Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 1971, p. 1

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Qrke VOL. 112 - No. 35 MoILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, Ds-Cs-MOs 29, 1971 ?uoecty Pages-Ffftses Ces. R. Harris, John Comber wilI ring ln new year "Yes Vieginin, th.e ia .bell elage- and ise tos anoal grein l ie nespa- sat ini isepealed on ov f ield*. fs-om lise lowni bell leseer aitie nikldigb isoas." Iteeve Ron lHarris sliü teain op slts 18- BELL RINGEII whio srotunteered for midniglit doty Fs-iday ta Millos anuai "unbcs-ing in thse nese yeas-" ces-emonp is Reeve Rois Htarris, wso' pis-lus-e getling làna tes pros-lice pailla on lin ton hall bell s-upc ta prepas-ais for lise evenl. Me iit represeol lise towso ade- ciflznry saise 18-yeur-old John Comne wttl ceps-osent tise pols of MiIto.-<ýStaff Photo) yea-old Join Combes, reps-esentlog the municipal conci and tise young people Of lise comuitt, 10 hand e the aunuel bel inigtisaI bas become o ts-adition in Milo in sale ta lise nesa year. Larger Orchestr-a th"Yes Virgiia li-e migist be a las-ge- la nt obeta playing in frunt of lhe tosan hall 10 led tise singe-s in Aold Ln Syne,". Ebuliunt Tom Nye sabu bon ldibe ningera in ail but une of tbe bell s-ingtng epsou nicing = bu-bivcau Ô be unbod ginttiny. A =- Billoi led tish aoln band on niusday nigist bau une rbento be prsent saitis bis trombone und an mony mosiciaos un con brave tise elements. "Yin Vieginia, tises-e saut bie coffee und tinnols" fos- tisose sabu appéos- fs-un tbe sts-eets und isyways t, Unit osms aithle toan's beoet andl doush off o fesa rounds of Aald Lang Syne. Aiss- lolrodueing tbe reffne und donois ts-adition last Yser, Tise Champiun is undertahsng a repeot. if tbe saKLud are bluntos-y und Use exposure in tise "tosan square" con bie qoita imlted and tbe seacoiof coffee wil be waiting. Eves-pone welcome "Yen Virginia, eves-yune is welcome". Pepl ising Useir parly for Use mdlb snoinine cames atone isOosing IeUb sasUs feiends, nome gs-oups nt patig c thaun fsUsbrief feotlvlly oudUse-e .ysap ahappy encisouge of oms yea- sbes. "Wi tUes-e bie aoyooe Uses-e?" "Ye, Virginia, alunait crtaioly. Tise cs-osd isas grosan feoun one on the eve of midolgist 1967 ta mare Usun 200 lost yeor oad tbe numbe- sees t incs-eoue eves-y yes-." Tise toms clocs on tbe pool office is tise conteolling tinse piece und as Use ndoù is tuis ringsout0, Use basan bell Peel. udtb siogeras sing. nies-es no bigge- party in toms. Special year-end report Town's accomplishments reviewed by Mayor Best nie ae 1971 oas an ooiu.standin oserin MUlton's isistory, s- s-os-ding10 Mayor fi-an Bint Il aa year Use coonicti cleoned op sereral ooistanding peojecis and launcsed seves-al neo onin, ie tatld ThueChamopion in a speinl Yea-end intes-view Usis wees. Induat-y, Use Tos-oniCntd iteRgipon Snoiisoo artnto teampstin bav. been eecosrosng oes itis dueing 1971 uil i seas cestil ainp pns for Use nine-mun counicti and tin vrions buds un onsitessiie serve onde- il. Yet ail] of Ibuse iigoa- m tesnings oand saiile lisey are ail impor-tant ta Use operalion of a tmieMtiltnaii, Moorit feeis "people" Itemsusbooldlun bue given igs p-ios-itp. "Ps liecm getplo-ty F-o- Ibal rsort items oucs as senior citizenu and low-s-enti bounng, poice, lbraep, youUs and res-seation items bave aiso iseen frq intipbua on tbe countil agendas and Use mayor unys ie io =Pndorstone progren is being mode inUshese areas iso. nie as-ris-at of Polymer eopnatile' mdula- ouing uni 'indai-h,i sitiing of Milton frein Use slow-g-oUs Zooe To o 0e lin dioingrowlis 7one Onoe aren in lin Toronto- Cenleed Region Des'il for Developinent, and sforîber industriel gains in Miton dos-mg 1971 top lin mayor's bl of Multon's oulslandiog Oc- compbabhmenis of Use -as 12 mootits. Polpiner, 00W ondes- construction os Haerop Dr. on lands UsaI seere annexed 10 Milton abusa yens ogo, saiti bave a $5,600,000i installation and a wors staff of around 220 wisec pr'oductions sIBetu in Use sprisg. lZTi ayor feels Polymer's loain buesilI iselp attract otber s-elataid and "leader" industs-ies la itis ars-o and saUt shsow otber prospective indusls-ialisl Ibet a laege ceown corpas-ation bas failli in Miton's location ond services. He feeto Miton's soove froin Zone Two tb Zone Ose oas one of tise factors tisaI iofluenced Polymer's localing hsaund bopeo Ibis oui sps-eod 10 oIns-s. Mas-e indust-y Dus-mg 1971thUe Kroboe-t Steel Tans fis-m completed is indust-ial building on ttoles Ave. andl bon compleled lbuee Zecs comp'ayhomes saiis- byieenooder construction fos- saine lime, be pointai out. Alliance Buoilding Cor-poration bus is f ist idustrial motl building fisisbed and alinont complelely rentai 10 four fis-ss, wtole a second boilding bas iseen erectod on Use former Hors-sp s-as-m on teeles Ave, aI Alliance Rd. Alliance bas plas for more buildings on the prsperty and bas unved tise toms Use expeone of providiog seeviceil indootrial tand for sinatier induntrieo. Subdivisions oere aiso, big seos in 1971 un ownes of tbree large blocs-bo0f tond in the 210- acre nos-tis-est qoadrant finalined plaos for Use fiss 466t homes of 1,260 slaled for construc-tion in Usat blocks. Th5e toms ds-ew a nese subdivide-'s agreement soith tise fis-ms obics giveo Use toms o greater degee of cont-ol Usun eve- bufns-e, and ai Use saine tlune increoned Use capital levy tees tise lown s-barges, Tie lbs-ee f is-ns seui bu payig Use toms $547000 in capital levias in Joury saiis- sail bu uued 10, finance stos-os andl liai sesacro for lin ars-caund Use Bus cardes 4,000 riders Milton Cisambe- of Commes-ce's fr-ee Cbs-istmas sbeppes' hous ses-vice was au overwheblaig sacss Usis yeos-, bas ehal-mas Ras Has-ris repos. lu 14 days of ses-vice ti crs-ed an eollmated 4,000 passengees 10 and Is-oin Use stores. Final figures wesenIt os-ullaiste but on lis second last day of ses-vice ITbao-dayl the is esceedad Use 3,800 figure. A iNU repas-t saiS be avallse seul week. Chambe- os-gasis e daltghted. *toan's sbaee of creeb cisannet- ization wos-b in tisaI block. A oms isoninf isy-aw, nambe- 71-7t was passedl Usis yens- sabirs coveru tise entie nortis.east quadan. Lands ps-eviounly beld eeleaoed fo 1eietilbidn aI se isan's diucretion under ttsnese by-lasa. Once i lai appeoned by Use DMB, libely in Januaey, Use issan cou sigo soisdividers' ogreements wats Use tbree developers. Tise Mayor copecîs construction cou start titis sps-lng on tise birot bomes, saiUs or- cupaocy expected by Jly or Aufunt. Completion and opening of Use tow 's first Iti-usol senior citizens aparteot building dus-ing 1971 was asotse milestone, ac- ces-ding tusMayor ficot. "Tbey are ail very bappy aod a lot of tse corsier complaints absoat Use Oniss-io St. lucation semais boave disappeaeed. Thsis isoilding wsa stop in the s-igbt direction," ie sajil. Second senios-home Now the toms bas aatisorised construction of a second sucs ps-oject andl a need bas beeo toen for 22 units. Onta-o Housing Cor-por-ation bon collai for is f rom, developero. Tise isma alun, aube OHC 10 betp ps-ovule naine lose-reota bouaing in Milton bat tu dois Use-e bas buen bltle progreus. Watoc was amUse- ars-o of busy-oess fos- Use toms Usis yea-, and the referenre bus-e la sot to tise laoridation controve-sy obiris embroilel Mitoisna for neaely oix montin. Tise toms csmpleted uls fourts well ai Keluo ut a cost of close t100it,000. made plans to s-on an 18 inchine ue thUe seesvoir on tise escus-pient fs-oi BRonte -22., coosides-ed o million gallon expansion aithUe reservoir, instatled remote reading devices on utl wate- meters in bard-to-gel-at placs-e, und decideil toereview iis policy of selling oute- 10 consumes outside the toms boundaries early inthe new year. Tise reservoir âne witi coubte tise toms 10 obat off on old five soch lise Ibal feedo tise reses-voir froun to Waliser's lise oeIls, and fred il isp force main froso tse toms systemi and tise Keluo ACHRISTMAS DAY BABY us-rivai aI Milton District ,i Hospital Solos-day evening wbun Ms-s. Tom Ntititoeb oft À~ Naonagasaeyu Township gove bis-Il bu Lso Murie, ber - A~ tis-i ld. Mollie-, baby, futher and two brotlsers ut oc Ahome us-e uail repo-ted "fise. _(Staff Phsoto) Santa Clous brings Christmas baby jSauta Claus brougisl more Iban tops andl condy seben bie came doms tise ciunepu of ars-e residents as Chsrislitmas. nie Nîtofors lasily, of R.R. 2 Ros-booi s-eceived o six poond, 12 49 souns-e baby girl in Usei- Clirinlinas slocbing.A Ms-s. Thomas Nibifo-i oas aduilted to MUlton District Ag Hospital aI 2:30 pin. Christmnas Day. Ner baby oas bure about AA six and a alf hours later ai 8:4 p.m. 04 Hewanted a bey! ' "Il's on extra special Chreistmnas prsent", ressarbed Mss. Nibulorli. tI liane to boys agel six and fine andl l'un sure UscytIl ibu happy oits tiseir nese baby ointe-, althougs ose of Usein 'À wouted a buy." nie nesa addition 10 lise Nibiforb faodly witl bue oume Lis h Marie. Alishoog tise fumtip lion a mading addeo of R.R. 2 ? itoclloood, thep aclaatiy lice abaut fine moites nos-li of Campintindie. Ms-. Nibifo- is a n office oe wils lin Ford Moto- Company in Oabvtile. ' v s cv - sv s - s e o - ' oc , vs- ecv DILINGIiER UP in ps-eparalion for lise sses yeas-'s eve belt-singissg ceremony uithli town batt is John Combe-, un 19- Yeus--old voluleer fs-su lise s-anba of MIlton's yoonger eleoseof HIe andl Res-e Rosi Has-ris wsaihare tise bell- ringing dutSes Fs-iday aI midisight andi totl the toms hall bell to wecome lin 590w yeas- 1972. A lus-ge s-soued is expectel togutbe- ti the site jtst prior bu miligb for a fesa s-os-uses ut Aotd Long Syne-uand Yoong and ld a1 libu us-e invsiteil tu pasticipa te -(Staff Photo) At lait hospital, Manoir Shut-ins enjoy Christmas Cbristioao Day is a ibue 10 be spent aI buome sauts relatives or pop y pu ol s-es-p dearly. Nooe-es, solt enes-one oas able ta moite il hosoe dursog laut Oebu' festine season. nie statt und residants nf tse Milton Distris-t Hospital, Naton CennninîMoons- and Use Counlp Jati spont part, and in mny cases lin enlire bobidap asaay froin home. APliroxiinatelp 25 ps-soners ai the btltonuJad enjoyed a soonday CSrsitins mml, saldcb consisted oftlurhcy slUs ail Use lrinssnings. Rev. R. W. Fontee of Gras-e Anglican Churs-h reclted gre. Filt staff membes sacre on datp da-isg Use dap. Roast tsrhey selUs trelnnin and plain pudding weti sugar sauce wes-e tbe main ingredients of thse noonday Chistsmas mesai served to opproximatety 40 patients wlsa were confineil tu Milton District Hospital. With thisetsmeat, patients lso receivesl a smal) Chistlmas tree, dcsigtted by thse Hospitat Auxitias-y. Fire-free on holiday Mit wos apuat tise spectre of fire oves- tise weekend. Fie Csief A. E. Clement repors there wes-e nos fis-e s- frir-e alarma ta upoil tise Christmas holiday meaman. "We wes-e ves-y luchy"1 Use Osief statedl. ie Hospital sent as manny, patients as possile hosoe for the tolîdap. In addition ta tsis some patients unes-e celeasel tor- a couple- cf houco. vo lliey soglit enjop Chistmîsas dîne- wi22 tseir fasulies.' liclocen 80 and 90 staff meosiserS of Nalton Cenlenial Munor sacre bept buy Cbs-siso Osp attending 102the need ofthUe searly 250s-esidants of Use Manur sain oece nol able 10 mabe i home or visit friands. A Peopas-lionale number of Use residenta sacre bai care patienta. nie renidinis bad a Is-oditional Chr-istmsas disse-, consluting of tarbep ail trbuins Aln sauth Use dinnerreidýanta sace served soine saine as ou mi-. ditional bubiday treat. Wins $100 in Chamber draw New dress her Christmas bon anza Mons leene Hufbsnan gsI ani-e secondl coupon oas publisbud in Adam, 146 Rolissoo Cresc.; SI.; Ms-s. Jse Ellis, 26 Pioe Si., 104 Robiooil Cres.; Ms-s. R. C. Christmas prsent un Cbristmsas tise Dec. 8 Chasnpisn. Ms-s. ordon Rayner, R.R. t Olive s-cIter, 41 Main St. Cunnsgham, 275 Martin SI.; W. eve--te $100 first pr-ime vous-ber Winoers of $10 nous-bers saee Milton; Mtss. Joyce Laing, 276 Also J. W. Lamsnl, 72 Oas-ton J. Barbe-, 248 Ebusaood Cres. in thie MultIn Cisamber of Ms-s. Fs-cd Paupol, 313 Ebuvonil Ebuwond Cs-esc.; C. Needsaco. St.; btss. R. McsGinnis, 40 Mdl George Partons, 225 Ontario St. Cosomes-ces annuel fs-ee Crase.; Ms-s. Ces-il Patteson, 257 Woodward St.; Ms-s. C. H. Si. Miss Joi Pas-Iont, 391Bl8 . ss O-u er E Chisinesa shopping drasa. - RNR. 4; Mcu. J. Farr-ell, 339 Pise Bealy, 111 Ontar-io St.; Ms-s-.; Ms-s Baeil nims 0J N; Ms-s. Br. Paernaby. 1 Os-oa rbairuian Ron Has-ris St.; Ms-s. L. PoIler, 333 Es-ans Estoisesobo, 201 Nenlop S2.; Mes. Harvey Agnesa, 195 Ontos-io St. N_ Ms-s. G. G. Pos-dp. played Santa Claus andl deliverel Mapteooi C-ess.. Ms-s. M. Rd., Ms-s. Ja-b Pnddie, tit Robert Mas-lin 31.; Ms-s. Jas-b Nuaco, 34 Mdl St. bus- vouchser to Miss Nuffnson, of 285 Ontario SI., laIe Fs-îday af- troon. Neediems ta say, the nner oas oves-joyel o 10 lers shýise ltaie the top peine. It lini l'il lisp a nesa dreus," ubu sul. Mons Nuffunan won 091f0 peine once bufss-e in a Cbambs- ds-aw aod put il towards a dress, se a new ds-ess Oas the firsl thisg on bier minI, nie nous-ber is good aoth seoare of any of tise 90 pas-licipaîîog mers-buols wo sponorai Use Cbambus-'s free sisoppors' bus und ds-ow dsring Des-embs-. Second pr-isesÀ Two second ps-mes, f50 s-oas-bers, oent 10, Ms-s. EnaX Filopatrsik of 443 Mounlainnieo Dr. aod Mes. G. F. Combe-. 320 Noigbside Dr. Bots oe-e tss-ited tu rerelve the Chs-istmas- bononza. nie Cbamse- also aoarded 25 vcle-s os-I $10 tui lus-bp slioppecs, foc a totol distrîibuion - ut $450. Cliacobus Santo Claus As-I loger, presîdent Reg DiCola. ds-a s-bau-ias Hus-ris and retoit eommiîîee co-cbais-men Bill Dallioger and Nis-b Cbocbma-b frew tse tickbet§ fs-sm lin drum in front of Milton Depas-toseol Store s 4 aI 3 p.m. Friday. Me. Har-ris spent tisaI afterenso and evening lelepisosing oinners and brigbtaising up Useir Christmsas "BRITTON'S BUNCPr', un sodd osserribly of local municies, und Jim Ditls. Tbey plaped short cocesuuthlie taon hall, sauts lin nesn Usey bad woun Use peorsmed thoi- fiss (ond probably tuaI) conlcert T1555ssay Hormony Coort Apos-Iconta, HuIltis Cenlesusial Masse and primesi aitickts eore evenslag uvin tbey toored lin losan ploplng Christmas cas-ola, Milton Plazu dos-bag u lwo-hossr spar. High school stades sho bis-sednese drs.of pp Conducto- Art Bs-Itais is pis-bured aI lefI ami players visible bu play in Use ochool band belotes-el lin collection ofl adus Who rumeinai ose irs couon in thUe photo iaclode Koity McDowell, Oz I.edwlts, Aflcy Fr-ank, lsig burs- ouI t o lisoalUs totfom lise band mos-e piclure flper delivered to Useir daooud al ROy Dowu, Mus-ray Roolston, Peer Phillips, Bs- MtKerr liie--Slaff Phioto) -J

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