Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 14

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52 Te Chamtpion, Miltoe, Ont., icedona., Javnary 12, 1972 eihit weII f44leghNO COULTER ai PREPARED Nover hbille a nomaqon bondbag; itlta the omatteot orea inhere nonSI find the mont-the inonlda simateat filig robinet. First, of rouroe, there's a bit of 'ooney for the parrbnase of grocorien oant boaonbotd necenoitien. Tben tnaybe a $5 bitt (more of mons) ta tncited anay li a onrret pocbet for on omergency or bargoin Ibttogbt crn -ote. Thte chaqute book we muet carry atong anltb bitrc t notationso0f reet purebonea, lte boit bonok achancesaore Ibere tao batance) and tbe Cborgea mord wbirb neyve oner bradt tbe norv e bi non yot. Identificatinm ontseverairoarda beaidea the one for tbaet purpoont itoopital and Mooneum anailiary memberalap, birtb certifirate, driver'n lironce' norial mnaroore nambor, froternat mombernbip c.r, departonent sbire rredit rard (nonicited), llbrory carda-att titrer ni tttenn Red Cross blond gronping, boapilol innoranco oant Onltttynnmiers, several busnesscard tiraitbearte phoneonoter of perran ne natgbt want to phtone niten m lte city and on envelope of Dopartient of Higitinyt bridge lobeon taboe tbeir plane aong otber onacettatrr ten tome opaper teffiog of the nenrt traveogno, a notice ofIUC.W. exnoutveond annnalineings, eyegtaaa case, apen, pecl and tarta boir, a tube of bond croate, a bote of non-calorir- anertonr, a boa of titroat lozengea, a len ontacid lablels, o plastie Inider cootoinn neyerai sapobota, tnn aplope of rocb inrais, titrer miniture cotons nf lte nnrld and, o Rin bottle of aapirin. Wbon ot ooededlao drive lte cor, get in lte boume or to mncit neverat alter dnnca, nul ie thte botgiog bey-cane. Las bul ot least are lte grnonmng aids: niadtilte, tino comoit, fipaltela, a itatteed cave ni Kleeoea. a compact, lnldiog tnntbroab and o aticit coingon. Voal agreo iboit the contenta nf o nomanasporne moitie bier tlie propred foe nny einergoncy ne boppenteg. LowviIIe People scatter around province for holidays 8> bien. Ricbard aoveegn Ancbr yeon pasort Ny and tl il aa a mamtarsa oc- taio i n tville. Tite lot neddtng amtivrsary nfIa couple nit avoe licod ail tire laves in ici cammrmîy and fartard on lice Sido Rd. and Wolier'a Ltreo. Cangratlaaiotu labi. and bien. Enre Richardon adtaay tey lace tracy moe happy ar- c ia celebrale legethen. 'Uni' itnniveenney trac as Dec. loiN and lt e Richaredcon ' gremma thicnr letendsanmd lataily fremirter chNaicit. Gecre'scin 'Titre are ce tan> ai Our fresdcto rntcil asithe Nera Year tegis and or traald liai taeced goîcellccisaes and cnt'oyeciil tnugala la Ilanie foamilaes. Tite are en Smilla, M;-, Jean biailar. Rab Eeailaeengtpn. Ounsîe Ceairan, Mca. Irma Cealsas. AI Saregent. bina. Crace Roertlcs and RncaDen'iand and ta Nople, aIl of yen ni souriN lfeinag maca belIer, Happy botidaya Eappy Nalîdnyo and a Happy Nera Vei' acre celnicrated Ny ma anle n lthe canitamil>3 Neread ara Iran home Mbiobl and Jackt Dace> and mamiii eaecni ane daycalai thir cottage ai BRie's Falls tl illepitenG t alaciasn tei gondt nnd sthe> aliadedis trawit Cl anal Jean FaiheracndlfatilyalttSouth Racver Lorasand A]Eassear and faccly e telcaloth River lee aîtlal.nvoceiser Jras Fiahr acd ber itsaeand Clail and tir loal> on Chitascnnil 'er Vena' Merv and Oea Cealsen and Jon. cmil and elia Canîse sînyrd the Nen Vear saeetcvd aI Ilanîr collage ce Laite Katragama. loinliane> and BobNRacac, Mitertayo anrod Richard. Helev Relth and Tommya Sacereign cc'lebitetl lte Nera Veant a Ditr Laite. Henry and Jeon Rainaotaa Cier Laite and Clans. Eiranar, SRa lyns aod HEatiter Ratasitan aI Orarelarîige cîstd tit lte faiisaI DOter Laite. Blaine Coniter saayd a Ion tinys oth lais couasins andsoan odue le bir. and biro tee Staîith aI Ailisn. Vernons biArltaur Irata GeorgltowncstldnitbiMr. ad Mes.C O.0 Ctinî rerenly. Mec. Jaet Canitor's mallar ond (alter, bi. and bics. Narta Earvey (ainq Eeneytrnsd enjnycti Newo Vents item wtail lthe Lacitr. Non Oereing 'lThe ladies aI the altenos ant ofelilaC.W. metolaitelhomeelf bine lidgncr Cataptell for trier NiewrYeartmeeaing. Unotlender bira EIlo CeaIe epeard the meinsg nîl a prayer fortte Nota eer. Te trrcip nos laites lai bine. Garfield Cnllîng. Mec. Oncdge Danlay tend on lte yregeata an Airica. Thir prelalema clacaid Ne au nc en Atrica laa socîal rîiches anîd calusne aro learsfrour anidithe t'laacrlas acientinsdrica sie athe legisaitg ai Claricliaasdy forde nere vigsod Ian fIonda ceslataedaeaiheaeithome. Vthe> amoned lthe oanai eatecniae po t iklneee an Cela. Lai 11.45 n.ta aI a the me ofbir sCa',aabicCrtaaritleplan leadersip and asleeestang minigs (or lthe ceai' Thte nostanl trtendsatp lanceoa bertreec l.ntriiic Zonniermon Usied asnd 1laet. Deorge's ladies trac planned la tie os Cea. '2anîlAwIcle Usitedossiteal. 'flac treid Day of Prayer on Marra 3. ai ite leld ta cnjoction thLai.crcle United andiccaill t Deorerstadlarli inataie United Citerea 'Mte aalloicng Ina meetinsil 1cr lte aliersacvD.C.W. coi' e'll (ical lire citareit Study better facilities for Halton snowmobilers Enilias Regasn Ccns'eraiti Anilaeraly itlend.s tocataaucl a aladc on walan nes od lthe Anlhitalv s hoaldings in lthe ceaci> arec' ablle foreseai maialîeg Cresesily lthe tselitg cn a leta designiat oara,.ainiveai Kelso Park. flac deciaientaul ecdncl a sre aa arovayad ity Anataorias asesalar Richtard Day. as laitille rteilice, aI lte 'Iliuaccin gll meetinsg cithe Hua A. Oaa caad Onacville as wl al ter taasialibiea tere caiieeacg (rasa a incitaif adeqae sttaa'aile ity-acs lame peaple nanld lite la bansow mobailesretaiplricly. aiîle altonrs trcnldnates.lcrc'oan>restricios ai ll Do> recearited On> caigcalted as iscrease aI laciliaies fate ataeccaailers in 1-se eai n a oald bnlp alleciae lthe stactatrbîle prellemît ibtup rayniaroas. -Clear cat cane caplads, lasnteolrgaraga latalyner unansîd nard items in a (lamtpios ciassilird. ANONYlMOUS MEOTS EVERY TUESDAV I Pin. mLtlt, ýI FR0511ýt I' DR0F Lit 'Wr sold la' ititnîvng asi lac> aesas poasible, itecacar lthe seasaclaîle proeit i geavg le eciarge," ceacladed Day. Whera.r uc GIRoN. o iTEIan cps-anal Q3j~jîon Obituary Miss Helen A reaudent of Milton mont 0f bier Mie, ie Helen Isobel Trenoyne died nI Qnonnanoy t3ennrol Hospital, Toronto, on Wed- ondoy, Decenaber 29. Sbo bod just inoved ti a Bior St. opnrtmnetin Septeinber,oand bod ined ot 141 Mitt St. in bilon for mntoy yara. Site roated ot the Tarner oint Porter Vorito Cbopot and fumerai onrvice non belld Fridoy, Dec. 3t. Nelson aux iii Tremnayne A apinter. aile non tbe dongbinr 0f tente Canon H. O. frenayne ond Met. Teemayne of Mitoiro. Her geondfotbor non the fient rector of Oroce Anglicn fiorein Milton. Mina Tremnyne non nelt on in bliton and nernedl on aeeeetorn of lthe Canadion National Inatitute for the Btindi for fine yernq, oeretary of the Horticultorat Society far fine ary plans for church anniversary ITit GREAT TO BE A CANADIAN oaa lte and Tcicia Fiai Wf lte Ambonvera proadly tene ni lthe Eonby Sioth Ambienoca dispiay the proaonloliao ltoey belpoti lan ereobe. peentain aI lte 4-E Eomemaktng finit The Haoby Sootha Ambonvers ta a diviaion of Actarnemeol Day valant vas ield ai Si. Paolas' the Hallan Cooly 4-H Cloit.-<(Slsif Phtos)n United Ciorcit an Ralncdoy. Damieltt Major Compbellville W I continues interest in recycling waste The (ar-I mtntg ni anapblamlcîlle Wames Intitte sn 1972 trac itld as Joa. 5 aIl 7.3 anm. aI lthe lame ai bina. Deorge (agia. Aller the Mary Sîtwart Ce nIad Islalae Ode n oantel's sd esr as eitcrccd in memena ai bita. Teressa Wheeilan o long lime nd maca reseceed mmit of ana scety. Mec. Deace Webbl rend a laitig pentu l cetaclade lte memara Serv ic taastrcdN tllttttataeacitoeetrs dig la commt pollation. Ccccyatae 1 ceet'tnrleaeditrIying leano opouteciage andltonshiaînd iteep il cen Flan quesions Mca. Smilla aaited laye qusnsofecaiceec itereal le wicit yeaorsnoansoeratrerelao lac gîces. Dees car aillage h blaay ment provincial support? Wcaid yen calote r fluoîdatios of lte salee lare df ltaI e possilale" Are yen ain laeo i lte WLI mleetinsa itegîccîsg aI?7.3 a.îc.'1Are a o na laceraIf sîaddmd ties!" Air >en calîitnid tait lthe trimaitn aseervie te Camylanil- cille Mebieers wtracad a CR.BC peegranq as pollutioc in Otario tacd ctai oeeatc ancoîsgo idea liai sni suains OD cars are bitng ecycird itl lîrt claaascIel ta 'loroto. Dsbrîdge lac Nogun depuis for gatmrmg ca, glass, poper enacaly os liassoganmya dora. aie trbya No itelpom nd ens np ane iavely country ta- stendeofdcaggîag yaarîoet and dealreyîsg lany. Brnsailsabforitolp Dace BRndi gpaie la lthe inclilaîr ladies n the peajerlad cetmancay cetreforbMiltoanad distirct. Ho appeoird lac itmlp lac lais cadertaing niîr nnutd Noteiene>en"ng people and iem of ue le aill e ltatated uNe Instînle inrmiteaafrllaetrtmayyersaof cervice inscnassingaaur lecaeoy lirlthecacersociey. Nies. Docte WiteiliNa rond on artile oe al uecofaandie. A Qinotrs catdncledc ntao useR de yen reatotritr evensa ta 1971? lace eatas tare citaset and acea ieresbng cntecl waa teid. 'Thle wiseraeececed 'atdv anuesa nd lthe lrosera. incitera. TaliaobMexico Mareý Eila, a loca girl guide garny a pblie spmaiîg ceaeslabonta l the tataaites, aratadsas nea step-îa laer rEcelt la ata lar geld cd. Rite gace a Rayai Vert Eoe. Kart Society la la, cmod one delegate acd the preaadeal bira Rateet EIlial tas citasea la go. Secnrl atitees rcprrssedl n tritl te attend df bicaes arr ovaîlable. Eacb Society isla asasas trier tnetabensiip l0c nach tle od lai bty the KElond 1-e itaieatead. 'lThe Fond Forumn titI Noe iold ai iton anted Citurca na n. 12. Sumurnary doy Sinamacy day for lthe I-H gicla clubs wnîlbo brid on Frb it, lit. Cania Unmted Chunci MuRtn. Il trac decided la base n itait sale onsJan. 2laI 1.3Op.a aînaitelit ie anuaccd nIer la poy rapemes ai the italîlolo.« itoer meascoflddiaglaenorrnscy tee aritoli censîdeed Na the finance ceaitterilc Tite mtanag cînard trith the Rnyal Acltes and lasîtîcle gr .A lccelybtmre f enslap as msîayed ocr caLer and monch. rKMB1 AN Fine Furniturs 'lThe Joan Dordon Amxiiary ai Si. Panlas Preabyterion Citorct, Nelsn, t at the htome ni bien. tron Lenia on Thoraday, Jan. Peîdeot bien. Robert Marshalol taa in lthe chaoir ta cndoct lthe businein portion of the ineting. Waya and meolns of merting lthe altocatin for the cning yoar non dtacnaaed. Thte deoonal period non laiton by Mca. Albert Honter and Mca. Dîn Dnby. bien. Ernn Dnby gave a Non Yoar'a eeadîng niir gave inapiration bo thenoinitora for the cnining yeae lai carry n the nor ni the biianary Society. nittbonnnerary The Iadien Aid beld a business meeting, tait lthe non president bina. Dire Dniy ta mhe chtair Thte jinna fera nero laiton and the risquait turne apont on dincnaaing plana for eaîaîog iney for 1972. 'is ta lthe yoar St. Pauio Citanc null tie colobroltog las îlot mnîcoeray, on boy 2f, an lthero ar any arraneeto l e taade in theo cnang innnths Il trac decîded la torve ligt nnlcseansa aller lthe servicoan lthaI Sasday ecenîng, niten the Announos Nou Riesling Substanoe; Shrinkm Files ta srcco venorcts and cepa.c mletteý tr assuv.. an Acntoe s re avah IntitUea han tenalii al! tvoc dtanewa cane.ilty ovinin h erno veii cotieîv is. tical itehngandî Misontnorint inte and-arnalto oc oenq ofath îvtvnr nfnea invas natt cae,ne t Onon talovnntainavcnnnvetc nirine taira vplace. el 0 istimorteaontvof aoII-rOOae ,ia anoane Dose a tero fmn qu tnl hips hiotline ef n NMeracayne sktffr otailen apectal gaeatlnlieteiton Mole Chitar. Theo Febrary meeoting na to Nie beldli tthe bome 0f bien. biartyn Healop, atnd daring tîns meeting a apecioV' Valenine priae nîfiliNe a trend mode afgboe. bien. Lewisa, Mca. Dn Daoby and bien. Ernîn Oooby aorved efroabtaonta, and the inelting cinard nîth prayor. [J.?.. urde' IPTOMETR ISTI UURLtNTONI UMALLI T*ELÉPHONE 632-77881 yona, and onceary of the Niagara Docenan Anglican Wamen's Assoctatîn for byve Yeoa. A inoiber 0f the Milton Booit Ctub, abe bod NoMl every off ice atone lim or aonlier. WHAT IS - ANY WOMEN'S , GREATEST $. ACCESSOIY OR if shes smart! A New Hair Styling frmm Salon Capri 133 Main SI; 878-2131 Cor yone cor nelienco antitor n arroinienent la paie slacaid demnsd ltaI mneaîîitm aaa aborI bal laoly recyclîble nalerînla bie clcrd flmnstidsndmsîayed YOD lU CES, cccie b ga l am Tan e inde ILc . The agus nes of the f seartîcles. Kateca, Ratp- mneeting Nogaa tl lte tatautes M L O c. ltead. a ndataa trrtdeeaaarerc'eepor. t yce sue unas shl, anvraylnho olehlle arier aale. Dlocs cites Attesatita aa dratas lelthe 75tb PLAZA tain boced l calre oana ian- ecae un ecitentaa 12.3 l.a ted TOWN & COU NTRY ABATTOIR 126nSTEELES AVE. W. ,HORNEY 878-3923 E C) RETAIL SALES WEDNESDAY to SOlDAT 1-BONE, WMO,9 SIRLOIN, ROUND Î CLEARANCE SALE' BrandKS Continues at Peggy's of MiIton GRUO0 0KS BEFLERl Uo5)01 F LOIN jPORKe 25%0/5 %OF PORK GHO1PS S9e SPARERIBS St.S Ail Salon Final Special bargain rocks with merchandiso reduced te Iess thon Vs2 prico JE. Wise - Shop Early for Best Soloction 44 -ALL aALEa FtNAL- r - - r Joi Ca Do dor Di Do Ai 0f DE on go do ge 'tr 2 THE PLUS Boy oneof or Villa Faiions aI lthe egober prime and mitonne nother nI oqoal valon for SIOP EARI FOR BEST Tfx~ SELEOTION Sale Nain in .a~s~~01/r 1[ogLADIE V L 1 ci L-DIESWEAR Moodar, tnesdne Wed. Tbaridno, Sat. ta-a et. Frîday t0 ta 9 p.mt 70 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-31 I HAST OR OPS BonTs 4901O STOGMI TO RRO BIS PGRK SA LE!I BIEF AOC& c RPE BABY BIEF 11QUI 51115 240 La B1O PORK c EL 1t mins ssîWL!!U. BIEF FRONTS 5514 I CUV AND WRAPPEO AT No EXTRA CHARGE flCUSTON KILLINO, GUTTIMO, WIAPPIMS I PICK UP FOR ROTCHERINO ANYTINIE R------- OPEN 7 AYS A teEE 9TO t

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