Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 17

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Kilbride The Champion, Recreation group forms new executive orlly ini Ontaro. etienal centres perated mnarkeît dune vegelairles nIai uie wili , whlir staff IrSn erations will be knfee 10 other 0Aiet ltir thiri If. isd ni.. noanit elght nom. at71 Ilsent Ion I 19 tîng ry trajîrd Yia can cîmplete idaws gs 's T S EED orne Feed imped ifitote By Mes. Jtoi Hailton Tire Nortir Tratalgar Eucirre Clair ireld lhir finit rachre party et tire yeae 1972 on Satarday mugirt, ai lire Narth Trafalgar Recreaton Centre.Tirere were 10 tabrles af eseirre in play cir lire follneîîg tadies tiniig lie top pris Mns. Marie Peacocr, Meî. Marie Marray aid Meî. Marîerie Spaelrng. Thre igir stirie ir e men ere eon iry KeiBi Webbk, Chrartes Browniand Balpir Fralieriien. Tire laetry drami mire wn iry Wîlire Nux and Mes. V. Sinclar. KIai Marks of Bronie, massa guearite home of Me. and Mrî. Ji Reid of Moeniry, muere sire eruisyrd lie Ciremlinas irîllda 'murtri ter reid lAnnetellefBm KIares irad îiited ai tihe ride in lire iommnee lime and eas very isiereiled in tire farm ancrais. Entel synspatiry Bev. Miltoi John Aikîs, dird Ln Sii. Josepiri Hospital os Friday, iec. 3l, allihe agi nI 82. Me. Aien mas setie in lie Meliridot aid Uied Cirren otlie Hamilton aria aid Qakilli. Me. Aiten seredalihe EdensUited Cirri prier la moning le Paticia Or., Burlinglon, aid Oakvelle allier i reririmeil cn 1957. Me mas peesideni if tire Mamilton Cntereneo ethlie Uied Cirurehirnl 1944. Me iî tsenivrd iry has ielnned mite, Edna M. Mant, aid daugitrles Ruith et Toronto, aid Jean et Sauli lire. Marie. Tire taieral sevcman cndarird in West Plains United Clîseir Birrîiglai, an Tariday, Jas. 4, 1972 ai 10 a.m. tires la, lire ScarowFunerai Home, inTara, chier lire Memerral Service mas ield ai 3 p.m. Foras n fttss dcerneet Day fer "Fauu on Fiilesi" mas ireld an Saiurday, Jas. 8, ai Si. Fouirs ELCMPBELL H C rac n.t ..e.al S ELECTRICITY IS Dur0-6378 UnitedCrurcr, Milton. A numier if 4-H Clubr memirers partiripaied cn lia projeel aid a lagir pereentage eompleied lire cus.Betty Jeai Mareirmesi aid Chistîine Krruin mire perienird murh urner easiy hanses aid Joyoe Wilson m as presenird murh tr proncial ironori. Congratulations are iiieidrdiiiiteii girls and ther leaders. Me. aid Mes. Garry Mamilton efthlie Ninlir Liie,nvisilrd murh Me. aid Mes. Dan Stria et Gitarie Si., Miltos, as Saiarday sigiri. Gel Weilmîisirs are exlended la Mes. Clarren Pearcirk mhiras a patienti n tire Milles Ditrict Mosital. Siere sycpatry us iiieidid te tire Coursr tamily ai tire sddrn drath et Me. Arcie C. Course, mie 4-rd ssddenly muile nisilint finends ai Orîlîro, on Frîday. Jan. 7. Greetins Brriirday greelinge are enieided la lire fellaming mira arr eleirealîse thur irlirdays,' David Pearson as Frîday. Jan. 14; Albrert Mareirmeni aid KIes Ella as Saiueday, Jan 15; aid Leaiel Sisal as Saiday, Jas. 16. -Assîversary greelinge are eslrnded te Mr, aid Mes. Albert Merenne on lhir crddint anvr aso Sunday, Jas. 1t. lce adrloiîmg sire eausrd lire dealir et lorsa Priers as Frriday iiicrmngetrmsshrsaas rînalard ias an acident an 'Trafalgar Rd. aid lire lamer Maie U.îs Miss Peuers mas on ier may la, thei Mly Besary Seireal aI Milles muere rire targiri setrail. New Kilbride correspondent Tirisincek rs. R. Zwirere et Kiliride assumes reipasiility fr lie Kîliide aid dirict secs nlami ir Tire Cirampiais papalar Disrice Page. Mr. William Wates, cira has hies srîtrag lire Kilbirde secs fee seneral yearn, is takine a arrnpoarry halîday tram trer orwatlichreirr. Orgai ailas aid indinidai in thSi Kilirride aies dissen le trane secs nvladrd sn lire ceily Kiltride enlumain as otact Mes. Th SaIvation Arny~ PICK-UPTRUCK I N Mî T 0N & ARE EVERYTUESDAY B) Mrs. R.,Zsider The Recirealîvu Association held urner lient meeting tas. 4. Tlie ew siate ai ettirîrs teorlire yea areasellowi; president Alfred Vandeîpytrer, vire president Or. R. Muiriread, secretary Doraithy Murray, treanarer Versa Parent, trai vanvener Rais Sandersan, sacial esavener Mes. B. Osreihire, puirery Mare Lasedo, rinir ramvener Fred Arnold. ThreBoardalorreelars cansista ai: Lloyd Carte, Paul Osirue, Bruce Nihrlson, Stan Prie, Rudy Renier, and teen represen- tatine Randy Nykrai. Triketa are beine raid for a daince te ire ireld Fer. 19 ai Malton Sparlimen's Clair. Meetnges are la ire held an thre irstaTuesday (I eacr mentr Skating trip Tuesday. Oier. tire papils et Kilbirrre retnial enîryrd an iarsual esperriere Tire re anas renird ai Nres Armna aid tire chair semol ai aien iry irus tee Ian iraurs of siraine lai. Tin cas a tamiely affair aid parents ere rnvted In go alane. Far liane chrîdeen cira er narie la skate ai alternaivne trip cas planed far aire ramne day. Tire sradenln aranelled iry irant lToronto cirere lirry nreced amerial Clirniar dinplays ai City Hall and vai r indeans Altageiiernsen irarleads enîvîrd lirece pecral trips. Carat sineirre An excellent allendance enjoyed the Clhristmas Ene cammunily caral srngig servie at Kîlbircde Unitedl Chareir Me. and Mrs Williama Wates, Bll raid Ken mere disier gueits wairh Me. aid Mr. toi Grenier and Daiel if Guelpr, Jan. 2. lOn Chitmas day, Me. aid Mes. Gardon Ornai sernrd Cirristmas dianer ha 25 memkheri et lhir tamdy and relatives trin tre rraandiig area. Chritmaas vsttrs Me. aid Mes. Boir Seirhiigis nrilrla fie Cirristmas day wr Me. aid Meî. Haevey Mener and Marne tram Fergas, Gitarie, Me. and Mr. Haeney Baker, Mamilton, Meî. Lerre Kennedy, Mameilton, Me. asd Mn. 30e Henry of Kiliride, Misi Mairel Bairer and Miss Ais Harvey tram Waieedams. Tis isr as ainnal tamîly galirercg micir iran lakes plane for aner 5i yeari. Cheristmas day nîsîlees eilir Me. and Mrs. lames Welirerell werr, Mr. rad MrGeorge irdand and Geogina, Me. and Mes. Bi Alîsas, Me. aid Mn. M. Mader aid Micirael, Whtniiy, Me. aid Mes. J. Welireeli, Birliig- tos, aid Vasg ensomn, Campireil- ville. Me. aid Mns. Bill Frets aid lamîly, Miltos Meeirhta, aid Me. and Mes. Asdy Weiirerell mire Chrîimas dîmner gueils et Me. aid Mes. Clîiafrd Frets. Mr. Billy Anderrs aid l am'lySi. Catirarinse, ipeil lai. 2 euth lhir aail, Mns. Aima ISsîlard, Mes. Pearl Anedersn aram Guelph mas aise a gest. fusner gsesta Me. and Mes. R. J. Weir, aid Me. and Mes. Kelly Sirarpe ere COMM UNITY RELATIONS *Snow Vehiclo Open Meeting 4 January 19/72, 7.30 P.M. MARTIN ST. SR. PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Safety Films& Discussion Period EVERYOINE WELCOME Corteîsa y o the Milî Istono iep rimrent Mailton, Nec Yeair s lis diîmer ge ste of Mre. aid tîte, Dnsg Sirpe. Walirrs 1,cr, esnlinelan. New Yeaeasdinnerestsof Me. aid Mes. Bair Scihin mere, Me. aid Mes. A. Burbridge aid tamity, Cedar Sperigs Bad, Mei. 1eeiard Cslso, Lmuile, aid Me. aid Mes. Jai Henry. Mn. R. Zmieirer and Cathry ipeit lire irairday meek milir Meî. Zmicereiiralier, Mr. and Mes Erre Bita of Waierloo. Wltiam Watson aid Leasard Pege irave rerenily reiaeied trami a wmýeek trip la lire Britih mira, mirere iirey vinird narreas places et inierrl in Eeglaîd, Scailai aid Ieeland. Bill Watson, Juior, irai irer esnvalesiis ai lus irome this werir mur a mner rsîary, reisîlîse tramn a skirîs ac- cident. champion meetings ffy lits. Bon MeLean Cammaioai wii be sirserved net Saiday. Tire smali meeting miii hi ireld Jaiaary 18. Holiday gatheetees Miss lsusas Simpson, Grade 2 ieacirer ai Wawa, fiew dloms -o speid lie Cireisimas iriltdays mlii hier parents, Me. and Meî. Des Simpion. Me. aid Meî. Dane Munri had hîs pareils tram Masîteulin teland visii hem over Cireitmias. Amase many famrly gatireringi mere 34 ginits esiertraîrd ai Ear Ward's a lare ernd allihe niai ai Chas. ITeamsninc Aeias; il gienli for New Year's dinier ai Rai Mrl£ains District Page Hornby Provincial, counity honors at 4-H achievement diay FOCUS ON FITNESS was thei thrne of thei 4-H Hsmematdng Certificalci arc (sitting) Sandra NsrtemeenF, Lydia Wisiid, Club Actitevemeit Day belld i St, Pautis Uited Ctsaeci as Joye Wilson, Louurn Bemdfci, Kattiryn de Boer aid Sahraedy. Provincial raid Coanty lavties anere peesented ha Elizathi Anderson. Bekied tirem stand lie minors of tire severai girls of lire 4-H Clubi, wko Bie tire yearn trave Maittin Coanîy Msnors Certificaies. Proudly hrolding lireir managed ti comptete woelirwtile peojecta tne thte direction ceetificaies are Bisai Van icrle, Betty Marcirmeni , Chrristine ofthle 4-M Clsub. Thei hoiders of the Provincial Haocir Kreaz, Msarg Anderson aid fMa Deinii.--<Btaff Photo) R.R. 1 LIMEHOUSE, ONTARIO (3 i-to Georgetown,off No 7 Highway) Ice Skating - Snowmobiing Snnwmobile Rentais Competitinn Snowitmnbiie Trsck Dancing Sat Jan. 15th "RAM" Telephone 811-6412 drying timfe i8 anytime with a'new Why motet' about mashday weather? Or iaggiag damp wvash to the lire? Pop your things inr0 an electric dryer and, ra n or shine, they corne out tresh, wmninkie-free and requre Iess ironing. Take the lime nom lu consider a newv electric dryer. Have a litile more lime I0 call your ocre, corne washday. live better etectricaily MILTON HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-2345 CLJj Mài 'J !: ELIABT AI 7141UADYU ILT UR OU OKTBO :: *MILAGNNTOFOR 212 MAN Si.F78-449 -I Ont., Wednes., Janay 12, 1972 5 Ebenezer Choir, u0Cewe I.& ffl-- 7E N T7REY F 0 R IM la LOW BELOW 1

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