Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Nov 1971, p. 18

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86 TIhe Canadien Champion, Wedcesdsy,, Novemhac 3, 1971 On Monday, Oct. 25, an hinterical plaque ram- neiserating Une dlscevecy et innelin orne snvelled ai the Medical Sciencen Building, 1 Kin'sColag Creean due Unvriyo root anmpus. finis plaque le ance e anertes henl erected Unreaqlnant Une psevince hy th Ontario Dopari- ment ut Phlic Records and Archives, acting en Une advice et Une Archaeleticai and Historie Sites Bord. Musday's ccremeny wan =pnsrd juintly hy the C MabnDahlette Association and tee Univernity et Toronte Insolie Commitice wlth cisairmnoa Dr. Albert Fisher an prograin chaimman. Olhern teasig part le Une cereicuny were Dr. A. L. Chute, Dean efthUe Fecaity of Medicine, Univeresity ot Tuooto: Professer J. Maurice BESr PARENT ATTENDANCE et tise receet doree public Scheeole were Me. Shepperd's sud Miton fire hall open houe rarneci tee top Mrs. Houesoils grade four-fiee ut Bruce St., classes in four Milton schools su engraed Mrs. S. Enornies' grade twe ut W. I. Dinh and wail ploque. Fiee Cleef A. E. Clemeet Mrs. R. Innes' grade one et J. M. Desyec. Tise presected the award for Holy Rossi-y Sehool plaques are gicen nons year te lise claso le te Mrs. Halfour's grade four cloue and John rai-h snhool wiih bringe tee mollt parente te Crier: and Deanue Corradetti accepled os tee fire hall open boue. Thsis year over 650 belialf ut thse ciaso. Winnicg classes le the aduits attended.--<Staff Photo) Va ; -f -U L HlONO)RABLE MENTION peine wencers in tise Hlaltue Fiee Prevention Horean's 1971 fie poster contest were Lai-y Cifoci and John Cairos, boUt lu-year-old grade five studentseat Huioy Rosary Separate Si-boul, Milton. Fire Coi-I A. E. Cieient presented teem abish Ico siuver dollars apiece for winning lise Milton contest and asuosurcec teey would ha honoreci laier by Halton Fiee Pecenlion Bureau. Tise Anners are sbown ente their posters and silver dollars. Tise Halten contesl was conilarîrdl only in separale schools Ibis yeiir---taff Photo) a Qý Matador e eb Ambsssador Jav e e o orertce . e y themrcnMtr ue rtcinPa hnyubyteJvln e huin eo eejYn rteto ii h * eE * lti eleet o * RT ST. are MLTONte 88232 Careleu, Ci-Cairman efthUe Peeclne'o Historie Sitan Board; Harold Alexandor, Prealdeni et tee Canadien Diahetir Association; the Hon. Allen Groneman, M.P.P., Osiarlons Miistaet of Tnde and Develep- ment; Dr. R. E. Hala, Onairman efthe Departinesi ot Phyalnlgy. fine plaque ws anuvelild jointly hy Dr. Charles H. Bmst, one of Une discoearet ofnint, and Lad Basting, anidoan et Dr. Fredeclch Basting. fisc plaque lancriptinn rendduas foilesus: ,THE D1SCOVERY 0F tHINUN 1021: At a meeting of Une Unsiversity et Toronto Phynlo- logical Journal Clubhheld an Nov. 14,1921, le a builting whlch ntood an Unis nite, Frcderlck Banting, an orihupandir snrgeon and Charlen H. BesI, a recent graduelle le physlology and hie China cabinet, heater . bring selling action Anyone suite as leensle heater te sel hiadt ahout a domo cinea caineet or on où up celrae. heater for nale le prncticfy Chmpa clanaltlela the nain anured of intant scfllsg nsr a weer slo nld a inetachlie, lenfine Chanspiones clannts= hahyns olh and maîtreen, nesulng page. machine, a deer hourd, Advertlsers Wnho Iisledil thne snownnohlle suite and un ilems le recant "fer sole' adn outhoard ineler. Bts enoly le ge report n trennendens raenne te tact action suite n Chunspba teir adle. fine wemas wite Une clannified-jst en 78-254, anal china cainet had ahoet 15 raells let the nesuspaper's suide ailer tee cahinet can neld, asd circulatian te huyern la central tee advertiscir wite a npace Haltes de tee rst. ~iV 4 Shows pictures ?of club shows M1 SILTON and DISTRICT i ice jasl,> HORTICULTIJIAL SOCilETY Milten und District Horticaitoral Soriety held ls Smeeting Monday, Ocl. 1f le te 1JAW Centre, Martin S1. Peesident Sus Lochie presided a nd there as a good qustien and asner period. Me. Odenhacs snd Mdanrice Headhesd gave a report efthUe werhshop they attended le >. sGulpin July, and eoplaleed te builetles avaiohle isy sueitisg te Unte cuilege ut Gluelph. fliey tld hew te rare for telipo and eteer plants, hoan te mulch, plus chemical cectrol, noil composition, sosect and dioeaso control. Petuns, it was neled, are ued te stody air pollution. Locral gardean Me. Resdisead steneed picteres ut receot Canwer shoews, vhich brougist fond memories te maiy ot tise memberi. Picteres îccluded tise convention in Windsor, Une Royal Botanical Gerdens, and tee flewer garderie ut Me. and Me, S. broie, Me. and Men. Rohert Dredge and Me. and Mes". M. Reedhead. He aiso showed pinturns efthUe Christmas show n e7 lOand many ledividul biaorne. The presideet teanhed tise two memisers tee tiseir contribution lu tee progranu. Frank Joyce denaled nevoral bouse plas ahics ancre sold te meinhers, and masy recelved lorhy draw prises. Pesulte et tee mentely Iloaner show are an foilown: SECTION ONE Hailone'es party-design ter buffet, Mes. Elalee Britton, Mes. E. Colling, Mes. Isaee Doano. Summer's End--desigs et dnrysanteruns icd drlftwuad, Mes. A. Clementn, Mrm. E. Cellisg, Mes. W. J. fliempos. Field and Slream.-duslg et prale, grasses and-or weeds, W. J. Thampson, Mes. E. Ccteing, Mes. W. J. Tisempson. SECTION TWO Three stemsnofu spray type clscysantemmo, soy ene culer, George Clennenin, Men. lRste Lacie, Mes. A. Clemens. Three biloomsoftharcest munis, nny ose coller, George Cbessens, Mes, W. J. fisompson, Mms. A. Clemens. SECTION 2-JJNIORS Decerated psmphio fer Hallowe'en, Brent Lucisie, Henosie [arie, Wayne Lachie. tesaginsry monneter made tremi seyeraI kindsofu vegetahlee, Wayne Loclee, Remuie [rie. donnleltry, mae due Brui publir . .nuacmeu ut du dlnmoery ot a Uneapy for usen adu int- met of dahetes inlllIu'. Oc Jas. 11, 19M5 ieile, originally cuiled einiel, was admlaniaed te 14-year-old Leonard Thempuan, ai the Toronto Geseral Hospital. Tie draialir laoveinent of due patient aa sun ngnead pnhlfliy d thned se.t nie iath. h. d srientisto universel aectaire. fineir dlnmvery, Une. culmination oftnlie mandu o ntetnive effort, ha pre.esfi the Ilves et hM. r Unritistrosghont Une suorld." FIONT POLLUTION-nso yu cas suaIs yoar dog in the fran Historical plaque marks 1921 discovery of insulin Obituary Peter E. oeet areegntlla ohient titinlons peaud away peaeleully on MhNàxay t. Il nt Une Crlpps Nu fn oe rampto. Ne9 Pyet rmadnnndliepdnan Mae lan StretvMe for 42 yenrn. Priser te dut ha liveden ne =al tarine, Nit Lie nd frlsaROnd. HIe wan the son et Une laie Josnea Stepnhean and Jane Am. Cook, and wu horsi on Nov. 12. 1801. ilorhng hNe retied yoarn, Mfr. Rtephein wua very inlerenied in sports, eliperilily lacroune and due Toronno Melile Lest Hnckey 0fr. Rtephens w. active in hies rbnrrh, havlng nttueded Mc- Cnrdy MetUdlataurdn and ten theSretvlUenited. Formany yearu hie held an office and ts lai et pleannaAeot ofiThe Blhe Clans whlch wan held ai Sireeaeville United. He isrvved hy hin nelte Vild and daughieru Edna (Mrs. Ellisont Ban)i ut Hoenhy and Mtidred (Mrs. KelUn Tuei et Wllowdale. Hol aise lnurvived Beautiful Hair ... your crowning glory 1We style, cut and set yoohafr tobrng m oit is trule bcauty. Expert Hair Coloring to,... rail Fashion <i eauty Lounge 171 Main St plegsm9w now1oil TUNE-UP TM Ïp howmobi AT SCOBIEOS Have Your Snowmobile Checked i/ PLUGS If ,noeded v/ POINTS $1 2.95 v*' ONDESER THER PARTS ARE EXTRA 14MDL O EFRAC SCOBIE'S S TIR 53 Baseline Rd. Milton 878-3222 SPECIAL NOTICE To ail Municipal Electors within the Town of Milton DOeu wish te vule uithis year's Municipal Election fer the election ef a Ceuncll am Hydre Coimmission, pion thne questions uf Fluoridaties and Sunnday upeiig of pool Reou Dine te tee laheuner et tee Assesument Functien by tne Provinre, 1 hune had a poolt deal et ditficnlty inepreparnngtitillayear'n Votera liste, ad et thispon feela great naeher ot nanaee cealdbe mneleg fronethne Bat. As an exumple, approximalely, foty apertmnents whirlt are occspied are noi on Une Votera Listeoas tlsey wern net eninnerated by theAsanner. Any new people who have teken ap residence slere April or whu have meved te a nee lucation in Tonnceld aise be mlsedur Sll leledet their pecles addren. l i eur Age ut Majerity Act sen parnites thene 1t yeasn et age and ever le vote -previded they are Ownern er Teeante of Property." People wh uoneteowspropertyeordu net renl premnss arenstilint pernnjtted te voe regardles ofe their age. Vetera Listeare localed tlsreeghoututhe Ton le numerous stores, le luhe Pest Office, Legion andaet tne TownnOffice le teTown Hall. 1 otrongly orge ail persens te checks the liste and if yoor canne le col on the îlot pieuse corne te the Towen Off ice ai 250 MaineStree, Eas, te elter Une seceseary appeal le have youe name added te ibis yeae'e Vetere Liste. fine lent date fer flng as appeal te have year saine added le the Votera Liste le Nuveinhor 111h, 1971; aller thnlndate, onme nM nnho ad Pleane checkhelllentnnalie amrYyu are incleded. on elertfos day it la tuen laie ni yeu ni, tlneretere, ha oehl te vole. J. McGEACHIE, Clerk, I - Stephens Md LmegAm.ddnen Merlaid. Norm JenMne, Keaned Rqnumathrt rln Mfr. iephea fra ifle, Ena Learinat predecnannd hiesn 1933, alaise hrJhaaa asouA iMr. M. Ehyl anl = ne dMay). flic faneral service wanhfeldnit Lee inneral Hone la Sbtietvlle an Thaday Oct. 14 ai 10 pin. suite Dr. 14110h * iias of- flclating. Iternnset laeglace la Pis onnrer were nephews Harold Lacinnt, Cllft Wrl ggleoworth, Harold Parknson, Fred Near, Ralpdi Ferd anal Jen Lighthea t. Flawar hearoru wrme Anudorson May, Clayton May, Dudley Lavela, Dinar Tnrney, enry Pichet and WUnner Hamilton. -Circle Dec. t on your ralandar, duin' electdu day la Milton. "MR. RD Presentatit portrait et Service te Befun Beot othiees ut J. ANEWADD ohnerved isy studies Une p wil b hius.g Gensmeli. Tf Education Ni of thse new re hotter Mr-. Fr to tise town. M '7.- Hor The listes, Educn lare the ce, heptp o' Fezs Uneir dl triendi neditoi slerid af MiII presnn isy c Otedent, appreci Princip, Brian pincipe Coonty Milton PROCLAMATION By virtue of the authority Vested in me and at the direction of the Municipal Corporation oI the Town ot MilIton, 1 hereby proclaies NOVEMBER 8 to NOVEMBER 14 YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK Whereas, a large majorlty ot today's youth are constructive, responsibie citizens deservlng the approval ot the aduit communlfy; and Whereas, the decent majority of youths do not receive aust recognition for their achievemrents and actions, and Whereas, the men of Optimst International have dedicated themselves f0 promoting thec public recognition of aur fine young people during Youth Appreciation Week each November, and Whereas, t he citizens of Milton have indicated they wish to loin the Optimists In expressing their pride ln our youth and their approval of the many fine things they are doing to improve both themselves and our community. 1, Brian Bost, Mayor, therefore prociaico November 8to 14, 1971, as Youth Appreciation Week in KV:ilon witt, the sincere hope that every adait wili f0. ly stop fa think about the many plus qualifies of the younger generation, but activeiy recognize the individual and collective attributes and achievements of as many young people as they can possibly reach, s0 that our citizenn of tomorrow may fully realize that we are confident of their ability to guide and govern thse bright world of the future. BRIAN BEST, November 3, 1971. Mayor, Town of MIîto à - 49

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