BIRTHS IN MEMORIAMS COMINO EVENTS CL S IIE1A E B58-ET c Donart, d ane FRANK - ta lat-itg matar ai ltc Fillea at Mapla Lent Oar- (cee Shialdata itaa- a dea, hashaad. Chrit-lian dat,,, Sanaay t9th ta Qhe 91 Telephanae Ttc Canaa. 81 asS ptaaed ta aaeaaeae the ht-th Fr-ank, a-ha pat-aed avay Jaaa- Set-e-te ticktets aht-aagh Miltaon 878-234 Champi-n Sn, Otata of aheit- daaghlec Kelly, cvelght at-y 12, 1971. Tt-aatl Servce, t4 Mat-t c. aman at!t- 9 b )- n a iîa I-ntt5- e atiag t-ht-datat gaatly Miltat,. 878-9211. a3-4512 ttRrR,ntcae DETS - HAE.FRHOIGMRIGS itospital an Sanaaty 10, 1972. A taIt, Hift S-.ea Fen .a at, c. - tt.5 ta ou ,ttcat, g à., 15 -a , ae ittt tee Kimhetly. Aed at- t--acaalc Millt, Disttrit Hil . cIs e-d c.ct,nSbos na-t aatatna (t-e Y h tand cnt-Ianeshdos výd lite te ittetm patenta .-sta. at ec-at ta- e5 u=.. 6e "1e -ax MISSRPHY -Teaay and Gail 'etatean ttthtF-tTaSqt-t C cedt ttt tannant Ilowt,,tt cash mnt -fisaatmt for ln inggea il]a ga,cte ail stadttaena IN aettacm-t-. AaatnOalTtt.ttt- $. ct . neet. (tee Spiggt-l ai Gteetwn. and amatil. Tuedat. Saeaty 18, 1972. It i-t .cht ddifia .. 1Il Oct., am- pleaaed ta aettettte Mv, oe great teniagin thtias-7 , N t, OIA -,ca 1.50- plu 10a ta , ass linote te. an the hit-th et theta t-en, Seat, îa, c37a-79 ect .tte cLt--t -I atmat t Patr-i.c landtaahtvtna ______________EA___ý $.5 W cluoinb <eita-eteca Ditrtitt Menetint o h tuho haadhe cedl. ecece ahsfcl. t-t..mnd, Hospital et, Sanat-y i. 1972. Athahc e ttt-eg i FOR SALE i REID - A]a adBtty îte tgtitI, DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY Bandy) af R R. 5, Miltoan, at- I lt-cg lt-t soaurd a: a t-att- that SKI BOOTS, mnn, tint Pi, __________________________ pleateat te aeaet-t rtt blt-th a t-tilt. i-rv t- $33. 8784562. of theit- n, Joht, Attatn, at StdIvý tad ha, cita Mat- laiShi3 JOThe Champioe, Milto, Ot., Wedea. Jaceety 12, 1972 MttDistrictt Hospitaleah-8 Jataaa a, 9n Fatg i-COMPLETE vet ai Wieatac O SL ahild fat- Bah aed Sean Reid, ROBERTSJ'I l leatg rea- drumsa, te geed aenditieon. 87- i ORSL PRODUCE FOR SALE Ret-haatd and sith gandhtd at-y ofta da hnnhaed antd 3090. lais-l09n fat- Gerge and Hanci Baedv, tat-hat-. Fa-nk -thSt pantnad ac WOMAN'S dt-tt- wt-al janhet, SiIdLE coentinental hed cith HAT and att-att- 50c a hale. Milten. av Stat-t-v 18, 1968- tnet 24aý, hiat, cet- envn,-. h a pïng and natt-eta, $35. 8774806. 2c38-42 TREANOR Mt-. aed MarO.,. ttt thae theagh 87-28 -t-375 -4 ti37- 500 BALES af hay, 396 a hale. Tnt-t-a- Ica nt-at-t-f742 î rt~~eneh-a t-at-avv dtv. CHIESTERFIELD tad t t-hait-, LARGE gîtant- paicta c ai t 878-6207. 2c37-65 Wrcahappytt Ccv, inc I8thenvagth S-dia ct-t-ad ha cite Mat-v uttttl tat- t-e. t-n et- cul-jdiae Champion staff photas, 8ALED atane; 10 act-ta at-et Georyge tatcn h-h athtd tatily. Ji7-76 taga. 878-3144. t-375 5 x t, s ine 31.00, i a 10 aine $t.50 et corn an the field. 878-9525. eftthet-nan, Stet 2teag19 cttght S tht., Il at.atMaD___________ NG14 MACHINES, typetplut tac. Caah cmust anateapany 2-i1 atanataga Hespphel ee OtaCt ate-v tee nate o ent aaI. oret-at Eeqait-e twac aChta 29'91 rcosfis r.d AD F THANKS vet 78-6962, Harrais Stttieo n eta.11MlB.Milton. ladandLES; ig Mat-tah Cnt-t- 29. ~ ~ ~v 197 Pe-ia ht-a g--ad C O t--s- - yIUMBERED tit-hala fat- pa- i petatata and haccy. Taeaday ta tCdoi CadMe. an eee ] 11 ld lit-t te aexprenn tat BREAKFAST et, table, 2 ta- ta dt-aca, le acet If ta 1,000,.1 Stat-rday, 9 ta 6; Saaday, I ta _____Garden. incer t-t-at--hhasI t e d tada nd teniena, 6 t-ht-tan, geed t-eadit- t- nawhite et- yeltea papet- anly 16; t-led Moadays. Roy Bousa- WItTE Maaad Mat.Net- reliatti-v et- t--aa-ita aed tee io 8 ttnhalav ticas, 750-14. 878- $1.50 pet- hoek at Tht Cariaid-,tttd88ii 2i2 mat, White (atec Tavinal et tee-et- chut- I 'Nva ap-in laiS-M8 t-e Champtien, 191 Maie Steet, Moffal at-a pla- te an- te Trt-ao Weteran Hospitl. --i --- 9--9 iton. tt-2i42-tl acenate tht hirth eftaheit- t3-5040 Mt-titt, Smtth. 99 t-a tic anylhiag laI-- 1 3 ANIMALE FOR SALE daaghtca. Api Lyea. ceighl 7 cemotI. Et-t t-ttait-a te ht-ne- Yot WILL LtKE hayiag yaat'- - tht., 4 nat- Mtttn Ot-t-l-t Wa etah te thaeh t-il e-ha ht-Id aqntpcaat and thtngs.alfittldling tateclalsancd cealai31 MLppnalh-e.8- Hospital an Wcdnavdav, jt-t,- halPt-dýu t-t- rat-lttt e éot60h 894-9968. cOiLs. p ýaI re it-iS eat-y5. 1972.Ct-anddaeghtt-t-fea thetdtcg Stir,,attt-n-- t-adce lt-tuai.Phn Mr. Sac White, Ring St. Milton 'at-I ha fioat-- t-rrtangcments. TV antaean. Stec an [et- ai n e-t- 54q-ah3y. Phene and Ma. and Mat- Cet-dec Tay - ift tad a-da t-at-att-d t-t-et ate-a et- tatitteenta. CampSalît-ilt M2i. a4it PEKtN and Roen dat-ha. 878- ]et- et R.R. i3C, nhit-ta otý H a-ta at-d Mat-t-a Richar- Ratedga TV, 26C 'Mate St., Mil- MAPS nI Miltoee tttncig tme 25- ti- at-, t3-70 t-n, 8784633. lais1 55cte- hunedaita chiah aceh et- Il HEREFORD heife-n, stckh- _________ t at- te t-ev tht-eh ven te atO' 8 POOL tie; 120I ana t-t- t-net-ty t. Single aopiea, et-v t-t hcetde-a. 87M9525. Dt- Hnlt- -a tt et--e-a, Ct-t-eo" tact-tdne. Wltîeitat- 24c- and lc ax taie Tht Champion 3ct-17 ADOPTIONS tha t-tnd fîtaeu oft-e Miltoa da- t-n t-ee-'t-ila. 878 -î offelta, 191 Mata 9ýr St efi -t YEAS-OLD mare 2ycat-eM Divstrit-t Hospitt-t, t-lte le cyel 5 c 2gcling. Cati 87-58 fitea 8.00 JACKSON - Dat- tad Lat-rel ý[t-t-ada toa gettd ciahea, einitn. OXYOEN at-atylana eeding USED touenitue et att t-ittdt. Pm._siSô at-c happa te aeaeaeet- ha tada tad t-tIr hie1 a lft vith aettiag tee-h., tlpa. t-ltnI dactacat-, dicia8g sts'M DRESSED t-eavtteg ahiat-eca. fiat adoptton et theta t-ht-t-e t patietat[ht-ca. gt-gg,i30hbus t-ta. St-cal Set- geed neleatiaa of stoec, t-ait-t 6 te 9 ha,. Wilme Fat-, Millt, dauhtrLis Cthrin, , ea3[-77 St-t-tt-t-t Ct-ait-n t- $55 8708 lc3-106 aear tad att-tao casheen, 87848. 3a7-31 d 19g7e 1 ELtat- Cttetlc t-- D-aevan sdbd eas cehat- 28,91 The a Iteia aI tht- taae ELEC gaila-, Rt-at Pal- cee t-d ued haritu. Joa n ait-eR Ppp pr St-ne-t Ht-ctard att-h t-t t-et-t-s at-t-, ct-S amplifer, pet-thaaed ht-ygeitaih-,ia-cIen LAROS Ppe, ptc tht-ta att-ce thanha te taleada, 4 t-ct-a t-S but ne- e aa. t- Feete and ApplinSace d, ce paptt-a. Female $29. natghhet-n ted t-elativest tee $130 -en pet-thtad. 99111 u-ti Exchanet, Otfite aai Sowa Malt $90. 878-2917. 3ct-102 ENGAGEMENTS hait- t-iedntt-t- dttieg thte-a et- $t8899 - Rat-c, 168 Main St., tPhoee 878- PEH 2yatt eatt ____ t- l-n a tat e-a aa pa 38 pte-eitga ttl haifea, pure hlend, net regit- t-tai t-tat-a te Dt- M. Riteat) EýLE-CTROLX ta-t--- aca Largc cam-heete t-t-hk 27tt-d. Milme Fatca, Milton, Ma. and Mt-t., Secundo Batll Rt-n R, P. Cý lefale, tha peti- t-t anîh pt-att-t noet-att-tattct- 'Ntpitainýg Rd. It-444-tf ssiÏ3w .it3-32- aê iton t-te 'piaed te an- Sett--ttand Ritîhieg - Stat-pe ta, at-ad iede-, gaed -etdieen -Î - - PPYsae uebrdmn ceacet the engagemnt & thait- Ft-a-I Ht-ca Sat-aiftat pt-aa Fat- [et- het-,ý HNTINO e-tle, Meaahtatg. PPOtaept-h-dnit, Scîlhte-, Nancy Rset te Mt- Icce Hmatd and lectly. [tnt-cttien, aIl Brampten 457 800A. 308 c-alihbre, etet-flt-d, tnt-e Peedlet tad Schnazeas St-ain Roert Et-ate, t-t- et Mr., t-i7-6 0016. 1t-50 ht-tad aevi, $125; Ca min Lt-ta te aheete frcem Seasea- atd Mt-t. Sea-d Et-en et Mil t0 r-adial am- tee-, mt-n-5 htad Iablhe. 8784517. iail98-îf tan. lnih ttthanhtailNlvt-ted- 5 8SEt) TVa. sue-potaale,,esnand at-aetie, $2it; aise1 aned naghheaatforth-Sage elîaamcont-t-anaistel1naadhtný eYveal e- aew power-e - fu sEC Catlie-papa, t-hampion Mt- a.anah Sa-ve,i341 Bell a-tdl aactaaed daai iestv-1 t-pe rect--tdet-, in neca conditionat-tding noet--t MTD, 8h.p., geaintockh raavnahie et- ct-t t-ade St., Miltt-n, as happa te an- t- JsepS St-tat Hospital. I t-lte ith tC-OC, i" aatel-t-at-I t-eg. 'conditioe, $200; eettit-tt e geai Say et- att-at lt-t ceat ncea the egt-gemeet et hier ath eu tht-eh tha 08-0. fet- the- t-tlt-t 1150, ae $100. Satledge cartat-. Otilit Unerwaced, att-t-an. AtIn 853-2939. 3b29-1390 daa-ghtea. Lt-eda Rave, te St-ha tavela hex et fruit t-d Cacp- TV, laC Miata St., Milton, 878- pattlaly nccc tatt $300, t-cll Cha-lt-a Celliens, t-en nI Mt-. tad hall Ltndga 683 lort-t- [Sa eit k 33. lt3-i58 [et $o200; t-terea Ccet-eal Ete- Mt-n Roerttt Celitns, 268 Ridge [[e-t-at-v aite the nuesav . t tala AM/FM. Oaat-at-d tacet-eSte, 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR =SALE Dr.,- Miltton. Ht-ddt- tad lra Robetsone fet- at-tanIaspeahers, catoet ab- Maae Mt-Mtt acat~tht- geo a t-- lte-t-td t-lt- T J 3\t F at, eaxcelletal-aud, $100;EFb- FORD trctta; utvor a pieaaad tntt-eanc thte e-n 0-9"d edighht-, Mat-. St-ta . na Saha Gand, U.S. made, aaeddriltnd grainthlnet. 8l8- aIg îe i hett- dt-eghtt- Fat- Biagea. lt-t danatag e-t t-tl- AL Cahia - Nelson, excelaent ceadnt- 9525. c61 t-liatCat-it-.ttMr. St-haRt- tth-hantallteatct-m. S LE tee, neaaa408ye-tvetd, $900. oata, at-e aI Ma. tad Mca. c31-83 Wtlhtl O. Ferd. I Phone 878-4619,- - lt3-il5081 Bill Sechetten t-t Durat-te, Ott -~tttt te t- 1 lt- 30 t-e-t nalIed ith ail 1 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE Ont edý,neghors rlaive t- ht-at-a VHF hcad, $62.50. ACCOUNTING t-atdat-va, ttettt-t svmatîhv 40 et-at- et-tallad ilth ail MACHINE at-ard-. flatt--t, e-ss-at-t-da. de- t-ht-e 'VHF head 7650. t COMIO MRR~GES aîttante Heatt Fond, an tht 50 toleer- ieattad ih i 1971 "Olit-elt Audit 402 aatedelat- l-e-t Whilan thael 'ttlF haad, $91.50. e-th Stand TAYLORS FtNNIE Mt-. tad 1t-tat-a att-t-te Dat- H. R. Ma- Ma- Itt BttOt -Met. Samutel R. Et-e-e Sr.R. oeaald tad T. A. Rit-hat-da, C 844-3226 _ SI , Hat-t4Sy, t-netat he- tpt-a- nuet-tt tad ctnuet 8atEt-t- ht-tde (for snt-d Tvý COaVI _ tet-ahaemtag cet-t-t-S of tht-tt St-at-ph Bt-t-t Hospital Bit-hep 1 et). Inîdalcd $20,00. IOActLE daagte- Veolet Lt-t-tnt- [e-: S F. Ra-w Re at- s- FrdC F M. att-ar'e ht-t-n lnntt-llcd, - 1a3---- R11 ' tld AtthaaasonaofMr.t-nd Mt Cent-- SiJ, C. Wtt-t 55J, Our; 320.00. Saint-t W. Taylot-, 23 Cacagt- St, - Ladyv ot Mt. Ct-t-cl CMI.'RU Y' Mtmit-. t-a Sttat- Fehea-vFet-itea aed Dct-tadn-Ma-t-t- t-HF het-d, tntlled $39.95. RU BYj 12, 1972. an Ocnagh Pt-t-aSyn tacfîtI. Ct-chination at-t-iet-ttd, VHF TROPICAL anId H ilacn Chteh. Tht- WSt--ithtt hte-ttv Camp- tad t-HF, tevtalicd $84.95. R IGnI hetivilia. t3-67, Antena ta rttet. IanstalIed EXOTIC FISH $6.9.Opta 9 t-..- 9 pcm. ceekdayt is t p.- 6 p.c Sanayn I H DEATHS ANNIVERSARIES St-pt-ta et ait types. 5 MILTON HFtOHTS t-SES. t-t-t-ena nt Halten Bot-td et BASSEET. Hetdt latlgh - Sed- Tht- flt--t of Ma. tad aaEdat-atia hatlding deniv t-e Wt-dt-t-dav. St-ea--t W H Vt-tat-e-.R. 2, Rt-at-c d ~e 5, 1972. Ht-idt- Lt-igh Bart-t. t-ii ht-id t-pt-ent-t-set-t Bt-et-S RICHARDSON S at MILTON HEIGHTS JACK KIkil agcd tht-at e-cîhý, dt-t-ieî t-tlt- Ht-ll Bat-altle, an ltn-t- 87M4882 ett he RRf Joh at-d -m da-- tat---t- t-I [Sent 2i0 65e- o t-e S Radio & TV AQUARIUMS ted SUPPLtES CHEV gadagtroMranM ocainothr 0hWadding la-Il __ - i av-tt Plta--ttp ht 21M-tSe 8atONTARLO ST. S. Me. tad Mrs re -t--Btat-cl'tt ivtain. Licday._________ ___ Pt-net-ai t-et-vint- et- hid t the Rnien tht-tct-t-t-t-t-at-t- COMING EVENTS aI Henea, At-tee. en Faiday ai i pcm. Iate-nent Fait-cee t-tnt- hr Be-Seo gant-a et-t-at Mendat- et-lt. ~ a t- 6.M p 508.00 Jtat-pet. Hait- ÏiENNET. [ait-v -At Wtt-t Lie- -Rt-a-a PtanSh Hall, Milton. t-ain Menet-tet Heapitat. Cain- aiSef 5192. sby. an Madnetdt-,lic-t-nha 29, 1971, lit nt- e-t aI Ai- Et-ht-, St. Gerge's Chat-ah bt-ight Manne, Batnt-le agt-dHti LnaSert-dt.S-t- 87 yeet-a, att- of the lt-Ie C. it- a-ty lOîS. 8 p.n. Admisnait 74. ny ef Torot-hea lt-te lic H ai7-l0i A. Nnabîtt et Liaday celd the Bingo- et-et-t Tact-dat- night. 8 liste M. B. Ciec1entn et Miton; p. Lagiat, Hall, Mîltoa, t-pt- tetnii nre anc daîlghtet-.t-trt-4 h Lt-dies' Atnitinat-, laIt-. S. S. (Jeni Beerden et Ha St-t-t- Ct-adit-c Lc8it- milten; one t-et, W. L. Neahitt; t-2-2lf te gt-andthidee nd nc geet gt-echildt-ta. Milt Mt-sit- Tnaahct- Av- pateral att-vit-e e-at- Seid Et-t-1 sot-ett are holding a (t-tnt e- dey, lie-etebte il, 1971 latt- ctit-i t-a Tt-atdat. Sent-t-ty 18, mnt la Lindsay. t 1i730 p. la the Set-lt-t Aad ___________ tenn OSD. t3-10li IPELLETtER, Ceor-ge - At Mil- tac Districat Hoapital , nMec- Hane t-t Ht-t- pescriPub day. Sanaey 10, 1972, Cet-an Nitc", Sit-eda-. Sat-at-y 22,- Petaeaiet-. in bia 78t8t veat-. ta- Hacha t-eat Goed and Counec thet-o etnateie. tt-y Cth, e t 8 pcm., faatealate Risnig ait the MaRese Fac- the Cet-t Tacae- annd tnt-fan cent Home, 114 Maie St., Mcil- t-hec 6v t-ha Hane of Ht-lt and tac. Pua e r ttvice Mednetday Yetacw Belleet. Tickbets $2.00 at 2 pàc- Inaemnecl Enet-gent eah. Buffet and deat- paiet. aentctt5t. 47-5042 CAR *PRICE NOW IARDSON - 0105 MILTON 878-2393 MILT8-NW ARRIVAL et yeat- 5ctat Phone 878-6949 1ht-ea Bieth t-nnanamcclets at-c paStîahtd et ce char-ge in le-at he Champien. GALLINGER MOTORS LTD. S PE CIA L PLAN '72 THIS MONTH ONLY le aing t- nec yaa, mny people a-te plansand catahtiah geaiast- et-- lt-t-fo. Wihat aht-t t- i lt-t-tt a gc. parttai thisa t terr I~gatat dea- lent- et-aid bt- tat-enpivh-d aetiaely tas celsin- F K EE Jîaidaally, Entet- theat- plan- tand t-t-heaemnect and t-taI inte- et-ted la yanae-a ca-te. It cll ht-t-e-y t-cnetding p~Q1EX. Lt" 9e t-t Catiege- Maiîan Lîd. apet-ate n t-ne dealnenhlip wiah P R0 TE t-att-.esa nd at-gutaio na ahtt- Sec fit-mly hetieae t-te fat- the hanefia e f e-et-ynne. Wt-nt-t-tplansnte inpae the qnelityeofalesand Rovi Pt-t-t Trattntt atny neepteta reaiatah et- t-ollision net-vit-t- Soe got-a at-t dîit-it tnet-ach, bat thet- it pt-idn in damage et-cc $150. ce beneat tey. Dant tmisva hia appot-ttaitv te ahat-Pen t-p and pettt-t yeet- ate. THIS WEEKtS BEST BUY This tsa npt-et tratat bat cili ceactaIt-a dollarsa et tcede e ine. 1971 CHEV. ptct-np, dataca ely 8,354 miles. Lia. 53351B. For Frac Estimatas Caîl 878-2721 or 878-3251 1ONLY $2,286. AFTER HOURS CALL 878-3858 OR DiROP tN AND SER US. G L I G R M T R BILLS AUO BO Y 1MILTON PLAZA - 269 Main Straet - Milton, Ontarlo Milton 878-2883 Toronto 925-0887 I437 1837 tane t- pan lu a ar ad Dit-t-t-t yu cant-cea necv wih: MAX Mt-REE GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED Milton Plaza 878-2883 g837 WANTED Part Tima Caratakar FOR Municipal Buildings and Property Mat-tee applications sating ait, ecpnt-tnnae and effie- pet- ct-at informaaation cill hae t-cit- ed by the aadt-ttigaai atel 5.00 t-t-math p-e., Ft-ldny, Samuae 21, 197. C. Thomsoa, Cleat - Admialstatet, The Cot-poation et tme Tt-p. cf Nat-anet, R. R. t, CAMPRELLVtLLE, Ont. 8654 SALESMAN WANTED FOR MEDIUM SI5E 034 DEAtJERSI0P I BOOSa fat-ciaed tp- armnt, $95 mantlly, tat and hydro ieclued. 854-2666. 15857-49 t - EISOM tet-nittaed np- etmant, t-eaalIy IOated, nata I or 2 pet-tact. Photae 8794725. t3a37-ffl3 I & 2 BEDROOM aparelmenta, at-an modern building, ait seavic- et nceladed in t-tnt. Phonce 8M1 3180. t3e4963-tf HEATEII fae.tic¶td tedeSnat, la quiet home, iiiien suappliait, pet-bing fet-iliaica, gentlemain pt-eSet-t-d. 878-4678. i - RODai Stick bunatgalo, An gei aeadtaian, a-idnntil cansa, evallî iaacediatelp. Befete-ta ces t-eqtieed. PeStn 8782455 et 279-2814 Ceekenitle 13c3-26 7-BEROOM .apntait-t ne- setect, hest icttdnd, 1 mle taath ai Attac itmediatte pan- tet-ian. Phttnt 853-049 Attn atytime afce- 7 Pt-n. 13b9-1276 IEN Eden Cout" Apaet- mets - Noenaittcc8 potse- tion San-aey t. itJel tn, lar-ge tuits, sauna bath, %ea. ceata, playa'eaaca tannldep mont, t-atk ama 198 pat-ki.n tpaaet, 1-hedecaa tenta $147180 pe- mentIt; 2-xtedaont itean $16750 per- menth. Nette M7 4118. 13etf-5016 Benef'ta ichade: use of nw14 WANTED TO MENT -17adexelent age eamng opprtuniliem. t - 8EoeOOM apaat.nen ort rPtrefratea yla ma-t-led man eor tam and ttcetd in Mtosn, te t-etied gat-lmac. gamlng Pet. t. -Sqoty ta 279-3049 Miacissauga. -37-32 Contact BEV SLESSOR 878-2355 MILTON MOTOR SALES > 3M8 main St. E. MaILTONt, Ont. ti?7 sVEH-ICLES FOR SALE ' 8 HELP WANTEO 8 I-ELP WANTED 1965 4-DOOS Ftai, VaS acte., NOTtCE: The WemensEqat 2 bMEN fort anittom tanna- Lastie 388. 878-758. 5ct-85 Empîcyment Oppettncty Act, icg. A4t¶ay eit MeNait Musa- ----1870, ptehihita. aitt t-et-tain mainm Pata an tOny. 25. 1864 VOLRSMAGEN, ge0i eceptiona, diet-iminatn hit> 8b29-1377 meaha,italtcditin. 120 88Scaseaf etr maital ata. 6190. 5n37-66 Blnc ste ocatons a re 190SO- eeet 0 - acatsdet-ed mate attratiettea DRIVER ý197 SNW Cmser 20ha-.. peroactofac.e a he thter- eleeteiltat-, $418 ot- heat effet-. ad-ettiemeett in this cettact TELEPHONE CBOOKS 878-9094. 5837-63 tet- anas positina cAIl continue 1971 T.N.T. St-i-dec, 65 h.p., ta t-tata ehether tee mec ce 50emiles-.Phoeehetwee 9 and namea. Saab listingaecne FUILL orPART DAYS 5, 87-383 5s37-~ inended te enalade peatans af ______________ ithet-sen. 8gt6t4td -bIEN OS WOOaBN OVER 18 1868 CH-EV., 6 netematia. Bite- yeta oft elle wit atomobtIiles ane, ltis., eadio. A-I anttiffe. WELDES cantal: I aaieh ate nadadin faMitont, $Iacchy $1,005. Phone 083-1378 At-tan. productian etpeeienac and It Cnaajbelcifle and anntaacclcg 5h29-1388 etS layent cape-len-e. 879- at-eas. -2241. S637-18 1968 VAUSEHALL Vice 2-deet-, 'Dtet-ey atarta Fthc.ary ttt. enta., gced coendition. $418 et- PSOPESBtO4AL sitter equi- 1972. hangt effe-. Cet-titind. 8786067. and fat- l8-meath-eld bey. Main edniag drste 5c37-105 and Bceatn St. at-ce. CatI 876- Stdcmae datti 5149.8c37.6t aphonce nancte- type of atana- 186 CHEELU 5alih 9 bile, ineuaae aamplacy Mtd ce66eCatiap.a. heeheteat6 HAVE epeaiag fat- wetihatt-tat-ailntfaen .a<tttad. t-adio, $623o ettt effe-, Phone geaamed, nehilicea pet-tan. 18 tat 853-1370 Attn. 5b279-1387 et- ec, icîeaed in dit-ecl - - - aiea. Sampica anpptied. Malta DA. LIMITED 1966 MIAT Maiel 850. Sceat- ýBac 623, t-at-e t-f the Canadien P.Bec 220 Stto T, ly oeant-ed, exceallent seaond Chamcpioc. 861247 4 t-at-. $275. t-nsb. Phoce 878-2603 TORONITO t9, Oct. -fit-r 7 p.m. 5c77 BALES people, malt and te- - - maIe, t-qnit-td fat- cet exand- Plence do 140E tal'thBa 230 MOTOS; 1964 - 283 matat-; iag Mitoen effiae. Enget-ieca teleptoet aaesaany. 1964 ilû10oaia metce; 2-l194 anaeLaeoreilltrin t-lfe d 837 At-adin cttact ASi an geai people. Pe- intervaiew, t-aIt 17& atat-iagat-de-. Dec Dropt I.9511N.J. Lengoeeal Etate 878-9229. 5t-3748 tMemhet- eftehe Oebvilln Real 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 1968 COSVAtR. blet-h aicyl. ttl atd, 82-39a gt-aik ehaiai setedicir ha- TEXAS QIL COMPANY E5OPEA$ENCRID wetan awi dat--ett- ttqnet- enemine-atbaby ait p--aheel ahild le my teatin. Fat- talce la , $95 fer- Wants Man Ovar 40 tact hume. 878-9. 59647M qala- st-te. Phone Smith 878- For Milton Araa EXIPERtENCRO Offiae (Mari- 441. --- - -- b3743 We need a goed mac e-ha an age- I Aacnanc at-i-lable. P963 CHRYýSLER Nec Yoet--t, mat-te abat-t enta teips. We at-n Phone 878-9986 caccinga. ati pacter optiona, la gned to- -eillitg te pnp tep enn . 9t-37-9 dition; 1959 Licn Continent- $1 5n000 In a Voar CIRL 10 pen aid, 2 yea-n of- el, t-xaeltent condition, aie to-e Oa ditiaa. ai wte optionsca u tep mec la et-he- pats -o ht-e enpnelencn in typiag and 8784516. 5c3-6~2 Cnda dt-ncv eteeptiittal tant-- compaIt-c typiag. 878-2124. cnga Centat-t tttae- a nt-nd 9c3741t 1969 0000- 5W tt- Milton. Aie mail S. O. Diat-e-. nan wagon ctth aomer and t-et, Pt-et., Sacalanaeecn Petea-______________ i e-are, eadio, poer aIeea- taam Cet-p., Ft-t Worth, Texas. Il LOST OR STRAYED iag and pe at- ist-es, aelanet- 8a37 -_____ ______ kc at-t-t--lt-aie, la t-oo- t-endi- ON Scaaey 6, nene Speyaidn, tien6 annd 9pm 6-695b. TRUCK DRIVER main Sinnese ct-n. Recntd. Ph. 5j85 tee-t a t-a to9a eui o e Atta 853-1755. t1 b29-1391 liat-et 'd pedat. Mut te MOUIID chacve- li-ftcd tme ___________________23 yer- 5aee- day cet mail hax feete 3310 10th Eide- Tt-cad epla,tt Tep t-ead, pîete mIncen. ATlyne tnt- 7 WANTED aalat-y. Inr ane, ptane 878-4171. 158-P place. la geed cndit- Appiy le pet-tan tnt ______:______ ion, t-asaaahe. 878-9252. ON -.~ MAPLE LODGE FARMS 12 FON COIS t-l e rce i ndg LT'C BOY'S catch, la Leawlh'sb tt-eia. Phoe 878-2029 dOter 6.18 Net-t-tI. 6-h -Lice, cent ot Bt-ne- parkting eot. i8-2t55. 12c37-tI0 p-c. 7-h57-5546 ple IMWintlea Chat-t-ilt Blvd.5 PIANO, fll npt-ight et- saal & t/ nuie aot-tSt of Steeîna At-e.____________ gt-and, la fI t-t caat condition. 8h5b3 FO6MN Ca]htceeas6aad 9 p., 878-1 ORR 6695. ~ TWO REPRESENTATIVES PUSNIHED bcdt-ac at-ith RIDE te cent aide ofet lpath. oa a tlthcpatga 7-75 iea-ieg Mdlton eit 7 amc and ftor c tlsrcury iceprvlgs88-75 etacaning hy 4 pnm.. Manda- Daalarship 1308RNI-nde 6 -an tht-egh Faidty. 878-3628.MOEN1-bdor pt saî7-to7 St-lt-a t-peaieatt as t-etoited ent, dacntn lcaioa. 478bu e eesrl natn,61lfe .. 1c61 5 VIICLE FR SLE tac sa-tst Met-t hae 25 o et- - - VEICE t-SAE and bat-t geai eteeate-. ELECTStC HOT MATER ____________ PEATESS cilS frac ervice t-e ttt-t-t a t-cat-thtaaît-t tac- thone Milten tit-c 876j234