86Tht Cheampionv. Milton, Ont., Wedvts., Jauary 12, 1972 --Ncwr cahaindart went litu Unt -bà in ackp y"or, Fébruuy on the wouland las 29 dua White Oaks Greaser Week reflects 50's ByEd Ford Thiegn are harh te normal torte egain, etter tht Christnean intidayn, or et teent pertilty. Thettirtt weeh harh vila dctarcd greaner weeh. Ment et tht ahie hadied men it tht scheet hrtnght their tues et greane (long tince tsed> ami nhrhked their hait hach 'Mes style. Tht ment peptier mode et attire mai short btach t .ens, e tite T-shirt wlth e light hule Shirt ever it, andene ot mourne id with the nleeven rnttcd op and wehite seclit with ptîntedl htach short. The girts came n manne in tong, long skirts. Meile hohby nnrhn. rnnitleg Shes, a shirt ami with their huir lis pcny laita. Ait enemhty wsea hctd dnrlog tht two tunch perimiin shener et te oreehensthehig boys weetd ottlet theschnt t of rteux title for te fentive arranion. Micky Nenfril ami the Ntneplrcrn were the teahuet çroup ami the conintedl et Michy Hlercules Hormone, Duhe Zinmermmn mnd Arthur Pittbead. Tbey did some gotd et' rork n roil tihe Elvis "Ail Sineli Up", andt the Beach Beys, neocl te tht eitjeyment et jent ahent Math game for teachers IF TEE INTEREST et thase ytungtrs ns a standard , (Sien tht puhlie swimng ait the indeer pool of She Ontario Scltttl fer tht t)tnf, nehicli is being spontortit by the Milton ttecreatitn Commnittee wtt a rontiler event on A.M. Robinson Film traces Sattrday. The Commnittee is rendocting Fin progrant os an extperineentat hasit fil detemmine interest. Tht pool will ha open on Ja. 22 and 29, htt wFll not ha open ltis Satwrday.-<ýStaff Photos) trip to South America Gntd Newt Year 10 you! Weil inent e are hacli agate, t suppone yen are wndrng nelit ever happtned te Sata Clans alter t tld yon dhat Fanny ami tht gang hadt threattned te kideap tht sîtigli and Rodoîpli Lockity Senta and hîs rivet have a sali- scrîphioe te the Canadien Chant- pionmad hid reed nty rotine. He etttred lis fliglit plan stîghtty ami ItIt Femny and dt crent ttratded santewhere nieur Dawson City. Neediens te nny ne tIent t dinapponted grop of trouble' mahers hante fer Net Yeet's and dty are lieck te hatp wth this wreho ' cetnn. Se tet's go. Roinson lid toe vey spectat annenthîtes dis neeli. ere te report on the titot ove is Tutay Wypewritr. George Vinecevt Iront tondon, Onetario, visited MMe Wednesday witl a tehotous 1dlm accounto ls t avets on the West Coast et SouSe Anterîca. Lent diar a year ego ha and lis niett mnd dhir tne tntatt cidren vtsited sente efthSe baclinard spots ot tIS t tsatteg country. He described the culture et e tew S.A. trtlles tint cery len ntte menlheve ever seen and tried t gtve an mestde peeli et severai aspects et thetr flt style. Frîday. tht Bnnrd et Edocalien sprang a surprise esenthy. Tes menthers et tha Hamilton Plt- harmnecentrtned tht senior stedents ntd e nosi' and tilm dinptay. Tht neoscians were oIteadng and many of uswere strucit nonelit îSeio nemle hangers. t wotd tîke le. however, express nty d'sgost nîth e lent stuents aho ee etetin ee hidi et tht auditoriunt 'Who ere tatng sache rackiet talkig ami nmsnng rond tSt itmust havt inen radier entharrassng for She musiccens on th otage. Conte on, yon gays - et's sowe e litte ELECTRIC SFVICE n INDIJSTRIAL MÉAINTENANCE " ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING "ELECTRIC HEATING "WATER HEATER RENTALS 878-2048 FEE ESTIMIATES cenrtesy! Paent-Teacier interviens hagn nest eeit. nentere, Sde. dis is the time elien yoor patenta get the tnsîdt tlo et nehat Tee are reetty doing in theertesseent tetersviews for stadents ntt sornantes A-L îvithaTliohrsday, Jan. 13 and TutdeydJan. t8for M -'Z. Theateerlerstt hat c ocaed in tht doulte gymnesiontamd nei She entait cafeteria. This neteannouncenent is te ai th lin nthe croed. Ladies' gymnastirs te in tuit s.ing. Tht teee lias heem choses, ami dt gais practece every Frîday elter- ose seaty ini gyme lent and etssays in dise slieepy uitIle uni- oi'iis. 'lis yeor there oi lie dirrc entries in the toutr teels novice, junior, senior and etîte ie dt foer esercise, hataece litant. She unees and vauling. Thet's greot eor the geys. but ithat abot us girls" Wlierr is tht bioys' gyntoastircs trant? HANFIIN' LOOSE 1. Wr do have Stecl tRiver. Dig tl. Fridav Jan. 14. Tito teechers et J.M. Detyne Srhant miSl ha jortteying tt Acton Jan. 19 te talle part lit a "*math gaine werkshep". Tht teachers neili, with citler tearbors in the Comnty help te devine metheneetiret quiztes and puzzles for miuatimeal parycien. Ail tht prncipls of Hata County's etementary arhnnte seit ha holding a nemnir et J.M. Denyts os Wedl., Jan. t9 tei dineais tht generel prohtenn tarit tht edeceters. Ibe scteel wilbenettingupea three phane art worlishep. Tht Rist phane hegins next Mondey et inn0 pi.. Hoiday plannet Mittot' elementery scinels: J.M. Denyts, Bruce Street ami WlI. Dicli suggent lbat Jeteery la oatseowneonth midi ne specil actîvities pteneed. Parents are advised that rteldrtn wdl ha Service award to Norsworthys Mr. and Mrs. Homard Nornwortliy ot 420 Main St. E., Miltoe, ownnrs et tht locat Colligan Sett Weter Service, mes recety hoeored liy tht contpaey. At e prrestatits lit Toronto, they ttceved n emard for tint ytate of service with Cuigmn. 2Ifyou menti to t ontie great Maplle Lent style, sit in on the girls' tomant horkey tinalse di weel. 3. Looh ont Emsttr Bmnny, FanyntaYibnout to get yoaeext tie. SPECIAL ... MENIS AND BOYS, JACKETS AID SWEATERS ~s'Il SELRITE STORE~ 194 Main St. Mille. haieng a holiday on Feh. 18. Tht eteitentary teachers et the mmuty are holding e proenienet dtnelepneent day n thet date. everyone. A fent Fraternity Brothersn whe are net respenseie for their actions, tlirew garbage al, the star performer but did flot fid hus mark so Artihur livyt on ntaiong. Better lurh next tinte, frat boyn. Mo hthne On Frlday night Thic Teenage Blandneas et White Oalin te topeoff tse festivities. flsey dld ail norts et nenga, neit ail etd atnft. Qste a flamber ot peeple tnrncd up dethet tnt it greaner attire. Ansi truc te tern a tnt et ida get tce haot for beltg it the ntale et ineitin (drani>. The French trip te the Wlnter Cernivat han been nlaed for Fehreery lth tei the 1eth. Net enty de«yen trevet vie te rapide yeeeleay ineoneetQaehce'n nwn hotete; which net tee bnd for e nete titty dellars. Aussi, fi n'y net pan necaire d'aller en tente poar quatre journ. Nething cille it nent enccpt tt boys en top have umneney tentent et skippers, whlch la rare. They musnt have huid tee nench Rond wit and jny oet the hehidays. Oh, and ail tht niatin treillis are hack with their tant and Mteabohtthtw nbeerahty tot it wan in P'torîde, hut lhnt'n haw sornet peopte are. SolCul", FOR COLD W E WEATHER OR 00 PIJOTEC PROTECTION EàTN 8 8_ 'IlTR 78-6380 . s .11 Tl Your Shell Dealer BELL BROSIII M mIýILTON SAVE M D I FA D JA DOZEN~ STOC TO CH WE AI WINT MAKE W Buy EarI MILTON PLAZA ON RESS BRIC 'URING NUAR 0 F REGI K PAlTER 1005E FR4 RE CLEARING ER STOCK TC AY FOR SPR y For Bost Ci KENT (FUI BADt BEftI, CT iC AIST CihtERS) ~4 NEDALYNOXZEMA 19-OL. ONETAINS MGUTHWASH 114S VITA I SFASTURELIEF FIBIFPIN UF UîTîîtttITIE tItiu NEUICIIUI SU (mIIWSOWnOEILrmui T: 1 .66 SACCHARIN 22< 32< INOtUSIOOll AND NIEiIl-81,tIU1) MAGNESIA i2 5c JEANNE PIERRE SHAMPOO l 9 KENTCUEAsL MULTIPLE vITAoeNS (FITPUVIES uwvnu LaL 2.12 wf094- (tUllEsS HEOItUIlUh, IEUEtES FIg PREPARATIONN1056 GINTMENT N H 56 SUPPOSITORIES FEUE- 644 FUICES EFFECTIVE MON. THRU tAT. JAN. 10OTHRU JAN. 15l WE RESERVE TH1E RIGHT TO LtMIT QUANTITIES £~O MAIN ~U. MILMUN JLAR NS ING solce 878-2513 I.