Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1971, p. 7

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M. M. R.bbsn Second place in cross c< FIliIT FSNiEBM S te Safarsluy's matisatison alter tnecxci in aid tif tise new coirirnit>' rentre sit anal total distan taise a iseatiser foliomss.g thisci tek. lies seaqarter SfcKerr anal Bruan Wslson triu teaves at fans -Stf Pba ALL TUCEED OUlT befote the finish, these tlitoee waliiers drag themselves ta te nsx cbrckpoins. Left te nigise are Nancy Edwards, Jacisie Chartanal and limon Edarede. Tise girls mare freom a group tif severot females walldag te nappons of the comiisty cenitre project. --(Staff Photo). Haller - Royce.. (Cotiniued lrm Page B6) Hoiueymon inUS foier girl a gold taches, gil fs For a hsneymosa trip ta Ne~ the bride. The bride irere an spat York litate the bride donsed a nechiace, a gifs ramn te groom. orange and yettow printe Granm'sattendnta ceimplene midi short wit Groammas as Grdon matchisg waist vent and breai GrmbaMilarGrdontb accessories. Her corsage wasio grom.bers Mi obsn arnd h soi t orange carnations asn Harv Haller of ~ rnge ribbon. CaPelii, The groom wore a grey bsi btis f the on om; David jompsuit and easy shirt for th bRide afLdad , brather ef tise trip Senouaof h. The bride made hier Horsby, te'stber-iIa oS et gsîsg amay outftiu, tbh bride. Rinsg beasrr iras Jeff fogrms dsi sd b Feesra of Hornby, nepheir of Tomeriode ws o o lte bride. Tebieia ooe An venrigréepton onoed severat ohowers prier t0 biei lte wedding mn lte basement of argeAtousutewa Sti. Stephen's Curch wit t heMr bride's homne on Sept Churh, ith 2. rs.W. Hallecr and Mrs. J aPProximatety 75 gairta atted- Feenstra the bride's sister, attendong. Pink and wirbte puets.Mes. V. May betped streamers and hetis decoratedf ~ ~ lmns est s Miss Louis Haller and Miss Guss attended from Donna Litchenhorger betd o Liveepoot, Esgland, Neir Ysrk, miscettanes showiier for te Guelph, Dabnilte, Miltona, bride eithie groom's home on CamPbelille, Hoeshy, Aog. 30. Amter miseettaseos Georgetown, Streesvitte and hwrfrtebie asel Bortmngtos. soe o t rd rsbt The bride's mothrecese Sept. 2 ai te home of Mos. J. i ie a eeie Royce. Hostesses irere Mrs. B. ililests inafigured dressof sea Feenstra and Mes. V. May. green crimptenre teimesed mth white bar. She more blackiseO- A miscettanesus shomer f romn Cesoorien and a wirtie oecbid te cborcb and te comonity Corsage. mas betd ai tbe boire of Mes. J. The grosm's mter assisted in Bradley on Sept. i. a deep puepte ceimptene dress A rebearsal paety mas betd as it mitse accessorses and a te home oe te groomns parents esage tit whbite seebide. on Sept. 17. DECORATE TOUR HOME I WITHYHE NEWE5T STYLES IN Lamps, Chandeliers & Fixtures FROM LIGHTING UNLIMITED Shappers' Worid BRAMPTON 677-9701 10 A.M. TO as P.M. - MONDAY TO 5ATUROAY COUeREOUS SERVICE - SATISFACTION GOARANTEED the moa ri rn sur superCes Ctolr aquoed. te compétition IhisEeha WhteeGais nur lenna daird as tiserait Second. fisc nsstdget tenir ptaed fanets, tise Junior teair ras te a fieat plate finish, tise seanior tenon plaeed third and anc ladies' tenir ctutehed fiet., t sent Cathie Caming tint tai cottect the namea tif tise participante and aha eeturetd mith anty tise boya' nomes, irtirhtling norie feebiti excune. Catie bas becs sent bath tei fini ast tise giels' ti nsd miii bave it complted by sent mei. a-n..e... By John F. MClllssenth Ji cros can cntry cairpetittirs: Ls k Midget John Roysten, Ken Bach- Lois iota, prier ta clerc nia, Rom Carmichaei, Gin n "The Bog Foar" te i Cavachli StveDyns.Juno H aleond Haltes East ridit SBrens Hait, Bilt Thompian, O)Bae i nw e e - .Marray Greer, Donld Mayor' and Richard MeGrat Pird n Geratd Linde and entra Paul tO M.D.H.S. for a tsar Feldhamp. Senior Bernie discussion witb tise Grade t2 a Newemn, Ken Ktilyis, Rbertafs 3 tede Qaiino Grang1 Kelly, Paul Logere. ta t btto iGaet Intrmurllyspeaing we cotas eduational expenditer base otig trac n ilrme Mes. M. Powrys presided ever t irmig ai Monay Ot. ~Ismn meeting wicit baif enelier hae irtinh sti Cbnma ) ctn tc acranged by Me. Lesitrics ai maedpartanens te bays in5 Me grater. ' hv e hv aot 1 esents tbey cas n rd S aeh entr icluing lej ptrann car irashren, te rab a . tis pae mltsandthaStiilmtre money bar te astitat grade tec pol antper. a d t tie trip. Youe support iaj bring te teirentwinc fiely rna mOpe ha jsgd 0r destiation mithin rescs. tetn.Teby an atlotof a-lete teoage casifcn- - tide, Multe District 15gb Sebatit es ar bnis55cenra jJnior and seio. asouat commiencement enercisr a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î ha oayPr eoe1 noL Oe vns wlb hcld this Fridny ai 8p.n s) tiintiyPrkbfr 2fOt. Oeeei te scbotlgymnaooas Sever fa)e f l shave tii eventa ta amarde andf presestalions ii f modie, mth Dr. Dica Wagtomne a White Ouka tise poant speaker. Au a tend eaining projecf, tb Oirls' Aetteic Assacialion i One win f0 report sellng T-shirts with ". B>' Ed Fard You irold neyer shinh 5ha5 Pally arc halof setd bar te snsminal fe Whte Oakscontinses te lin is ssth a vociois créature. tif Oony $2 and are idéal for tii I Isinf ways. The senior fontball On Froday nigbt Jasoin atleticaiy prone tdns temwssudydefeated Sff pecformcd bac te large croird 13Y Gergetewn. fisere te reaiiy timding the fronction. Firnteofaii Plg ahibi Party' nOdlng t Sa abot tat grni, thy sLont Wedoendey afeersoon setdngtenoyabat hatgam, teyotatef tat In etir tcjunior Milton Mussas1 heaire tise score tells it all. Surfin Saarrisag nwg hith tif pohllopcd înao a secoind itteca flhc Junior cota mere also course mas a inhenff tif the nid sadn ntejno ota defeated by Pterdse; lt-f iran te Baacbays. flics tey settim standmg wintc azln jumr a fotbl fialt score in a faire wtech mouid dean and ded a feir ocigimils and comre-backa football, tisas demseif have fane eÉther way. Nos only a feci ed underground msic. Bltibelacb Higit St-f. fice of- did thay lame te faire, bat tey But te final set mas ondeubtedly fensive teano brebe te farie are oi sbart about tii players. te hast. wmdc open te etc second bale aBter Quartechacs Dase Allen ododdy nymngga6-hlfte fisaire, tm ijure at l etc d inth a white T-shirt lthe slab score. An amenmne raining Tim ambe wh go thetouh mt tes captain bat, irrite nochs amie hy Steve Broncice and lad er a cussion.s est w' straoght jeans peonded hin Lorry Baaulieuiras oct ait by te saiera igaents Os taetc drumu te tise banc tif Billy Hale y crsnching blocks theowa by wIn th igmnts. Duffecfthe and te Camets. Roeby te bis Multon's Iront lisen at l tac tise al h st tffrd on e parpte shit and blacks shtey vent Cairns, At Shouten, Gary oniol ettrbeplys strammcd alosg, irhite The Heancy, Franks Bill, and Joba eusn t praline a e ait' n_ fad doncnd te bier noddle abair Keimos. Jai strdc mer tise vio nsand and Beaor lesgth des. Fate Ilhe paming iras dirertei by as Jack for wee te vi of poredhlacs mwbay beets over aceseate Mike Nives and baB tes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bs OnaSr svyad cc haeanad a grecs T-ohir mt mere snatctcd ouit of te blue hy etnoay cate for ont eirg eTe t Love Moter os it. Big Steve did George Hood, Ricb Jubb and leaves te tean e a poiio unret persnation ef te 'Day Tom Eltiot, Lorry Baotiu n eesv afaks pein, KINeGof rack and roll, none etiseranBbDvi e gofroe qsarterhacbs, no0 utig n acnd no ton Elvis. And as thcy ptaycd on interception cacit. For the balfbncb. It sheuld hae quite easy sceianole atssesldire oS te Juiors -Wtesosf ionst for Geergetown to cieaOPwe sc o hngeai te the gond nid cverytig" ita "te onty thinf I etcreiais o sie Oi mien deys mites hiaie mas mors bhind The seniors wrap p te te i s f or et e einils. youresa ansd a odlver ssit mas scasnmitt et 1ia gaire thmfr h em-ial' te ting te mear. ogais Blataclocit Taithies. Viciosngirls Ycarbobasarecntntlon oale for a Colonel Joho Haserfetdt The Poirderpuîf tenir, dean payanent of $2.50,.and tec ommandccrcd as sououal bameser, mon agate as they irere ter dollar irben you gel te niombar of safcty touchs to heep te sîctors oser Blabelocb 35-0. book ond yco, stadent cards arc the opposition ai boy.The gome, Unleso yeu cotild sec teir play silos sale toti as lue as te Blabelact abbies a NEW HOMES *RENOVATIONS * CABINET WORK * GARAGES * INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL IN ADDITION TO NEW CONCRETI WORC OR CONCRETE RESTORATION n soshthtssas crrhnaihnsemnalls ne saa ed palias and maiha. INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK OoR EX PANDED5 TAFF S ReEADY TO SERVE YO WITI4A W DE RNEsi OF SKI LLS CALL51LL M EAR 0OR KEN SAILEY AT CATHEA CONCRETE 'WRESTORATIONS ~ 25ii Maris St. Milton 878ti f53 .- micai= 5 thse 40 ami ;; mett wirc r ti.pen. Eacb participons may enter more ibtas Ibfee tif these may hae rutnirg comnte Btay loii ta seat mccb's program fr stirar perfaraners and teir score te bashethal actîaio mci agaont Lord Elgin sue ladies, tenr farcit petty mcii. Thne midgets tons 13-24 but sac Junior and senior irlade mare bat sictariono ith s corestof 35-16 ami St-t7 respecisey. Milton District High Schooi ""Big Four#' visit us;, commencement comlng arc coscernef, cost ie haommeid op in ose mord, "Frustration". A challenge But irait ose monte! What's tis?! Thsc teachers dore ta challenge te seniors te a gamne? Guess se! Anid te faire in scbeduted for Nov. S. This mouid h le tono" for on ati! Bigo, bingo, btsgo, tise Community sersice clubs tif Mote arc holdr inogm cvery TrSdty *sght at 7.3 as M .D.H.SI, re pries of$20 t and jaript of lit. The stadent caunci is OPeeating a snach barad refreshesent booth during the poires. Lust mecb's attendents mere Martha Riddcli, Cindy Warren, Helen Jemen, and tant bat sas teast luttie Andrew Wlloughby. -Nent élection in Multon's mnicipal etection, sinted for Msndey, Dec. 6, C tl B Dattern Malenials K<ing Calcium Prndacfs Lfd. Caroline Floîser & Garden Shoti No. 7 Farms Itai. W. R. Bannes Ca, LIal, Ontario Plastics LIal. WASTE Animatin Productions LSd. Top Nalcs Fecal Crawford Lamber & Fuel Charles H. Mitchell & Sans Ontario Rocks Drillers Banks of Nova Scella Rap Otan Building Canfranfors LSd. * I STOP POLLUTION IN NASSAGAWEYA "MAKE VOUR GARBAGE WORK FOR YOU', WE ARE COLLECTING NEWSPAPERS - CLEAN GLASS - DE-LAUELLED. FLATTENED TIN AND ALUMINUM FOR RECYCLING BRING YOURS TO OUR DEPOTS AT * EDEN MILLS COMMUNITV CENTRE * BROOK VILLE HALL * CAMPBELL VILLE FIRE HALL ON THE FIRST SATURDAT of EVERY MGNTH Between 10 A.M. and 3 P.M. This Message is Publlshed in the Interests of COmmunlty Betterment by the FolIowing Nassagcnw.yc Firms: 'I Thé Cassdiar Chamspion, Wndniesday, October 27, 1971 137 cbuntry School nswss ~untry Pumpkins Wee, ~ ~ o aspamsdiVss le flac badminton club apens their Papm o aiienhs dames on Feiday aftcern seso len asr Halton hrv 3.51 sot5 p.m. Membersi a5eb -P "ea oyRsr and yen must birg Por w Sehoal shîs meci, tec sale ract. courtcsy aI leacher J. Sadofrd. Ansien enwd The targe, orange pumpbins Anidou crowd rangeminooze and price and base Robinson beld anthersu'besiigtse idrcaec cesf i dance ltriday Ors. suc et n acha ni iewlfei h te Itee mas super soUtad nf lStudents as Hoty Rosary are Edmard Bear. Sbadenla irere se complesing Canadian Battery enfer t0 get in ba mese and siad tstsr ttois e. grosse (tanbs Mise> tha et te field ni aettcsics a ginls' Sad starsef ba lise thea dn aond boys' saticyhal team mIl belote i p.m. sen ges underiray at te arbasi. The AA hve realy iscTh final membees of the heoAAbs ral i basisethal terni are abat being dia coming op as mcli. fiesc elessei tis mecis. idie isNov. 5 nd the gropb AHlar'asbrdel m rro.The theme etsea ie ha eld as Martin Si. Sirbati is te Wild West. Se galga oorw (hrdy le bhat guy befote nom aba, eleab bmrae ( edy Se mac cIs sebatil. Stadenta are emiaded 50 tom.bring sheir dascin' ahoco. aSbips lichoal is sponsoring Repor't carde tS hae eiven ont mosher trip! Me. and Mes. Baird at te Scbont on Nov. tlà. Better are again techaperaaes and tis bachie dean ba tmoe stuies trip a scedledfr he somsmet theseaneasfew wels! if '72. flic greait wii ieh Parcas-scacher intervieirs mli traselinig to Eastern Erope for liebeld ai Martin S5, tramn Nos. t15 lte sral prie tif $675. Stme of ba 2e, atiter report carde hase hotba spota teclude Innsbruckbehac gises ont. Interviews miii LENINGR5AD, Monen, ir ev, W' hae set uit prier ta tis date. Berban and paseibly East Berli. The Hatton Cousty cross femember. . hIn everynecÏ counitry mecs mli ha held as , terela arurir f 7" Se FirvewPubie lchool baday dr. or Mes. Baird foc ba:tcr; (WcdtisdaY). Ranneri base letais. bacs practsimg ftiset mecs. Martin St. mon the North HlIon UP-TSGIIT mess as Fairsicir tant mei. tOO tOui t Basson Brna.. IMR hockey team, Ba penisg teirtrairigcamp. ytia'rc hent! Altbaugh teai btigbt may tomer S. Congratultns Polltlaion corn yieldsasi apparcaty bas ns tub foe those nifty pones. sters on tse te Reseseco Centre, and yaar fcr o n T est fond saine of te mpigate gabeBbnt amie tat bhgbhted cors dida't affect tietatto garage rec. pie fates or fend efficiency. W il h f d t e e e t ndusmin Ltd.

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