arboi health, hume rare and uthero lau cumeruu Mo mectioc (r) ereryuce ith riîioim or îdeau tue uopeonemretrcal]ormriteuone ufthOe bard fromt Oie rompmny Oive peara agu, tue Oie iotsorily'n Murrîmon- Wedgemuod diverior haooe jautmweniuofthewEgbl Loir. The poasîble sourre ut a runOlirit oitreal arune in Oua Depea- mac the î'ire-peideoi ut Oie Ruaiep Heîghtu rompaop, a fim rlunelp rooncred a-iih Huitoc HeighM., Empr lter enyfaîoed fo io payer. Depea-, in hos Inter, eoplimed he mia ol an "arrommodaion dircrlr" ufthOe Roolep brimn pelur Mo 1965, and bail o ficaiai icierent a- Oie ta-m. 'The laod ane îdvinurp Muara ut Oie AutMeriip absolveil Depea- ut mny roncîrt olnereol. The Moail aine rerommneoded Oua Oie AoOiuritp beep ta-o uftihe tree pirreilm ad andlaen the tid Mrck M Huluon HeiabM., RHOSSE N0W FROU TV -Hi-Fi -Stereo- Record Players - Radios - Tape Recorders - Humidifiers - SmnaII Appliances - Chord Organs - S-Track Car Players - Speaker Systems - and Stereo Chairs Tour dernier in Elsotrohomo and Sony fins produots RUTLEDGE TV 26C Main St. MilIton Pool RtIedte-870 4633 Darîag une regalar meeting lait uurrk, membr, ut Miltuu -Nlmied Wiit Peuuon ireorh nspertur duricg the absece ut building cosperMor Ray Clao, mho soa baidapo. -Learoed the lame apeol on eoiimîted t4,000 luot year dapiratiog reports, lettera ami minutesntar ruriiuea. -Appeuved use ut roocilos rcouttee roumn tue meetingsofu Milton SOca Oh-du Soummubile Club ac Wudceodap eveciogo ace a mootb. -Gare thlrd readicg Mn a bp- lam rcagmg the naine ut Base Lice Rd. Mo OMelea Are, flue rucy rurt han givec iai appeuval M 1he rcage, tuiiumicg a iiearicg. -Aypruved a hy-iam aauricmng Oie Mmen ta orrum UP Mo $200,000 asnceeiled tue crreci copenditarea, octil lia revenoes arr collerted. .-Nuted Ontario tiuaicg Corpoeaiou n alled Mondera tue a 22-umit senior ritlaeca huSaig buildiog ic Milton. Teodern mill nanae Feh. 1. OHC mia ucahie lu tiail a ouitubie site a îbed budera ta teoder peoposais tue laods Oiey ume. -Reteered a groot reqocol Mmom Oie S1. John Ambulanre ta lhe budget rummittee, tue ruuaideeatiuc. -SupporMd a Haltuc Coumty SepariMe Orbaul Board requent to Oie provicial gveromeot ta have nenerai rupies ut auueoomeci ruia prepaeed ami furmard oce ta the arbaul Moards. 'Mie ruaI t ubtinig a daplirale ns prohibitive, Oie ord Mold cruc in i letter. iy oft Ml mnd Al mouid 1w --Rereved a chter tram action!James G. Strain, 0 West Mary ariloS ., i1weaieoîcg a lîahilitp chai hicrl, i aoy tariher iloudo are OinreeeiyM. ,wema eoperieoced dueico beavy raina f Me.) Aoa M Oa-Muao or ihua- perimia. He blamed a draainage iih ai lb, barb ami debonea renperbung Mediral aide ut hîn dmellicg, and thanddBoardsuofbiealOi may nuggeaied the tua-c mabe oProviorih- Deparniect of Impruvemects. Camrciluora Mb il Seeries raorh, Queeo'o a oi the Mmen'a iiability bol mited prupuod impruvemeMs ta the rreeb a-uI t ouirot St. Z:> ý muld h-lennate Oie dioger in duit -Eopeaned amazemecft the f Iict mpuary reication ofta Bell eCad raen untai S02,34 tuea lui Mn he muved ta, permit insal. Da l lation ut a ink oea-e, prujeri. Hooaper arrepied the bondiogo ai the huard, but direrlel Auiborîiy a-embues lu the paragrayb 10 the lelMer mhirh ruutined 11w atatemeni "oct ile a mon". "Ju oui tew recueil, i doo't ieci lu aueab arumi biint b dauba. Tee aanootsing alaudeeoaa in aobicg Oie Auihueipyt luooa ino the maine," he ruorioded. -Leaeoed Milon chare ut rualu oc theruconervation autsueîip'n flomi ruoleol projeri onithe ioMeoMîileCeehi me miv $1o,uu7.11 lu dole. The auLf.,rîip bac opeci $24,952 lu Nov. 30 andl the lumu os reapuoible tue R5 per reot ut 45 per rentof uthe ruai-lb, provincial govermroi gractis 5 per rent. -Rereivel approval lu Tour Butohor W th winter upon us and travellig i icuit Phare pour order in. FIEE DELIVERI WARREN CHARLTON Maple Leat SIDE BACON vac Pic6 c Fretin Baby Beeft LU VER Reg. R9c Ilb. 69 PGRK HOCKS c 29. n -Is.En coninue the Mmen iaudtîii pruleci on Commercial Sif iuei15. -Lcarued Ontario Waiec Revourrea Commission han appruved icsalliation ut mialu ireaimeci tariliticsati the b'uipmer Cuepuralluca ne apaiemo building plant on Haeeup De. A 3,000 gallon aggeate 6,200 gallonclarifier miOi acrm pli acd uludge pli and a 10,000 tillac holdiogtaMnb are eaiimated Me ruai t43,00t. -Reeved mord tram MilMon Cammiltee ut Adjuaimeci Oua Charlea Thomson, Charles Fap and Edîih Chiahuim bave appeaied the rommîlleens deriaioc on Oie Rubert Cross propocai lu huîid oc a rommuerrial peuperiy ai 70 Main Ri. 'Mle Ontario Muicipal Buard miii hold a hearîug bol the date Mas ual pel bea set. -Apyroned peomnoliuns utf ihree polire attirera, eftective Jan. 1. Ogi. G. W. Patteraoa ma uamed Sergeaci lui riaun a-hile Coostables Roy C. Smith und G. Wayne Eiaia-md mere yrumoMed Mn ronstables 2ad noa, on Oie rerumecdaiu ut Police Ciet Ray Audreau. -Granted a raiue ut $5. per meebt Mh 11w a-aool rruomsig guardu a-bu haodie atudeut cruauîcgsaiMartin and Thumm, Rus. I J c .. Fonce type IMilIton Council briefs discussedM W1hat type ut teore-barhed mireaormuadec miihbeooeduat he westeru purtion ufthé Keo Cu avrciua Accu. mai dîccusscd ai the Thuccifuay meetinguof 1h, HRCA. 'The opurs ufthle foac, aS lu krrp Keluu park viaituri tram treopassing on Mour parrelu ut private prayertiniohalares. The laids atteriai are awoed by the Huiru, Cary, MrMurray ami Jeuainga taaahffei. Nasaaeya Reeve Mec. Aooe MarArtur nattected Muildint a baobeiweave muadet tec, herauce ahe did oi tavar Oie wuvea mire tece liii la-a utraudu o airbet ma-e mbirb Oie Authariip bad ruatemplaied I mus decîdel 11w Autharityns rcuaervaiu areai advicury admwuilualokîo te malter. JOHNSONO.oI IOPTOMEIRISTI * 218 Main Sit. S Milaon W1ed1eoday and SaurnuyJ aChamion, Mdio, Out., Wednes. Jnay 12, 1972 8 BRIOABLOON= 200 YARDS ONLY - ONE COLOR MOSS GREEN - TIP SHEARED E HEAVY WEIGHT NYLON -LUXURY CARPET FIRST QUALITY Broadloom Reg. $10.95 sq. yd. /4" Robber Pad Reg. $1.95 sq. yd. Installation Reg. $1.50 sq. yd = Total Value $14.40 sq. yd. WMILE OUI PuICE $ 1n9 IT LASIS! INSTALLED . -STAIRS EXCEPTE[>-- faON SIE fUIS ALSO AVAILABLE K. W. Clemont & Son FLOUE OOVEIINOS 123 Thomas St. Tel. 878-2194 Milton, Ontario We her Plen mrceMnoeeauome Copies ut gui Ofirerautf Heail 1w ubtuîned truc HeaIth, Operal Part, TorontM. La wyer'denies con in Oakville Iand d ULAR CM 878-2513 lni coton 66< 32< 56' 64< AT. %iT -I ..............

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