Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 1971, p. 5

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-Il ai 0S lh. Mcr. nid Mns. Club bel Uir MIIh mnalvenncy remltoo Si. PMvi' United Chupc Satacday oveo4a, Octoboe 2 who Inonmed the club M5 yeaoo ag Canm bad tUE lthe occasion. MSatodog viera the fI A Mila SoRy, oow Ut Ajax md the fPIeetces' OloOj edn dFd Ford ofMIm 15t ev. a yaa esltaBooclea AVMO! MOAIO bld M lol 0 nmoentre for aIl Wo atlended Sit. Pal' United Oaoorcb beld théeic 1010 aulvonacy servAie on Souday, Octdee 24. 15ev. Gordon Porter of AonA osear Owen Sound preacbed ai the mAnNAng mnd eveoolng services Mr. Patler was the pastoi Af SI: Pau'sUin AUMt~o in tle IMIU Mm. Judy Humler wRU mIlis aI the services. Mc. mnd Mns. Aller! ScIBRUten A! Main St. W. rR vacatiUoniog in sUUOy CIiSUoria. FR11er Joph Putoomo haM Nomu vialiig Milton doorAog the mm11h of Oclober. OSoile here he hS been viUsNOg Mr. mnd Mns. W. J . NUPPAUgSUR at Cryslal MoUORin Pocmri mnd Mc. mnd Mca. Pete Poloosan, 263 Ontario Fi ather PROnom la o broher te, both McA. NorPIRgtOn and Peter Palmerm. Heecmes from Belgum buAS SUc the Sau 25 yearc NORs bien An the Hawaam Isands. He moted droAt lIMAe are 2M0,NA Jaomse. 100,M0 PAPSugIAR, l0,UAI Ciineoe mnd 10MSON PSoAippAnm th.c mnd the ceUl R! the pouain Uao 0dltterent caces. Thr r 6diftereoî religions fllish but the people worP O Sgethec mnd cRUpPRNo 10 the lleAt. S Fo11er Pulmoos eaAveU An O Satucday fUr HoouuU tR repAct LS OUAs sUPArirP for asoigomreol but No hopeR thR1 wheolhts AeUI ieRve cornes RARoud, lie cmn No Sudk in Milton with lis tamsiy andtriens. M el Wayne Ouedy k RU bopl*ineby 1e. Claclen OaAnec S SI. PRUS'U UnitO Chapel RU SUnday, OCSUoPe 17. Michael sa the MUn At Erwin mnd Patricia Ooomdyk, 263 OntOar SI. N. Attending the dioBer ot- tecoocdU wece MIPSoRei'u graondpaces, Mc. and Mns. JAhn Linodyl, 15.1. 3 Gorgetowns, mnd Mc. ond MPU. W. Bell, 339 Aihfoide Drive. Margaret CyBîhia JosIonR, oaugherE Rt Kennelh and Virginia Johson of 380 Kisoesleigh Cl. wAs baptized by Rev. Clorles HoiSer aS SI. PRAuVs UnVied Charch AS Sunday, SuRday, Octoler 17. AbAut 25 oSOeUded o gel- tethNocai the JAohnson ceUlleRce aller île service irclading MararPet'U grandparcAUs: Mr. and Nos. Gmorge Gilbert, 038 Ashlrmhk Ct. and Mr. mnd Nos. Fred Johson, 372 Pearl Si. AIOS Attedlisg vos Moceorel's greol ,aPo IA1er, Mcs. M. GAibert, At 15ev. Charles Homner loptized 'rare Nimile Adamo, aolSt. PRUI'U CAUrcPI RU Smday Octoer 17. 'race s the daugISSAr of Reginaid and Doclene Adams, R.R. 4, Acton. Theceso AUR Gollis ORU Isaplized ly RAI. Carcles Hinec aS ST. PRUi'U UUited ChUrc A On Smndoy, Oct. 17 Thecema ls the daughtec Af MaSAIS and AnnaS Grala, 2852 Ontacio SI. N. A celebratiRn 005 heid U iasmediAtely IAiSAWAUO tle service and attending oece flIereal grandparents, Mc. and Mrs. M. EgrASIts frRm, OohvilleA and Mr. and MPR. E. GLRIS, 5i a MsSies St. An Milton. O11ec vgUeUts r Rere Mc. andMcs. A.URvo BAt BUrfiRgtoU and Mca. J. HRSRî of Cohsvilie. Thecesans gocdprASO P Oece Mc. mnd Mca. AIeS Rmlvîny S Sf Torono. C lm Of A wedding ceheorsai diomec il os Noe on Friday evenisg, Jo OAbec 23, beIAPA tNo macciRle R AI Sssoan Donpby to MichaelO Wood.N Susmis1 te daughter ofMr.O asd MrU. W. OUnphy, 256 Elimwmd Ccms. oood Michael is thP Rs A! Mr. and Nos. Fred UB Wood, 511 LiSP Esqsesing. Bî ihe dasSer was iield ai thc 29 iWor resîdeSCe aSd 20 people II aiieSded, inCludiose Rev. and E Nors. JAhS Murray and Suam's M Uient Mns. ozggmn toAm Williams a Lake, B.C. ON Mr. and Mca. Art Desjardins, fAomer ooom ofU Canadian TAce M stUre in MNSSm oece in Miltmn on o. the weeoond fr the 255hI RoSI M'5ivesary ceunimn Ut Mr. Mid the anld Mn. Clab. Bu the Mr. and Mca. Douglas Murraoy ni. Mr. mnd Un. Ahic WHISSIN ---------- "batd diufr MAIb weddoo msMvowy Un Suandoy, Oc!. siN wMaouttheeretthi ýout he hmne. 39A Woodward SA. ORuas town tS Attendaog thae ISunerAl Af OhM Dolores Melanson ARI Entre Grn evlin An MAion COS 818-3138. viere MPM. Fred Lyncho, Mrc. and Mn. William Lynch and Colleen, RAAAId MiSton on IloanOong A r- cfMPGa LChte Faux. ai weoleed. Whoie in tomS they HasinUgs; Mr. and Mis. O. Mayed iio 1ev. and Mns. John LynchS, VPeA, LarOA and Louise Murray, 245 Gamet St. ofia OPeterboogho; Mr. and Mn. Murray and Toin Bradey 5 Davd Lynch AINFSOAd; Mr. CouPA Si. werA memrbens of the and MEs. W. *A. Mann AI dIlo Canadmo Momnted Rifles ing";MO Mr. and Mns. I<AOAOAO Regiment overseRM ducAng thoe Mrin ofTorntoanUd Mca. Marie 00MBt WO Virer. Th0e Regimontlo 4711 anoovecsacy PAUUi OU 08 Oaeld AU SAtooPdaY ARBUAE a! ISBA yCamg Edward ISotl. BcNan mnd JU McOstte, 9M A 5 Mvd, Rttended the oiieddoU JUanne FRy, daughtec R! Mr. mdo MrMc. Sidney D5ay, 21M Mnadoay Si St. JRRBBA marcied 15101 AMouUdRoRB in Welland Rn e Saturday. GPRPa Anglican CIUrcI oelmonied UttlcAcU mnd meMUiberU Ufth1e Canadimn Legom mnd a SAdies Axiliac y Ut lcmch SM6 MUllSm aS Slefr SIlSam. service on SRuday, Oct. 24. Fred Reimoler, 411 Flcat bine, Mlon wasa rclait patient in Mfiton Dliatrict Hospital. He OU nto ecu fainga hoem lia Lrend iah hi oieil. Mc. mnd Mns. Robert R. Cmhk, 119 AshîroAl Ct. UpeBi 11mkagOving orehmed 0111 thefr daaghter ad MBn-An-IRO, Mc. and Mca. (SeRffrey Drew-Bcmlk anod family R! ISanhy OS the Oreo. BrUok cottage at Go-Iome-Bay in the R2ArgiaB Bay diatrict. They almc mnjoyed tle BeUt oeehmnd apeSt aS thefr sonas cottage oU Uittle Papineau in the HalihUctoU region. A grAuP firom the PmtecmtaO EvaAgeliaî Tabernacle in Acton ffitertained cesidens aiR Halton Centennial Mamar en Thunsdoy, Oct. 21. Thece oas a viRoi sRlR 1>' PaUtAr flbomoU ad Paustoc andS Nos. lhBossan Rsg R duet. Radio, T.V. and SAgIS club enteriooiners Uolhy Knigît and April Dooti, Nouer kZuRW aa BrA11Ar mnd Sister Ceaies olse mnteclaaoed. A luch wos served. Mr. mnd NoS. John Pucdy, Jean mnd Donna At 399 Peacl si. and %orcge Pacdy, 34 MWI St. ceceotîy vosited Hugli MUSSoR and Misa NeAhie Mattin in Shiielrieur Colbourooe. Haold PatterMun, 5130 TemaUe Rd. and Bill WAimn, 15.1.3 Georgetoon eochrove their 10eyeac ceriticatesa Uthe 4- H Clab Aoarda Sigît on Friday, Ytct. 23 aS St. Paai's Edacatien CeStre. Receiving lis love yeac aoard oas BertiStewart 75SOSOUth Iloe. Oc Suotday Oct. 24 15ev. JAhS MsArray preached ai Geocgeteoon and LimehAuse chuAcdhe. TISe service at Kox Chiocch as Milla vos cosducled hy the iay people. The Dotch CaSadias Countcy Ciubhheid their amaual meeting aS Fine St. Uion Haloni Saturday evening Oct.23, with 41membecU altendasg SAI appoint live neo coSSAsttee members and edec their Spo PSecAtive for 1972.' The presldeSl agaiS ibis yeac Bill WySmn Af GAelph,vie prestient AS H. VaSdevath, secretacy os Martan Vacodevalk mrd cearpr is Peter Vmn OA . Congratuaions aod hest visîses go SA Larry and BacI Kneale At 395 hIapievAod Cres. vIA vill ceilbrate Oleir veddiorg maniversay oS Morsday, NAv. 1. Rhiea Cocinse FPogadA, vite At loger W. OLigado, died ceceSiiy at the aoc of 46 OU Dmhoury, Connecticut. SIc vos hon OU Milaon Fol. 28, 1925,1the daaghter of Gpraid and Rlhea (Baker) Mdcm. Nos. Fingado seroedi OU Fborid War 1 ith th Ie Caradian lmed! Forces. Jusice of the Feace, Murray Lien, 211 Onotario St. AS out of ospîoai and is SIO rcCperating IL home. We visI hlmn a speedy ecvery. A -Ceiehrily Fassaon Jewel ariy' vos beli aS the home of fils' Shedla Boorit, 203 Rivecylace ces. AS Thursday evoroîsg, cLober 21. Nos. Anana VAS BOrAS Toronto OAS lasion show cectorcand Shose atlendiot oece Gam WAodaS, Macg and JeSSy Oua, Aadrey RAîhens, J0 Mc- Suite, Nancy Auger mnd DoiUres lelason. ASter the ahow, lmAnc0 as secved hy the hAsSess. AtteSding the SI. Lois luaes, ulfao Sabre hockey game OU alfalo Un OSday CPOSing Oct. wereArlYUdUand Jean McDuff rmcdo of Miton, now of VertoS; Brace aod Molly Me- cOsSfe of llocoo mdi Jer ci Mary TheS- Fapsi, ISich- oy 25 Norih. Sbey baS hope o selle Peler OUAte. tocmneriy Af MASSAnSOur aI tuc St. Loustasd al tuned Ecme WoheIy Seotded galS for Blues St Uud ted ttalo lyo asce ot 3-2 mndalter gene Peter visited 0111 hits olives. 2234 or UnVMpao WIInm et V&8 Al73. TheI tiSsA clou MOat Mooodoy, Nov. 1Sad classes IM coonine Monday niglits unUl thue end Af Moy. Appcmitimately 10A atlended the MaMUBie "Ladies Nîglol" wlolc waslbelld aI Mltn Ololeet 11gb ScImoo Wedoesday, Oct. 2M. TOBA AvABiOg began with dlooser and the ladieU Were prsMAMAMId ojîl cArsages. MasSer Af cerPAoAUiAU rirs Bil GeMMoIeAAd and a oas UU Othe ladies wao made by Leonard MeNeS. Enter- t8ilnmenî waU prUPidAd ly the OakviOle MeU of HOPOUABy, foliowed by dancing LS rccrds. :hampiAR. WAdRAsOIay, Octobpp 27, 1971 BS Pig problemn nearly over NAAOgAweyO CAUnciS ieacoed SIB e viateoBSOAOATAdy BAglO action oas beng Sid .erAdhee pilla have been CUUSIA ColMPSYAOR moiderCIoi1 1e OBpA 11 pope_ y S e a eole c ~ ar o. .monaeOR MeaSoîde a petition ouIt eigh Carsaama .d mes oms tahSed Ri counci 700roUgo the eftoctsof UtROIS Thece 000 lSs ieau rOR an cmnn abou LiUAfr King mnd Les CaNTm of the emated IIo damge, in a w o oe CASsaag fahA vocs p im "VillRge Squmres", Waterdo, car collison TIUPBdAy An OuelS eý..CAcî agreed ta deteooln a quare dancing club Sas hee Lise UAPtI Rt 15 Sidecrad CELEBRATING TIHE 25TH annlversary Utovf nda nl As otrao ch r eter l r ne as e atiol SUR tormed in the CampeSSvSle Naasagaweyo. Dcivers involve 11eGodo Nod Mrsd PotranIcsercase sal o oece thNoe Mr.m Utd OUlas. Clsub of St. PausOs Uofiied presidesls sheila ansd Joe Golloway. Rev. coStArmig use. Anymne in CamrpNielvile UP md BetyMLry a! R. R. 2 Church AS Satm-day eveoling, memben uand Porter oas tIse minister lere ohes the club Miltan wo ould 011e to learo Rachwmod. DamoLwge,îR the viras tomrmmesgthc ta ay oAStrmed. He Bilan preacsed Sassday at tIs he ceo A1B os 1 modern square dancing la ad- velfide Oaa $100; Sa tle McLarty Communites. Clocrent presidents BurkOe aood daurdhs anotiversary services.-(Statt disCActedl mirrAc; oinlems itO a vlaed le coul Mr. Cairns aS 637- vle$1.Margaret McNeill are shîwn wîtOs PlAtR) 11at givem oA the true vîeo. p- ~ SUPER BUYI BURN'S SELECT RINDLESS 1 LI. PKG. VAC PAC MAIuS ,sEPCTPIE PRERESEO ANDA GRDE 5/ TOlitAVAAG FRESH FRYINO or ROASTING W CHICKENS Lt V3 RICE 1 laPYS 41C SIE LES S 9 RAISINS 32 OZ PKS69 MACARONI or 'L SPAGHETTI La AG36V FROZEN PIASI PREMIUS! CRACKERS IOZ SU 39C MEAT INOSA SPRIADS LISOz 39 HIABITANT 2 LA 1 EREP BROWNE "4îE R [A NS 2I,NS 5 SIN ETTO SAUCE S~ REINS olîl F PORE 2, o.,35, WHOIR 6 HO511 POTITORS 6TN ORANGE PKYS 1AG e EXPLORE I RAU 99 JAVEl 6 FL AOC49 FARIC6 FL OZ AILE fA c SOFTENER a PUER PLUS ILRACN I FL OZ 65S1~ J-CLOTRIS 12LS PES 49e ANTI-PEESPIRANT Y ozRO DEODORANT ERO IN 88 Bnîhroo Tissue pu3l IOUl IS ALFA EOG 29 FOOD 14 /, OZ VIN29 INSTANT AV9 COFFRE IoULJASR 1011* F L O 32 AVLMER ASSOREO WITHCIN MAIS AND ILFUOz 100 PEINUT BUTTER t OMI COOKItS CVý 39 PIEIl A 450 TOISTMASTR C ClUAPETS PU or.ý3 O AVUSAL OR COCOLVSV VOI P COOgIII S L PU 49C FISHA VN-EL CMIPS OU PEN 63U 3011 ; . Z' 1 00 TE l "E A,8 OOOYERE CHIES! VLI 490 DESSEIT 5 ,VLioz 0 CHEF IOT.AR.O!0 Cj,' CAKE MIXES IR0 or. MINET OU PEU 451 PEAN - 57, DIGESTIVE i zPo230 SAFT 10L PACCENI 7 MARGARINE -FYU 7 SOUIRLAAS FCSCY FROUES C N 0P FED 1 OU AAKGz 0 lICE'S 051 AU FL OU 00 Y111 PICKLES JAR 8 IELLOGG'S 37 SFECIAL E 'OU POU37 FEASTEI 530 PX POP TIlTS OU3A 0110K COEA 3 AFucwc,,A MMEAT 23 2n BAICON d% SUPER BUYI EDGEBROOK LARGEo GsCANADA EG GRADE "A"' EGGSGRADDOZ. 3 NORMA OU it NASINA A OZ JAR 790 iKIN CISAR ' 55[HPST I RF59 PSPSICIE! 697 MARTINSFROU CONCENVOAIP APPL.E FLO cI 5 FUITE 1FO TIN 25 MACRTI7 S U 9 FRCTM l F OU TIN DRIAS 27 U Al AILO U LAS94 ROBEOlS JWEYS IEJ INSANT E OUJAR89 EVAF. MILE 2T, of 39c COFlEt I OZ JAR ' CIAMEl 68 NABOB- POWI~DERS 3UPi 0 - Sauge 05Millhg - oR UY INFOMIlI NUsiIAIS SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS ,. 47, PORK SAUSAGE iI FaI 59' BEEF LIVER iiICH) 59, PRIMO BRAND PEPPER0NI 11111[x 98* SALIAMETTI or SOPRESETTA 99o MEAT PIES HIoHTH 3 ou 99e SCHMOIRERS 120. LIPS 5 90 FRICErM oi fl 5 Headohes. îNH ~ CRCO EHIi.f S'FI S OSIE IL 0ACOS NDWICIH MEAT ROLIS aMOS. NCAl 3e Pork Hock i. w25 INEIZSOUSI I APPL PI Iif Sorokn lin39u MAXISV!DE CU PRICS GURNTE INS OAIT FOl -I FRÉSA MIPS! LEUF et RlS CHICKEN BONLTS ENm -A DINNER BASKET HAMiàs L 3 AC LIC 98 SHOPFIS CHOICE FINII MOITI LLBIEF Pork Side Frankfurters Spare Ribs -iR ', ETALIrS 69c QUALITY PRODUCE SUPER IDYS FRON THE TROPICS! PREMOUN GUALOTY! TOP llANOS! MIMNAS LB. FSOIA SIOOSOSSI NEW0 COUF RED or WHITE IRAPIFIMIT 8105, FON CHIIFOINII FREIN & CRISPI EMPERO. ,a RID GRAPES îo.294 M RS[V H K J S 0 I I O G NI I GMIIISJ IES N A FÀ IV REOUIRiMEiMI Muni cOoI M I . R i , .1 o z. M ITOMATOSI I UAKER OAJTS UA t e e A, râea"-è

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