One y.or old, 20,000 books on shelves Co-operatiïon bufiIds Campbellville Iibrary ANNIVERSARY CAKE sigsafysng thc first ceilbratios at the lihrary Tuesday. The cake, arnisvcrsary of thse official opcsussg of dossated hy Canada Trufst in Mittos îs ed liy Complielîville Library seas enjoyed liy hMrs Thorm Roinson ond Mrs. Audrey Gadi. everynne waisottendet thse aosmversary -<ýStaff Photo) Taielve montin have passed since a sonail village tlicrary first opesed ita doors ta the palie. Started from scratch and mittpower, tis lilirary n0w fias more than 20,110 books and magazines avaitable to the public. 'tne 20,000 figure mal, sean very ssnall, especiatty ta people frm the city aihere lilirarien stoch tliree times this namhcr of biooks, but to vittagers of Camplillte, the fibrary la a liappy meeting place and a place of solitode fromn the regular daily roatine. flic hhrary, aihl started on the whim of severat residents ta tae village, lias gromn ta aihat it La today os the co-operation and interest of hoth yousg and old ta taecomsminity. People of tac cmmmîty tmamed tagetaer te point and redecorata tac intarlor of one of the older buildings in tac village and tors I itot a lihrary, a tittle over a ymar ago. Ran for fonds Grade ose ta five stodents ai ampbltvitte lihrary helped hy cosducting a 'Blisters for Boohs" campaign at tacir scisool tost year taraisc ovor $10 for the hhbrary fusd. flic yoaingsters obtained taeir oms sposors and rus arousd tacir schoot yard for tae money donations. More Ilion f0 chldren participatadl ta tac prograni. A wooden sigo paintein talhack, ced, mhite and gotd ta a"u ctearly recognizohte oataide tae buildtag. The sign masnand presented ta meenhbero i tc comttee hy resident tGordon Agneai, at tac official opmning of the lihrary tait year. The sigs still hangs ahove tae tihrory siser. At Christmas tane lait year lhibry memlier and volontaers halicd moiead sotd theen for mosey for the tihrary. The comrmittce suppieit the moseun mita 61t dozen cootico and mode $32 mhile tain hahe sales hetd ta tae vitlage nettcd amotaer $62 for tac cause. Oeil biotdogs A hot dog day at tac toaa schust nias aootaec may of rataing mosey and mothers supplied meners and hiens ta the taddies Ild jout hept dis7g tacem out. fli c e prfi ofa day ms$26. Arfi so heate, wslig tables ond hook. mere jut a fcm of tae donatios mode ta tae lihrary. A spohemon tar tac committec noted "everything tasîde the tîhrary lias hees iaatad". A finonciat statement reviemosg the first yeor's Oc- tivities appeors inside tac donc of thetlihrary and onyone mishing te sec mliere tae fins ycar's mmney mas spenis melconie ta viem tac statement at the lirary ony Mms. Thore Robinson, a meusher of the tihrory conisittae, moted "Ive mode a fem smstakeo darng our finit year of operation and ras itao fem sags,lfor mhich me stacerely apotogize. We aise tearsed a fcm Nassagaweya tax billing problems under study Towship auditar S. Skinner tahied fîve pages of recommendations that arc mxpectad ta ailevusta prolilemu expcrîenced in Nossagameya Tomnship tais year mith tan hihlngs. It mas tae firsi ycar tac tast bills badl heen caicutoted hy tac computar. Mr. Skinner enptaised tlie problein scemu to have hees mompondcd hy tac differesi rate modes uscd in tac township. He soid some of hos recommeodatins meot heyond tae scopie, cf muncit and moid nvoive the regiosa onoessmest departmest. Not outenorli Hte indîcatad tume hiadt heen musted hy tae horrel ai the As tua'oc UYMFE, a silce of onniversnry coke and a goot hnok ors al] tis man neets. He ta George Goltstram, o useener of Compbltville Lihrary committec, seho attcnded lte onnivcrsary of Uic lilirary's fit-st yeor of operotios os 'i'lestay evcing. --(Staff photo). -Mohamh Racemay re-opesed Hi A L T O N Mosdayfortae foUl race meeting. ICell'uoCoiuciII L2LGHTJ At tac regatar meeting of Ofalton Cousiy Cooncil leut mccli -Pasel o resoiotion urgtag tae provincial goversusent to portahe in a minter morks tcogramn on tae midesi mel possibile. -Agreed ta delay action os a.7 resoltîn frm Leeds and Grenville Coonties ashtag taat sefi drsgs sot lie tegahli ta in Canda. Cousicil ta amoittag a recmmendahion fmom MOto Dr. J. Chiamblerlain os tot onat. -Learscd tac Halton Museum Bfoard lied set tacir obijective for seul year's project as the "Yeor ai tac Terrace". Reeve Un Harris gave a progreas report os tae raising of tac log calta tain year. -Learncd the persoosel colsssttec mas tavestigattag tac teaidity of leasing a cor for tae costruction sfty officer. -Mat ta clourd session ta discouss ualary adjustens for supervisory parsonsel. LARGE STOCK 0F -L.earseo termaials mmtee * SONY nos considerin buildiog O nem cunty forage andi tat Duscan Hoppar and Aaaaciales arc ta he * WEBCOR, AND enaggeit ta prepare a aile pion and prvhmîoiary pions. LCRHM -Leame a patition had heco received rcqomsting the tomering PRODUCTS pif thc spaed limit ta 30 mniles Par tour on tac Gselph Ime froni b0 Sidcroad nortli 10 Leaver's Somethii Muslirmmr Fare. -Learncd tae mousty ecosemir Oeelopment committec lias RUTLED sme idemformsprovementa for _____________ ther onty tadustri dirsclory.- tomnship office, tryisg to sicaiglitan oui errors that hail crept inta, tae systam aiong tac toc. Hte sid notLasitt ilscmr out hy more tas a dollar or tain. "The systeni ouglit ta morli but the people invcd meren't prnperly prepared for tl mheo il couse in," hie toid cousicil at taeir mieeting Tuesday. Peer example? Consciiior Jîim Watson suggmstad tae nup ta tac tus llis mas o resait of the regionat ossessnient deportmnest heisg hrougkt nita heisg ond it ta on esanipie of nihat regiosai govcnimesi miii lie ie aihen taey hrîng tha sn. "'les, it isus efficient it mill 878-2097 OR 878-274f sem thiofs hetter next The nus tae hoard prohteris o mas ta lic explainedt nihes vnln hond teope hhbrariam i mita sot li taey negle Lime to ohi tae eventaf remaincel she sîd. Bot good Mrs. Rob Campllvi jota tae Sb làhrary S future. "If extasded ta tacheseef il cliildren's e tatter orgo mounta." Childreo' the vîtlag tarnover ni more thon section. "A adoît mcm Hours are TI p.n. and ta p.m. Mrs. Rnb tanks toyo of the vitlla tae hhbrary grotafut for me have -Don't si parade in h -Rememi ny take taire os long to do tl," oiionied fro M1r. Skinner johed. Main St. os w hich me hnpe to do yeor," shc exptoused. scd sometancu takes eccntered liy tactoded replacement n eveotags tac lilirury open. Mrs. Rotanson lie prohtem hy notig îtaccs mere ta lic on n tac library or act as and ras itt prolenis ng ahle ta lie on hond, îtad ta notify lier ta tain replacemens for forsotare and money," she said. 00e hope tb iniprove our services ta ail in the future as mdl, she coscfoded. Committee ienihers responsile for the tlibrary inctude Mcs. Thore Robinon, Mci. Audrey Gadd, Mm. tee Wond, Mrs. Sarahi Jenntafs, Mrs. Mae Dermis, Mrs. Shirley Sssita and George Goldstram. Even a cake A first birtliday for the ilirary mas celebrale by renidents of the vill age ai an informai gathermng in the building on Tuesday evening. An onniversary cake donated hy Canada Trust in Milton, ac- companied by a cup of.moffee aieaited guests. Members offthe conanittee were on hand ta greet residenta and nit and chat. A beautiu f al arrangement of dried ftowers in an -autientic container mas on display at ftic gatherîng. Tickets on thie arrangement are being sold by conasitlee members and a dram for the centrepiece %ilt lie hetd this Saturday. "The money raised miii bie uned ta thc remaisiter of thin year's rent," said Mrs. Roinsan. Tickets were seffhng fast. lThe Cancaria Champion, Wedcesdoy, October 27, 1971 Bq fs. "Tous, on severot r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tac hhbrary liad to t sed foc on cvning," t outmcigisfthe hod amind< u . , îiosos soted thotI lic lilirary hopcd tn oth Central Regional 'staso ta tac rieur mc do, mc mil have "-A ors, a pid staff, and of rotattag bookis and sovies and perliapso KASaAaîaiHaeSdn Lzci tihrary n f ISRAlmn HueSd fr carcirce licaofy. books ameek f Enhovies ony home, nid or ravm. i hoohs are popatar aot suc, odfoe rbik e librory and the ofca eo lai rbc hoohs par meeli is 1 -NEVER NEEOS PAINTING 50,shesoted, mstf of 1 u -2 EAR FACTORY GOARANTEE lie chiidren's hooki t CHOfCE 0F COLOORS AND FINf5OES eaise have sevoralt secs of tae iihrary." tSame location over 20 'cars. Factory fraivei 'uesdoy froni 7 to 8.30 ntalesasr o fepr ok o stardays froni 2 tu 4i fntera assore Feaa Idsesr mark. con Cao Ino exrslle ode e PîhoFedea fodusfreees ith opl usaol resder ofdne.Poefrfreetmf ug and nild esît t esnih hetped mare OAluminum Doors asucei of0te oaren omiai idw aei odta dosn 1.11 - eCobnaio Wndw receivedS hohu Car Ports - f e Aluminum Awnings sus tac Santa Claus t1MtI'fI< tiitn Dec. 4. f 1 FEDERAL INDUSTIES bier, vîft turus are sot 1 OFC canaD i Char'lesa Sti noo O OOSnu $n. o4as.ns us AcnnosI y more. Open 'er Up and sele what she cani do. Open the front where 'rouI cor pont seooîs romor cr en gnp You Il rid our Type 3 stores lu909e. Open the reor wheie most Volkswaqens stirenf (in You Il mid Our Type 3 stores lugogre. Where's the engine? fjnderneoth thie reoir irunk (For Lettr ractionr.) Whfera s fie corburetor?2 Tfrere rsn t ouy corburetor. fnsteid, oui fuel rniected engire uses o iOrtie Orouter 0 to eC]r oit Only the gos you Obsoluteiy need. (About 1 gollon for euery 31 miles ) Wfiot you wontf houe ory tronLie lindiug oire the firont drsc brokes. Tf ey îe up Iront os stonroîd equipiient on eueîy srrîoleVolkseuogen Type 3 we coke. Ard ni tie e nrnler'. frndrr g the geors, Sic eoci stick Vîtf is synchîor sh uf 0 cOi go thîougfl speeds 1, 2, 3, ond 4 os eosy ou 1, 2 3 Andlwtfîit 65 ip eiqine the Type '3 wrrr uru il doyoti84 iî1h, Pl,t r 11:1 'n, Oi Dir t 2r r 1 ,ee nhis, :i , r' y The Volksfflgen Type 3 Plaza Motors 88 ONTARIO ST. N. MILTN. 878-2962 -I