Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 1972, p. 12

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12 The Ch'ampiov, Miltsen, Ovt., Wednes., Jansary 12, 1972 Year-end review Development, hydro, hunting major 9issues in Nassagaweya Maintaining 160 rurat aspects o of Nassagaoseya Township, yel aI di bon nsei tise alloosng ac- ms ceptable indostries and risidential developisent ita boe e' air80, mil 60 somne ofthbe main e: objectives of Nasoagameya w Cooncol in 1972, aocording 10 di Reeve Mrs. Anne MacArthur. ta a year-end interviews t m In bois paper Mrs.* MacArthur t reflected on 169e ar- omplishmieotsaond mîbbak oftd Nassagaoseya Counoil doring boe pont year . Mos. Arthur remarked Cooocdl ted a faurly sccesofolp year, "all6900gh yoo never t acteeve boe amooOt of sooceso P yoonwant." S Mnre bosses wio i boe consng year boe rev nteods o 0posh for one-acre residental lots. "There is a tend y tairohase restriction of five or tan acre Iota and a certain trontage restriction," noted Mrs MacArthur. ".A five acre lot resuîts in only th0e osealboy oosning land. An indîvîdoal shouldo't 69e deoied 169e op- porloisly ta boy a housîng lot." Mos. MacArthur staed she osas mot i tvor of indiscrinoinale buidisg practices " 'There oold be restrictions on oshere bos could be bodlt. 00e osouldn't osant Nassagaoseya folled osoth boises," s69e enplaosiet. The reeve os also os favoir of atlracting more osdoslry 10 boe Toosnship. "Coonicd osants ac- ceptable indaitries; ones oshico osont be nuisances. If more i. dostry dîd come inb Naooagaoseya il osould balance boe resodential ami indostial aspecis of boe tonship." te her 1975 inaogural address Mos. MacArthor stremset Couricol sbould flot stand 69y and bave taosnship land valoes frozen. This osas i regard to the provincial governisensos Toronto-Centeret Region plan. 'The plan desigoatas certain land areao 50 be trozen and Nassagaoseya is alisost one ofbohem." Reqoire sobsldy Mon. MacArbour statedthbas tf boe province0 itndo to make Nassagaoseya a recreaoral area ostere no mndostry can enter, boen boe province osoîl have to gise ooboîdoes 10 mahe op for boe township flot beong allooed 10 reach ils polential value. Tise Reeve aino fonls boe creation of a greenbeltosould not improve boe calue of landin1 Nassagaoseya. Hoosever boe Ronce telt an ac- ceptable soilutoon coold 69e reachedth bobe province ami boe issue of recreatoonal vs in- dastroal aie of land cooild 60 settîcd outhoot comifif 10 loggerhas. L.oing hacb oser the lasI year, thlereovo oaod she thoagsb boe easn Naosagaoseya Cooncdl ,asaged to acconspboh ostet il dl nos weause ofthSe bar- oon ioos relationsbip of 169e oonicillors. "I'm not saying oeryone on coanicil nom eye 10 ye on every issue, and il ouldn't be agondboingif they i. bat coanocl meisters did lanage 10 nork together. odivodoal menobers reopeclet oe opiins ced idois of oSher oeisers, even if bhooe idean otsered frois their own." Better roads Mms. MacArthur os estremnelY coud ofthe6 expansion ofthbo oosnsh;oes road hard-topping rogrc'o. The progron osas tarted os 1970, but 1he reeve 5875 I oso greatly enpandet wit69in the last year. The townmhip bas cbat Mos. MacArthur calis a tise erplis for hard-tapping roads. 'Woboon love years df everyboiitg goes on sobetole, al! roado As 'lassagameya wîlI 69e isard- topped. I fonl boon la quiteani sohievoment for a sisaîl manocîpaloty such as Nassagaoseya." One othte toogheol decisions to lace counicol darîng boe past year, Mos. MacArthur aid, osas She ilecosoon on oshich routa a 500,00 volt transmission fine teorlo bailI hy Ontario Hydro oold 6069e boroags Nassagameya. Tomons carrylof boe hine osd 69e 120-30 fee1 apart and osould cul a sosabo ovr600 font it nidtb. Ontario Hydro bod proposed a diagonal roata, shie some ratapayers iscluding tonner meisters of coonceil mantad mie hydro hn 10 toloos a lot and concession lime route. Aller listeniof 10 several deottîons troi ratepayers, hlngpoblir meetings aod dincassing 1the issue among themoelves, coroocîl in early Deceister came forbo mibo a resolotion statisg 1he route boe transmission hine oold toloos throogh Nassaganp ol bave ta 60 doied6y Ontario Hydro. Ratepayer concen "I boînk oar position on boe tranmission lute osas bon ooly sensible one coonicil could 6069e" oaid Mrs. MacArthur. "We avoîdet pitting neighbor against neighbor, but a1the noise lime ose didn't gise oor blessing 10 Ontario Hydro for omission of boe hoe. We osantad ta gove boe greatest possible consideration to boe ratepayers osho mdll 60e ut- lectad 69y boe routa Ontario HYdro takes." Ouside hunting licences maY not lie grontadl os NassagaoseYa neoil year, Mrs. MacArthur intad. This action may come aboot because of oshol Mos. By Miler Stenart Editar "Neigbborly News" C.n'C' Ocer the Chrostmas osonkend th9e maîaroty of mie 36 hord or nature clobs of Ontaro conducled thiser annaal bird tass.I Canada mie pioneer of bols outiloor esamonolion of mie vtatuo of monter iirds os mie Mavloraoi Orsoiological Club et London, osoch, made ils 63rd annualcourtboois ear. They aclueved mie record noister of 78 opecoes- the hoghest ee attaosed over the long spant of years. 'rhos aoooal enercose osas otatrd bach in 1900obytise great Aioecocan ornoboologisl Frank Cisapman, osbo donoded it mode more semse ta go out and study mie osootar hodo in isforised parties, ral60r bois sisootosg ami collecting specaneno, oshich osas thoe pracoce lip to boat tone. 1500invslvel Ove the years thisactivity bas grown,ootil in the Unitd tatcs and Canada some 15,000 bird students on sorte 903 clabs, trois mie Menecan border ta Alaska ami trois eist ta osist coants observe Sois rite. ineOntario laot pear borne dozen cluhs rangflg geographically (rom Dryden on the fao norbo- aies> to Ottaosa and Haoksbhry inthe eastosere represetadon mie cesas. Tbeir resaîts mere sent ta boe approproata section of "Amerocan Bîrds" osbîcb .incorpo ratad tem in Auduten foeld notas-a final 400 page roanidap of the Assericon aod Canodan censases, There osere 76 coairts from Suns sîde of mie barder. Ontario ranbket oisbo in rounts poblîshed trois bath coantroeo. Vancouver hadl a olear lead on nuistero of participanta oveo the entore intecnational foeld, wîbo 163 searcbers. Rare sperles Annongest 160 rarîties oshoch tarnrd op lasI year in Canadian centaro osere a mortinooodat St. Jobn's, Newotondland , a Baltiooe Oroole aitie Sydoeys, Nova Scotoa, a Black Goillemot at Qoehec City. As osoal, Hsailton ispped t60 Ontario lis1 mi 97 specoes. Long Point on l.als Erie osas second osî t s. sillusioning actions" of 169eg )eparîment of Lands andn eoresta. ",Lands aad Forests are 10 ctually forcing bunting on p [assofaoseya"- exclaimed th9ed leove. t Mrs. MacArthur esplained c Lands and Fores to bad ap- roached isdividual tandonners, askiog tloem if they woold allan h9e deporîment ta erect red lacards desigoating bonting If creas. "If th9e tariner doesn't 8001 anie honting, they mon'td recI any signs," 1the Ronve nald. '00601 happeis i a former dilo s 1he hq'nloog placards, bot lis neighbors don't want any buntingaiali? Il's verY eisY fur honters ta mander trois ose facm oshere th9e tanner allons rouoting, 60569e land of a neighbort oho is c'onpletely against hon- Need permissin Under on existing Ylissagaweya 6y-law, honiers hav 0t ansk farniers for per- mission 10 hunt on their tond, 1the ronce statis. "00e oill 6e loobittg 99101the question of hooting very seriosly on th9e mos year," reotarates Mrs. MacArthuor. A year.end debata erupted ovon te fture of 1the SPIN projet SP0IN (Stop Pollution '11 irds ount Wtoat th9e field notes colledth16e mos> excoting doscovery in Olntario osas a beautifol Ivory Guli, cacetol.y stodied 69y esperoesced George Scott aI Oshaosa. For th9e toso prestoos c8suses, Vaocouver established neos Canadoan records os th9e noister of specoes countad, 137(8n1970 ami 138 os 1969. The roles of the colt demand boul th9e field osorkbe confined to a c .rcle of 15 mles inradius, that the coonte taenosithin a specdoied nuister of dayo trois Christmsas, and 169a1 each participant 69e assessed $1 for th9e provdlege of taking part. ta sorte Assecocan centers tIse use of tape recorolgs of bids andsongs is permittad, but these aids bave m5t yet taen osed in Canada.. 1 eo ooe opera n ism ia s a v er th degron of orgononn od dîscoploe Even 5 6 ia ret are' flo paob e ontl19 Aeprol edt.oonp of "American Bords' appears. Learn to listn toyourminci 1964 Pontiac Parisienne t dno'r bardtue V8, power steevrgpooerscakes, Licence No. Settîng as s $ r 1961 Ohevelle SS Newaisit yniow paietaitsco9755915 black etne',or,isovketoses, 396-350 H.P V8, 4 Speed tranmissionPos,-a eruceurnd, n teeOOisaew nite letter oside ovaI tires. Licene N515. 002 New $1675 1966 VolksWazen Red, wctv 'adio and Cupl safety cisnvked. Licence NO. 3579. Wan 679 New sala 1968 Oldsmobile Delta 88 (2 dise lrardtop.l taoosroos condition, ligist green noterior, wit96 black ocepl roof and ail vlepl isterior. Loaded. COly 30,000 miles. Factney osarraetv aoaillbln. Licence No. 3941525 Was $2275 New $2075 iueu Ohevrolet Impala Convertible A ak o peil 1971 1969 Pontiac Parisienne 1' 1910 Dodgo 1967 Ohovrolet Impala 1969 Ohevrolot Pick-up 4(100(4 dan'> Heavy dodo equiposent. 6 cylindeo', standar'd Fironza SL Station Wagon 4do (4 doorSdan) Ne.s pain wih ble Inerior An exr earanssion, original paiet, ad etra lee. G,'eonGthe wi,.Pm8at'hiGe vst tesa 5, . se Fooyoaded pcsnraoeb ksV.9e past localy osed ca.327VOpoe brakeS Poe Licence No.871697. Was $1925 o'd,.d9979 Leoce Nai02 u rod cnditoig Locall owne A'reatvale iceN .N 3. Was$16 serN323 29dio auontc ies. Licence rai,$26 oo0ak4ieceN.7922.Ws Liec No. 820863. Was $21~I 895 N3239. mu $1295 $26 9 e 2225 New $1895 New $1475 *aw $1075--- -- ew $1775 Loaded inciodeu bialance of factolp osairrOel o n 5000ls. Ma mos t hite snerlr a ia aisels andvo ntrs. Licence N3015 WaSs$2n5e New $,Ma% 1963 Pontiac Parisienne (4 dise hardenp.) Ansxravlenar'misc'h ealle 32tV, power brakes, powersteories, radis, astomnaeIc. Neos tires and neo enisaost sosem. Licne Nn. N0W $575 (2 dise hardlop.) Feafores OaIIy eqoipmeet. Autoeoatic transmeissioe. powser steeo-ieg, powser brufoes, radioe, i of and dark greeneoterior wlth e9u90cig entero. Oely 46,000 miles. A locally oosnd car. Licence No. N2737. Was $2275 *aw $1 95 1961 Ford 9 passenger Country Squire Station Wagon SeliGngaus Is Peoser steeelo9g, pawer brakes, oodgraie panels. icesn No. X930159, Was N0w $775 i Onutoeatic transmissioe, powero brakes, * adio Orginal pasnt Eoceent conditin Licenen No. X2904. Was $1495 N0w $1 242a 86u Rare species of h spotted in yule c I. - ON 0 GMAC ON THE SPOT FINANCING ýc) 50 W DAY WARRANTY assagaoseya) os an ecoingy roup mbhic gltern rneble 'esIe maeialh troug t tise wonship. The grooui had etitiomed coancil ta 69e P thern9 lapase ofth 160 ste, Towshilp 'ocks none uned for a nbile 10 arithe garbage anay . Honever, oonicil learned il mas sot comucally practical te ose onnship trucks. Mos. Macdirthur oaYS aile In nvoir of SPIN and oays 160 marIs misne about soucn. A yoois conity centre mil probablybe discussedlin the net îear 697 council. ",Cooncil ls taking more and mare intarest in air yoong people," the reeve otated. "A comisonoly bas 10 have the sopport of 160 young people," Mos, MacArthusr said maoncài i probably lie taking a more active intereol in 1the creation of recreation facilities, aIne. Qlsery rebabilitatin Nassagameya bas 'os 160 pas quarrelled wi69 160 township' local corporate citinens, th9 qaarry operators. Mrs MacArthur hopes boat in the nei year boe qoarries nill folloos th rehabotitatoon programs set don, 69y 160 province. 169e said nit oos it takis a wshite f or plans t gel 9960 motion. "Th9e qoarr operataro boven't teen f air siI the toosnship in the pasl, probabl became boey feIt boey oser dealiog osolh a smo isonicipality," ootbd 1the reev wo also said ste hopes ta see Ih "ýscairo" creatad 69y boe qaarr aod gravel pas complelir rehabilitatad. Thone8 main objective Mo MacArthur appears 10t osorking for in 1he ftutre 0is defence of NassagaoseYu. oold 6969e very mach ta, s Nasnagaoseya IsepI intact it ai torisof regional goveroment th boe provincial goveronent n ososh 10 implement." The ree saod oshen il coîoes Naunagaoseya, sine has gra riservations about the nnt Of re-structared Haltao CoontY. Mis. MacArthuor espiainel h position on maintainisg t boundaroes of Nassagamey -We're a unique tonship- soobo helps 160 north and mie e caris about mie Wst. People bois monicipalt are concere aboot boe oselare ofthbeir ei hors" .The reeve leels she tes tecking of mosl of the people 1the toosnship in maintaini Nassagaoseya as a separ entity. Township drops plan to purchas.Campbollvllle pit A bid In obtain an option ia boy industriel land. Cainseui hall1 pane ta saei M5s acres of idustriel land nom Towslip roon' hall met in some of thetland taatffgenele oword by Campbettvilte Gravel isc th..i plan ta boy th9e sorts as HatRegl Con- Supply by Nassagaoseya propry mOctabr. At that tisse servatin Autloiyaike 't'ownshp hastoallen through. At o tosnhp ofCtors feit th0e approxiat1,ety 13, aces for hcetmeigts tossi dostrial land osas needed to industrh Ideccl.oiset . ad conilpusda tresollon t maintaîin a reasonabir os located adjacent ta o ha structing their solicitor tu ositlt- anaeannent balance. 401, jint east of Cambevle draw trois negotiations and abandon tbe plan tuolieslthe land. Negotiao koe do"n whar th9e ladneswere anable tan, istertaio an option ta buy. Ait- paen"th16e bris would bave conideýred an mutrigbt ot fer taB I L I purcbase but municipal autborities are anable ta mabe sorts transactions withoul On- tario Municipal Board approval. Wlten thelirm refmsed to aceept a A U O B D conditional otter or an option, negotiatioon broke down. 29ANSREMLO Look arond 8822 e8835 Nassagaoseya Cooncil's finance comisittee ositI in- -)et BoyPparK vestigate otteer oppartonities th9e townshoip may bave 10 acquire RIC0HARDSGN'S FURNITURE SD Le1L Le1L :o CNIUE AIG thO ay7 1 e nIe

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