I - M6 The Canadian Chamepion, Wednesday, Oclnlcer 27, 1971 A daughter's tribute Lester Millers 50 years married aiyMis.DuMae" a Nanangaeya. Tic gai. Th. FelAnilap =on M IL - Ao l a et % mIeddi PaWs n ted Cntch, Millon, uer. Mica LUlIa .ahr iWU ippraAtely decoratif An Wilnsnt, Matir cf O.e bridea sold and white for Oie golden naid cf hSno for har. I iadincelebration for Mr. mnd and Mns. Haroif Wb%.Mnn lr . D. Lester Hiller, Hamiltan liraI coucAn la Ueanerty ni hiltion, Horaby mnd biller muda ycmng gut att A HCAPPY ANNIVERSARY ian obeerveil by Mr. and Mrs. lester iller recenfly wh.n 1hey heid an open hante cf SL Paul'c Uaifed Chcrch An mark their 501h seddling cnverary. Former residents of tic orea, they noie live riear Stayner.- (staff Photo) CU'IING THGE CAKE foiloueing their marriage An SAxOh Liii. Uncitedl Churcli, Moure tonslop, Laonlifn Cocty, arH. acf Mrs. Geraif Duncan. The bride is the fanmer Melba Eyre of Bridgea, f auglilor of Mru. Lila Eyre and the labo Elvin Eyre. lbe groan Au the son of Mr. ant Mms. John Duncan of Milton.- (Photo by Dolamore Studio, Chatham) Wedding Duncan - Eyre W.dding vois îere ecangef teceatly An Iiutb Line United Chuch, Mocre Townchip, Lanhton Comnty, hefien Melba Eyre acf Geraîf Dtuncan, mlth Be L. J. aord y officialinf. The bride An Oie facghter cf Mas. Lits Eyre mnd th. bAne ElvAn Eyre of Brigfmn.fls groom la Oie s of Mr. acf Mmc. Job. Duncan Of Milton. Given An anarriage by bier Onclo, William Anfercon cf Maareloan, tOr bride ucre an .anpire-slyled g000 of silh orgacfy leaiucing o bigb nerklîce aod loubop vireves. Hais cf C'bantilîy lare overfay bIghfhtof bier gown mnd O.e bock fal An colt fuilneaa ino a ltaii train. aber tire .fgef mianti raacaff froan a Julet Cap loto a cb.pel train. Orang and flral hu liatron ofhanar ina Htc. Alice May Suthertind, fibid ni Oie brAde. Belty Ana Sondera, a flloir gradcate front Chathiam Scbool of Nursing îac brideuanaid ubite Sue Anc Eyre, niece of 1h. brife arlef au loî,r girl. Ail the attenfants ucr, fdentirol gowns of orage rrepe wilh rofflef norklia.c anf sleevs mnd controslicg focrai [ritoni chirlo. lbey carrief backetu cf fai flouera la molchang colora. Tbe frocanos attenfants ine lArry Tiguer cf Curccnna and Grahoam Hem of Preston. Uchera weeAlan Duncan, broiter of Oie groom anf James Mon, sephen of the bride. Haneymcun corth For a iedfùi Actrip An Nortben Onlttro Oie bride donndai o at mnd dress ensemnble cf broie mnd penfi polyester mAth brcia ne. Th. nenlymeda have tai up ronifonce An icrlngon. Gaenta attendait froni ChaIbean, Millon, OrAflla, North Carabie, Wagaceburg, Prenton, Blienbeim and Gleno. oUpcue of Oie bride and gron aid and heir faxnily, relativea ai efrAunda durlng Oie 50 yeara cf Oilr anarriage ian a Er'. intereating featare for tA bie assemblait gulsa. Itad. gif la, gueute were anbed i provide a rirent pletarei Oisiuasivesanmd fancily tir Golden Wedding Meanory Boni Helaon Lown a gmndaon : Oiebappyenpe tio pie.e goonteanmd friandsa lad to lah nietatyclbori, iO is Palaral blany gnosa Giteito were elenmed frme Windsor, St . Catherine Peterborough, Hamilton London, Stayner, Creennre Gluralen, Acton, Georgetoîn Glun Wdilani, Toronto, Itiel mnd Hill, Jeraeyvlle, Aabgrcve Port Credit, Guelpb, Milton an Naaaagaweya. An added surpis ian Oie arrivaI cf cousns neye met before froi Manitoba, iAn have reenly made tbeir borne la Branmpton. Mir. Millet nas hcrn ai C'eenicre, ibere b.e grew u; mt ullatlang in Oie Simca Forustir ding Oie Wur cf 1H14 1l. Wbile b.e aerved overseos bic paentoialok cp reaidence in St. Catharines. lb. war over, bie worhed for ibat a nnî WAntera Tr'acaport of Sf. Catharines la ell-known nonne on today'a bigbway> wben Oint Iran ias only An Oie anoving busies (19»A'a)amd owned on. von mnd mo wion ith bormea. Mr. liber ancl 0 aany nferustlcg talon of tripsiAn Oie van river Oie mauddy rooda cf Oie day and inpection trocln ai tbe border on trips An the Rtaton. Ynn baid f0 bieyourcown mecc on garages wemoi't oc every corner Oioi mnd teand eqclinnent weren't cp An todiy'c standarda. Trips tnnh doyn instead of boucs beecae bigb apeeda wer. cnly 20 ond 30 mniles an lient, eapeciolly wi a loided vann pont rouai. Il wac o boir-raiAng advectcre elanblng bilas bbc Clappion Ccl, sbifling foira and proying yoc wcctdn'I stccl rollicg bac- warda. ... bruites weren't evan ibot Oiey une lndcy. Earlygarode In Sn. Cathcrin, i aneland arried Mfina Had PicAcard, nlacghtir of a archeant of Rhat cily. Inblir ynOit, rc. Hiller bon Oie distinction ofhbeg An the liraI Girl Gude. Ircop An Canada, loraaid in St. CaOiarinesiAn 1910. Mir. and lira. Millet were ncorrled An c quiet eereianny aI the boni, cf Oie irideas la'Oier Huicucn Piebord. Titres rhildroi were bora n Oie yong acple, Marlon Oie eldont (bOra. Dennil Lawrece) cf Hilton, Stuart A farmang utlayner on la Norian Oie ycnngecl. In 1a31 th. faniily ninv.d An o fanr at Jorieyville wiOi Hr. Hileras parenta. lbey mnade any friends amnn Oie neigli- bora dcrlcg Iboir y.or stay. WiOi regret tboy fnd At nececaary An cmv., An a fourn aI ltreeltcn. lb. deprencion ynarc note naw n n swing mnd Mr. Miler ion ahI. An oeil a ihole pig fcr ocly $3. For a archber cf yoirî duriag Ouas period,Oihehighlihbtn f Christmian wac Oie arrivai by macil ni a tarie boa ronenihcg a offin An cbopie. If coin. frcni loving anAnamd uclen toit I hlnd An St. CaOiarines, Aacccg Oie ananyi parelo enoatd ion a pair nif ligh topped boots cnbich bied heenj recnmanded for Marinn'c wcbhly anloles bol îere o n vith nicch rbildiah frastrain for onniae. One favorite ancle loch bui; "uncle dallea" very niuch An boult by nlcdi loong ali candy, o botte cf cactor cf. Hisinrtone fogging 1h. yncng faccilyns fnntntepc, Oiey veto farcef An ninvof againaont foundI Oi.nic.lvn on Hflton Hontai duriao 1933, in liane for Oie tht.. chitdrc An h. cacght in li5ai The symbol * of friendship known around the world Mrs. Bev. GIs.. HNfsesa 878-3447 se"oo ihen In' roof bhi o Oi ihtrlng a cycloe Oiat buE O ni district Rhat yur. It wu id nlghtiir expereien and tbo oi ibo seul Oie dibri, niarvelle tra Oint mmenf the chiden wiron îe kniL Having ii hmlacif e cf froncmnderhbinaand havig m to nioney 10 bitre a laaeyer, 0i cf family again regretfaly loft OiMl a -iay ganoiglhborsanmd spis tr. Oie old wiater of 13-MonOth cf nId Sinclair foreni oer Horal>j if Cluily whfer va Te fnnily lived ian to ron l mnd uere a«W enld, lthe wnabo hAgbeo zerc il iter cuit Iota snnnî. Mr. Mcillera tuame n frui froc. mnd aeu fond wa il scrt.. People didn't boy camne fccdu e hOey do nour. In Oie 3O'1 comben froz. The frcct oc Oh onlofide icI Ain Oie h.fronn vrai J o botdie hchoenilld pet a camie there wetc puddles on t r flnnrnd the boys aucdtechant n cver their parents"ledto getl l i Oieir n, mnd Oie anattteue b.d lo be pul crer Oie fonce wher t wamm aprlng doya coin. An gel ) the dampcieca out cf thean. GI ecra, foi. people b.d limiata mnd bouses were nioatly boilti wiOiînod orcoal (f you cod afford it) ondthabt bonne wam't in Oie best of cbae ai Oint liane and ivery anld. Iti. cpeg oaninve won anode loi a gond fea aI Aahgrnve mnd frcan 1ha1 pont lb. fanily fortunes stated tuciniprve. Fiat Mfalt Oie childrec acldc't go In orhoal bornoie cf loch cf suesoiAn Oie eorly apring ccci. ondtait. Htc. Lavrenc. reienibora Oie wnd.rbtil dayoa chaque appered An lb. niait-bonx Il I an cahelievobte entracte. la St. CaOiarines, Mr. acf Htc. Miller hod tahc cur Efucntin Iccuronre for eorb cf the children. Horicn'c bof heen enibodaiane yeorc h.fcre and Oie mnicny pul In good cse. lbey b.ed trief An cash Ilcortas but wre ucabie In. People in tbcce dayc îore nbebievcbty upicicca cf ovn b.nhc, lawyerc and fot sur, cf mnythoog iritton An fAne print. Fou. bont nioch efucotin, crimne delocion hoda't rniched Oie ficepoAnt cf lofoy, people îere frequently 'toben in" hy bcbolrc aI Oie dccr if Oiey weren't cean d An Iboce bord tianon bonite baed fond il nncesary lo Icrercce mnd tlbe oîoy bemesaont foane. Il wnc o vety red loir. Th. cecarity cf loday'c Canada wac an onhetievolile drooni. Tih. Incuracce Cc. nrndcced o regniatian tbat uoid Stonrîns pcbicy rcotldn't h. coch.d cclie i.m cocon. HcOier mnd Dod wr cnt. il ion o rn-aotcnf" ond aon eeoafet out of payicg il aI alt. lbey b.ed iritten it cff on c total bans lcng h.fnr, 1934. LAbo n mllione Sc ycc ccc imiagine their amnanef felight, An lb. aniful of Oieir dire struggle, cn rec.iving this gift ircan beaven" io 10 np.ah. i ion equol 10 ubat "a milion" folars wncld h.e înrb lodoy, An Ibean An their neef. AftelothOe finit folirinus jcy Oie foaniiy ctanbod Antc the f oniy anofel "T car (bellot bocin as Lia,. and vent cn n shocpping VOWS AND RINGS sacre exchonged ln St Stiphenas Unitedl Chcrch, Hcroby wben VAvian Raye hennie lhe bride of Ben Haller ~(Milion Photographic Photo) I cytee An Georgetown. Whot dld a Ohey boy? .. Wbiteoheaux, brocun ) sagat,rnetenu, wite agot, flnur, oatinoitandîthe 11h., wi aivery tsal litle gift lot nach fanilly i menihoer. lbe proverbiol "unif aI i the do«""ofOthe '30' abeeu e banised, cever An relira, all > h.taus o chalique for M. > Christaac An Iboe daysaso i alwayc mon ibot yon nite Il.... i bel evoi nire o thon. Glflamere ancre cfte toiOan not "born. mode". Uch.lievhle aît isnnm a n Ouas day and if., ale chUlme uer. givn o quarter to hny tont Cbritinoa glito for Oie fanilly. Ycu either mande ynur gifla lo ctretcb il out or if yac mer. Oie tony typie or nt Inai reanarrebil, yoo mode il do. Happily tOngh, yoo could bcygifts for a nickeliif ycu nran.d Oie "Five and Toi" crtefuly. The boys mode Oie agreemnt on. y.ar hatneen lbenrisetvoi An g iv, oicb odaer a nickel "Jeî'a Harp" lbow did tbey gel that peine). Tbey beanrni qcite profoacional aI getif musc ont cf Ouai, Ana. lb. Anligrove faran lb, Oiee conuauanty mon fcod An, Oie Mitiera. Aiter nia woaderfat yearn hoy bad a font opportcnitymad becabt Ibeir firit loren An Noiongaweya townnhip, coduay beten Oie nid No. T acd Noc. 8l scliool. Daugbter Marries Unfe rontencef tc b, good. fie Iaaniiy groing up, Marlon bad 1011 homo ficdicg îorh over Oie yearc aI Smnith and SIcae, Gleorgetown. Actca Telephone office, Glea ipoolea HO> Glen Williamsin inally Vlcity Airctaft LMd. at Halien. Quitlng in job An t944, che niori.d Deanil Loircce,a fariner nir Milton. lbey cave four cbulfroi, Dr. Betty Gannan ni London, Btyoi, Nelonanmd Fera aI hntie. In lime, Stuart niarrief Margaret Tomaon f Dloie and Oiey have tbr.e childrea, Batc, John acf Janico. Th.y liv. on a fanm aI Stayaer, cent dcorto1 brother Norman andl Ht. ont Hts. Millet St. lb. girlo IccI never neceil An catch op In Normnan and lhe hon reniaiced a bechelor. Setling their farm in Naosagaweya iher. th.y ipent ne mony happy yoirn, Mr. ont Hts. Miller bengbt a farn aI Itoyc.r, Mr. Milter'c iravti tanlng Ain fuit rirrl.. Afler a locrcey with may ape acf daims noni very for domn If ce.nied aI Oie fime; il An a conrce ofigreal satisfacionanmd plancurs An Ohit cldiren andfi.dn An seo thomn cci co floppy ont ecnmftihle, oiloyAng tho fruits cf their tihcra, an Oc ta apesb. After niving lo Stayner both Mr. Matler mnd Nraan borain. ovld boîlera, standing higb on ennipetif tonrne for niîny yer.Mn. MlOet'n hobby cf Cnencilbecrocbetîworh ban givea pdlaner to, baraudiamd Ohr ainiont ail boeratie, Uie la pluefe to neI cana. bath o niach Oie fosNbcon it a nour.SMmhaînmode ires heaatlfcl befrlaom bed- spreada mbich mOl lie enjnyed for niany goieraioni tu tomes. There nere 1510 relativec friendi and neAgbborn iha gaOi.red an Oct. 17 la iab thean happy y.orc aboutd md la chfer congratlation on h0 yeorsocf naiored fle. Mmny mare iraI. and phnd fa affer cngrntulaonsaond ta say Oi.y ile Oiey anidd h. mith ilium. Suicecen t elycnot nieoctred An Oie gnld yac arrumate, or haie far yoa traval Oie thinga yon've saesi crOihe dreins yna b.ed Rhat neer motor.d, bot An ibot ycc are on o pernan, hon yoc've hondief hardnhipc and dicappaintenenta, ihot yoc'v. ade cf life right iher. yoc or. mnd 1h. oa friendc mnd neigli- bons yoc've niade along 1h. îay. An their daughter, Id say Mr. Wedding Haller - Royce Vvlan Royehboaun MmL Bun m. A crn cfle at erle Hallerwbe m vwamdraces ancre and sqinsJwud mAn W rMir HZlchangedi in St. Stephenla mnd sh ah. h a caucad& of Anglican Chureb, Hornhy on uhAti rme, piah carnations, Siptîniber 18. White bows diay and white numue and -liked the u-t jewn ani yellnw, rael and white drl.d Caon J. MaxwloSfdae et nwers. liai 43f Pan. cereninny. lb. flonger girl alnte a nuve lbe laide la Qi daugiler of mnd white A-Bne drei ia a Mmra L. S. Raye of lIA Ontario diAts sain rAbbin at thei empire St., Milon. lbe graonm la ile m w&iaAle. She carried a aMg ni Mr.mad lira, W. Haller of .B ci white rucs, plal carnilna 2, CaniphelvAe. mud mint-enured dWtnd llaera GAve An inarriAge by be riravnndod by white laenmd Anollier Grant RayM, lthe laide yellow hanglng rbn lonb.d radiant in a flo be beif, atreaniera., oiipire-waAated garn wAth roae Tie nid of hoer recived a patterned trant enverlaf the. peari drop Beeblaci Md th. bodlce. Afouriot train felaoftlyonan fron Ohe empire galat and th <CuaiMm Po B fown featared long pcffed aleevus ith lin inch eunfan ad soalind-np enfler. A weddlag band, laee cavered pillbox baldi lier ilinalder lengoli veAl edged aeith lace. Thie laide carrled a cascade af miniature yellHî The Earlj anddaiaiesand yellow, red, white and purple drAed flnera Santa Gots 1h. ninmted on a white lae cnvered Es hita lable, givon la th. bride hy bier Es hita mother. Kevin Harlas aeted as organlat mnd Oie groa ibra, Lo"l Haller md Fredda Cran natif "lO Perfect Love". Skiteraetber ide The brides niater Mn. Valda May nîHlornby acted on nisld of ~ w ~ FRTPf beant. Floier girl ion Manie. Ia-wy FIS I Haller ofOakville, nleceof the NOW. . i maliof il groom. telleeab The niaid of bonor inre a At McKerr an maunve chi ffon eipire-walalad gona widi Oie bodce mnd enfla of Oie drena formalng aoft gaOiora. lb. gain wan acceated idi purpe flowered trim amd e wote malcbing mianve satin nd lira. HUer bied miade o bage 8JW SI m imb,. nieceof their life, and l.le really nure Ohir aid frienda an eigbbours, wbere ever Oiey Ived, An ail Oieir travelo,ai agre. wli mne. "Buck Night" 7BUCK NIGH1 SPECIALS EAERY TUESDAY & THURSDAY NIGHT 4 P.M. lu 8 P.M. FOR Il BUCK YOU CAN BUY ANY ONE 0F TH1E FOLLOWING DINNERS - SPAGHETTI AND MEAT SAUCE - CAICIIEN AH-A-BASKET - PISA 'N CHIPS IHA-BASIIII - GROIJAI BEF STEAK Restaurant! 'Th i le ikluî" Air a mal or a siaci Bcaîn Ahe fscily Aor Oar "BUICK MItAI" Mealîl gelia ftle Iriiell itinpkie Bf "Thm illta' af boHri. .. lB miel Arltada fer s rfrnlug aisci or fianytle Ill.in Yalf .8 approii Of Ile servli, the taih Aood... MoW yoad ie lie Aici PelseBrais! Try mir "BUCK NISAl" Ici baif-Inheat values in icofd eatin! ALL TUCKE] drag theannel Nancy Eduva girls aire frai of the cmmv Haller tlOit fitl a go the bride fie hi necittor..a gflt Gronuas Tanh.rc cf Mi grnoan. Ucherc Horv Haller n btoth.rc cf Oi ROyce cf Uilca laide mnd Jot Hnrahy, brothe laide. ino An Feeaccra oi Ho, the bride. An ev.ning re aie ueddttg in i. Stephocas approaiatley i alleafîag. Pic ilreaanern ont the. bell. Gueula at GIÀverpoot, Engn Caoel Gab Georgetown, I Ourington. Tlhe bridons an pienlo in o fig or greencrrianplene whitle for. Sfeio resuorea and o 'orsag. The grooman un i deep pcrpt. a with îlot. arr, .Brsageof hiteî LI( Shapper 10 A. 1 rCO ITEOUS 1~~~ wow SHE 'S LET HER HAIR DOWN ..Mairtin HOUSE OF HAIR 878-2501 UiaBaBmemmnm lam lHmlI u, ZeIIsr'm County Pair GEORGETOWN MARKET NO. 7 HIGHWAY a GEORGETOWN ell* rg AM (Jj, MWA